Xia Yan was sitting in the Hokage's office. He looked lazily at the sunshine outside the window, and his expression looked particularly leisurely.

It can be said that it is rare to see him reach this level as a Hokage.

Whether it was Senju Hashirama or Senju Tobirama, or the now obedient Sarutobi Hiruzen, none of them had it as easy as Natsuhiko.

You must know that when they were Hokage, they were walking on thin ice, for fear that they would do something wrong and put Konoha into a situation of eternal disaster.

As for Xia Yan's ease, Xia Yan's current environment is really enviable.

Konoha had just been established during the Senju Hashirama era, and the establishment of Konoha also marked the transformation of ninjas from scattered family models to collective village models.

It is no exaggeration to say that the establishment of this village actually integrated the resources of a country, and they essentially controlled the Fire Country.

During such a huge change, Senju Hashirama and the others were under great pressure, because this was really a brand new model for them.

If you are not careful, the village that was finally built will be destroyed in one day!

By the time of Senju Hashirama, the difficult period and adjustment period that Konoha had just established had passed, but the sad thing was that both Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara were dead.

These two strong men who suppressed the ninja world passed away from this world after they hit the valley of death.

The death of these two people brought Konoha's originally "independent" strength to a level similar to that of other great ninja villages.

Even though Konoha is still proud of the ninja world because of its background issues, it is really far behind compared to before.

In addition, the environment and background of the times that Senju Tobirama lived in also dictated that he must be cautious.

On the one hand, all aspects of planning within the village need to be promoted and implemented.

On the other hand, there are the outside villages, because the death of Senju Hashirama has occupied the resources of the Country of Fire.

If we don't handle it well, it will really be difficult for Konoha! Of course, it's actually pretty much the same.

Konoha was eventually involved in the war because the other four major ninja villages broke the agreement.

The era of Sarutobi Hiruzen was even more tragic. His succession marked that Konoha had been completely distanced from other villages.

After all, although he inherited the political legacy of Senju Hashirama, he was not recognized.

For himself and the village, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to pick up the butcher knife and start integrating within Konoha.

Internal friction is always the most direct and fundamental way to destroy a country, but sometimes internal friction cannot be avoided.

During Sarutobi Hiruzen's integration of Konoha, the dividends from victory in the First Ninja World War were quickly consumed.

At the same time, due to internal strife, many powerful families in Konoha began to decline, and many ninjas died as a result.

The external environment of Konoha was equally bad, and the scale of the battle was really not small. It was the four major ninja villages besieging Konoha.

Such a war would be fatal to the five major countries, but it would indeed bring a lot of benefits to many small villages.

Because the war resulted in the outflow of huge task shares, these task shares were shared by small villages without war, and Rain Ninja Village was obviously one of them.

But when the war ended, all this stopped again. After all, a small village could not compare with the Great Ninja Village.

With the help of a huge share of tasks, the small village has the funds to train ninjas to develop themselves.

Of course they are not happy with such a sudden stop. In addition, their development has reached a bottleneck and they must continue to use expansion to maintain development.

Therefore, the ambitious demigod Hanzo marched into the Kingdom of Iron and declared war on Sunagakure and Konoha.

And Sunagakure was originally a young man, and because the country of wind was severely lacking in resources, they also took the opportunity to attack Konoha.

In this way, the mighty Second War of the Ninja World began.

But the final result is also obvious, demigods are just demigods, and Sunagakure Village is not Konoha's opponent at all.

Although Konoha showed its strength during World War II, it also exposed its weakness.

And in this battle, Konoha was not polite to Sunagakure. Konoha made a lot of money from Sunagakure, which naturally attracted the hatred of Sunagakure.

Iwagakure and Kumogakure, who did not participate in the battle, have been watching, and they continue to accumulate their own strength.

It can be said that this battle made them develop tremendously, and it also paved the way for the Third Ninja War.

It can be said that none of these three Hokages lived a comfortable life.

Even if the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is included, his life is miserable.

