The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 312: The Peak Battle among Thousand Hands (Part 2)

Xia Yan really, really wants to know how the Senju Hashirama's strength showed during his peak period.

After all, he is the only one in the original work who defeated Madara Uchiha over and over again.

Even if Natsuhiko likes Uchiha Madara's domineering temperament, he still has to admire this guy who seems to be a bit of a fool.

According to Senju Hashirama himself, his current approximate strength range is very high no matter how you look at it, which naturally makes Xia Yan think about it.

After all, it really doesn't cost much to compete with Senju Hashirama. In that case, why doesn't he give it a try.

Not only can you see the power of the first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama, who is close to the peak or even at the peak of his overall strength, but you can also have a good understanding of your own situation.

Both parties have agreed on this matter, so neither of them likes to delay.

Xia Yan was curious about Senju Hashirama's power, and the two of them were also extremely curious about Xia Yan's power.

Although they had felt Xia Yan's aura, understood Xia Yan's current physical fitness, and even seen Xia Yan's eyes.

But Xia Yan never made a move in front of them. When they were summoned by Xia Yan, they were already in a mess.

They could only learn some information from the mouths of the surviving Otsutsuki. In addition, they had to return to the ninja world to read the information to learn about Natsuhiko's performance in the previous war.

Now that they could observe Xia Yan's battle at close range, they naturally did not intend to let go of this opportunity.

However, the battle between the two of them will naturally not be so hasty, because the strength of the two of them is really too strong, so some necessary preliminary work still needs to be done.

For example, the location of their battle needs to be carefully considered. In addition, it needs to be informed in advance to avoid any misunderstanding in the village due to the damage caused by their battle.

And in this battle, Xia Yan also plans to gradually let some trustworthy people in Konoha know the current situation in Konoha.

He really does not intend to expose Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama all at once, but they will appear in front of the world again in the future.

Giving some information to people he can trust will not only increase Xia Yan's cohesion, but also win more people's hearts. How could Xia Yan miss this opportunity?

Besides, he had promised Kakashi, so it was inevitable for Lin to wake up this time, and Natsuhiko was too lazy to wait any longer.

"You guys go find a suitable location, and I'll take some people there with me. After all, you are going to be truly active in Konoha from now on, and you can't keep everyone informed."

Natsuhiko thought about it in detail. His words made Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama feel happy but also a little embarrassed.

"How about forget it, I'm afraid our presence will have some impact on you."

"If I can't handle your influence well, then what kind of Hokage am I?"

Faced with this problem, Xia Yan was confident, and this confidence also made Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama even more satisfied.

Therefore, the two of them don't say much. All they have to do is show their attitudes and absolutely support Xia Yan's attitude!

After discussing these matters, the three of them separated.

With Senju Hashirama providing the coordinates, Natsuhiko wasn't afraid of not finding anyone. Soon he activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned directly to his home.

It didn't take long for him to find Senju Xiangma who was resting at home. Xia Yan didn't say anything more to him, he just told him to let him go with him.

Senju Xiangzhen was still a little confused. He didn't know what Xia Yan meant.

However, facing the new pride of the Senju clan, the new generation of Hokage in Konoha, Senju Shoma basically obeyed his words.

Perhaps the most proud thing for him now is that he trained Natsuhiko Senju.

Of course, he also knew that Xia Yan's growth trajectory did not necessarily have much to do with him, but such pride was indeed real.

Taking Senju Shoma to the Hokage's office, Natsuhiko then asked Qiong and Renka to inform Kakashi and his son, Nara Shikaku and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Kakashi and Nara Shikaku are considered Natsuhiko's most important right-hand men in the Konoha system, besides Qiong and Renge.

Qiong and Renhua are the biggest helpers to Natsuhiko in his work, while Kakashi and Nara Shikaku are people who can provide support and assistance in all aspects.

It can be said that Natsuhiko trusts them, and Kakashi and his son already know the existence of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, and it is normal for Nara Shikaku to know now.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen, Natsuhiko actually just wanted to make him sick. Whether it was Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, or Hatake Shoshige, they could stimulate him severely.

Of course, we don’t rule out letting him see some hope and work harder at the same time!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's working ability is still very strong, Xia Yan has always been aware of this, even if there is a huge difference between this guy's ideas and his own.

Moreover, this guy's wife died and a son died. It can be said that there is no future Konohamaru.

Now that Xia Yan has given him some hope, it will naturally arouse his greater enthusiasm for work.

