The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 309: Humiliating Obito and Black Zetsu (8K please subscribe~)

Obito and Black Zetsu really didn't expect that that damn guy had already discovered their existence.

Not only did they discover it, but they also locked the location of the two of them!

Especially the chakra that this guy is bursting out now, with the obvious power of yin and yang escape, makes them feel extremely incredible.

They both knew exactly what kind of power Yin Yang Dun was.

After all, Obito was still taught by Madara and Black Zetsu, plus he has the half body of White Zetsu and the Mangekyō Sharingan.

It can be said that he is already qualified to learn Yin Yang Escape, and in the future he will also need to control tailed beasts.

Therefore, Obito is now considered to be somewhat capable of Yin Yang Escape, so it is naturally impossible for him not to feel the changes in Xia Yan's body power at this time.

He is really confused now. Yin-Yang Escape is such a difficult thing to learn. Why did this guy master this power?

And Hei Zetsu's face was extremely ugly. He was now even more convinced that there was 80% chance of Otsutsuki behind this damn guy.

Although there are obviously tailed beasts in the ninja world, this guy has a nine-tails in his body, and the jutsu he cast actually has the shadow of Otsutsuki.

And now this guy has shown the power of Yin-Yang Escape, which has completely proved that the guy in front of him is what he thought!

"Damn it, where did this guy come from? How long has she been here? What is her purpose here?"

Hei Jue subconsciously regarded the shadow behind Xia Yan's last technique as an Otsutsuki.

But now he didn't have time to think too much, Xia Yan had already started to move!

Although Natsuhiko could go directly to Black Zetsu and Obito, it was better to cut off the control of the Fourth Mizukage directly and teach them a lesson.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan rushed towards the Fourth Mizukage without any hesitation.

Although Obito was frightened by Natsu Yan's words, he still paid attention to Natsu Yan's movements and reacted immediately the moment Natsu Yan took action.

Using a teleportation technique, Gotachibana Yagura deftly avoided Natsu Yan's approach under Obito's control, which made Natsu Yan raise his eyebrows.

"Do you still want to fight stubbornly? In that case..."

After Xia Yan finished speaking, his speed increased crazily the next moment, and in an instant he was in front of Goju Yagura.

"Yin Yang Release·Nine-Tailed Rasengan!"

He raised his hand slightly, and a black sphere had quietly formed in his hand.

During this period of time, Xia Yan has been studying some techniques that are more suitable for his fighting, and the Rasengan is obviously one of them.

This technique was originally inspired by Namikaze Minato and developed based on the Tailed Beast Jade. It is perfect for Natsuhiko's Nine-Tails Chakra Mode!


Obito didn't have the slightest ambiguity. He seemed to be sure that the enemy he faced was definitely not an easy guy to deal with. He controlled Gotachibana Yagura to activate the tailed beast mode in an instant.

The scarlet tailed beast coat immediately covered his body, and at the same time the tailed beast's skeleton quietly emerged, with three tails swaying continuously behind him.

He crossed his arms directly in front of him, and a large amount of chakra quickly gathered in front of his arms at this moment.

This kind of defense method is the limit of what he can do, and this kind of reaction speed is fast enough!


However, the person he faced was Natsuhiko. When Natsuhiko's Rasengan, which was filled with the power of Yin-Yang Escape and Tailed Beast, slammed into Goju Yagura's arms.

A deafening sound suddenly resounded in the area, and the strong impact formed bursts of strong winds, causing the already unsettled lake surface to surge instantly.

Countless trees were broken at this moment, countless rocks were blown away at this moment, and the entire ground sank hard with the center of the circle centered on the wolfberry Yagura.

A gap in the arc suit appeared silently on the ground, and Gouju Yagura flew backwards, covered in smoke.

If it weren't for the power of the tailed beast protecting him, I'm afraid he would be dead now!

The smoke was the power of the tailed beast to repair his body, but the repair speed could hardly keep up with the damage Xia Yan had caused to him.

If Xia Yan hadn't managed to control the explosion of his power, even the tailed beast might not have been able to save his life now!

When the smoke completely dissipated, Xia Yan calmly looked at Goju Yagura who was lying on the ground unable to move, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

A few years ago, he came here to cause trouble for Obito, but it took him a lot of effort to deal with this guy completely. This was also thanks to Obito and the others who did not dare to come forward to cause trouble.

But now he just knocked down the opponent who had been fighting for a long time in an instant, completely knocking him to the ground without any ability to resist.