After all, there was a man above him who took the initiative to recommend him, and has been controlling the ANBU, Medical Department, etc., Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But Xia Yan was different. Although the background of his era was not peaceful, at least it was the end of the Three War, and the three major ninja villages had signed an armistice agreement.

Moreover, everyone was exhausted from the three wars, and no one was willing to start a war easily.

However, Yunyin is not in this category. Their losses themselves are not large, plus they have not signed an agreement.

At the same time, the newly appointed Raikage is very ambitious. He has long been unhappy with such a weak Konoha occupying the number one position in the ninja world.

Therefore, even if a war is launched, Konoha will only have to face one number one.

Although the external environment is not peaceful, it is still acceptable, and inside Konoha, Natsuhiko does not need to worry.

At that time, Hiruzen Sarutobi was in power, but the real Hokage was the Fourth Generation. Natsuhiko controlled the ANBU and did not need to pay attention to Hiruzen Sarutobi.

And Danzo's matter gave Natsuhiko a handle, and Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't be tough when facing him.

And when facing the attack of Yunyin Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen made the wrong decision again, which completely succeeded Natsuhiko!

And Natsuhiko himself is also very ambitious, and his strength is so powerful that people are afraid of it. The war between Kumogakure and Konoha can be said to be the achievement of Natsuhiko becoming emperor.

When Xia Yan showed his terrifying strength, he shocked everyone in the ninja world.

And because of his long-term management within Konoha, everyone knows what Natsuhiko's personality is.

Under such "double praise", Xia Yan's succession is natural and expected by everyone!

It can be said that Xia Yan relied on his own efforts and strength to create a governing environment for himself without any internal or external troubles.

Therefore, the other Hokage could only look at him with envy because of how relaxed he appeared.

What's more, they actually believe that everything Xia Yan gets is deserved. You know, in their opinion, Xia Yan is the real god of the ninja world!

Three years ago, the figure floating in the sky, condescendingly launching thousands of hands of destruction and destruction, is still fresh in their memories!

"Knock knock knock."

Just as Xia Yan was fishing lazily, there was a knock on the door of the Hokage's office.

Xia Yan immediately sat up to make himself look more energetic, and then he said: "Come in."

Soon, the door to the office was pushed open, and Qiong walked in slowly: "Lord Hokage, Kakashi is here with Zero."

"That's it." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he said with a smile: "Since they are here, let them come in. I will trouble you about the record, Qiong."


Under Xia Yan's vigorous promotion, the secretarial system has been successfully upgraded from the Secretariat to the Secretariat after so many years of fermentation.

Qiong and Lianhua naturally became the first administrative secretaries and personal secretaries of the secretarial department.

Now the ministers of various departments have begun to be equipped with secretaries, which has indeed brought a huge improvement to Konoha's administrative efficiency.

But Xia Yan also knows that the existence of a secretary has good and bad aspects, but for now, everything is developing in a good direction.

In the process of upgrading the Secretariat, Shikaku Nara and Hiruzen Sarutobi definitely played a big role.

Especially Nara Shikaku, this guy really spared no effort to help Natsuhiko complete this matter.

In fact, his approach was not like this at the beginning. Although he did not oppose the establishment of the Secretariat, he was not so active.

But after he witnessed Xia Yan's battle three years ago, he completely changed his mentality.

Especially when Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama fully supported Xia Yan, he stood by Xia Yan's side with the firmest attitude.

I have to say that the battle three years ago had a really great impact, and the appearance of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama also had a great impact.

If you ask those who watched the battle now, I am afraid they will only remember the thousand-meter-high thousands of hands.

And the figure flying in the air, wrapped in azure blue and full of destructive aura, and the woman with silver hair and white eyes who appeared behind the figure after gently waving the Ninja sword.

If I had to describe that sword, I can only use the words "destroying heaven and earth".

Under the cover of that knife, the thousand-meter-high Buddha statue was actually split into two.

Even though the Buddha statue launched a crazy attack, it did not cause any harm to Xia Yan!

Of course, this was just what they saw. Xia Yan resisted the thousands of hands on top of the Buddha, but he actually didn't feel comfortable at all.

