The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 316: Uchiha’s Son (Happy New Year~!)

Uchiha is going to select a clan leader. This news is definitely shocking enough to the outside world.

Changing the clan leader is not really a good thing for a family, because it may be full of conspiracy and betrayal.

This is the case with the Blood Successor Family itself. The patriarch of the family is basically a member of that branch and will almost never fall into the hands of others.

Unless the members of this clan leader's branch are completely dead, then they will consider replacing the members of the branch and let them become the new family patriarch to lead the family forward and develop.

Even if this is not the first time such a situation has happened to Uchiha - decades ago, Uchiha Madara defected to Konoha, which allowed the position of clan leader to fall on the branch of Uchiha Fugaku.

But at that time, it was a passive choice, and naturally no one would say anything bad.

Either defect to Konoha together, or stay in Konoha and change to a clan leader. Anyone with a sound mind knows how to choose such a multiple-choice question.

But the situation now is really different. Uchiha Fugaku is living well, and he has two sons who need to be replaced.

There is no conspiracy or betrayal here, and no one will believe it if I tell you.

But this matter is not a big deal to Natsuhiko, because it has been many years since he started replacing Uchiha.

Although his thoughts and actions have never been told to anyone, anyone with a clear head knows what Natsuhiko has done for Uchiha, and they have also guessed some of his purposes.

Therefore, this matter is really not an anecdote. Many big families know that maybe one day in the future, something special will happen to Uchiha.

It's just that this day has been a long time to wait, especially for Xia Yan.

He originally thought about letting Uchiha really get to the security department, and at the same time push Qiong to a higher position to make it easier for him to move.

As a result, after going round and round, the little guy Uchiha Sasuke was already eight years old, but Uchiha still didn't take action.

It's also interesting to say that after the battle between Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama ended three years ago, he got a piece of news that shocked him a little, that is, Naruto was back.

And this information also made Xia Yan suddenly realize that the two little guys, Naruto and Sasuke, seemed to be about to enter school!

Uchiha's development in the past few years has been good, especially with Natsuhiko's endorsement, and they have also received certain support from Konoha.

But this support is for the Security Department, for Uchiha Shin, and has nothing to do with Uchiha Fugaku Shin.

And Uchiha Fugaku seemed to see his current predicament, especially with Natsuhiko's rise to power, he knew that his situation was getting worse and worse.

Therefore, he also found a way to start struggling. He had long known that Uchiha was really behind Natsuhiko, or he thought that it was Natsuhiko who was once Namikaze Minato.

If Uchiha can really do it, why can't he?

Didn't Uchiha really send Uchiha Shisui to the Anbu to build a connection between the top management of Konoha and the Uchiha clan?

Shisui has a very good relationship with his son Uchiha Itachi, and his son is recognized by Uchiha as a genius. He graduated from the ninja school when he was six years old.

In addition, as the clan leader's son, if he were sent to the ANBU, wouldn't the effect be as good as that brat Uchiha Shisui?

However, what Uchiha Fugaku didn't expect was that Natsuhiko had no intention of accepting Uchiha Itachi, which also led to Uchiha Itachi graduating early and still being a mission ninja until now!

Even though this kid still shows talent now, he is already a chuunin at a young age.

I'm afraid Uchiha Fugaku will never understand that just because of his overly indecisive character, he has been abandoned by Natsuhiko long ago.

Uchiha Itachi is very powerful, and he is also an Uchiha with the potential to activate the Mangekyō Sharingan.

But so what?

Would Xia Yan take a pair of kaleidoscopes seriously now?

There are two guys in Konoha, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama. Is a pair of kaleidoscopes worth paying attention to and looking forward to?

Not to mention Uchiha Itachi's potential, Uchiha Fugaku also possesses the Mangekyō Sharingan, but what is the result?

If Xia Yan quietly gouged out his eye, he wouldn't even be able to resist.

It can be said that Natsuhiko chose Uchiha Makoto, and no matter what Uchiha Makoto's purpose was, after making the right choice, Natsuhiko had no idea of ​​replacing him.

"Are you going to replace someone? This is really a good thing."

After Kakashi left the office, Natsuhiko couldn't help but think silently in his heart.

There have been great changes in the past few years, and Konoha is getting closer and closer to the one in my memory, but many people have become different.

Naruto was sent back by Namikaze Minato. This little guy is no longer the 'nine-tailed demon fox' in the original work that no one cares about and is even filled with disgust.

He knew who his parents were, and he had received a good education since childhood. It could be said that even if this little guy returned to Konoha alone, he would no longer be the same Naruto.

Besides, how could Namikaze Minato let his child suffer injustice after returning to Konoha alone?