Slowly walking over, Natsuhiko had already locked onto the traces of Obito and others. While looking at Goju Yagura who was collapsed on the ground and unable to move, he squatted down gently.

This guy is not dead yet, but if she doesn't do something, she may really die.

If it were before, it wouldn't matter whether Goju Yagura died or not. After all, this guy had nothing to do with Xia Yan.

But now Xia Yan can't help but care. After all, the value and significance of this guy's life are really great. If he really dies, Xia Yan will be the loser.

Yang Dun's chakra was instantly ignited by Xia Yan, and light green chakra bloomed in his hands.

Xia Yan pressed his hand on Goji Yagura's lower abdomen, and in just an instant, he stabilized the shaky fire of life!

It can be said that Natsuhiko is very skilled in this skill. After all, he used it to save Namikaze Minato's life.

As Xia Yan's strength improved, such operations became easier and easier, and he could easily do everything he wanted to do.

"That's almost it. Now we just need to remove the illusion."

After stabilizing the fire of life in Goju Yagura, the next thing Xia Yan had to do was to directly make this guy lose control, but he could not completely lose control.

Obito still needs to continue to control him, otherwise how can he drag that Black Zetsu into the water and stay together in this Kirigakure Village?

"Yin Yang Escape·Resolution!"

The chakra containing Natsuhiko's yin-yang escape power began to ripple in Goju Yagura's body in an instant along with his movements.

In the distance, Obito's face turned black as he felt that Goju Yagura began to lose control. He knew this would happen, but he didn't expect it to be so fast!

And he also discovered that compared to a few years ago, this damn guy's strength had actually improved, and it had improved so much.

This really made Obito feel incredible. Although he was not afraid, after all, he had super space ninjutsu ability.

But such a strong sense of oppression really makes people feel chilled in their hearts!

"Damn guy, who the hell is he."

Obito cursed angrily, but the next moment a slightly arrogant and cold voice sounded behind him like a ghost.

"You will know who I am soon, but it depends on whether a mouse like you has a chance to know!"

As soon as the words fell, a vast chakra that merged with yin and yang bloomed behind Obito...


"Elder, don't we go and take a look?"

In Kirigakure Village, Terumi Mei and Genshi stayed in an office in a Mizukage building. They were both waiting for the results to arrive.

But compared to Genshi's calm appearance, Terumi Mei seemed a little restless. Facing the problems they were encountering now, she simply couldn't stay as calm as Genshi.

After a long time, she couldn't help but ask. She really felt that every time she stayed here without knowing the future was an indescribable torture.

Such suffering was really driving her crazy!

"Calm down, Ming."

Genshi opened his eyes slightly. He looked at the young Terumi Mei calmly, and finally couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

"I know you are not at peace right now, and I know you are suffering, but now we can only stay calm.

But this is also a lesson. This lesson tells us that if we are too weak, then we will always be at the mercy of others.

I also hate this kind of waiting, and I don’t like the feeling of being caught in a weak spot and forced to pin my hopes on others.

But this is reality. If you don't have the ability, you can only do this. After all, this world is so cruel, and it will be like this from beginning to end. "

After saying this, Master Yuan closed his eyes again, while Terumi Mei fell silent thoughtfully.

After a long while, she sighed slightly. Although she really didn't want to admit it, the reality was so helpless and sad.

They are now the fish on that mysterious man's cutting board, completely at the mercy of others.

In fact, the butcher is not just the mysterious man, but the Mizukage and even the entire Kirigakure Village may become their butcher!

Sighing slightly, Terumi Mei forced herself to calm down. She really had nothing to do now. She could only wait silently.


Suddenly, a harsh roar suddenly exploded, followed by constant vibrations.

Terumi Mei and Genshi stood up immediately. They quickly ran to the window and looked in the direction of the explosion.

In the distance, a mushroom cloud floated quietly. Although you couldn't see what was happening there, you could definitely believe that there was definitely a fierce battle there!

"Elder, now we..." Terumi Mei saw this, she couldn't help but asked nervously.

"Go and organize the people and cooperate with them to investigate this matter." Master Yuan stared into the distance, and then he said calmly.

"Yes, I'll go right away." Terumi Mei nodded quickly when she heard this, and then she immediately turned and left.

"Wait a minute." At this moment, Genshi once again stopped Terumi Mei, and he said slowly and meaningfully: "Don't be too fast, slow down, understand?"