Even if he used two Taoist Jade to resist, don't forget that Senju Hashirama used celestial magic.

The two Dao-seeking jade were almost shattered by the Buddha on top, but the terrifying power was still transmitted to Xia Yan through the Dao-seeking jade.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had the Sage Mode foundation and turned on the Pure Eye Chakra Mode, he might have been cold under this attack.

To put it bluntly, Xia Yan seemed to be fine, but he was indeed injured internally.

It took him a month of rest to recover from such an internal injury!

I can only say that Senju Hashirama truly deserves to be Senju Hashirama, and the God of the Ninja World truly deserves to be the God of the Ninja World.

Even now they are happy to give Xia Yan the title of God of the Ninja World, but Xia Yan really doesn't have much interest in it.

Although he was quite happy, after all, it was very helpful for his mission, but he also knew that he was still far away from the so-called real God.

Just as Xia Yan was thinking, Kakashi walked in with a man wrapped in black clothes, and now Xia Yan came back to his senses.

"Are you here?" Xia Yan raised his head, with a smile on his face: "What do you want to see me for this time, Nagato?"

"Hokage-sama." 'Zero' slowly took off his black clothes. He took a serious look at Xia Yan, and then bowed to Xia Yan very honestly and respectfully.

The boy Nagato is now very respectful towards Natsu Yan, but this respect is not because of Natsu Yan's strength.

After all, the competition between Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama was only known to a few people, and Nagato was obviously not qualified to watch the battle.

But this does not hinder his infinite respect for Xia Yan, because he has seen the success of what Xia Yan has done in the past three years, and because he has seen living dead people!

The speed and efficiency of ninjas are beyond what ordinary people can compare with.

After Nagato cleared up those people in Yunin Village who were unwilling to 'cooperate' with Konoha, Konoha also quickly found a new 'cooperator' under the choice of Nara Shikaki.

This 'partner' is very smart and honest. Although he also has some small thoughts of his own, he knows very well who gave him everything.

At the same time, he also knew that although he could get all this now, if he dissatisfied Konoha by then, everything he had would be in vain!

Fortunately, he himself has a very favorable impression of Konoha, and with the entry of a large amount of manpower, material resources and funds from Konoha, Yunin Village has also been fully constructed and developed.

Moreover, in order to drive the Yunoha Village to gradually become self-sufficient, Konoha will let Konoha ninjas cooperate with them to complete some tasks in Yunoha.

They will even be assigned a certain share of tasks, which gives their ninjas enough opportunities to train themselves after receiving training and training from Konoha.

Moreover, after the trade routes between the two sides were opened, trade exchanges became more frequent, and the economies of both sides also developed effectively.

It is almost visible to the naked eye. Tang Zhiguo has now changed from the kind of existence that 'looks like it has a bleak future' to the kind of existence that 'looks at it like it has a bright future'!

And now Yunin Village is also taking the initiative to discuss with Konoha about the admission of their school-age children to Konoha Ninja Academy. If this is implemented, Yunin Village will also receive huge benefits.

Similarly, Konoha also got everything it wanted with the cooperation between the two parties.

In the final analysis, Konoha still dominates the cooperation between the two parties. Even if Natsuhiko does not go too far to cheat the Tang Ninja Village, he still has to safeguard his own interests.

Therefore, all kinds of mineral resources in the country of Yunoha are pouring into Konoha like crazy, and there are also many areas for Konoha to invest.

And with the entry of such investment, Yuno Country's already good tourism industry has become even better.

As for the Konoha Ninja School enrolling school-age children from the Country of Yu, Konoha can also make a lot of money from this.

Not to mention that they have to pay tuition when they come here, Konoha can earn back the money by charging dormitory fees for building their accommodation, providing them with three meals a day, etc.

When cultivating these little guys, focus on instilling the ‘will of fire’ so that they can identify with Konoha from the bottom of their hearts. This will be an unimaginable benefit to Konoha’s future!

