The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 310 Sorry, I prefer mature women (8K please subscribe)

Natsuhiko's words can only be described as murderous and heartbreaking, but no matter how extreme his words were, Obito could only choose to accept them.

No matter how much he wants to take action now, he must carefully consider the consequences of doing so.

Not to mention that they were making such a big fuss, the people from Hidden Mist Village had already arrived.

If they don't give up at this time, once the ninjas of Kirigakure Village discover the situation of the Fourth Mizukage, he will not be able to continue to control him.

Although the Kirigakure Village was lost, it didn't cause much real harm to him. After all, he could still go to the Country of Rain to hide.

But Kirigakure is the target of his revenge, and he is absolutely unwilling to leave here like this. He has not yet completely avenged Lin!

And what if you leave? This guy didn't know why, but he actually knew that he had a plan to collect tailed beasts.

He could feel that this guy Black Zetsu, or even this guy Uchiha Madara, was hiding something from him.

As for what he was hiding, he didn't know and it didn't matter now.

The important thing is that this guy knows the plan, so with his strength, he can be one step ahead and snatch away all the tailed beasts!

In this case, how can he summon the Ten-Tails and become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki?

How to activate unlimited monthly reading, how to create a world with Lin!

As soon as he thought about Lin, Obito had already made his decision.

Patience is inevitable, if not, then he will completely lose such an opportunity.

He longed to meet Lin again, and he longed for the world with Lin, Kakashi, and everyone else.

Therefore, he cannot give up or act on impulse. Even if he is humiliated now, he must endure it.

Because in his opinion, these things are incomparable to Lin, and everything he is doing for Lin is worth it!

Isn't it just to give a large number of White Zetsu, isn't it just to watch this guy create an opponent for himself in Kirigakure Village within five years?

Although these things are troublesome, they are not impossible to solve. After all, Mizukage is in his hands, and he still has a huge advantage.

Although the result of this is that he may not be able to distract Nagato, but this kid Nagato has already been controlled, why does he care so much?

"That's about it."

Xia Yan didn't know Obito's thoughts at this time. He finished his condition indifferently, but soon he seemed to think of something again.

“Oh, by the way, there seems to be another tailed beast in this village, which is the power of the six-tails.

I need his chakra. You guys can handle this, I guess, right? "

Vulpix's chakra?

When Obito heard this request, he really felt that it was no big deal, although he was very confused about what you would do with the chakra of the Six-Tails when you have the power of the Nine-Tails in your body.

But he didn't bother to ask these messy things, which had no practical significance to him at all.

Black Zetsu seemed much more confused, but he knew that as long as there was the body of the Ten-Tails, even a small number of other tailed beasts' chakra would be available in the process of merging the Ten-Tails.

As long as the total amount of chakra is enough, the Ten-Tails can still be awakened!

This guy already has the Nine Tails in his body, so what is the purpose of needing the chakra of other tailed beasts now?

And when this guy took action before, Black Zetsu seemed to have noticed that this guy's Nine-Tails Chakra seemed a little weird.

Being strong is inevitable, but such powerful chakra seems to be mixed with some other chakra, which also makes Nine-Tails' chakra not so pure.

In fact, Xia Yan himself didn't notice this, or Xiao Jiuwei never reminded him of this situation at all.

After all, he has the power including the two tails, three tails and eight tails to enter the nine tails, and his dominant consciousness is still the boy nine tails.

Although from a system perspective, he has no activated tasks and no fusion manifestation.

But the power lies within the body of Little Nine-Tails, and Little Nine-Tails can fully mobilize these powers!

Even now this little guy has fallen into a deep sleep again, it seems because Xia Yan has filled him with too much power.

Or perhaps the last power of the dragon vein left in Xia Yan's body was absorbed by him. He still looked infinitely sleepy, and the whole big fox fell asleep at every turn.

So without Little Kyuubi's notification, Natsuhiko himself was actually very confused. I'm afraid he himself didn't know that mobilizing the tailed beast's chakra was actually equivalent to complete mobilization!

It's just that without careful classification, these powers were mixed together and used by him.

"no problem."

Black Zetsu thought for a while and felt that he had no idea what this guy was going to do, and Obito still remained silent, so he decisively accepted the matter.

“In a month, I’ll bring my stuff with me, and it’ll be here.

I need to prepare so many things, what do you think? "

"Okay, then I hope our transaction goes smoothly."

Xia Yan showed a smile, and then his eyes fell on Obito. He looked up and down before looking at Hei Zetsu meaningfully.

"But I hope you can save yourself some small steps. Although it won't cause any trouble to me, it will be very troublesome to investigate.