Even if Xia Yan didn't necessarily help him, but he hung a carrot in front of the donkey, the donkey would keep chasing the carrot.

When people see hope, they will never let it go easily.

"Everyone is here, right? Let me announce something to you first."

After Qiong and Lianhua found all the people, Xia Yan also asked them to stay, and then he slowly spoke to everyone with solemn faces.

"I will take you to a place in a while. Don't ask where it is, and don't say anything about what you see.

And you have to keep everything today a secret. Can you do it? "

Xia Yan has always shown a gentle attitude to others, even if he will show a different side behind his back, such scenes are relatively rare.

But it was the first time that it was so serious like today, which made everyone present realize that the situation might be different.

Therefore, except for Senju Shoma and Sarutobi Hiruzen, the other five people all knelt on the ground, and they answered loudly in unison.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

"Get up and get ready to go."

Faced with this scene, Xia Yan really wanted to shout "No kneeling", but the world of ninjas does not talk about "fairness, fairness, fairness".

After getting everyone up, Xia Yan also began to wait silently for the signal from Qianju Tobirama. Others did not know what Xia Yan was thinking, and they did not dare to ask out loud.

About ten minutes later, Xia Yan suddenly used the shadow clone technique.

His shadow clone came to Kakashi and others, and the next moment when the shadow clone rested on their bodies, they all felt like they were spinning.

It's just that this feeling came and went quickly, and everything in front of them had also changed.

At this time, they had arrived at a canyon, and they knew at this moment that Xia Yan's Flying Thunder God technique had brought them here.

And at this moment, they noticed two figures waiting in front of the canyon.

Looking from a distance, everyone except Kakashi and his son, Qiong and Renhua were stiff.

Because they have already recognized them, they are the first and second generation Hokage of Konoha.

The former two prides of the Senju clan, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama!



Senju Xiangzhen looked at the two people not far away in disbelief, and his body could not help but tremble.

This was exciting. He really never dreamed that he could actually see these two people who had brought infinite glory to Qianju!

Tears already appeared in his eyes. He felt like he was dreaming. Otherwise, how could such a situation happen?

The situation of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Nara Shikaku was not much better, and they never expected that Natsuhiko would actually bring them to see these two people.

You must know the influence of these two people on Konoha. Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen tries his best to weaken them, Konoha still has their legend from beginning to end.

However, compared to the excitement of Xiangzhen and Shikaku, Sarutobi Hiruzen had deeper thoughts and considerations. He was indeed frightened by the two people in front of him, but he also immediately thought of something.

The seemingly unbelievable thing like the resurrection of the dead is actually not something impossible.

That blue and white figure standing there proudly created the art of making the dead come alive again!

Is it the reincarnation of dirty land?

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently, after all, he was once a Hokage, and he knew this technique.

But he didn't say anything more, because this was Xia Yan's own business, and he was no longer Hokage at this time.

And facing the second-generation Hokage who was reincarnated from the filthy soil, Sarutobi Hiruzen was really frightened in his heart.

Because what he did after becoming Hokage was really not worthy of his teacher.

"Xia Yan, this is... this is..."

For a long time, Senju Xiangzhen looked at Xia Yan with excitement. He had to figure out these things now.

And now Senju Xiangzhen was a little more awake. He had once been the head of the Senju clan, so he naturally recalled a certain technique.

It's just that this technique was not recorded in the family ninjutsu scrolls, and he didn't really believe that there was any technique that could make the dead rise, so he forgot about it over time.

But in this situation, he naturally remembered these things, but he still needed to confirm them.

But unfortunately, Xia Yan just smiled at him, and then his figure flashed slightly and disappeared from their eyes.

"I didn't expect you to bring the monkey here with you."

When Natsuhiko appeared again, he was already beside Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, while Senju Hashirama couldn't help but sigh slightly as he looked into the distance.

"Not just Sarutobi Hiruzen, but also Senju Shoma."

Xia Yan smiled slightly, and he also turned his head and looked to that side.

"Elder Xiangzhen is the person who raised me. Although he has many different ideas from me, I am very grateful to him."

"Xiang Zhen?"

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama couldn't help but think about it when they heard the name. Finally, Senju Tobirama remembered something.

"It's this kid. He served in the Anbu back then. I didn't expect him to be so old."

"Didn't you say that time is a ninja's greatest enemy?"

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then looked at Senju Hashirama, his expression seemed much more serious.

"Senior Hashirama, are you ready?"

"Don't worry, I've already been prepared."