Under the leadership of Konoha, both sides get what they need, and under the leadership of Konoha, Yunin Village is prosperous. Nagato sees all this, and he is envious from the bottom of his heart.

The Tang Ninja Village now and the Yu Ninja Village three years ago are really not the same!

He has now fully recognized the model formulated by Xia Yan. As long as it spreads, it will definitely bring peace to the ninja world.

And only the rich and powerful Konoha can do this. If it were any other village, the terrifying upfront investment would have completely crushed them.

Even if you have the ability, you may not have the courage to do it.

What Nagato longs for most now is that Natsuhiko can set his sights on the Land of Rain. He really longs for his hometown to become rich.

In addition, there is one thing that he desires very much, that is, he hopes that Natsuhiko can resurrect Yahiko!


"Tell me, do you have any business with me this time?"

Natsuhiko sat in his seat, his eyes swept over Nagato, and then he couldn't help but ask with a smile.

Natsuhiko has seen the changes in the boy Nagato in the past three years, and with Yahiko's presence, his IQ seems to have begun to return to his own brain.

Moreover, Obito didn't have much time to visit him in the past three years, so he could be said to have lived a very comfortable life.

Although he is still looking for new members of the Akatsuki organization, his goals and objectives have long since changed.

And in the past three years, Qianju Tojian's experiments have also made quite a breakthrough.

Even if Nagato's curse seal has not been completely solved, there is still no problem in helping him resist the curse seal's outbreak.

Nagato now has a good impression of Konoha, although he knows very well that the death of his parents was caused by Konoha.

But what he knew better was that Konoha really couldn't be blamed for the outbreak of World War II.

That was when their Amegakure village declared war on Konoha, which forced Konoha to send troops to fight.

War is inherently cruel. If you declare war on me, will I still be polite to you?

Nagato put himself in his shoes and thought about it. If other people's villages declared war on him, would he feel any hatred?

After entering the enemy's village, will you be more careful when encountering resistance? Will the chance of misunderstanding increase?

What people fear most is to put themselves in someone else's shoes and empathize with others. Nagato couldn't help but sigh when he thought about these things clearly.

But fortunately, he still has Yahiko helping him now.

At this time, Yahiko was still in the Kingdom of Yu. Over the years, he, Yahiko, and Konan had witnessed all the changes in the Kingdom of Yu.

Although what they did in the Kingdom of Yu was to suppress some people who disobeyed Konoha, their actions were also recognized by the people of the Kingdom of Yu.

The most important thing is that they saw something in Yu no Kuni, and that was hope!

The seeds of hope have taken root and sprouted. This is the most valuable thing. He really hopes that such seeds can appear in the Kingdom of Rain.

"Lord Hokage, you are here to report on a rebel organization we dealt with before."

Nagato lowered his head slightly. He was extremely arrogant in front of others, but when facing Xia Yan, he really had no arrogance at all.

This was not only Xia Yan's strength that impressed him, but also Xia Yan's policies and resurrection techniques that convinced him.

"There seems to be someone else behind this organization. Yahiko is investigating now, and I'm here to report the situation."

"Is that so?"

Xia Yan nodded slightly, he was really not that surprised by such an answer.

Xia Yan showed his strength without making too many moves, which let everyone know that Xia Yan is a person who abides by the rules.

Therefore, they would never dare to do anything bad overtly against Konoha, but it is not impossible to do something secretly.

Even if Natsuhiko gets angry and blames the past, they can definitely come up with a scapegoat who hates Konoha.

To put it bluntly, these things are the result of the shadows in other villages turning a blind eye.

This does not go beyond the rules. Once the rules are exceeded, someone will take the blame.

"Let's investigate slowly. Although we are not afraid of trouble, it would be nice to solve some troubles."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan nodded slightly and then said with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work. Without your help, the Kingdom of Rain would not be able to recover so quickly."

"This is what we should do. We promised Mr. Hokage that we will definitely do it."

Nagato's voice was calm and soothing. He raised his head slightly and looked at Xia Yan. His expression suddenly looked hesitant.

