The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 311 The pinnacle battle between the Thousand Hands (Part 1)

It was indeed a surprise to meet the brat Bai, but life is always a intersection of accidents, so Xia Yan can be considered tolerant.

Moreover, the appearance of this kid did not disrupt Xia Yan's own plan. He still followed his own ideas and wandered around the Kingdom of Water.

It wasn't until he arrived at the beach that he decided to go back to Konoha directly.

In fact, there is one thing that bothers Natsuhiko sometimes, and that is whether this kid will talk nonsense after knowing that he is the Hokage of Konoha.

After all, it is unacceptable for a shadow to wander into other people's villages.

In particular, what Xia Yan did was no different from that of a villain, which would more or less risk exposing him.

But when Xia Yan communicated with Bai that "my appearance in the Kingdom of Water is a secret between the two of us" and told the kid not to reveal the secret.

This little guy seemed to have found the 'meaning of his existence' and immediately promised Xia Yan that he would never reveal any information.

This makes Xia Yan quite satisfied. Shiro's loyalty is the same as Kimimaro's, basically equal to Laman's existence.

It’s really ridiculous to say that there are very few stories in the original work about a place like Kirigakure Village, but every ninja that appears from him has almost perfect professionalism.

Although there are some relatively shameful beings like Thunder Blade and Ya, the other characters really left a profound impact on Xia Yan.

Whether it's Kimimaro, Shiro, or Kisame, these guys are either extremely loyal or incredibly well-educated.

To put it bluntly, no matter how many faults such people have, it can't hide Xia Yan's love for them, because this is the embodiment of a true ninja!

On the Konoha side, it seems that Uchiha Itachi, who is relatively well-educated, comes to play cards.

But Uchiha Itachi is really a lunatic in Natsuhiko's eyes, no matter how noble the things he does seem to be.

But this can't cover up that he is too self-righteous and doesn't know how to use his own brain to think about what is the best way to deal with their situation at that time.

"Anyway, this guy has the ability to kill the entire clan, so just take the first step and kill all the elders of the hawk faction.

Then he forced Uchiha Fugaku to abdicate and stripped him of the positions of clan leader and head of the security department, and elected dove elders to come to power and return the security department to Konoha.

I don't believe that under such circumstances, he still needs to kill the entire clan to save Uchiha Sasuke. "

Natsuhiko's idea is actually not a very good plan, but compared to what Uchiha Itachi did, at least Natsuhiko can save the Uchiha clan.

However, Uchiha seems to have always had the potential to be a kid, whether it's for the village or their family, they seem to be able to do it.

"In the future, if Kisame is going to join the Akatsuki organization, then let Nagato bring Kisame to me. I can't miss such a good ninja."

Natsuhiko is not going to let go of this guy Kisame. He already has two members of the "Kirigakure Loyal Trio", and if he brings Kisame along with them, he will be completely complete.

But these are things for the future. What Natsuhiko has to do now is to return to Konoha, and then reincarnate Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

In addition, Xia Yan also plans to summon Lin as well.

Since it has been determined that she will be resurrected, what's wrong with summoning her in advance to let her adapt to her current life?

And Natsuhiko knew that Lin's death was not that simple, and that it was Uchiha Madara's handiwork.

Let her come alive to expose Uchiha Madara's shadow in advance, so as to attract the attention of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama. This can be considered a good thing.

Unceremoniously, he summoned the ten White Zetsus together. Then, with Bai's slightly frightened eyes, Xia Yan directly sealed the chakra and knocked out the ten White Zetsus.

Finally, after confirming that there was no backhand left by Black Zetsu on them, he took Shiro and the ten White Zetsu back to Konoha through the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

The Land of Fire in November is also full of snow, but the Land of Fire is much warmer than the Land of Water.

Moreover, the location Xia Yan chose was the laboratory between Senju Hashira, and the temperature inside was naturally much more comfortable than outside.

The reason why Xia Yan chose this place is because although this laboratory is large enough, there is only one person in Senju Tojama.

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are still very secretive.

Before resurrecting them completely, Xia Yan had no intention of letting them see the world in their current appearance.

Similarly, the two of them have no such idea for the time being, and even they feel that after being completely resurrected, they are more willing to use transformation to become another person.

They were the previous Hokages, and as the two Hokages who created and stabilized Konoha, they did not want to cause any trouble to Natsuhiko.

Of course, they actually knew that they could not influence any of Xia Yan's decisions.

There is no doubt that Xia Yan is a very independent person. Such people cannot be easily interfered by others, but they are also worried about the influence of the outside world.