There is not much solemnity in Senju Tobirama's expression, or in other words, no matter what kind of opponent he faces, his expression will always be like this.

Even though there are moments of solemnity, such situations are still rare for him.

Senju Tobirama glanced at these two people, and he immediately used a teleportation technique to arrive at the location of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others.

In the fight between these two people, Senju Tobirama didn't want to be involved even in his reincarnated state.

Moreover, Xia Yan has brought so many people here. Whether it is out of trust or out of some bad taste of this guy, Senju Tojama must protect the safety of these people.

The arrival of Senju Tobirama immediately caused some commotion, and Senju Shoma was even more excited when he saw his arrival.

After all, he had served under Senju Tobirama before, and he was closer to Senju Tobirama than Senju Hashirama.

Apart from him, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also slightly excited, but while he was excited, he was also slightly embarrassed. After all, he had indeed done very badly in some things before.



But whether they were excited or embarrassed, the two of them immediately greeted Senju Tobirama after he came over.

Senju Tobirama just glanced at them, especially when his eyes fell on Sarutobi Hiruzen, he couldn't help but exude his fierce aura.

In just an instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt as if he had fallen into an ice bank!

Fortunately, Senju Tobirama also noticed that his mood was slightly out of control, and he quickly calmed down.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was dripping with cold sweat. It was not like he had never studied the art of reincarnation.

He naturally knew that this technique was fine for summoning ordinary ninjas, but the effect of summoning ninjas like Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama would probably be very poor.

But at this moment, Senju Tobirama gave him the feeling that he was in his peak state, which he really couldn't understand.

"Be careful later. Although I will protect you, there are some problems that are difficult for me to handle well."

Senju Tobirama spoke calmly to everyone, and after he finished speaking, he looked at Kakashi.

"Hatake family brat, are you ready for the materials Xia Yan asked you to prepare?"

"It's ready, Nidaime Hokage-sama."

Kakashi nodded immediately. He seemed to realize something and quickly took out the materials he had prepared.

Senju Tobi received the material, and then his figure disappeared in a flash, only to reappear in a moment.

And this time, he appeared with a woman in his hand. Kakashi immediately understood that the second-generation Hokage had gone to prison.

This woman Kakashi also has some memories. After all, he is the ANBU minister. He is much more responsible for the death row prisoners placed in the ANBU prison than Natsuhiko.

"Is this going to wake up Lin?"

Kakashi was thinking silently, and at this moment, Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama not far away also moved...


Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama stood opposite each other on both sides of a river below the canyon. The breeze was blowing slightly, and the two of them had no intention of doing anything.

But even if they didn't take action, the chakra in their bodies had already begun to surge.


Suddenly, two vast chakras suddenly vibrated, and two powerful auras instantly swept across both sides of the canyon!

"So... such strong chakra..."

Not far away, although Kakashi and others were attracted by Senju Tobirama's actions, at this moment they all looked in the direction of Natsuhiko.

I saw Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama, one of them had a single layer of blue chakra, while the other had a slightly purple chakra.

These two chakras burst out, and even though the two of them hadn't really taken action yet, there was sand and rocks flying around them, and cracks appeared on the ground beneath their feet.

"Ninja Technique: The Art of Reincarnation in the Dirty Earth!"

But at this moment, Senju Tobirama had quietly completed the reincarnation of the dirty land, and in just a moment, Kakashi and Obito's Lin, who was longing for them, appeared in front of them.

Lin's strength is very weak, so she doesn't have too many requirements for the selection of materials, and she wakes up quickly, but she is now extremely confused about everything in front of her.

"Lin!" Kakashi was the first to react. Even though the chakra emanating from not far away made him feel very uncomfortable, he still walked towards Lin.

"Are you..." Lin was slightly alert. She stared at Kakashi for a long time before suddenly asking in confusion: "Are you...Kakashi?"


However, just as she finished asking, a harsh roar accompanied by a strong shock hit them hard.

Not far away, when Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama were inadvertently affected by their chakra, the two of them took action at the same time!

It only took a moment to turn from static to static, and at this time the two of them were already intertwined.

The two of them did not use any special fighting method at the beginning, but unanimously used physical skills, and more intuitively, they used sword skills!

After all, they both belong to the Thousand Hands clan, and their powers overlap greatly, so their fighting methods will be similar to a certain extent.

In this case, they will naturally start from the most basic and simple way, but their "basic battle" is unusual in the eyes of others.


The ninja sword with blue chakra flashed with a cold light and quietly passed through Senju Hashirama's neck.

