The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 314: What is the God of Ninja World (8K please subscribe~)


Accompanied by a violent and harsh muffled sound, an energy shock wave that was almost visible to the naked eye quickly dispersed in all directions!

Wherever this shock wave passes, everything around it becomes distorted.

Even the unimaginably tough Wood Release used by Senju Hashirama and Natsuhiko was broken countless times at this moment!

The ordinary trees in the outer area were even more unbearable. They were shattered by the shock wave with almost no resistance.

There were even quite a few trees that were swept up by this force and turned into powder, leaving no trace at all.

In the distance, Senju Tobirama had already led several people away from the battlefield. Such an impact was really not something that ordinary people could withstand.

It doesn't matter to him personally, after all, his strength is guaranteed, and he himself is not a living person.

But others can't bear it. His most important task, besides resurrecting the woman, is to protect them.

"Is this going all out?"

Senju Tobirama looked into the distance, and he could naturally feel the changes in the chakra of the two people.

Likewise, he could also see how outrageous the techniques these two people were performing now were.

The ranking technique can be said to be Senju Hashirama's strongest defensive ninjutsu besides the fifth level Rashomon. Back then, he used this technique to resist Uchiha Madara's powerful weapon, Susanoo!

And Xia Yan didn't give in too much. What this guy used was the Wood Dragon Technique.

Although Senju Tobirama was a little disdainful of the way Natsuhiko used the wooden dragon, after all, he also knew that the characteristic of the wooden dragon was to bind and absorb chakra.

But the wooden dragon who has the ability to display such power is also capable, and it is even more terrifying to use it to push his elder brother to this level!

What's more, he also knows it well, probably for his eldest brother and Xia Yan.

In fact, for them, any ninjutsu is probably just the most basic distinction between "jutsu".

How to use it specifically depends entirely on their own ideas!

It's just that he himself is relatively active in his heart, while others are completely in a sluggish state.

It was obvious that they had been knocked unconscious by this battle. The level and scale of the battle were beyond their imagination.

At this moment, they seemed to finally realize why Senju Hashirama was known as the god of the ninja world!

Just thinking of this, their hearts felt huge fluctuations.

What kind of level is Uchiha Madara, who fought to the death with Senju Hashirama back then?

And now that Natsu Yan can fight like this with Senju Hashirama, what level is he at?

It seems that they don't have answers to these two questions, but they seem to have got an accurate answer in their hearts.

Looking from a distance, they were already very far away from the center of the battle, and they couldn't even see the figures clearly.

But they still couldn't help but look over there, even if they couldn't understand such a battle.

But such a battle itself has exceeded its actual significance. It is more like a inheritance, and it is more like telling the world what the limits of ninja are!

Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama didn't know these things. The two of them had a rough idea of ​​each other's current strength at the moment when the Wood Dragon Technique and the Ranking Technique collided.

From a technical point of view, this is comparable.

Although Xia Yan activated Yin Yang Escape, it did not explode. Similarly, Senju Hashirama also had a certain degree of retention.

This is the best preparation for the subsequent battle. He cannot easily reveal his trump card.

"But I can't passively defend. Xia Yan is very strong but his Wood Release doesn't seem to be as strong as I thought. I should do something."

Senju Hashirama has already judged something from the two confrontations with Wood Release, that is, Xia Yan's strength is extraordinary, but his use of Wood Release has not reached his own level.

This guy is currently at a temporary draw with me, relying entirely on the power of immortal magic. His own understanding of Mu Dun is still far behind compared to his own!

But this is not something difficult to understand. After all, how old is Xia Yan?

Moreover, Natsuhiko's growing up environment was different from his own. Back then, he had enemies like Uchiha Madara who were constantly training him.

As for Xia Yan, either the enemy is too weak and there is no need to use the power of Mu Dun. Flying Thunder God and basic ninjutsu can solve the enemy.

Then the enemy is too strong, and he can only try his best to use his special eyes and magic to complete thousands of moves, so as to achieve the final effect of destruction and destruction.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Senju Hashirama's face, and he knew what he was going to do next.

"But you still have to be careful. This guy Xia Yan is capable of Yin-Yang escape. Compared with me, I am reincarnated in the dirty earth and can't even control Yang escape. It's much better."

What Xia Yan has been wondering about, Senju Hashirama has quietly given the answer in his heart.

Indeed, due to the reincarnation of Huitu, his control over Yang Dun has reached a ridiculously poor level, but there is nothing he can do about it.

The power of Yang Dun is still the power of the body after all, it is the power of life force!