Xia Yan didn't care about this. If he couldn't suppress the influence of these two Hokage, then how could he complete the task?

"You're back?"

Natsuhiko's sudden appearance really startled Senju Tobirama, who was studying the curse seal in Nagato's body, but the second-generation Hokage soon became confused.

"As Hokage, you ran away for two or three months without any news. Do you think it is appropriate for you to do this?"


Bai was still a little dizzy. Not everyone could adapt to the Flying Thunder God Technique and the feeling of traveling through space at high speed. It was obvious that Bai could not adapt to it.

However, even though he was not getting used to it, Shiro still heard Senju Tobirama's words. Although Shiro had been living in the Kingdom of Water, he still knew who Kage was.

Bai never thought that the person in front of him asking him if he was willing to follow him would actually be the Hokage?

"How about you do it?"

Xia Yan smiled disdainfully, and then he took off his mask and took off his cloak at the same time.

Bai kept looking at Xia Yan. This was the first time that the kid saw Xia Yan's true face. Bai realized that his master was so young.

But, is he really the Hokage at such a young age?

"You little brat, you are really annoying."

Of course Senju Tobirama knew that Xia Yan was joking, and there was no way he would be angry because of this.

He glanced curiously at the kid following Xia Yan. He didn't know why Xia Yan would bring such a kid back.

But when he looked at the Bai Jue who was spread out on the ground, his body cells were exactly the same as those of his big brother, his expression immediately changed...


"What are these things?"

Senju Tobirama looked at Xia Yan with a solemn face. Those ten unconscious Bai Jue really gave him a huge shock. He really couldn't figure out where Xia Yan got these things from.

The most important thing is that the cells, strength and even chakra in these guys' bodies really match their big brother's.

Could it be that someone in the ninja world, like me, is using his own brother's cells for human experiments, and are these white guys the result of the experiment?

But, how did Xia Yan know these people, and who are these people?

But soon, Senju Tobirama realized, weren't these white things the same as the things in the body of the kid named Nagato with the Samsara Eye?

Is it possible that Xia Yan went to find those guys and took them to their lair?

"I think Tobirama-senpai must have guessed it too."

Xia Yan looked at the change in Senju Tobirama's face and immediately knew what this guy should be thinking of, so he said with a smile on his face.

"The things in Nagato's body gave me inspiration. I believe there are definitely people outside Konoha who are doing the same things as their predecessors."

Natsuhiko's words directly made Senju Hashirama's face darken. After all, he was the pioneer of Senju Hashirama's cell research.

“I don’t know exactly how these things spread, but I know that some people have done good experiments.

Therefore, I started thinking about this. My original purpose was to rob these white tissues and then come back and fuse with the death row prisoners, and then use the successful body as a sacrifice.

But what I didn't expect was that I found them after a lot of effort and had some conflicts. In the end, they were unwilling to continue fighting with me, so they proposed peace talks.

And I made my request accordingly, but I didn't expect that they had already produced a living body. "

Xia Yan told the story of this action in a vague manner, half truthfully and half falsely, and his words made Senju Tobirama fall into deep thought.

He really couldn't figure out who he was, and he actually had the ability to accomplish something that he hadn't even accomplished yet?

But when he thought that he had been dead for so long, he felt a little relieved. It was not that he couldn't do it but that he didn't have time to finish it.

Moreover, this experimental subject is so ugly that it cannot be considered a success, but in any case, it is a good individual.

But he still had many questions. He raised his head and looked at Xia Yan and asked seriously.

"Is your strength actually just to negotiate peace with them? And how did they get Big Brother's cells?

Beyond that, where did you find them? Who are they? "

Senju Tobirama asked four questions at once, and each of these four questions was key. I have to say that Senju Tobirama was too sharp.

Nagato didn't go into too much detail at that time, and Senju Tobirama's attention was also attracted by the Samsara Eye and the Curse Seal.

And Xia Yan obviously wanted to use this guy as a knife, so he didn't ask too much about random things.

But now that there are only two of them, some issues really need to be explored.

"I met people near the Land of Rain. I couldn't kill them because they had space ninjutsu."

Xia Yan thought for a while, and then simply continued to speak.

"Strictly speaking, their strength is not that great, but they can rely on space ninjutsu to enter the dimensional space, so I can't hit them.

But they were unlucky. I had left a spatial mark before the battle, so I could chase them wherever they escaped.

They also discovered this problem, so they chose to negotiate with me and got these things for me.

As for who they are, I think you should be mentally prepared first. The guy I fought with has a Sharingan, and his spatial ability relies on the Sharingan.