Originally Namikaze Minato's plan was to let Kakashi take care of Naruto, but now Natsuhiko is the Fifth Hokage and accepts his affection to a certain extent.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato finally decided that he hoped to let Natsuhiko take care of his son.

Xia Yan didn't refuse this kind of thing. Anyway, he already had an 'Asura Inheritor' by his side, so it wouldn't be a big deal to have one more.

And Natsuhiko is also full of bad taste. He knows Naruto's special identity, plus this kid doesn't have the Nine-Tails chakra now.

He was very curious about what Naruto would develop into in the future, especially what he would become under the training of this guy Senju Hashirama!

Therefore, Natsuhiko asked Senju Shoma to arrange a residence for Naruto not far from him so that he could take care of him.

At the same time, he also asked Lianhua's mother to go over more often to help take care of his life, and Lianhua's mother completely agreed with this.

She could naturally see that her daughter had a substantial relationship with the young man who was the best in the clan and had become the Fifth Hokage.

She had no objection at all to this matter. Not to mention that Xia Yan saved their mother and daughter, Xia Yan and Lianhua were an unmarried couple, so it was impossible for her to object.

She had actually wanted to move out for a long time, but she didn't dare to take the initiative, and now that Natsuhiko wanted her to help take care of the Yondaime's son, she was naturally very willing.

With her care, Naruto's life is very good now, and with the guidance of Minato Namikaze and his wife, Naruto is also a very good and educated person.

In addition, Senju Hashirama was not opposed to teaching Naruto, and the two of them seemed to have known each other since the first time they met.

It can be said that Naruto's future is worth looking forward to. He has been in the ninja school for three years now.

Different from the original work, he is very popular in school, but one thing remains the same. He seems to have a good relationship with Sasuke in advance.

But Sasuke's life is not so smooth now. Even if his father says nothing, he can feel something from the atmosphere at home.

And Natsuhiko also noticed that the current time period seems to be the time period when the Uchiha clan was exterminated in the original work.


"Father, I'm sorry that I still failed."

In the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi stood quietly in front of Uchiha Fugaku.

His expression seemed calm, but his eyes flashed with helplessness and confusion.

He himself didn't know how many times this was the first time he had participated in ANBU selection. It seemed that he had started since he graduated from the ninja school at the age of six.

After so many years, he is now thirteen years old, but he has never been recognized by the ANBU!

He was confident that he would not be worse than Brother Shisui, but Brother Shisui had been a squad leader in the ANBU for many years and was one of the most favorable competitors for squadron leader.

He knew Brother Zhisui shouldn't say this kind of thing, but the relationship between them was so good that Zhisui would still tell him some things he shouldn't say.

However, Itachi was also a very strict man. He never revealed anything he shouldn't have said to others, including his father!

Of course, in addition to his strict mouth, he also learned a piece of news that made him unable to speak at all.

That is, the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha doesn't like his father at all. The reason why Shisui doesn't know is actually clear, but he also tried to give Itachi an explanation.

"Maybe it's because when the Uchiha clan's internal thoughts were not unified, the patriarch chose to stand on the radical side."

The idea of ​​the radical party is to seize the position of Hokage through force and achieve control of Konoha!

In fact, Shisui really misunderstood Uchiha Fugaku, because at the beginning he racked his brains to balance the two factions, or was waiting for who of the two factions would win to support whom.

To put it mildly, he is on the side of the majority, but to put it badly, he does not have any courage as a clan leader, which is completely a reflection of his indecision.

But Uchiha Itachi didn't know this. He still agreed with everything Shisui said, so he didn't dare to tell his father about similar things.

"Failed again?" Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but shook his head when he heard this. This news really disappointed him.

He really didn't know why Uchiha was really good, but he couldn't from beginning to end, and he never felt that Uchiha Itachi was worse than Uchiha Shisui.

And what he couldn't figure out even more was why Senju Natsuhiko chose Uchiha Makoto. Didn't he already have an Uchiha Makoto worth investing in?

Unable to figure it out, Uchiha Fugaku was really confused and depressed inside. This feeling really made him hate it.

There are only three things he hates most in his life. The first thing is that he was so powerless when his best friend was killed.

Under such helplessness, despair and crazy hatred, he awakened the power that the Uchiha clan dreamed of - the Mangekyō Sharingan!

And the second thing was that he hated himself for not making good use of his eyes!

Just because he was worried about going blind and worried that exposure of his eyes would cause inappropriate thoughts within the family, he had never used his eyes properly.

As a result, he was attacked by Orochimaru and his associates, and eventually one of his eyes was taken away!