Once I take trouble, then I will be angry, and once I am angry, you can think about the consequences. "

After saying this, Xia Yan's figure moved slightly, and then disappeared.

Black Zetsu broke into a cold sweat at Xia Yan's words, because he knew that this guy had discovered the secret inside Obito.

How strong is this damn guy's perception!

Black Zetsu cursed bitterly in his heart. In order to better control Obito, Uchiha Madara really buried a lot of curse seals in his body.

Under normal circumstances, these things cannot be activated at all, so naturally they cannot be detected.

But this damn guy was so sharp and discovered this secret so easily, which made Hei Jue really depressed.

In fact, he really had no intention of doing anything to those Bai Jue. After all, it would be better to get rid of such terrifying guys as soon as possible.

He didn't even think of ways to obtain the other party's information - although he got a lot, it was obviously not enough.

How could he still have the intention to do something to Bai Jue, so as to further offend this terrifying guy?

Sighing slightly, Hei Jue didn't bother to think about these messy things.

But when he saw Obito's doubtful eyes, he felt a little numb again.

Because he knew that he would have to spend a lot of time and brainpower to make up a story for Obito...


Natsuhiko didn't have much thought to pay attention to the matters between Obito and Black Zetsu. After all, once his goal was achieved, he would naturally not care about what others did.

After returning to Kirigakure Village, Natsuhiko stayed at Terumi Mei's house for another month. Anyway, he had nowhere else to go.

However, a very interesting thing happened during this period, that is, one of Kirigakure's new generation of Seven Swordsmen, Demon Zabuza, who mastered the decapitating sword, carried out an assassination plan against the Fourth Mizukage!

This incident really surprised Natsuhiko. He knew that this guy Zabuza had indeed done something similar.

But he didn't know exactly when. After all, there was no specific explanation in the original work.

Perhaps it was because the last time he dealt with this guy, the Fourth Mizukage, he made a lot of noise.

In addition, after Obito regained control of the Fourth Mizukage, this guy looked even weaker and sluggish, which allowed Zabuza to see an opportunity.

But it is a pity that what Zabuza has to face is not a single fourth-generation Mizukage. What he has to face is Obito and Black Zetsu hidden behind the fourth-generation Mizukage!

I don't know if Natsuhiko's raid really left a huge psychological shadow on Black Zetsu and Obito. They are now doing a better job of protecting the Fourth Mizukage.

The result is that Zabuza has no chance to escape after implementing the plan. He has been captured and is waiting for the final trial!

"I really didn't expect that the first BOSS in the original novel that could hold up Team 7 would be gone like this?"

This guy Zabuza is indeed a very, very important teacher on the path of Naruto, a little devil ninja.

To put it bluntly, he and Shiro made Naruto a real ninja, and he also had his own ninja way.

But it's a pity that Naruto's 'teacher' is probably not going to die soon. The assassination shadow will be dealt with by death in any village - except for Orochimaru.

Kirigakure's cruelty is visible to the naked eye, and Natsuhiko is absolutely certain that Zabuza's death will be extremely miserable and miserable.

But this matter has nothing to do with Natsuhiko, and he even uses this matter to tease Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei seemed to have accepted her fate that Natsuhiko was living in her house. After all, she couldn't beat him, and he strangled her so hard that she couldn't even resist.

The only thing that pleased her was that this guy really seemed to regard "doing what he said" as his nindo.

After the Fourth Mizukage came back, this guy just used "physical discomfort" as an excuse to assign many important tasks to Yuanshi.

This makes Kirigakure Village actually become a 'double shadow' mode, and Genshi can now really accumulate his own power to fight against the tyranny of the Mizukage.

And she also knew that this time limit was actually five years. Five years could really change a lot of things!

"Zabuza's matter has nothing to do with us, we will not do such a thing."

However, when faced with Xia Yan's teasing, she would still fight back without hesitation.

"We are qualified Kirigakure ninjas. The ninja's commandments allow us to obey orders and prevent us from assassinating Kage."


When Natsuhiko heard Terumi Mei's words, he couldn't help but laugh.

"So, the ninja's precepts ask you to obey the orders, and the Yuanshi asks you to meet all my requirements. Will you listen?"


Terumi Mei didn't hesitate at all. The firelight from the firewood burning in the room reflected on her face, and her expression didn't waver in the slightest.

It was now November, and heavy snow had fallen in Kirigakure Village, performing a different kind of dance music in the air, dyeing the entire Kingdom of Water in white.