The blade is sharp and as fast as thunder!

Senju Hashirama's speed is also very fast. He does not regard himself as a reincarnation of the dirty earth at all, so he will never let Xia Yan hurt him easily.

He also quickly drew out his sword. The moment he held Natsu Yan's ninja sword, his left hand reached forward, and a kunai was stabbed hard towards Natsu Yan's abdomen.

But Natsuhiko also thought the same thing as Senju Hashirama. At almost the same time, he also took out a kunai and stabbed Senju Hashirama hard.

As a result, the two kunai stabbed together fiercely in mid-air. The sharp peaks of the kunai staggered and made little sparks. The next moment, the two of them pulled away at the same time.

The two looked at each other from a distance, and seemed a little silent for a while.

The battles of ninjas are very terrifying, and the battles of powerful ninjas are even more so.

Because the powerful ninja has perfect control over timing, attack methods and techniques.

If either party is distracted for just a moment, or accidentally leaves a gap, they will seize the opportunity without hesitation and take action fiercely.

Moreover, ninjas are all capable of doing anything, and sneak attacks are commonplace for them, even at Kage's level.

Just like what the two of them did just now...

"So fast....."

Not far away, Kakashi and others watched the battle between Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

In such a high-intensity battle, they all felt that if they were opposite these two people, they might not be able to withstand the attack in the first round!

Lin had just come back to life and was even more confused now. She had already recognized many people present, such as Kakashi who had grown up inexplicably next to her.

There were also the third generation Hokage and Nara Shikaku who looked older. In addition, she also noticed a girl not far from her, who looked very much like the Uchiha Qiong in their class back then.

In addition, she also noticed that the man standing in front of them wearing old-style armor and with silver hair seemed to be the Second Hokage?

"What exactly happened here?"

Lin's head was full of questions, and the battle not far away made her feel even more terrifying, because she couldn't see anything clearly, she could only see two chakras, one blue and one purple, colliding.

But now she could see it clearly, and after seeing it clearly, she was even more stunned.

Because the one over there was wearing Hokage robes and looked a bit like their former classmate Fukami Natsuhiko.

He seemed to have grown up just like Kakashi, and...he also became Hokage?

Not only that, the person fighting him looked like that and was dressed like that, he seemed to be the First Hokage of Konoha!

Lin now feels that her mind has gone crazy. She feels that either she is crazy or the world is crazy...

"Wait a minute, haven't I already..."

Suddenly, Lin seemed to remember something, and at this moment, her memory became clearer.

She remembered that she seemed to have chosen because of the Three-Tails, and in the end she chose to die in the hands of Kakashi.

But she is obviously dead, why is she still standing here?

Lin's mind is full of mud now. She has too many questions in her heart, if she hadn't seen that the first and second generation Hokage were both dead and inexplicably alive.

I'm afraid she is now wondering if someone is doing something terrible to target Konoha.

Of course, she is not completely relieved. She still needs to slowly observe and understand, and collect more information...


The changes in Lin's expression naturally caught the attention of many people. After all, Lin was not a ninja who was good at hiding her emotions. Almost everything she thought was shown on her face.

But even Kakashi didn't explain to her at the moment. After all, the most important thing now was for her to adapt to the fact that she had survived.

In addition, the battle between Xia Yan and Senju Hashirama can be said to be a scene that they may not see again in this life.

Who is Senju Hashirama?

That was the first Hokage who calmed down the troubled times and was called the God of the Ninja World!

Although Natsuhiko is a descendant of Senju Hashirama, he is also the Fifth Hokage.

And Xia Yan once showed amazing power. He ended a war by himself. In their opinion, this kind of strength is not weaker than Senju Hashirama.

Even in the ninja world, some people have begun to put the title of 'God of the Ninja World' on Xia Yan.

Now the two Senju are both Hokages and are equally good at Wood Release, and they both have the title of 'God of the Ninja World'.

Even if Xia Yan's name is still very weak, no matter who encounters such a battle, it is impossible and unwilling to miss it.

Even if they know that this is just a discussion between two people, even if they miss it, they will definitely regret it for the rest of their lives!

"What a shameless guy."

While others were watching the two of them compete attentively, Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama both cursed each other inwardly.

In the eyes of the two of them, the other party seemed to be a good guy, so why would he resort to such underworld methods?

If he hadn't just wanted to make a sneak attack, wouldn't the attack just now have allowed the other party to succeed?