As a dead man, it was a good thing that he was Senju Hashirama, and that this technique was the Reincarnation of Evil Earth, otherwise it would be unclear whether he would be able to detect the power of Yang Release.

For people who are as strong as them, the reincarnation of the dirty land is actually not as powerful as when they were alive.

Regardless of the infinite chakra and a body that is fearless of death, these are nothing to them.

Absolute control over body strength allows them to truly unleash their full strength.

"But according to my observation, Xia Yan's Yang Escape number is not that many, after all, he is so young.

There are not many Yang Dun, and the quality is not as high as mine. Even if there is Yin Yang Dun, it will not last long. At this point, I have taken advantage of it.


Senju Hashirama's combat IQ has never been low. After quickly analyzing Xia Yan's strengths and weaknesses, he has completed the seal.

He was going to be the first to attack. He knew that Xia Yan wanted to see where his limits were, and he also wanted to see what Xia Yan's limits were!

"Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"

The majestic chakra burst out with the power of Yang Dun, and the next moment a wooden dragon that was not weaker than Xia Yan Xia Yan quickly appeared.

The wooden dragon roared fiercely, and then it quickly bypassed Xia Yan's wooden dragon and rushed directly towards Xia Yan's location!

Xia Yan's wooden dragon seemed to be aware of the thoughts of the Thousand-Armed Hashirama Wood Dragon. It roared and immediately tried to intercept the wooden dragon halfway.

And Senju Hashirama didn't hesitate at all. He jumped away and stayed in mid-air. At the same time, he quickly completed the seal with both hands.

"Stop dreaming, how could I let you pass!"

"Wood Release: The Technique of the Great Forest!"

Senju Hashirama quickly stretched out his hand, and countless thick wooden vine branches stretched out from his arm and quickly wrapped around Xia Yan's wooden dragon.

After all, it was a wooden dragon that contained magical powers. Senju Hashirama did not dare to be careless at all. He had already experienced how difficult it was just now. How could he let this wooden dragon go?

Xia Yan's wooden dragon was trapped by Senju Hashirama's technique. Under such a pull full of Yang Escape power, the wooden dragon was pulled directly to the ground!

Amidst the roar, Senju Hashirama quietly landed on the ground, and his hand had already completed other seals.

"Stay patiently, Wood Release·Jiu Poutai Technique!"


Senju Hashirama's use and combination of Wood Release has reached a point where he can do whatever he wants, and the power of his Wood Release Technique is also terrifying.

However, when facing Xia Yan's wooden dragon, his caution was fully demonstrated. Facing this wooden dragon with fairy magic, he was basically dealing with it as a tailed beast!

The wooden dragon, which was originally entangled by the vines of the Great Forest Jutsu, was now being severely blocked by the giant hand of the Minato no Jutsu.

Even though Natsuhiko, the wooden dragon, was still struggling, it also began to try to absorb the chakra in the Senju Hashirama Wood Release.

But compared with Senju Hashirama's chakra consumption, isn't this no different from joking?

In particular, Senju Hashirama is still in the state of being reincarnated in the dirt at this time. He doesn't have much but has a despairing amount of chakra, and he is still the type with no upper limit at all.

Faced with such a shameless act, Natsu Yan's wooden dragon still had no choice. It was pinned down by Senju Hashirama and was unable to come back to help Natsu Yan.

And Xia Yan naturally felt what Senju Hashirama was doing, which made him laugh. Doesn't this Senju Hashirama with thick eyebrows and big eyes also have such a sinister and cunning side?

Looking at the wooden dragon getting closer and closer, Xia Yan looked very calm, but he would not be too big in the face of such power.

Just as the wooden dragon got closer to him, he formed a seal with one hand, and vast chakra power surged out.

The next moment, a giant black hand stretched out from the trees with lightning speed, and grabbed the wooden dragon between the Senju Hashira.

The violent power spread crazily around, and this wooden dragon was obviously not willing to be controlled like this. It kept struggling to get out of the control of this giant hand.

But no matter how hard it struggles, it's all in vain!

Xia Yan has already realized how terrifying the Yang Escape that Senju Hashirama broke out is, and such an explosion can even suppress him.

Naturally, he would not let such a disadvantage continue, so this time he used Yin Yang Escape without hesitation.

And he also knew that his use of Wood Release was not as good as Senju Hashirama, so the techniques he chose did not have so many simple and practical ideas.

"Yin-Yang Escape: Wooden Man's Technique!"

As the chakra in his body continued to surge, the body of the giant black hand began to slowly emerge from the trees.

That huge black body blocks out the sky and the sun, that Shura-like and evil-ghost-like face is unforgettable, and that terrifying aura shakes the entire area!