But soon this hesitation disappeared, his expression was completely replaced by determination, and he spoke seriously.

"Hokage-sama, the construction plan of the Kingdom of Yu has been basically completed. I wonder what plans Hokage-sama has next?"


Natsuhiko glanced at Nagato, and then the smile on his face became even brighter.

How could he not know about Nagato's little thoughts? In other words, Nagato never concealed his thoughts at all.

This guy has only two thoughts, one is Rain Country and the other is Yahiko.

For three years, Xia Yan basically asked Hidan to cooperate with the resurrection once a year.

And Hidan's ability was also noticed by Senju Hashirama, so Senju Hashirama did not stop studying Hidan.

But Senju Hashirama was not a fool after all. He knew that Natsuhiko valued Hidan's ability and planned to train this kid to become a Konoha man.

Therefore, the methods he adopted were very gentle. While teaching Hidan a lot of things, he was also silently adding a bond to Konoha in this kid's heart.

Smart people know what position they are in and what attitude they should adopt to complete the task better.

Senju Tobirama was already a master in this field, but Hidan, a young boy who was new to the world, almost knelt down and called Senju Tobirama his father.

Currently, there are four people who have been resurrected in Konoha, including Hatake Sakumo at the beginning.

Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama and Lin have all been resurrected by Xia Yan.

Originally, Kakashi planned to be the first to resurrect Obito, but unfortunately, Obito died so cleanly during his lifetime that he left nothing behind at all.

Kakashi is still looking for Obito's body materials, so Natsuhiko resurrected Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama first.

The resurrection of these two good people, coupled with the presence of Hatake Sakumo, immediately made Konoha's top management understand one thing.

That is their fifth generation Hokage, but he has the ability to bring the dead back to life!

Therefore, each of these people works very hard. After so many years of war, who has not had some relatives who died unexpectedly?

They all long for the day when they can get this quota, or use this quota for themselves!

What Nagato is thinking now is actually very simple, that is, he hopes he can get Xia Yan to help.

Yahiko is still in the state of being reincarnated in the dirt, and he really doesn't want to continue in this state.

"There is actually a plan. We are currently investigating the Country of Tea, the Country of Waves and the Country of Rain."

Natsuhiko looked at Nagato calmly. He knocked on the table lightly before continuing.

"Actually, I know what you think. We will give more consideration to the Kingdom of Rain, but we don't have too much in-depth understanding of the Kingdom of Rain..."

"Lord Hokage, whatever you want to know, I will definitely give you the relevant information as soon as possible!"

Nagato didn't wait for Natsuhiko to finish speaking, he immediately spoke.

"If you want to send someone in to investigate, that's no problem. I will definitely let the ninjas from the Country of Rain fully cooperate with you."

"Is that so?"

Xia Yan seemed to be lost in thought, and it took him a long time before he smiled and nodded.

"Yes, after all, the Kingdom of Rain is in the process of the handover of the Three Kingdoms. If the strength of the Kingdom of Rain can be improved, the Kingdom of Fire will be safer.

Don't be angry at what I said. After all, the geographical location of the Rain Country is too sensitive, and since it rains all year round, we are not sure whether it has enough resources. "

"Don't worry, Hokage-sama."

Nagato didn't pay attention to what Natsu Yan said, but he assured Natsu Yan seriously.

"This is a fact. Yahiko also mentioned this issue before I came here. We will definitely cooperate with Hokage-sama fully."

"Very well, thank you for the hard work."

Xia Yan smiled and nodded, and finally he said a little more seriously.

"If this matter is handled well, then I can't give you a gift in the future.

For example, Yahiko is truly alive.

Okay, let's go down, we still need to discuss this matter slowly. "

"Yes, Hokage-sama..."


"Is this how you take advantage of him?"

After Nagato completely left the Hokage's office and quickly disappeared on the streets of Konoha, Kakashi spoke with some dissatisfaction.

Naturally, he was not dissatisfied with Xia Yan, but with this guy Nagato.

