The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 313: The peak battle between the Thousand Hands (Part 2) (8K please subscribe~)

In fact, when Natsuhiko used the Flying Thunder God Technique, Senju Hashirama had already decided that this battle would increase his level.

This is also the reason why he uses the wooden clone. Although he doesn't know the Flying Thunder God technique, he still understands it.

Moreover, the Flying Thunder God Jutsu was invented by his younger brother. How could his brother not share this ninjutsu with him for reference and understanding?

The reason why Senju Hashirama didn't learn is very simple, that is, his combat mode does not require the help of Flying Thunder God at all.

His defense and perception are really not afraid of the flying thunder god's space jump. To put it bluntly, even if he is attacked by the flying thunder god, he will not be too hurt.

Even when the Flying Thunder God activates, he can vaguely determine the direction and movements of the caster, and take countermeasures.

Of course, this also has something to do with the usage mode of the Flying Thunder God used by Senju Tobirama. He almost knew what was going on when he saw the kunai flying over.

Xia Yan's usage pattern is very, very smart. After all, Xia Yan is a Mudun user like him.

This kid's Flying Thunder God is used together with Mudun. He buries the seeds of Mudun underground and forms the mark of the Flying Thunder God on the seeds.

This way of use can be said to be subversive, even unprecedented and unprecedented.

You must know that whether it is Fei Lei Shen or Mu Dun, neither one is easy to learn and obtain.

Xia Yan mastered these two powers at once and truly reached a height that others may not reach in their lifetime.

However, no matter how fancy Natsuhiko's technique is, every ninjutsu is still inseparable from its inevitable activation mode-activating chakra.

Senju Hashirama's perception allows him to instantly detect which mark is activated, and thus determine where Xia Yan will appear.

Although this is very tiring, this is also the reason why he is not afraid of the Flying Thunder God.

"It's just too troublesome. This area must be cleaned up, and we must be careful about this guy's Flying Thunder God Technique."

Senju Hashirama thought silently, and then he directly pressed one hand to the ground, and in an instant, vast chakra surged out!

"Earth Release·Split the Earth and Turn the Palm!"

With the burst of his vast chakra, the earth seemed so fragile at this moment, and violent vibrations crazily invaded the entire canyon.

The next second, endless cracks appeared on the ground under his feet. These cracks spread crazily in all directions, as if there was no end in sight.

And as the cracks appeared and expanded, countless gravels flew away, and the entire land seemed to have been thoroughly plowed amidst the violent roar.

The shattered earth took with it the seeds that Xia Yan had buried underground. At this moment, under the torrent of chakra from Senju Hashira, it was completely turned into powder!

"This guy....."

Xia Yan naturally noticed immediately that the seeds he left in the ground were completely cleaned by this guy at this moment.

I have to say that Senju Hashirama was indeed very careful, perhaps because he did not want to be disturbed by his Flying Thunder God. This guy did not leave any possible opportunities for Xia Yan.

This kind of move really made Xia Yan sigh slightly. His Flying Thunder God technique was becoming more and more useless now.

In the original work, the Flying Thunder God still played a more or less effective role in dealing with Six Paths Obito.

But now here, it's really embarrassing.

Facing ordinary opponents, Xia Yan can easily kill them without flying Thunder God.

But when you encounter an enemy with good perception, or an enemy like Senju Hashirama who is equally matched or even better than you, the Flying Thunder God is really useless.

Because after such an enemy finds his mark of the Flying Thunder God, he can easily smash the ground to pieces, and the seeds he has hidden under the shallow surface will be directly destroyed.

Xia Yan also found more and more that he seemed to use the Flying Thunder God almost exclusively for people on the road, and the use of it at the combat level was really getting less and less.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan didn't bother to think about this problem. He formed a seal with one hand and powerful chakra burst out from his body.

"Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique!"

To deal with earth escape, Xia Yan did not think about using thunder escape, although his thunder escape has reached an advanced level after so many years of collection.