This kind of pain is unbearable for anyone, especially as an Uchiha, he failed even though he had the Mangekyo Sharingan, and even lost one.

The pain he endured was ten thousand times that of ordinary people, and the hatred in his heart was also ten thousand times that of ordinary people!

And the third thing that filled his heart with resentment was that he still didn't understand why Konoha's higher-ups didn't choose to cooperate with him.

Instead, he chose the most risky and chilling option to overthrow him and choose a new clan leader and collaborator!

Isn't Konoha's approach afraid of causing backlash from other families?

This idea has been lingering in his heart, but what makes him even more chilling is that as the Security Department becomes more and more powerful, other families seem to have acquiesced in this happening.

This made Uchiha Fugaku really depressed. He really didn't know what was happening.

In such an environment, my own children were also affected.

He always wanted Itachi to enter the Anbu so that he could get on the line with the top management of Konoha, but as a result, his idea could not be realized at all.

The most terrible thing is that Itachi cannot enter the security department, which also means that Itachi can only be an ordinary mission ninja now. How can this make him not angry and resentful?

The atmosphere began to become a little depressing. Both Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi were very uneasy at this time.

Even though they don't seem to care about the results, and they are all extremely calm, how can something like this make them really uneasy?

"Father, brother, I'm back!"

At this moment, a young voice suddenly came through, and this voice instantly broke the silence between Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fugaku.

Finally, Uchiha Fugaku sighed heavily and closed his only remaining eye.

Uchiha Itachi also turned around and showed a smile, preparing to welcome the child who was about to come in.

Itachi was actually a little dissatisfied with the family affairs. According to Shisui, his father was tantamount to betraying Konoha.

When he was still young, he didn't understand many things very well, but now that he has grown up, he really doesn't understand his father's choices back then.

What's wrong with Konoha now?

Even if we don't talk about the present, Konoha as a whole, Uchiha is a member of the village, so why does he still make unacceptable choices?

After Uchiha Itachi accepted Shisui's words, he had sincerely decided that the fault lay with his father, not with the Fifth Hokage.

On the contrary, the Fifth Hokage, who single-handedly resolved the war between Konoha and Kumogakure, seemed to him to be a rational and tolerant Hokage.

The current development of Uchiha is actually very good, there is no doubt about this, even if this development has nothing to do with his father.

But it is a fact that it has developed, and the true elder Uchiha, under the instruction of the Fifth Hokage, has gradually brought the family and the village closer together.

Isn't this a good thing?

What's more, such an important position as Hokage can be replaced and selected based on actual leadership, so why can't the family do the same?

In Uchiha Itachi's heart, he actually didn't think there was anything wrong with changing the clan leader within the family.

Even he did like that he could enter the Anbu and use his power to contribute to Konoha.

But if he enters the Anbu with other selfish desires, he really doesn't have much will, or in other words, even if he enters, he will not provide any information to his father!

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Itachi turned around to find his younger brother. Even if he had a lot of emotions in his heart, he would never let his younger brother see these emotions.

Because his younger brother is one of the loves in his heart...


"I heard that there is going to be an election within your clan, right?"

In the Hokage's office, Xia Yan was waiting patiently for Xia Yan's time to come, while looking at Qiong who was sorting out documents next to him with a smile on his face.

Three years have passed, and now Qiongya is becoming more and more beautiful, especially her unique gentleness that belongs to the women of the Uchiha clan, which Natsumi enjoys endlessly.

Now Qiong's strength is also very good, especially after Natsuhiko gave the Sharingan fruit to Qiong, she also has the power of Sharingan.

Of course, Xia Yan still defined this matter as a secret, and no matter how shocked Qiong was by what Xia Yan gave her, she couldn't say a single word.

Perhaps she has seen Natsuhiko's power as the god of the ninja world, and also experienced the fire attribute chakra fruit that Natsuhiko gave her.

She was not surprised that Natsuhiko allowed her to open the Sharingan, but the change in her attitude towards Natsuhiko was also very obvious.

Such an attitude made Xia Yan know that he probably didn't need to be tough. He could just take the girl home and everything that should happen would happen.

After all, their relationship has been there since childhood, and Senju Hashirama is still supporting Xia Yan, so Xia Yan doesn't need to worry about anything at all.

Even the old guy Uchiha Makoto seemed to understand something, so even if he knew that Xia Yan had a fiancée, he never paid attention to Qiong's problem.

Even if there are people in the clan, they hope to be engaged to the woman who actually holds the greatest power in the Uchiha clan.

But as a result, apart from receiving a stern warning from the clan, they no longer had any other choice, but this made them understand one thing.

That is Miss Qiong. I am afraid she already has a place to belong to. They have absolutely no possibility or hope.