Of course he knew that Nagato had always wanted to resurrect his companion, but he had no excuse so he never spoke.

But Nagato, the stupid young man, has come into contact with a group of old foxes. Even Kakashi's current acuity is very high. He naturally knows what this guy is thinking.

Natsuhiko has now made a promise to Nagato. Although he did not say the specific time at all, it can be considered confirmed in any case.

Although Kakashi would not question Natsuhiko for being so cheap to an outsider, he would still be somewhat unhappy that this kid Nagato had taken away the opportunity that belonged to the Konoha ninjas.

"This is not cheap, and his efforts are not small. We cannot be stingy with the benefits that should be given, not to mention that this technique does not cost us much."

Natsuhiko didn't care about Kakashi's statement. He smiled casually and then asked.

"By the way, how is Lin now?"

"Not bad, she's doing well in the medical office."

As soon as he mentioned Lin, Kakashi's exposed eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with the situation of his good friend.

After Nohara Rin was resurrected, she was really uncomfortable with it at first, especially since she didn't trust everything in front of her at first, so she still had some subtle resistance.

But when Natsuhiko brought them back to Konoha, everything about Lin changed.

Looking at everything that was familiar yet unfamiliar in front of her, watching her former partners grow up, and listening to all the stories about Konoha over the years, she slowly began to believe it all.

Now she finally knew what was going on with her. It turned out that the Nidaime Hokage really invented a forbidden technique, a forbidden technique that could revive the dead.

And the Godaime Hokage, her former classmate, actually invented a forbidden technique that allowed the reincarnation of the dirty earth to completely become a living person.

This means that she can now be resurrected!

This news hit her brain for the second time. She didn't believe it the first time, but now she completely believes it.

It's just that Lin is a qualified Konoha ninja after all. She thinks that even if she survives, she won't be of much value, so she wants to give up all this.

However, amid Kakashi's narration and persuasion, she finally accepted such an opportunity. After all, according to the Fifth Hokage, she was considered a test subject.

Lin, who was completely resurrected, also needed to adapt to life in Konoha again. After all, the age she was resurrected was the same age she died.

This also means that she is almost five or six years older than her classmates of the same age!

For her, it was not really a good experience, not to mention that there were many outstanding students among these classmates.

For example, the former Fukami Natsuhiko was actually an anonymous descendant of the Senju clan. His real name was Senju Natsuhiko, and now he is the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village.

And her best friend and teammate Kakashi is now the head of the ANBU.

In addition, Uchiha Qiong, who had the closest relationship with Xia Yan back then, became the chief private secretary of the secretarial department.

Although she doesn't know what you mean, but according to Kakashi, Uchiha Qiong's status is no worse than Kakashi.

There are also people like Akai, who are already working hard to become jounin.

This change made Lin happy and a little uncomfortable at the same time, but with Kakashi's help, she cheered up again and began to study hard and adapt.

However, her current identity is not suitable for exposure, or it is not suitable for exposure at the moment, so she is now anonymous and living in Kakashi's house.

"That's fine. I think I've gotten used to it a lot in three years."

Natsuhiko nodded, and then he bumped Kakashi's chest with his elbow with a smile.

"You've made a profit. You're five years younger than me, and you're already sixteen now. I think..."

"Hokage-sama, it's better not to make such a joke."

Kakashi interrupted Natsuhiko with an embarrassed look on his face. He couldn't stand such a joke, and he really didn't have such thoughts now.

"But Lin is resurrected, and there are still a lot of troubles over Obito. I haven't found his body yet, and I don't know what's going on with him now."

"It's okay, I believe you can definitely find it, and I will always give you this opportunity."

Natsuhiko patted Kakashi's shoulder gently. In fact, he knew that it was impossible for Kakashi to find Obito's body. After all, the kid was alive and well.

"By the way, there is one more thing I need to report, Hokage-sama."

"What's up?"

"I wonder if Hokage-sama still remembers that boy Shisui?"

"Of course, what happened to him?"

"He wants me to report to Lord Hokage that Uchiha is about to select a new clan leader..."


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