Natsuhiko raised his head slightly and looked at Terumi Mei, and at the same time glanced at the falling snowflakes outside, he suddenly said with a smile.

"It's getting cold. It's a bit cold to rest alone. Since you will meet all my requirements, then you can accompany me."


Terumi Mei didn't hesitate at all, even though her heart was as cold as the falling snow outside, she still reached for her clothes and began to untie them.

Terumi Mei's move shocked even Natsuki. I have to say that this woman is really decisive and courageous.

But it's a pity that although Xia Yan is interested in her, he has never been a person dominated by the lower body - who knows if his face will be seen clearly if he takes off his clothes.

Even if he used the transformation technique, it would be a bit disgusting if the things he left behind were used by them for research.

Another thing is that accidentally, this woman becomes pregnant with her own child. If there is any kind of father-son or father-daughter vendetta in the future, it will not be fun.

"Am I still going to learn from a real masked man and say 'I am your father' to others?"

Although Xia Yan has been deceived, he is still a rational person who always has the upper hand.

Just when Terumi Mei was about to untie all the clothes, Natsuhiko suddenly shook his head slightly.

"Forget it, you are too young and do not have the flavor that a mature woman should have. I am not interested in you."

Terumi Mei's hands froze when she heard Natsuhiko's words, and she didn't know what to do now.

Moreover, Xia Yan's words were full of destructiveness and insult. She didn't know whether she should be relieved, resentful or ashamed.

"Just give it another ten years. Maybe in ten years you will have the flavor that a woman should have."

Xia Yan smiled slightly and shook his head, but he felt that the most likely possibility would be ten years later. It would be best if you don’t know me and I don’t know either.

After standing up, Xia Yan took a blanket and walked to Terumi Mei and helped her put it on. Then he silently returned to his room.

There was only one day left before the deal between him, Black Zetsu and Obito.

In one day, he will get everything he wants, and in this case, he can leave Kirigakure Village and return to Konoha to be his Hokage in peace.

The harvest this time can be said to be really big. It is not just as simple as Bai Zetsu's body but also the tailed beast's chakra. The most important thing is that he pinned Obito in the Kirigakure Village.

This provides the boy Nagato with enough room for movement. Under such circumstances, Nagato's sword can play its role and value.

"After all, I am a Hokage with a good reputation, so what if I don't have a sword to serve me.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen still has Danzo, but Danzo is never considered a good player.

Let the leader of the Akatsuki organization be my sword, and even the entire Akatsuki organization be my sword, this is called a card! "


The cold wind kept blowing, and Xia Yan walked alone on the street.

At this time, he had already left Kirigakure Village, and he was ready to return to Konoha.

Black Zetsu and Obito very honestly gave Natsuhiko everything he needed, while Natsuhiko checked it out a little shamelessly.

However, neither Obito nor Black Zetsu had any reaction to his actions. There was no trust between them in the first place, and Natsuhiko's behavior was completely normal.

After the inspection was completed, Xia Yan sealed all the unconscious White Zetsu adults.

As for the ten living individuals, Black Zetsu and Obito also spent a lot of money.

The Yang Escape chakra they contain is very sufficient, which is definitely a good thing for Xia Yan.

Moreover, these ten guys have obviously been given orders by Obito and Black Zetsu. They know that they need to follow Xia Yan and leave, so they also listen to Xia Yan honestly.

This was good news for Xia Yan. After all, it saved him a lot of trouble. After letting these ten people follow him underground, Xia Yan slowly set off on the road.

He was not in a hurry, as long as he returned to Konoha before the New Year, and taking his time could confirm whether Black Zetsu or Obito was spying on him.

Walking in the Kingdom of Water, looking at the heavy snow in the sky, Xia Yan shook his head involuntarily.

In such a cold season, all the flowers, plants and trees have withered, leaving only the rustling pines and cypresses that are still crisp.

Normally, Xia Yan might think that such beautiful scenery is worth appreciating, and he wouldn't even mind using it to recall Xia Yan's poems and memories from his previous life.

But when Xia Yan looked at them, he suddenly felt that they didn't seem to make Xia Yan like them that much.

The people looking at the scenery have different moods from the scenery, and the rewards they get are naturally different.

Waves of cold wind like knives blew by, rolling up layers of floating snow on the ground. The snow was swept up into the sky and then scattered next to these proudly standing pines and cypresses.

Such a scene makes people look so deserted and proud, but it also makes people feel the loneliness.

Xia Yan is a person who can endure loneliness. After time traveling, he could endure loneliness and try to integrate into the world.

Later in ANBU, performing tasks alone also required enduring loneliness that was unbearable for ordinary people. This kind of tolerance seemed to have penetrated deep into his bones.