However, they thought so mentally, but they didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so. Ninjas had to show their cunning side even when they were sparring.

Otherwise, when facing the real enemy, you will be the unlucky one!

They stared at each other silently, but the next moment they both struck at the same time again, and this time their speed was faster and their strikes seemed more ruthless!

In a flash, Natsuhiko's ninja sword stabbed directly at Senju Hashirama with huge chakra.

And Senju Hashirama didn't show any signs of weakness. He rushed forward without ceremony. With the crisp sound of metal colliding, two ninja swords intertwined in the air.

This time, Senju Hashirama was well prepared. The kunai in his other hand was already out almost as soon as he stepped forward to meet him.

His strength is great, even if he holds the sword with one hand, his strength is terrifying. The moment he and Xia Yan's sword crossed each other, he pressed forward fiercely.

In an instant, Xia Yan's ninja sword moved involuntarily, and from now on he could only stick it to his chest for defense.

This is the effect Senju Hashirama wants, because in this way his left hand can be faster and harder, stabbing Xia Yan directly in the abdomen without giving him any reaction!


However, the next second he found that there was suddenly nothing in front of him, and he leaned forward involuntarily.

He just glanced at it and immediately knew that the Xia Yan in front of him was just an afterimage.

"What a fast flying thunder god technique!"

Senju Hashirama thought silently, and at this moment, the sound of kunai breaking through the sky suddenly came from behind him.

The sharp and sharp chakra was stabbing fiercely along with the kunai. He knew that this was his brother's favorite technique, water sword slash.

However, he didn't seem to take such an attack too seriously, and there was even a slight smile on his lips.


Natsuhiko's kunai directly stabbed Senju Hashirama without any surprise, but Natsuhiko raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because he had discovered that the feel of his hand was wrong, and the sound coming from the stabbed Senju Hashirama also showed that what he stabbed did not look like a human body at all.

Of course, the feeling of being reincarnated in dirty soil will never be the same as that of a human body. This is inevitable.

It's just that Xia Yan's perception has noticed where the real Senju Hashirama is!

"Wooden clone? It's truly a technique that even the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan can't see through."

Looking at the wooden clone in front of him who had begun to regain his true appearance, he felt a huge amount of chakra suddenly coming from behind him.

Xia Yan did not hesitate at all, and did not pull out the kunai stuck on the wooden clone. He formed a seal with one hand and quickly turned around.

"Turong Tulong Spear!"

"Water Release: Water Dragon bites through!"

The two ninjutsu were performed in tandem. Senju Hashirama himself was not very good at escape, but he had more or less mastered the escape of other attributes.

Especially his attainments in earth escape and water escape are very high.

While he had not yet decided to use Wood Escape, he chose Earth Escape without any hesitation.

Xia Yan is similar to him, except that Xia Yan can also use Yin Escape due to the system, but between the choices of Earth Escape and Water Escape, he prefers Water Escape.

Under the powerful chakra of Senju Hashirama, the earth began to tremble in an instant, and at this moment, countless huge and sharp rocks rose from the ground.

They were spread in every corner of the entire canyon, and they were spreading crazily towards Xia Yan.

And Xia Yan's water dragon was also extremely large. After the water dragon let out a roar, it hit the Senju Hashirama along the spreading earth thorns.

These huge earth thorns continued to break under its devastation, and the size of the water dragon began to shrink as these earth thorns were consumed.

Under such an impact, some cracks appeared on the mountain surface of the entire canyon. The people standing above the canyon naturally felt how shaky the earth was at this moment.

They knew that this was just the beginning, and they were only in the collision of physical skills and preliminary ninjutsu.

However, this most basic collision is a level that many ninjas cannot reach in their lifetime.

And with such a collision of foundations, this place is already unable to hold on and seems to be about to collapse at any time!

"What kind of monsters are these two?"

Except for Senju Tobirama, this idea popped up in the minds of everyone else involuntarily.

But when I think of these two people, one is the First Hokage who established Konoha, and the other is the Fifth Hokage who ended the war on his own.

They felt that this was only reasonable. After all, they were extremely terrifying, but they could protect the tranquility of Konoha.

"It seems to be recovering well."

Senju Hashirama felt his own strength silently, and then he nodded involuntarily.

He could only feel the general extent of his recovery, and he couldn't be sure of the specific situation.

Similarly, he couldn't figure out Xia Yan's situation, and Xia Yan seemed to have the same worry, so the two of them started from the 'basics' together with a tacit understanding.

But now, they don't need to be so cautious...


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