"Yes, there is such a thing."

Qiong nodded slightly, then she smiled slightly and said softly.

"It's been so long, and grandpa has already taken over almost all the power in the clan. Although his behavior is a little more conservative, it's more stable this way."

"It is indeed a bit conservative. Think about it, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye. I still remember the way he looked when he found out that I was the ANBU captain."

As if he thought of something funny, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

Qiong Ze smiled helplessly and shook her head. She also knew the story between her grandfather and Xia Yan, and her grandfather was frightened by Xia Yan.

But it wasn't just his grandfather, even Qiong himself was frightened when he learned Xia Yan's true identity.

She really didn't expect that this boy who was born a commoner and who took great care of her in the ninja school would already be in such a high and powerful position.

You know, she once thought about finding an opportunity to help Xia Yan.

"You hid it too well."

After Qiong put the files in order, she walked silently behind Xia Yan, and then she stretched out her hand to gently massage Xia Yan's shoulder muscles.

"If I hadn't unexpectedly met you and Qiong at the meatball shop that time, I would never have thought that such a gentle person like you could be a member of ANBU.

And you will be the most authoritative minister among the cold-blooded ANBU. Xia Yan, you really scared me back then. "


Xia Yan smiled slightly, then he reached out and grabbed Qiong's left hand with his right hand.

Qiong didn't resist, nor did she feel any discomfort. Instead, she put her hands down and hugged Xia Yan.

And her head was lowered, her chin rested on Xia Yan's shoulder, and her face was pressed against Xia Yan's.

"Then I can only apologize. After all, I couldn't help myself back then. In fact, I couldn't help doing many things.

For those of us who are not pure ninjas, sometimes we have too few choices. "

"But we succeeded too, didn't we?"

Qiong's voice sounded in Xia Yan's ears, and the temperature and humidity she brought when she spoke also appeared in Xia Yan's ears.

"Actually, even if you are an ordinary ninja, I will find a way to help you.

There are still many ninjutsu scrolls in the Uchiha clan. As long as they match your attributes, I can think of ways to bring them to you.

There isn't much I can do, but I think I will try my best to prevent people from being stuck in the ordinary. "

Qiong's voice was still so soft, and what she said did not appear to have much emotional fluctuations, but Xia Yan could hear the determination in her words.

He could imagine that if he was really an ordinary ninja and met her again, she might really be able to do such a thing.


With a slight sigh, Xia Yan finally said these two words and then fell silent.

Of course he could feel this woman's feelings for him. Sometimes Xia Yan was really confused.

How could he abduct such an Uchiha girl when he had obviously never done anything.

Could it be that I accidentally learned Naruto Ippo when I was a child, and did it really have such an effect?

After gently stroking Qiong's hand, Xia Yan didn't intend to dwell on this matter anymore. After all, it was his and he wouldn't let it go.

And his strength and position lie here. Who dares to say anything that doesn't make him unhappy? It's hard for him to say whether it will make the person who speaks it unhappy and his whole family unhappy.

What's more, it's impossible for Qiong not to know about her relationship with Lianhua. She has already made her choice. How can she still be afraid?

After thinking for a moment, Xia Yan suddenly smiled and said, "By the way, are you sure about this election?"

"It's very certain."

When Xia Yan started talking about business, Qiong wanted to stand up straight.

However, she found that Xia Yan was still holding her hand to prevent her from moving immediately, and she also smiled and cooperated with Xia Yan not to move around.

"In fact, in my opinion, the grasp should be comprehensive, but my grandfather was too careful.

Chief Fugaku didn't have enough prestigious people to support him. He always wanted his children to enter the ANBU, but Kakashi stopped him.

He has no channels to contact and communicate with us, which makes him lose even more points. I believe he will not have a chance. "

"Is that so?"

Natsuhiko nodded. He knew that Uchiha Itachi wanted to join the ANBU. He was the one who ordered Kakashi to stop Itachi.

Now that he has already taken action against Uchiha Fugaku, even though he knows that Uchiha Itachi is a super young man, he knows that others don't know.

He didn't want to cause misunderstandings between Uchiha Zhen and Qiong, so how could Natsuhiko let Uchiha Itachi join the ANBU?

However, considering Uchiha Itachi's super cool personality, Natsuhiko suddenly had a bad taste.

Wouldn't Uchiha have to conduct a vote among all members? If Uchiha Itachi stabbed Uchiha Fugaku hard in the back at this moment.

And this time point seems to be the time when the Uchiha clan was destroyed in the original work. Wouldn't this be interesting?

"Let's go, accompany me to meet someone." Thinking of this, Xia Yan made a decision directly.