There is no surprise, that eye should be the Mangekyo Sharingan, and Nagato also told me that the person looking for him claimed to be Uchiha Madara. "

"Uchiha Madara!"

Senju Tobirama was indeed shocked when he heard the news, but he was still very calm. He carefully began to think about every word Xia Yan said.

It's not that he doubted Xia Yan, he could be said to completely trust Xia Yan. What he was thinking about was the content of Xia Yan's words.

After a long while, he chuckled and shook his head: "No, not Uchiha Madara."

"Oh?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and then asked with a strange look: "Why are you so sure?"

"First of all, it's the grade." Senju Tobirama said directly: "If it were Madara, he would be too old to move at all.

Time has always been the biggest natural enemy of ninjas. Unless they can really become the so-called gods, no one can escape.

I admit that I was tricked by Madara Uchiha back then. The guy lost an eye and activated Izanami and survived.

But I don’t think he can get to this point at all. Although the person you mentioned does somewhat fit Madara’s description, you overlooked one point.

That is, if it is really Madara, he will never hide in the space like a rat in the ditch.

Uchiha Madara is a proud person. You can't imagine his pride. He would rather fight for his last eye than be so content! "

Xia Yan listened quietly to Qian Shu Tobijian's words. At this moment, he really had to admit that the person who knows you best may actually be your enemy.

Natsuhiko, who has read the original work, naturally knows how proud Uchiha Madara will be in the future. It is indeed difficult for him to be as arrogant as Obito, who has no strength.

And he is indeed not the kind of person who shrinks back if he can't be beaten. He is the kind of person who is full of challenging spirit and dares to fight to the death when encountering a strong enemy.

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko couldn't help but shook his head, but he didn't care if Senju Hashirama denied the existence of Uchiha Madara.

Anyway, he planned to slowly draw out his fear of Uchiha Madara's existence and slowly pay attention to it.

Rather than knowing it from the beginning and then going to find someone to sabotage it without hesitation.

After all, that would ruin Xia Yan's plan. The reason why he said what he originally wanted to deny was that Senju Hashirama had done it for him directly.

Xia Yan was in a good mood after saving a lot of trouble, but soon he noticed that Senju Hashirama's face was still gloomy.

"However, even if that guy is not Uchiha Madara, he may still have some connection with Madara. He may be Madara's disciple or something. It is better to be careful about this matter."

"Of course, after all, that eye is most likely the Mangekyō Sharingan, but unfortunately my curse seal has been cleared by them, and I can't track them anymore."

When Xia Yan heard this, he immediately agreed. Anyway, that's pretty much it. How Qianju Tojama understands it is his business.

However, Xia Yan still pointed his finger at Bai Bai and then continued.

"As for this little guy's name, he is a kid I met after I followed those guys to Hidden Mist Village and came back.

What kind of blood mist policy is the fourth generation Mizukage currently pursuing? Moreover, they are very ruthless against their blood successor family. This little guy is from the Ice Clan.

This little guy was chased by a group of ordinary people and I met him, so I brought him back. "

"Is that so?"

Senju Tobirama nodded. In fact, it didn't matter whether Xia Yan understood Bai's question or not. Senju Tobirama didn't care anyway.

Moreover, he was not unfamiliar with the Ice Clan. The blood successors of Kirigakure Village were all driven into the sea by Uchiha Madara.

As a witness to this incident back then, he didn't think highly of these guys, but Xia Yan could just bring them back, it wasn't a big deal.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, there is still a member of the Kaguya clan in the ANBU. Now it would not be bad to have another member of the Ice clan."

Senju Tobirama thought for a while and then asked. His eyes glanced at Shiro, and then looked at Bai Jue there. His meaning was somewhat self-evident.

"Then naturally you should do whatever you want. I think you have been waiting for a long time."

Of course Xia Yan knew what he was thinking, he thought directly and said.

"Go and call Senior Hashirama over. I just want to see how effective these things are."

After saying this, Xia Yan looked at Bai again. After thinking for a while, Xia Yan continued.

"As for you, you can stay at my house temporarily and I will arrange a place for you in the ninja school.

As for your name, I think you will be called Minazuki from now on. What do you think of Minazuki Bai? "


In fact, no matter what name Xia Yan gives Bai, the child will not object. Xia Yan also knows this mentally, because for Bai, he is everything to the child.

To some extent, he really replaced Zabuza. Although this was not his intention, for now, this is the fact.

And Bai is now completely sure that the adult he is following is really the Hokage of Konoha!