But in terms of the degree of application and understanding, Xia Yan still has a soft spot for water escape. It can be said that among the five elements escape techniques, he has mastered water escape best.

"However, Senju Hashirama also seems to have some problems. His Yang Release seems to be being used out of control at all.

Is it like this originally, or is it because the reincarnated body of the dirty earth prevents him from controlling Yang Escape well? "

There is no doubt that Senju Hashirama's technique is very powerful. No matter what technique is used in this guy's hands, the power is unimaginable.

In the past, Xia Yan didn't think too much when he read the information or watched the animation in his previous life, but now that he was fighting Senju Hashirama face to face, he discovered a problem.

That is, no matter what technique it is, there will be Yang Escape chakra flowing within this technique.

This kind of Yang Release chakra is very obscure but at the same time it is also very strong. The reason why it is obscure is that it is completely integrated into the entire technique and is not a single component.

When Xia Yan uses Yin-Yang Escape, even if it is used in conjunction with a certain technique, the Yin-Yang Escape will not be completely integrated into it, but will drive the technique to infinitely increase its power.

Therefore, once he uses Yin-Yang Escape, knowledgeable people will immediately notice something is wrong, and even directly discover the power of Yin-Yang Escape.

Natsuhiko is really inferior to Senju Hashirama in this regard, because Natsuhiko cannot achieve this complete fusion.

He knew very well that once he completely integrated Yin Yang Escape with any technique, his strength would be greatly enhanced.

Just because Senju Hashirama's Yang Dun fusion is good, it doesn't mean that he can control it well, whether it's due to physical reasons or it's just that way.

After all, he was unable to actively control Yang Escape, which forced him to incorporate powerful Yang Escape into every technique.

This approach actually consumes a lot of Yang Escape chakra. Although there is no need to worry about reincarnation in the dirty earth now, he will come back to life sooner or later.

"But no matter which one it is, it is terrifying, and I think it should be more biased towards the reincarnation of the dirty land and the inability to control the Yang escape.

After all, Senju Tobirama had said before that they lacked control over their bodies at this time, and they were not living bodies after all. "

Xia Yanxin thought, and the vast torrent instantly submerged the canyon, and a wide river quietly appeared in the canyon.

A powerful ninja can destroy the surrounding environment, a powerful ninja can destroy the terrain of a place, and a top expert can change the terrain of a place at will!

Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama are both top ninjas, and every move they make can cause devastating damage to an area.

Even though Xia Yan's Water Release didn't add the power of Yang Release, his chakra was too strong.

And now he seems to have a rough idea of ​​what the so-called 'film grade' in the system evaluation means.

This guy like Senju Hashirama is directly used as a comparison object...



Above the canyon, Kakashi and others were silent for a moment at the huge lake that appeared inexplicably below the canyon.

Not long ago, there were green trees and streams flowing under this canyon, but now with the first wave of physical combat between the two people, the overflowing power directly destroyed everything around them.

I don't know how many trees were affected by the impact, and the flowing stream was cut in half.

What's even more frightening is that the speed of these two people is so fast that it's dazzling, and they can still see more or less clearly at first.

But as their battle escalated, probably except for the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, they could only see a ball of blue and a ball of purple, figures wrapped in chakra constantly colliding.

Such a collision obviously didn't hit anything else, but it still caused unimaginable damage to the surroundings.

And when they started to compete with ninjutsu, it was obvious that the canyon could no longer withstand the impact, and even they had begun to be affected.

If they weren't standing on higher ground, I'm afraid they would be in dire straits now!

Seeing that everything below the canyon was destroyed in just a few minutes, it has now turned into a huge lake.

They really couldn't bear it anymore, if they just thought these two people were monsters before.

So they have now completely concluded that they and these two people are not in the same dimension at all!

When did humans have such magnificent power?

Just a simple confrontation between taijutsu and ninjutsu can already have such destructive power, so what will become of them when they start to fight for the next limit - wood escape?