But ever since he became the captain of the ANBU, and in a true sense changed from an executor to a planner, he seemed to be less tolerant of loneliness.

From captain to ANBU minister to now Hokage, he has always been surrounded by many people, and he also enjoys the feeling of being valued and surrounded by others.

That kind of loneliness tolerance seems to have begun to decrease, so Xia Yan can still do as well as before, but he also begins to hate this feeling.

"Human beings are social animals after all, and no one likes the feeling of loneliness."

Xia Yan smiled and shook his head, then he quickened his pace and continued walking forward.

As he walked, Xia Yan suddenly realized that he seemed to be about to enter a town, which actually made him feel a little better.

He had been walking along a remote path before, without even looking carefully at the direction he was walking.

Of course, it made no difference to him which way he went.

Not to mention that he can use the flying thunder god's technique to go back directly. The Kingdom of Water is an island and he can reach the seaside no matter where he goes. This means that he is not afraid of getting lost.


Suddenly, Xia Yan noticed some movement around him, which made him use his senses to investigate, but the next moment he frowned slightly.

Because he found that several adults were chasing a child. These adults all had things in their hands. Even though they had no chakra, they still had some destructive power.

The kid they were chasing seemed to have some chakra power in his body, but his body was too weak and looked shaky.

In such a scene, even if Xia Yan is cold-blooded, he will feel a little uncomfortable.

Just like when he saw some news about India in his previous life, even if he knew that India was so virtuous, he would feel his blood pressure rising.

Xia Yan can actually ignore this kind of thing. After all, this is the country of water, and it has nothing to do with him.

What's more, this era is not peaceful to begin with. There are some things that Natsuhiko can use his power and management ability in Konoha to handle them all.

He couldn't change anything on other people's territory, and of course he didn't intend to change anything. After all, Kirigakure and Konoha were essentially hostile villages.

What only made Xia Yan shake his head was that he found that these guys were actually running in his direction, which made Xia Yan sigh slightly.

"It seems that you want to be a good person today?"

Xia Yan casually shook his head. For ordinary people who had no chakra at all, meeting him was no different than seeking death.

As for the kid, there are traces of chakra in his body, but he is obviously too young.

And such a chakra burst looks more like the power of the Blood Succession Limit, not like a trained ninja.

If you are a trained ninja, even if you are only four or five years old, it will not be a problem to deal with such an adult.

Ninjas are superhuman beings. There is really no controversy about this. Just look at Kakashi.

"But this guy Obito is really good at it. A brat with a bloody inheritance would be a treasure in other villages, but here he is as sad as a bereaved dog."

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan also stopped in his tracks, and he just waited quietly.

Soon, a young kid who looked dirty and had obvious blood stains all over his body appeared in Xia Yan's eyes.

Behind the kid, the adults were chasing him, shouting and even laughing. From time to time, they would hit the kid hard with their weapons.

This scene made Xia Yan frown even deeper. If he killed Xia Yan directly, he might not say anything.

Although Xia Yan has done such cruelty and killing, he is a double-standard dog. Just because he can do it does not mean that he is used to it.

He took a step forward slightly, and in an instant Xia Yan appeared in front of these people!

He grabbed the kid's back collar with one hand and lifted him up easily.

Then, before the adults could react, a kunai quietly appeared in his hand.

The kunai bloomed with cold light and lightly crossed the necks of the adults.

Before the blood marks on their necks appeared, Xia Yan had already put away the kunai in his hand.

And he stretched out his hand and pinched the neck of the only man he deliberately left behind.


The next second, the adults seemed to react. They all unconsciously felt some pain in their necks, and there seemed to be fluid oozing out.

They subconsciously reached for their throats, and at this moment they found that their blood vessels had been cut open, and they screamed involuntarily!

It's a pity that Xia Yan, who was born in Anbu, is very confident in his own skills. Even though he rarely uses such offensive methods, traditional skills cannot be forgotten.

The adult men slowly knelt on the ground. Their voices were extremely hoarse, and it was impossible for such voices to spread very far.

And the guy caught by Xia Yan has now reacted. His body has begun to tremble. He knows that he is in big trouble!

"I ask, you answer."

Xia Yan pulled his neck down, and the adult man knelt on the ground involuntarily, while Xia Yan spoke condescendingly.

That cold breath and that indifferent but undeniable voice made the man tremble even more.

"Who is this brat?"

Xia Yan didn't talk nonsense at all. Since he could see that the chakra in this little guy belonged to the blood inheritance limit, he naturally knew what was going on in today's scene.