Although Bai has not received ninja education since he was a child because of Obito.

But based on the dislike and hatred of the entire Water Kingdom for the Fire Kingdom, Shiro still has a more or less general understanding of the ninja world.

This is much better than Naruto's team in the original work. In the original work, even the top student Sakura didn't have much idea of ​​the Ninja Village, let alone Naruto.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the environment of the ninja world at that time. The general trend at that time was still peace, so corresponding educational supporting mechanisms were naturally needed.

It's just that Xia Yan still can't understand and understand other countries and Ninja Villages at all, but this is not something Xia Yan can't change.

And Bai, who knew more or less, was feeling dizzy now.

Especially when Bai left the Hokage Building under the leadership of a Senju Ninja and saw the head carved on the Hokage Rock, Bai was 100% convinced.

Now Bai's heart is also very complicated. Following such a big shot, Bai himself doesn't know if he can really be valuable.

However, there is no point in worrying about the matter at this point. It can only be the same as what Natsuhiko, the Hokage, said.

Only by studying harder and showing your worth can you stay with the Hokage-sama.

After Shiro left, Senju Hashirama soon came to the underground laboratory, and he naturally noticed the body of Shiro Zetsu all over the floor.

This time, Senju Tobirama took the initiative to explain to Senju Hashirama, and at the same time, he did not forget to mention Uchiha Madara's problem.

Like Senju Tobirama, Senju Hashirama didn't think that the guy Natsuhiko met would be Uchiha Madara. As gay friends, they even knew each other's size when they were children.

The characters of both parties are extremely familiar. According to Natsuhiko, this guy is simply a sewer rat, and there is no way he is Uchiha Madara!

"I still know Madara, there is absolutely no way that guy is him."

Senju Hashirama said with certainty, and then he sighed slightly.

“When I fought with him, I thought it was the end of everything, but then I learned that he used Izanagi.

At that time, I thought it was okay for him to leave, because we were each other's most trusting friends, but things went awry due to some issues of belief.

It seems now that I may have been wrong back then, but nothing can be made up for.

Madara is probably dead now, and even if he is not dead, he cannot move. If there is a chance to find his remains, I hope to see him.

As for this guy, maybe he's just Madara's successor or apprentice, but Madara obviously didn't train him well. "

When it comes to Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama seems to have endless topics to talk about, but fortunately, he restrained himself and only expressed his own opinions.

But when Natsuhiko heard this, he pursed his lips with some disdain, found Uchiha Madara's remains and then reincarnated him?

Although it's not impossible, the devil knows where Uchiha Madara is.

What's more, Natsuhiko didn't have any plan at all for how to deal with Uchiha Madara. Since he didn't have a plan, he wasn't in such a good mood to deal with these things.

But it’s not a big deal to deal with it for the time being. Anyway, many things will be hard to say in the future.

If he really had any ideas, Natsuhiko might be able to start with Obito.

After all, Uchiha Madara died in Obito's hands. This guy might know where Uchiha Madara is buried.

If this plan doesn't work, Xia Yan can also ask Yakushi Kabuto to attack.

The current Kabuto Yakushi clearly belongs to Konoha, and he is a designated ninja belonging to the ANBU.

Natsuhiko didn't think that he would choose to betray Konoha and completely fall to Orochimaru while the pharmacist Noonoyu was still alive!

"Okay, let's not talk about these problems. I think we should come to some practical matters."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan simply spoke.

“The materials are ready and the people are here.

I think now we can try to see how much these materials can restore the two of them to their peak combat effectiveness..."


When Natsuhiko's chakra dissipated, the originally sluggish Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama regained consciousness.

The two of them glanced at each other's appearance, and then glanced at the location where they were before - there were only two bodies left there.

Finally, they nodded to Xia Yan, and then they began to feel their own power.

Xia Yan also watched silently. When the two men directly untied the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth, Xia Yan also used Bai Jue's body to pull them back again.

No matter how you look at it, the physical quality of these White Zetsus is much higher than the ones Obito left on Sasuke.

After all, it was used for surveillance, and Natsuhiko didn't think Obito would use very good tools to carry out this task.

What's more, the best Bai Zetsu is attached to Yamato to deal with the ninja coalition.

But even so, Senju Tobirama, who was resurrected by Orochimaru in the original work, also had around the eighth level of power at his peak.

As for how many Senju Hashirama there are, Xia Yan is not sure, because Senju Hashirama didn't say it.

However, Natsuhiko felt that having a seventh level should be no problem. After all, the most suitable person for Bai Zetsu's power is Senju Hashirama himself, and even an eighth level is not impossible.