These questions kept revolving in their minds, and Qiong and Kakashi's expressions became even weirder. They couldn't help but look at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This third generation Hokage experienced the period of the First Hokage. Even though the time was not particularly long, he grew up listening to the legend of Senju Hashirama.

In this case, he must be the one who knows the power of Senju Hashirama, but in Qiong and Kakashi's growing memories, they seem to be very unfamiliar with the first Hokage.

Not only the first Hokage, but also the second Hokage was a bit unfamiliar to him!

Is it really okay that the world's memory of such powerful ninjas has been seriously blurred?

"I finally saw it. Is this the power of the legendary first generation?"

Hatake Sakumo was also extremely excited at this time. He looked at the two people below, his eyes under the mask seemed extremely hot, and his voice was also trembling.

"And the Fifth Hokage-sama's power is not too generous. He is truly worthy of being the one who single-handedly quelled the war!"

Hatake Sakumo's soliloquy naturally attracted the attention of Nara Shikaku and Sarutobi Hiruzen. The people who came here were without exception the real high-level officials of Konoha.

Even Qiong and Renhua, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew how much these two women helped Xia Yan.

Therefore, even if he didn't say it and was very unhappy at the same time, he still recognized the existence of the secretary and recognized that Qiong and Renka were one of the people who actually controlled the power in Konoha.

But who is this ANBU, why is he here, and why is he still wearing a mask?

"Who are you....."

But those who can appear here are not simple existences, Nara Shikaku asked cautiously, while Sarutobi Hiruzen was also watching.

"Long time no see, the boy from the Nara family, and the Sandaime-sama."

Hatake Sakumo also noticed this scene. He smiled slightly and then slowly took off his mask under the increasingly stunned gazes of the two people.

"I am a member of the Fifth Hokage's Shadow Guards, but I think we should be familiar with each other, I am Hatake Sakumo."

"'s you!"

Nara Shikaku looked at Hatake Sakumo in front of him dumbfounded. When Hatake Sakumo died, he was indeed still a brat. There is no problem with calling him this way.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were even more incomprehensible. How could he forget Hatake Sakumo, the former White Fang of Konoha?

He really didn't expect Xia Yan to wake up this guy and make him a member of the Shadow Guard.

The most incredible thing is that Sarutobi Hiruzen also noticed that this guy didn't seem to be the reincarnation of the dirt!

"It's crazy..."

Lin also knew what Hatake Sakumo's name meant. He was Kakashi's father.

It's just that the Hatake Sakumo in front of him seems to be about ten years old than Kakashi. Is this really what a father and son should look like?

Lin had no other thoughts about this except lamenting that the world was crazy.

Indeed, the world was too crazy for her right now.

A dead man like himself somehow came to life, and the first and second generation Hokage also came to life together.

Even Kakashi and Sora seemed to have grown up, not to mention Natsuhiko Fukami who also grew up and became Hokage.

The most incredible thing is that Fukami Natsuhiko actually has a fighting power comparable to that of the first Hokage. Is this still the same guy who was once mediocre in the class?

"So was this a dream or something?"


The people above the canyon each had their own thoughts, while Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama below the canyon had also begun a new round of confrontation.

Standing on the lake that had been formed by Xia Yan's water escape, the two of them were intertwined once again.

The ninja sword kept flashing with cold light, and the crisp sound caused by the metal collision was endless, and little sparks kept appearing in such collisions.

It's just that such a collision was accompanied by a special, natural aura from Xia Yan's body, which finally forced Senju Hashirama to get out of the way!

"Immortal magic?"

Quickly retreating, Senju Hashirama stared at Natsuhiko not far away.

Feeling the special chakra on Natsuhiko's body and looking at the red eyeshadow on his face, Senju Hashirama became even more focused at this moment.

Senju Hashirama also knew that Natsu Yan knew the magic. After all, there was no need for Natsu Yan to hide this kind of thing.