Senju Hashirama looked at the giant that covered the sky, and a rare wry smile appeared on his face. He really didn't expect that this boy Xia Yan would be so direct.

The Bokujin no Jutsu was the one he used to deal with Uchiha Madara Susanoo back then. This kid really didn't hesitate at all.

He had just subdued his wooden dragon, and this kid killed his wooden dragon in this way. Such a counterattack was really quick and hateful.

"Besides, Xia Yan also used Yin Yang Escape, so..."

Senju Hashirama thought of this, and he quickly formed seals. He would not have any luck in such a duel.

Xia Yan has already used the Wood Man Technique, so he doesn't have many options to deal with it. Apart from the thousands of hands at the bottom of the box, the only thing he can use is the same Wood Man Art!

Obviously, using real thousands of hands is not practical at all now, so there is only one best option.

"Wooden Release: Wooden Man's Technique!"

The wooden man, who looked the same as Xia Yan, but had huge differences in nature and color, appeared quickly under the control of Senju Hashirama.

It's also extremely huge, and it's also terrifying, but it doesn't have the contradictory chakra expression of Xia Yanmu.

It doesn't give people the same illusion as building a road, destroying everything, even though this technique still makes people shudder.

This is the performance of pure yang escape, while Xia Yan is the fusion of yin and yang escape.

When these two wooden figures appeared, it was conceivable that this battle had completely developed into an uncontrollable, and even unimaginable situation in the current ninja world.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate at all. The moment he summoned the wooden man between the Thousand Hand Pillars, he had already controlled his black wooden man and rushed forward.

The huge black wooden man aimed at Senju Hashirama's position and raised his fist, and Senju Hashirama also let his huge brown wooden man block the fist at the critical moment!

However, under this punch, the shapeless small mountain peak that was still in the distance was completely destroyed by the invisible force at this moment.

At this moment, the earth is also covered with cracks ranging from several meters to tens of meters long, but all this is just the beginning.

After blocking the attack, Senju Hashirama immediately retaliated. The wooden man he controlled quickly grabbed Xia Yan's wooden man and pulled it aside.

At the same time, the brown wooden man's huge fist would wave, and the terrifying wind of the fist, accompanied by the sound of air friction, would hit the black wooden man fiercely.

The battle between the two wooden figures was simply unimaginable, as the suffocatingly powerful chakra raged crazily.

The earth was riddled with holes under this force, the energy swept across all directions, and a doomsday-like scene quietly appeared in the entire area.

This kind of battle continues, centered on the battle between two people, and the ground is covered with ditches.

The Wood Release they used before had been destroyed by themselves, and on the bare ground, no stone larger than half a meter could be found at all.

Looking at it, this place looks like a plain and desolate.

No one can imagine that this area has completely changed twice in this short period of time.


This canyon is indeed very pitiful, but it is also lucky.

Because it witnessed how far the strongest ninjas in the ninja world could push the limits of ninjas!

When the battle reached this moment, even Senju Tobirama was silent, even though he knew very well what his elder brother's strength could achieve.

But when he once again saw the battle between his elder brother and Uchiha Madara just like decades ago, he still felt a little sigh in his heart.

He's strong, there's no doubt about it.

You must know that in the most chaotic era, he killed Uchiha Madara's younger brother, Uchiha Izuna, who also had the Mangekyo Sharingan.

And when his brother died, he would not be able to become the Second Hokage of Konoha without enough strength, and no one dared to question this matter.

But he also knows one thing very well, that is, compared with his elder brother and Uchiha Madara, the gap between his strength is really despairing.

"I never expected that I would be stimulated by my elder brother all the time when I was alive. I never expected that I would be stimulated again."

Senju Tobirama smiled bitterly in his heart. It was not a wonderful thing to have such a powerful elder brother who was so powerful that it made people suffocate and even despair.

"But Xia Yan is really awesome. He has reached this level at such a young age. He is indeed the junior brother and I who have complementary personalities and strengths!"

Senju Tobirama was extremely satisfied with Xia Yan in his heart. He knew very well what the weaknesses of himself and his elder brother were.

His weakness is obvious, that is, compared with his elder brother, there is really a huge gap in strength!

Fortunately, Uchiha Madara didn't cause trouble again, otherwise he knew very well that he couldn't resist Uchiha Madara at all.

The weakness of Senju Hashirama is also very obvious, that is, there are really big problems with his character, and he is not good at intrigues that do not involve fighting.

Therefore, when Senju Hashirama was in power, Senju Tobirama really paid a lot silently, but the Hokage was Senju Hashirama, and Senju Tobirama could only provide advice on many things.