And this time, the White Jue that Xia Yan got was strengthened by the Black Jue. After all, that demented look has such high Yang Escape chakra. Isn't this a temporary enhancement?

With these Bai Jue as sacrifices, Xia Yan really doesn't worry about the effectiveness. The only thing he is concerned about now is how much combat power the two of them can return to their peak.

"The materials you found are good."

At this moment, Senju Tobirama spoke with joy, and both Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama looked at him involuntarily.

“I can feel that I have returned to my peak strength at this time.

However, since the body is not considered a living body, I have also lost some of my subtle control over the body, which is inevitable.

But fortunately, the reincarnation of the dirty land is an immortal body and has unlimited chakra. In terms of overall strength, I should be able to regard it as my peak level. "

Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded as he listened to Qian Ju Tojian's words. It was indeed true for a strong person, especially one whose strength reached their level.

Even if Senju Tobirama is really inferior to Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama, they can still be regarded as the top group of ninjas.

Among these ninjas, their control over themselves has reached an unimaginable level.

That kind of meticulous control of the body, as well as their extreme coordination and cooperation with the body, are really not comparable to the reincarnation of the dirty land.

It can be said that losing this part of the ability has indeed weakened their strength.

But in contrast, their current bodies are not afraid of injury, nor are they afraid of chakra consumption.

Even though chakra still has an upper limit, they can replenish it quickly after this limit is consumed, instead of needing a long rest like a living body to recover.

It can only be said that the effects brought about by the reincarnation of the dirty soil can be regarded as pros and cons, but in terms of overall strength, it is not much worse.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan also looked at Senju Hashirama with some expectation.

Although Senju Tobirama's strength is somewhat different from the peak, his overall strength can be considered to have reached the peak.

As for the Senju Hashirama that these materials are adapted to, the specific effects are really exciting.

"As for me, I should be considered to have reached the ninth level or even the peak."

Senju Hashirama also noticed the gazes of Natsuhiko and Senju Tobirama. He thought for a moment before speaking embarrassedly.

"I can feel that in terms of chakra, I should have reached the level I was in my lifetime. With this kind of chakra, I should be able to use all my wood escape.

In addition, I feel that I can use senjutsu, but I am not sure whether I can use the true thousand hands.

But overall, I am much stronger now than before. "

Senju Hashirama still maintains a relatively conservative estimate of his own strength, which is actually very normal.

After all, when their strength reaches their level, it is really difficult to accurately estimate their own strength. This can only be intuitively understood through battle.

Just like Xia Yan, he actually never had a particularly intuitive understanding. He only compared himself with the characters in the original work.

However, Xia Yan feels that the current Senju Hashirama should be more powerful than the Senju Hashirama who was unable to use the true Thousand Arms during the Fourth War, right?

As for whether it can reach the level of his lifetime, it is really difficult to judge.

The effects of immortality and infinite chakra are actually very average for ninjas like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Because their strength either guarantees that they will not be injured, or their resilience is not afraid of injury at all.

In addition, their chakra itself is huge, and the characteristics provided by the Reincarnation of the Earth are completely useless to them.

It's better to let them have the peak control over their own bodies during their lifetime. After all, a person's own body is the one with the greatest potential, and it is also a treasure that can grow bigger.

"Is that so?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but touch his chin after hearing Senju Hashirama's words. After thinking for a while, he suddenly spoke.

"How about we test your current strength?"


Senju Hashirama was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something.

"You mean, let's go spar?"

"this is a good idea!"

Senju Tobirama nodded seriously and seemed to agree with this proposal.

"Brother, you are not familiar with your own strength, so the best way is to understand and adapt through fighting.

And I think Xia Yan's strength should be no worse than when you were alive. Even if there are shortcomings, he should be able to have a clearer understanding of himself.

Besides, Xia Yan's recovery ability is probably no weaker than yours, so I think it's the best way for you two to learn from each other. "

Use discussion to understand your own situation?

Senju Hashirama hesitated, but after thinking for a moment he nodded.

Indeed, Xia Yan's strength gave him the feeling that he was no weaker than when he was alive, and he had seen Xia Yan's resilience before.

Although this aspect seems to be a little worse than when he was alive, but considering the enemies Xia Yan faced in the battle, everything seems to be as it should be.

What's more, it's not like he can't stop at the critical moment. After all, his body is the reincarnation of dirty soil, and he is not afraid of the backlash of any technique.

Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama also nodded seriously.

"No problem, let's find a place to try."

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to see what the strength of the First Daime, who is close to his peak, is like!"


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