But after all, this was personal information, and Senju Hashirama would not ask too carefully. He had only exchanged some thoughts and insights about using celestial arts with Xia Yan.

Every ninja has his own secret, and Senju Hashirama is very concerned about this, just like he has never asked Natsuhiko's eyes since he was in the moon until now.

At this time, Xia Yan took the initiative to perform immortal magic, which was the first time Senju Hashirama had seen him.

He didn't know which holy land Xia Yan's magic belonged to, but no matter what kind of magic it was, it was extremely dangerous, and Senju Hashirama needed to be vigilant.

"Have you begun to incorporate the power of Yang Dun into your physical combat?"

Looking at Senju Hashirama who quickly retreated, Xia Yan's eyes were slightly blurred. Then he quickly formed seals with one hand, and the chakra in his body surged crazily at this moment.

Senju Hashirama obviously cannot actively control Yang Escape. This is a good thing and a bad thing, but the problem is that now Senju Hashirama is the reincarnation of the dirty earth!

He was helpless in the face of this situation, especially as the intensity of the battle continued to increase, the power of Yang Escape also continued to increase.

In the collision of physical skills, Xia Yan could clearly feel these powers.

Facing such an attack, Xia Yan was really helpless, but he didn't want to use Yin Yang Escape yet.

As for using the power of Yang Release alone, Xia Yan can do it, but it is meaningless. After all, he cannot do it to the level of Senju Hashirama.

In this case, he naturally chose the one he was more familiar with and the most efficient one to use, which was his immortal mode!

After so many battles, Xia Yan has become extremely proficient in the Immortal Mode, and he is a possessor of advanced Immortal Techniques.

In the original work, Naruto used senjutsu to cooperate with the Nine-Tails Cha, and even the Six Paths Obito could fight.

Now he was only using Senjutsu alone. He didn't believe that he couldn't deal with Senju Hashirama who was using Yang Release alone.

"Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

With the combination of violent chakra and magical magic full of natural aura, a violent and huge water dragon jumped up from the lake.

It let out a roar and then rushed towards Senju Hashirama.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Senju Hashirama was not a vegetarian either, he chose the same technique as Natsuhiko without any hesitation.

Filled with his chakra, a water dragon rose up from the ground that was not inferior to the one used by Xia Yan in combination with the magic!

The two water dragons roared like thunder, and then quickly collided in mid-air.

But soon, Xia Yan's water dragon bullets clearly had the advantage. Surrounded by huge shock waves, and amid the flying sand and rocks, the water dragons between the Thousand Hands Pillar were constantly being consumed.

Visible to the naked eye, the water dragon between the Senju Pillars has been defeated by Xia Yan. Even if it is still struggling now, it is just the end of the Qianju.

"It is worthy of being an immortal magic, but the intensity of Xia Yan's magic is too high."

As a Senju Hashirama who is good at celestial arts, he was indeed shocked by Natsuhiko's sage mode.

Such intensity seems to appear in Xia Yan at such an age, which is really unbelievable.

That's not to say that it can't be done. After all, in the original work, even though Naruto was so small, didn't he also have a powerful sage mode?

But the problem is that Xia Yan's immortal mode does not seem to belong to the three holy places in his memory at all. If it does not belong to the three holy places, there will naturally be no teachings from the holy places.

Without such comprehensive guidance and help, it is really impossible for a person to improve this power.

After all, Senju Hashirama knew very well how dangerous this power was. If he was not careful, he might be dead. There really was no room for trial and error.

However, the three holy places can provide them with the experience of using this power in the past year, and can ensure the safety of users during the practice.

That is to say, with such ability, they can allow users to improve their power.

But the state that Natsuhiko is showing now is really beyond Senju Hashirama's imagination.

But he was too lazy to think about it so much. After all, this was a good thing in his opinion. Besides, he still had to deal with this battle well now. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his descendants.

"Since you have already used magic, I won't be polite!"