"Oh?" Qiong blinked and asked curiously, "Who are we going to see?"

"A very interesting person, and a member of your family."

"Then I want to see who the interesting person in Xia Yanjun's eyes is."


"That's it for today's training."

In the forest behind the Uchiha clan, Itachi Uchiha smiled and said to Sasuke.

It was already approaching dusk, and Sasuke was already panting from exhaustion. It was naturally impossible for Itachi to continue training.

Although he wanted to do it too, because with Sasuke he didn't need to think about so many disturbing things, and he could feel the joy in his heart.

But Sasuke is still a child after all, and his body cannot withstand such high-intensity training.

Although he was really not particularly satisfied with the results of Sasuke's training.

But after all, Sasuke is his younger brother. He hopes that his younger brother can grow up safely, and he can completely protect Sasuke from the wind and rain.


Sasuke breathed heavily, and then he looked unwillingly at the wooden targets scattered around.

The distribution of these wooden targets is not regular, but there are many kunai on or around them.

Obviously, this kid Sasuke is practicing his kunai throwing skills, but it is a pity that his throwing skills are completely incomparable with his brother.

When he was young, Uchiha Itachi could easily make all kunai hit the target through refraction.

But Sasuke couldn't do all this well at all. Even if the kunai stabbed the wooden target, it didn't hit the center.

"Brother, let me take a break and try again, I..."

"Your body has reached its limit. There is no need to force yourself."

After Itachi heard Sasuke's words, he couldn't help but laugh, especially when he saw Sasuke's unwilling eyes, he couldn't help but slowly walked over.

Stretching out his hand, Itachi pointed lightly at Sasuke's forehead, but the moment he touched his forehead, he also added a little more force.

With this gentle push, Sasuke couldn't help but take a step back, but due to hesitation and fatigue, he sat down on the ground.

"Look at how tired you are now. It's a good thing to be motivated in training, but you must also balance work with rest, otherwise you will get injured."

As he spoke, Itachi stretched out his hand to Sasuke, while Sasuke pouted, and finally took his brother's hand.

"I understand, that's it for today."

Looking at Sasuke's appearance, the smile on Itachi's face couldn't help but grow wider.

However, at this moment, his face froze slightly, and then his smile began to become a little forced.

He looked at Sasuke in front of him with anxiety flashing in his eyes, and finally he forced a smile and spoke.

"Sasuke, you go back first, I'll clean up this place first."

"Brother, I'll wait for you. I can still help you."

Sasuke couldn't help but shook his head when he heard Itachi's words. He didn't want to be separated from his brother so soon.

"Obey, you go back first, I will follow you soon, other people's parents are worried."

Itachi stopped Sasuke without hesitation, he would never let Sasuke stay here!

"elder brother...."

When Sasuke saw Itachi's determined attitude, he was a little angry. He just wanted to help, but his brother turned out to be like this.

But he also knew that if his brother made his decision, he couldn't change it, so in the end he could only pouted and turned around and left.

Itachi stood there quietly. He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, they had turned into a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan eyes!

Uchiha Itachi's talent is still very terrifying. Even if he has not entered the ANBU, he is still very strong at the chuunin stage, and he has also received many high-level tasks.

Under the training of such tasks, his eyes have also been greatly improved. At this time, he has quietly reached the level of three magatama!

"Come out." Uchiha Itachi shouted coldly: "There is no need for this in Konoha, it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

"Are you alert, little one?"

At this moment, a gentle voice suddenly sounded, and this voice made Itachi's body stiffen slightly.

Because this voice actually appeared behind him, and he had heard this voice before. Even though the owner of this voice was really far away from him, he did remember it.

Turning around, Uchiha Itachi looked at the two people standing behind him. He immediately closed his Sharingan and half-knelt on the ground.

"Hokage-sama, Sora-sama!"

"Get up, kid."

Xia Yan smiled softly, holding Qiong's hand and slowly walked to Itachi.

"The alertness is very good, and the eyes are also very good. Among the younger generation of Uchiha, I'm afraid you are the only one besides Shisui."

"Thank you for your kind words, Hokage-sama."

Itachi stood up slowly, but he still lowered his head and did not dare to raise it easily.

The person standing in front of him was the Uchiha clan, actually the most powerful person in Konoha.

The other one is the Fifth Generation Hokage who led Konoha to defeat Kumogakure and allowed Konoha to develop to a new level!

No matter who these two people were, Uchiha Itachi had great respect. At first, he only felt the attack of chakra, and he had no idea who the identity of the person was.

And now that the identities of these two people have been confirmed, how can Uchiha Itachi not be excited?


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