But it's different now. Xia Yan has his own personality, is more cunning and compatible with some of his elder brother's characteristics.

And based on his strength, not only can he know everything he knows, but he can also know everything his big brother knows!

In this way, the two are compatible with each other, and the bad things are eliminated, and eventually they become people like Natsuhiko. This is really good news for their Senju clan and even Konoha as a whole.

But it was a pity that the battle this time seemed to have spread too widely, which made it impossible for him to get closer to see it.

"It's really terrifying to the extreme. Is this Xia Yan's power..."

Qiong and Lianhua watched all this from a distance. They had only heard that Xia Yan was very powerful, but they had never seen Xia Yan actually take action.

Including the Kyuubi incident, the two of them were also sent to the shelter, and there was no way to see Xia Yan's attack on Kyuubi.

Therefore, the two of them are still a little vague about Xia Yan's strength. They only know what the deepest person in their hearts has done, but they really don't know the details.

And what is happening in front of them now tells them how terrifying and terrifying Xia Yan's power and level are.

"Although my strength cannot reach Xia Yan's level, we will definitely help Xia Yan achieve everything he wants in other aspects!"

Perhaps Xia Yan's strength was too shocking, causing both of them to have other emotions involuntarily.

Both of them looked into the distance silently, looking at the two giants attacking each other in the distance. They both seemed particularly silent at this moment.

"I really didn't expect that Xia Yan's strength has reached this level."

Kakashi and others looked into the distance, and similar thoughts appeared in their hearts involuntarily. The power shown by Xia Yan really made people feel chilled in their hearts.

Perhaps the only person who appeared to be relatively calm was Lin, who had just been reincarnated from the dirt and felt unfamiliar with everything in front of her.

Lin was really confused now. Although she was also stunned by the earth-shattering battle in the distance, she still seemed to be dead in her memory.

Therefore, she always felt out of place because she had no idea what was going on.

"Lin, are you okay?"

Although Kakashi has been watching the battle, he has always paid attention to Lin's situation. He didn't have time to ask before, but now he feels that he should care.

"What on earth is going on?"

Lin turned her head to look at Kakashi in front of her. She hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and asking.

"Who are you and what is your purpose? I..."

"Lin, I know you have a lot of doubts now, but it's better to talk things through little by little."

Lin's question made Kakashi helplessly shake his head, but after experiencing his father's resurrection and meeting the two previous Hokages, Kakashi was still very calm.

"Actually, you are indeed dead. I will never forget the sad feeling in my heart when you hit me with your body, Lei Qie.

But six years have passed since this incident, and a lot has happened in these six years.

For example, our teacher became Hokage, but because of Kyuubi, he temporarily left Konoha and cultivated in another quiet place.

For example, Natsuhiko entered ANBU after leaving school, and I also entered ANBU in his hands, witnessing his transformation from the ANBU squad leader to Lord Hokage.

That's right, our current Fifth Generation Hokage is our classmate back then!

In fact, you are now in a special state between life and death, which is achieved by a special ninjutsu.

Before Xia Yan became Hokage, he had already started to develop some things, and his research and development had achieved great success. My father was the most successful experimental subject.

Although it’s not nice to say this, my father has been completely resurrected, and many people will be resurrected in the future.

Both the first generation Hokage and the second generation Hokage will be among them, and you..."

Kakashi paused slightly when he said this. He knew that he said a lot of things he shouldn't have said, but he really couldn't hold it back when facing Lin.

For him, Lin is the person he must protect. At the same time, Lin is also the most important witness of his friendship with Obito, and the most important bridge between him and Obito.

He couldn't hide too much from Lin, and there were some things he didn't want to hide from Lin!

Thinking of this, Kakashi looked at Lin very seriously, and he said every word with a firm voice.

"And you will be one of them!"


Kakashi's words had a huge impact on Lin. She really never thought that things would be like this.

A dead person can actually wake up in a state between life and death, and it seems that there are still people who can completely resurrect the dead!

What kind of magical art is this? What level has Konoha developed to now?

On top of that, her teacher becoming Hokage was a surprise but not a surprise because of her teacher's level and strength.

But she really never dreamed that Natsumi Yan, who seemed ordinary in the class and had a good relationship with Uchiha Qiong, would actually become Hokage?

This series of information made her feel that her brain was not full because it was too impactful!

And she also noticed a key word, which was the six years Kakashi mentioned.

Six years can indeed change many things. Six years can indeed change everything.

She was very curious, was this the world six years after her death?