Senju Hashirama thought silently, and at the same time he also showed a smile. His hands suddenly merged, and the huge chakra in his body rolled violently and exploded.

This vast chakra suddenly caused the water surface to ripple crazily. The two water dragons seemed to be affected by this chakra and began to become a little distorted.

Already a little overwhelmed, the cliffs standing on both sides of the canyon began to crumble, and then falling rocks continued to fall into the rapid river.

"Wood Release: The Tree Realm is coming!"

As Senju Hashirama's chakra dispersed, the entire earth began to shake violently, and countless trees broke out of the ground and grew crazily.

The growth rate of these trees exceeds the growth rate of any plant in the world. The giant trees that have just broken through the ground have grown to incredibly tall and long lengths as far as the eye can see in just a few moments.

In just a moment, the bottom of the canyon was filled up, and Xia Yan's water escape was completely sucked dry at this moment!

And this scene made the people above the canyon feel extremely chilly. Who would have thought that this canyon had turned into a river valley before, and now it was once again covered by dense forest?

Faced with Senju Hashirama's offensive, Xia Yan seemed very indifferent. As a person who possesses Wood Release, he certainly knows what the powerful Wood Release is.

The key is Yang escape. The power of Yang escape controlled by Senju Hashirama is very terrifying, and when combined with the power of wood escape, it is even more despairing!

But Xia Yan is not a simple existence after all, he is also a user of Mudun.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·The Arrival of the Tree Realm!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Xia Yan also started to use Wood Escape, and the technique he chose was also the arrival of the tree world!

The earth trembled violently this time, and the wooden escape between the Senju Pillar also swayed continuously with the trembling of the earth at this moment.

Senju Hashirama's expression was solemn. He could already feel that his Wood Release was being continuously impacted and looked shaky.

This caused him to immediately invest his chakra into the wood escape to prevent Xia Yan's arrival from the tree world from causing a substantial impact.


However, his speed was still a little slow. Before his chakra was completely injected into the tree world, a towering tree suddenly broke through his defense.

Among the endless thick branches, this giant tree quickly uprooted, and endless vines began to spread from its body, and then became entangled with the wooden escape between the Senju Pillar.

The cliffs on both sides of the canyon could no longer support the invasion of this wood escape force. They collapsed and collapsed rapidly. In just a few breaths, the canyon had been completely flattened!

If you look at it, there is only a piece of flat land left here. The terrifying wood escape spreads crazily, and eventually borders the surrounding forest. It no longer has any connection with the previous canyon landform!

Both Xia Yan and Senju Hashirama stood on the treetops of Mudun. They looked at each other from a distance, and the fighting intent in their eyes became increasingly strong.

They were not worried about where the people above the canyon had gone. After all, they were all sentient ninjas. After they madly increased the intensity of the battle, they also paid attention to the people above.

Therefore, they knew that these people had been safely transferred by Senju Tobirama at this time, and they did not need to worry about this at all. They only needed to focus on each other.

"As expected of Senju Hashirama."

Xia Yan looked at Senju Hashirama not far away, and he sighed a little in his heart. Even though his Wood Release seemed to be attacking Senju Hashirama's Wood Release at this time.

But in fact, Xia Yan knew that because of his last attack, Mu Dun's power was concentrated on one point, so he broke through the defense.

But after breaking through the defense, except for the initial spread of his Wood Escape to the occupied position, it was really difficult to take a step forward.

As for Senju Hashirama's Wood Release, it suffered some losses at first due to its too wide branch, but now it has stabilized its position, making it difficult for Xia Yan's Wood Release to move forward.

Others may not be able to tell which one is better, but they both know it.

However, Xia Yan was not too disappointed with this result. Senju Hashirama's strength was already high, and his mastery of Wood Release was even better.

And don’t forget, Xia Yan’s Wood Release is only at the intermediate level, not even up to Senju Hashirama’s level.

What's more, Xia Yan still has many trump cards that are useless. Whether it's the Pure Eye or Yin-Yang Escape, these are Xia Yan's strongest weapons!