"This..." Terumi was stunned for a moment, then she hesitated for a moment before nodding: "Yes, Mr. Elder."


"Do you run pretty fast?"

On top of the ruins, Xia Yan calmly looked at the unharmed Obito not far away, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You are truly worthy of being a rat in the ditch. Half of your power is your own and half is stolen.

And your own power allows you to hide in the smelly ditch at any time like a mouse.

The power you stole will enhance your physical fitness and make it possible for you to master Yin and Yang Escape.

I feel the power of Yin Yang Escape in your body. Although it is very weak, it is still there. You are really interesting. "

"You sound like you can beat me!"

Obito looked at Xia Yan angrily. At this moment, he felt as if everything about him had been seen through.

He was like a clown, looking naked in front of this guy, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

"Who are you? You hide your head and face. Aren't you just a rat in a stinking ditch?"

"You can call me Kuro Hina, or you can call me Asakura Hao."

Xia Yan took out the ridiculous trick that he had already thought of. He looked at Obito with disdain and then smiled.

"Don't think of me as a guy like you, and let the guy hiding underground come out.

Such a pure fusion of yin and yang, if I can't feel it, then I'm really hopeless. "

Black chick? Is Asakura good? Obito's mind quickly began to think about the meaning of this name and who his master would be.

It's a pity that he didn't think of any information about this name at all.

He was wondering if this was a name that this guy made up, but he also felt that a person with such a powerful bandit would really disdain to do such a thing.

But where do these guys come from, what is their purpose, and what kind of impact will they have on themselves?

However, before Obito had thought about these things clearly, the ground suddenly began to float, and soon the guy Black Zetsu emerged from the ground.

This situation made Obito slightly stunned, although he was already very surprised that someone could discover Black Zetsu.

But what shocked him even more was that Hei Jue would actually choose to come out. This was something he never expected.

But soon, a feeling of humiliation arose in his mind.

This feeling of being completely pushed to the ground without any resistance is really terrible!

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be more interesting than I thought."

Natsuhiko noticed Obito's uneasy look, but he didn't take it to heart.

His focus was more on Black Zetsu and the half White Zetsu half of Black Zetsu.

"Did the master who made you not give you strength?"


Hei Jue's expression was quite calm after hearing Xia Yan's words. He guessed that he had been figured out by this guy.

But after all, Hei Jue was a person who had lived for thousands of years. His mind was spinning very quickly, and he immediately began to talk from different concepts.

"I am here to assist him, so there is no need to give me power. My purpose is to resurrect my master."

"is that so?"

Xia Yan nodded with some understanding, as if he understood something.

And Hei Jue couldn't help but feel relieved in his heart. It seemed that he had passed the danger.

He couldn't tell the truth, and he didn't dare to tell the truth, otherwise everything would be ruined.

However, at this moment, Xia Yan spoke again, and Hei Jue's heart suddenly became cold.

"So, who is your master? Why doesn't he use a wedge?"


Black Zetsu still knows what a wedge is. It is because he knows that he is even more panicked now.

He was already sure that the guy in front of him was a subordinate of the Otsutsuki clan and had no time to run away!

He really feels that he seems to be a little unlucky now. At this stage, he actually met such a guy. Wouldn't this cost him his life?

If this guy really penetrated everything, then he really couldn't do anything, which really made him feel desperate.

He is also confused now. Why is there such a guy in the ninja world?

Could it be that that guy actually came from outside the ninja world?

Hei Jue couldn't figure it out, and he didn't have time to think about so many things.

Especially when he felt the look in Obito's eyes, he knew that he was going to face difficulties again now.

Taking a deep breath, Hei Jue looked at Xia Yan very seriously and said, "I don't think this matter has anything to do with you, and you have come to trouble us again and again. It doesn't seem like a friendly move, right?"

"Do I need to be friendly to you?" Xia Yan looked at Hei Jue with a smile, and suddenly he asked: "Besides, what qualifications do you have to say this to me?"

After Xia Yan's words, Hei Zetsu and Obito's expressions immediately became tense.

Although they all know that what this guy said is basically true, they are also arrogant people.

Now they are so ignored, and even looked down upon completely. How can they bear this?

Especially this guy Obito, he was so angry that he couldn't help himself.

Looking at the arrogant look of the guy in front of him, if Hei Jue hadn't pulled him quietly, he would have really wanted to take action.

"Want to take action?"