Lin still has many questions, but she also knows that she shouldn't ask now, and as a ninja, she has to stay vigilant. She still needs time to learn more.

However, Rin calmed down for the time being, but Sarutobi Hiruzen and Nara Shikaku's hearts began to churn again.

Did the art of completely resurrecting people begin when Natsuhiko was still the head of the ANBU?

This information really suffocated them, not to mention Xia Yan's method and purpose of researching and experimenting with this technique.

The value of this technique alone is enough to make them have a lot of thoughts in their hearts, and they believe that no matter who hears the news, they will have thoughts in their hearts!

But they didn't think about it or talk about it now, because now was not the time, and the battle in the distance was getting more and more intense...


The battle between Xia Yan and Senju Hashirama has become more and more intense, and the damage caused by the two of them to the surroundings has reached an extreme.

Looking around, it can be described as a mess. Two huge wooden figures are fighting crazily on this hell-like scorched earth, and the breath of death is crazily permeating all around.


A huge roar echoed across the plains, and the two giants punched each other without reservation.

Under the powerful impact, the two giants retreated backwards, sinking deeply into the earth with every step, and a row of deep pits appeared.

Senju Hashirama stood on the top of the wooden figure, looking at Xia Yan in the distance who looked calm and breathing normally, he couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

Only at this moment did he realize that Xia Yan's chakra reserves were much greater than he had imagined.

After such a long battle, this guy was hardly affected much, which made Senju Hashirama doubt his life.

When he was Xia Yan's age, he really didn't have such a huge chakra reserve. In his opinion, Xia Yan was really a pervert.

"But it must end now. This guy Xia Yan is suffocating both in terms of his chakra reserves and the quality of his chakra.

Especially this guy's Yin-Yang Escape, it's really much more powerful than me simply maximizing the use of Yang Escape. "

In Senju Hashirama's battles, he has always used Yang Escape to increase the upper limit of the power of the technique. This is considered a method that he has no disadvantages.

But facing a guy like Xia Yan who directly uses Yin-Yang Escape, he really has no choice but to catch him.

He has been gradually increasing his chakra strength, and now he can be said to have reached the highest limit of his chakra strength.

Although he didn't use the attitude technique, he fully embodied this chakra intensity in Bokuto's body.

As he continued to inject chakra into the wooden man's body, giving the wooden man more terrifying strength and destructive power, he was dumbfounded to find that Xia Yan was doing the same.

What depressed him the most was that after he had completely maxed out his chakra strength, he could no longer fight Xia Yan.

So he decided that he had to go all out now, and it would not be good for him if he continued like this.

"It's been a long time since I felt like this. It's such a pity that I haven't come back to life in the true sense..."

Senju Hashirama thought silently, and the next moment the chakra in his body began to surge, and a natural breath quickly spread through his body!

He clasped his hands together, and suddenly a vast aura spread crazily, and suffocating chakra rippled in his body.

"Are we going to have a showdown?"

When Xia Yan saw this scene, he couldn't help but nodded. At this point in the fight, he had more or less understood the limit of his power.

In this case, there is not much need to continue this competition, but this battle must eventually come to an end.

Thinking of this, the chakra in Xia Yan's eyes began to jump crazily. He had never used the power of the Pure Eye since the beginning of the battle, and now he wanted to give it a try.

In an instant, his body was covered by a layer of light blue chakra that seemed to destroy everything, and his figure became blurred and distorted.

His body began to float, and three black spheres emerged behind him. At this moment, he was like a fairy!

The huge wooden giant under his feet lost control at this moment and began to slowly melt.

Senju Hashirama naturally saw this scene, but he knew that this was probably Xia Yan concentrating all his strength to deal with what was to come.

And he also ended his control over the wooden man. In the vast chakra, the earth was shaking crazily.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking giant Buddha, more than a thousand meters high, quickly rose from the ground!

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·True Thousands of Hands!"

Senju Hashirama stood on top of the giant Buddha. He looked at Xia Yan floating in the air, with a smile on his lips.

Xia Yan held a sphere behind him in his hand. The sphere quickly deformed and finally turned into a dark ninja sword.

"Have we finally reached this moment?" Senju Hashirama felt the pressure from Xia Yan and asked with a smile.

"Although it's not very enjoyable, I think it's enough for now." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and the chakra in his body had been condensed.

The next moment, he waved the ninja sword fiercely, and Senju Hashirama also completed the seal.

At this moment, several people in the distance looked at everything that was terrifying. They seemed to know what was real, above the ninja world in every sense of the word!

"Immortal method: Transforming into a Buddha on the top!"

"Yin Yang Release: Konohana Saki Yahime!"


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