Of course, he also knew that Senju Hashirama didn't use much power at this time. After all, this was Asura's former inheritor, not to mention that he hadn't even used celestial magic yet.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan felt that he had to take the initiative. What he had to do now was to completely force out all the strength of Senju Hashirama in the reincarnation state of the dirty soil!

If it had been a few days ago, he would not have dared to do this. After all, he was facing the God of Ninja World, Senju Hashirama.

Even if he masters the Yin-Yang Escape, he may not dare to explode with all the firepower of this Senju Hashirama, who is stronger than the one in the Fourth War era.

But it's different now. After Xia Yan evolved to the first stage of Jingyan, especially after he got the Jade of Seeking Dao, he had the confidence to deal with it.

Not to mention anything else, I can't defeat the collision of strength alone. Can't I turn all three Tao-Seeking Jade into shields for defense?

Seeking Dao Jade is the source of Xia Yan's confidence, and it is also one of Xia Yan's strongest offensive methods.

After all, there is no way to recover from the reincarnation of the filthy earth that seeks the Dao Jade Concentration!

"I want to be more serious, Hashirama-senpai."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan smiled, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment, when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already blooming with dazzling brilliance!

More importantly, the Yin-Yang Escape in his body has begun to operate. A vast force filled with destruction and vitality seems to have solidified the entire area.

"Hahaha, okay, I just want to see your limits. Don't worry, I won't die."

Senju Hashirama was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly, but the look in his eyes became more solemn.

Xia Yan obviously intends to further increase the intensity of the battle. Such an increase is likely to bring them closer to their peak state.

Facing such an opponent, Senju Hashirama not only felt that his inner fighting spirit was constantly increasing, but also became more alert.

The only thing he sighs now is that it is a pity that he is not a living person, otherwise he believes that he will definitely be able to feel the long-lost passionate feeling!

It is indeed a pity for Senju Hashirama that he cannot feel the feeling of blood boiling.

With his level of strength, it is really difficult to find an opponent who is equally matched and can fight seriously without other emotions.

Before he died, he did fight to the death with Madara Uchiha, but only he knew how miserable he felt at that time, and he had no feeling of excitement at all.

Now he has finally met someone who can make him feel like this, but he is not a living person yet. You can imagine how depressed he is.

"It seems that being alive is a good thing. I'm really looking forward to it."

Senju Hashirama was thinking, but his attention was still extremely focused. Even if he didn't have too much information about Xia Yan, he still knew the general outline of some of Xia Yan's powers.

Think about the inside of the moon where they were resurrected, think about the broken scene, and think about the huge reincarnation eye.

He lost the battle with Natsuhiko by controlling that thing, and the entire inside of the moon was blown away by him. Would Senju Hashirama dare to be careless with such fighting prowess?

To be honest, if he hadn't noticed that Xia Yan hadn't used the so-called 'pure eye chakra mode' yet, he would have directly used magic to deal with it at this time.

But he is not a rigid-minded person, just like Danzo, a person who is still thinking about retaining chakra to deal with Obito before he dies.

When it's time to use his power, he will never be stingy. Everything in a battle never goes according to plan, and adaptability is the most important thing!

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Wooden Dragon Technique!"

Thinking in his heart, Xia Yan in the distance had already taken the lead in attacking, and in an instant, a huge wooden dragon roared out from his tree world.

The huge power caused the trees produced by Mu Dun to shake violently, and many trees were even broken by the airflow that shook its body!

This wooden dragon's eyes were emitting a terrifying yellow light. It stared at Senju Hashirama and then pounced fiercely.

Its speed is very fast, and every time it swings its body in the air, it will make a strong sonic boom sound, and wherever it passes, the space seems to be distorted!

Facing such a wooden dragon, Senju Hashirama's expression became more solemn and more excited at the same time. He also longed for such a battle!

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!

Wood Release: Ranking Technique! "


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