Xia Yan was keenly aware of Obito's thoughts. He couldn't help but shook his head and then looked at Hei Zetsu.

"It seems that your provocative gaze is really hard to explain, but this is your own business and I don't care about it.

I came to you for my purpose, and my purpose is very simple. I need something that you can provide me, that's all. "

"You seem to want something from us. Is this your attitude?"

Obito asked in a low voice. He had already clenched his fists and stared at Xia Yan.

"If we don't give it, what can you do?"

"Then I might do something not so good."

Xia Yan shook his head indifferently. He felt that Obito was a bit childish and scary. Did he think that his divine power could really prevent people from targeting him?

But this is fine, as Xia Yan can use the topic to his advantage.

"Black guys, your purpose is nothing more than to gather the Ten Tails and summon the sacred tree.

Do you think if you pissed me off, you would still have this chance?

Other than that, you are hiding in this place like rats, controlling the shadow of this village and wreaking havoc.

This shows that your strength is not enough to deal with a ninja village, and at the same time, you also hate this village deeply.

But I am different. I am capable of dealing with an entire village, and I am also capable of saving a village.

You hate it so much, so if I save it completely, what can you do?

I have dispelled that shadow's illusion. Although it is not complete, it is not difficult. "

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly.

He looked at Obito, who had his head slightly lowered, and Hei Zetsu, who had an inexplicable expression, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

Although he doesn't like to use his strength to coerce others, this habit will naturally disappear when facing enemies.

Xia Yan will not feel the slightest psychological burden if he suppresses his enemies more miserably and makes them more uncomfortable.

Moreover, he also planned to severely disgust Obito, or in other words, give Obito this kid a wake-up call.

"Also, you one-eyed guy, do you really think your technique can't deal with it?"

Xia Yan crossed his arms over his chest, and his proud posture was vividly displayed.

"Although I don't have much contact with you, I can feel what the principle of your power is.

Although you have learned Yin-Yang Dun, you do not understand Yin-Yang Dun at all, and you cannot explore the essence of the technique through Yin-Yang Dun.

But I can. Your technique can allow you to enter a dimensional space and project your own state to achieve a confusing effect.

But essentially you have left this space, and it is impossible for you to complete the attack across space.

This also means that you cannot attack when you are avoiding my attack.

And once you launch an attack, you will be in this space, so you will be attacked by me.

Although I don't know how long your technique can last, but any technique has its limit.

To put it bluntly, in the end it is nothing more than a competition between the reaction speed and attack speed of both sides.

Tell me, am I right? "

After Natsuhiko finished speaking, he looked at Obito and Black Zetsu quietly.

Hei Jue's expression was calm, but his heart was full of doubts. He was wondering when Yin Yang Dun had this ability?

However, he thought so mentally, but he did not express his inner doubts.

Who knows if Yin-Yang Escape is used to a certain extent, it really has this effect, and what this guy said is right!

Obito is in a very bad mood right now, because he really didn't expect that his technique would be seen through.

If he was seen through by his teacher and his former friend Natsuhiko Senju, it was because they had enough fights.

But in front of him, it could be said that he and this mysterious guy still had no interaction at all.

But this guy has already revealed all his details. How can Obito accept this? How can he bear it?

Under his mask, he gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Yan silently. It took him a long time before he sighed.

"What exactly do you want?"


What do you want?

When Obito asked this question, it showed one thing, that is, Obito was completely helpless.

It can even be said that this kid has been completely defeated by Xia Yan.

It's really hard to describe Obito's aggrieved feeling of not being able to beat him, and having his trump card instantly seen through by others.

All he can do now is try to calm down his mentality while trying to see what this guy wants!

Black Zetsu didn't speak when he saw Obito like this. He knew how uncomfortable Obito was feeling.

Don't talk about him, even Hei Jue himself is feeling infinitely aggrieved now.

But no matter how frustrated he was, there was nothing he could do!

Thinking of this, Hei Jue became a little numb.

Anyone who encounters such a powerful but unreasonable guy will feel an infinite headache.

But thankfully, this guy stopped talking about Otsutsuki.

"What I want is simple, and you have it all."

Seeing Obito like this, Xia Yan knew that his intimidation was successful.

Although the fighting opportunities this time are somewhat pitiful, Xia Yan has no way to adapt to the new tailed beast chakra.

However, it seems that it is not unacceptable to take action or not. After all, he has determined through previous actions that even if there is a real fight, it may not have any practical significance.