What he wants to know is what this kid's ability is, or what he has done. This is the key.

"He...he is a devil..."

This adult man was completely frightened by Xia Yan, especially when he heard the screams of his companions around him, he felt as if he had fallen into hell.

His words are now a little tangled, and he no longer looks as high-spirited as before.

"He is from the village next door. He...he is a demon who can manipulate ice. Ninja...Sir...aren't we...going to kill such...demon?" ..”

Manipulating ice?

Xia Yan couldn't hear exactly what this guy said. After all, he couldn't hear anything even if he was shaking like this.

However, as ANBU Natsuhiko is still very good at integrating information, he immediately grasped an important point, that is, this kid is a person who can control ice.

And those who possess this ability are the abilities of the Ice Clan, a large family in the Hidden Mist Village.

In fact, Xia Yan used to really think that the Shui Wuyue clan controlled ice. He had really been deceived by the name "Sui Wuyue Bai" for many years.

It wasn't until he came to this world and entered ANBU that he realized that there was no such thing as Minazuki, others called the Ice Clan.

But these are just trivial matters. He didn't make any jokes anyway, so he just corrected this kind of mistake at will.

With a slight twist of his hand, there was a clear sound of bone cracking, and the man whose neck he had strangled had his neck broken.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the bridge not far away. At the same time, he felt the trembling little devil holding the ice in his hand. He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Zabuza failed in the assassination and was caught. Now he is dead, and I have become Zabuza?"

Seeing this familiar scene and environment in front of him, Xia Yan was really suspicious of the kid he had casually rescued.

Is it the famous guy in the original work who didn't know whether he was a boy or a girl and who once brought warmth to Naruto?

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Yan turned his head to look at the kid in his hand, and then showed a gentle smile.

"Kid, what's your name?"


The kid in Xia Yan's hands was very scared. Even though Xia Yan looked so gentle at this time, the corpse on the ground told him how dangerous this ninja was.

But after all, he was saved by someone else. Even if Bai was afraid of him, he would answer this question well.

"Is it white...?"

When Xia Yan heard this name, he couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart. He was now more and more sure that he had really become Zabuza.

And considering that he will definitely take action against the Country of Waves in the future - that place is a place that can not only engage in tourism, but also be used as an island hopping strategy to target Kirigakure.

Then, I am afraid that I am really the same as this guy Zabuza.

Apart from the fact that he won't listen to Kado, the possibility of Kado being killed early by him is much greater, and that he won't target Naruto and the others, it seems to be pretty much the same.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan decisively threw this idea out of his mind.

Although Zabuza looks good, after all, he single-handedly beat up the legendary savior team Team 7, but he is much stronger than Zabuza.

"Kid, are you willing to come with me?"

Xia Yan slowly placed Bai on the ground, then he touched his chin and asked. At the same time, he took off his cloak and put it on the little guy.

It was freezing cold at this time, and this little guy was only wearing single clothes. It was because of his natural blood inheritance limit that he didn't freeze to death.

But Xia Yan could tell that the blood successor limit was too weak now, and the kid's face had already turned blue.

Although it is not ruled out that he was scared out of him, Xia Yan will still do it if he can do it. After all, he still has the brilliance of humanity and his own moral standards.

Even these two things are flexible and can go up and down.

"Thank you, Ninja-sama."

Bai was a little flattered to be put on a cloak. He had experienced too much during this period, and Xia Yan's subconscious action made him feel warm in his heart.

It was just Xia Yan's question that he didn't know how to answer. He hesitated before asking timidly.

"My lord, do you need me?"

“The definition of need and need lies in how much value you can bring.”

Xia Yan shook his head slightly. Although he was wearing a mask, he still kept a smile. Xia Yan really liked the half-mask of Guo Xin layman.

“If you can play your part, then my answer is yes, I need you.

But if you can't play your own value, although I won't abandon you, I will also be very disappointed. "

"I see."

After Bai listened to Xia Yan's words, he thought about it for a moment, and then he spoke with great seriousness.

"I am willing to follow you, and I will definitely become a valuable person!"

"very good."

Hearing this answer, Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction. As for what kind of value Bai can play, Xia Yan was not sure. After all, this kid was too kind.

But Natsuhiko can definitely give it a try. After all, it is an ice shield. Even if he cannot become a qualified ninja, it is still possible to give Konoha an additional blood inheritance limit.

However, there was one question that made Xia Yan think a little. After looking at the kid up and down for a long time, Xia Yan asked slowly.

"But I have a question."

"Sir, please speak."

"Are you a man or a woman?"


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