After all, the opponent in front of him is really a bit weak.


Black Zetsu was already a little afraid of Obito, so he immediately asked before Obito could.

In the previous exchange, this guy made the atmosphere between the two parties very tense, although he also admitted that the guy in front of him was a bit too much.

But others have excessive qualifications and abilities. What does Obito have?

Although this boy Obito is indeed quite capable, it is difficult for him to exert unimaginable power with his eyes.

But facing the guy in front of him, Obito is obviously not enough.

"First, I want that white half of your body."

At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly realized what he was thinking, and he could finally say what he was thinking openly.

“This half of your body contains the Yang Escape power that people desire so much.

Although I know how this thing was made, I am very interested in how you modified it.

I need a piece of experimental body, and I want the best and still alive! "

Bai Jue's half body is of incomparable importance to Xia Yan.

He is now waiting for this half body to draw out the power of fusion so that he can continue to fuse his own chakra.

This can be regarded as him doing an experiment, but this does not mean he is deceiving Black Jue and them.

As for the living White Zetsu, that was preparation for resurrecting Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Xia Yan knew very well what he could get by using Bai Jue's body as a sacrifice. He really looked forward to seeing the level of these two people at their peak.

"You want Bai Jue?"

Hei Jue couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard Xia Yan's words, and then he nodded silently to express his understanding.

Xia Yan said that he knew where Bai Jue came from, but Hei Jue really didn't have the slightest doubt.

After all, as a person from Otsutsuki, I am afraid it is quite difficult not to know this kind of thing.

This guy can feel that Bai Jue has been modified by him, which is not a strange thing.

After all, Asura's power was injected into it, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to deceive Madara Uchiha in the first place.

"I understand. I will prepare two to three living bodies and ten to twenty finished bodies for you. What do you think?"

"That little?"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, he seemed a little dissatisfied.

"I don't believe how difficult it is to make something like this. After all, there are Ten Tails here."

"Sorry, not much really."

Hei Jue immediately shook his head, obviously he was also bargaining.

"Although this thing is easy to make, it is obviously not a simple matter to have such Yang Escape power, isn't it?"

"Then it's up to you."

Xia Yan snorted coldly. He came from the future, so he naturally knew how much Bai Jue would have in the future.

Although the quality of most of the White Zetsus in the future can only be described as extremely bad, in the end they are all White Zetsus mixed with the power of Senju Hashirama!

"I want ten living bodies, and a hundred unconscious finished products. Remember, there is no room for bargaining between you and me."

After some thought, Xia Yan finally gave his current psychological price.

Although it’s not a particularly large amount, it takes into account the time and efficiency of his own extraction and cultivation.

And there were so many White Zetsus during the Fourth War, but it really doesn’t mean there are so many now.

Natsuhiko didn't know if those White Zetsu during the Fourth War were forcibly cultivated using the bodies of the Ten-Tails.

Therefore, it is indeed a wiser choice to request goods based on the actual quantity you currently need.

"ok, I get it."

When Hei Jue heard Xia Yan's final 'offer', he could only grit his teeth and nod in approval.

"Other than that, what do you want?"

He heard Xia Yan's words 'first of all' very clearly, even though he was really annoyed by Xia Yan's lion's big mouth.

After all, this 'specially made' White Jue is really not that easy to get.

Now that Xia Yan had robbed so much, he really felt like crying, but he had to endure it in order to get through the difficulties.

Now he just hopes that Xia Yan won't make any terrible demands, because he's worried that he really won't be able to bear it.

"The second one is very simple. In order to punish your agent, I decided to make what you have to do more difficult."

Xia Yan looked at Hei Jue with a smile on his face, and he slowly stated his second condition.

"Of course I don't have any objection if you want to attack this village, but now I plan to let you have fun.

Five years, five years you cannot take action against those who oppose you.

Give them time to develop, give them time to gather strength.

Of course, how you gather your strength is your own business. After five years, you can do whatever you want. "

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, his eyes already looking from Hei Zetsu to Obito.

Looking at this guy's slightly trembling body and feeling his humiliating emotions, Xia Yan's smile became thicker.

“If you say something or do something wrong, you will naturally be held responsible.

This time I will give you a small punishment. If you want to destroy this village, you can do it.

But I'm telling you, all I need is one sentence and what you have to do will be twice as difficult.

Even if I want to, you can't do anything! "


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