While he was extremely excited to find Uchiha Itachi, Natsuhiko was also sizing up the brat in front of him.

Among the original works, if you want to say the guy who makes people feel the most contradictory and entangled.

I'm afraid that no one dares to say that they are number one, even if they say they are second to this kid in front of me.

Uchiha Itachi is an extremely contradictory person. From the perspective of the village, what he has done is actually quite commendable.

Because he maintained the peace of the village in his own way, even if his way was so stupid that it made people feel outrageous.

From the perspective of a family, his actions will only make people feel that he is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

After all, he could kill his entire clan and only leave his beloved younger brother behind. Such a guy would probably be despised anywhere else.

Natsuhiko thought more than once, if he was reborn in Uchiha instead of Senju, how he should survive the crisis in Uchiha.

And over the years, he has actually discovered that there are many ways to save Uchiha.

The method of wiping out this family is really hopelessly stupid!

Looking at Natsuhiko as an outsider, he can use some means to restrain Uchiha from heading towards the abyss.

As a member of the clan, doesn't he have a better way, especially since he is the son of Uchiha Fugaku.

However, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about this kind of thing. In his opinion, it was simply a matter of thinking and consciousness.

He cannot see the essence of the phenomenon at all, and his thinking and vision of the same problem are also deviated.

Perhaps this is due to education issues, which prevents him from analyzing some things from a higher dimension.

To be honest, Xia Yan really needs to be grateful for the education he received in his previous life.

Even though he, like most children, received nine years of compulsory education plus high school and college, which is a relatively common education process.

But there are really a lot of things he can learn, such as "seeing the essence through manifestation, connecting with reality" and so on.

In fact, these things are not necessarily taught abroad - as someone who has been abroad, he knows that many foreign countries do not have political courses.

Uchiha Itachi may be smart and courageous, but his thinking and vision have only reached the ceiling of the ninja world.

He can't do it when he goes up. He can't see or think, so the means of doing things are just the stupidest ones in Xia Yan's opinion.

But no matter what, stupidity also has its advantages, not to mention that this boy is really loyal to Konoha in the original work.

And now, although he has not experienced so many ups and downs, Uchiha has been changed by himself.

Whether this kid is as loyal to Konoha as in the original work is indeed worth thinking about.

However, based on past intelligence, he seems to be more biased towards Konoha.

This is also one of the reasons why Natsuhiko came here. He planned to make good use of some Uchiha Itachi.

"Keep your head up."

Natsuhiko looked at Itachi Uchiha, who kept his head lowered, and he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

"Keep respect, fear, or disgust in your heart, and hold your head high when speaking to others, you know?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Itachi hesitated slightly, but in the end he raised his head and looked at Xia Yan very obediently.

"Very good. I heard Shisui say it when I was in Anbu. He said that you are a more talented person than him."

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Itachi calmly, with a smile on his lips and said slowly.

"Both your talent and your character surpass him. He also said that you would be an excellent Konoha ninja."

"Hokage-sama and Shisui-sama are so complimentary."

Although Itachi was extremely happy when he heard this, because it was recognition of him, not to mention that these words came from Xia Yan's mouth.

However, he still suppressed his excitement and shook his head slightly. Although he was happy, he could not get carried away.

"Brother Shisui is the best, I have been learning from him.

And Hokage-sama is the best ninja. What I long for is to become a ninja like Hokage-sama! "


Xia Yan chuckled lightly, and he raised Qiong's hand slightly and waved it in front of Itachi's eyes.

“But it’s not good to be like me. Even though everyone doesn’t say it or dare to say it, I still know it.

Don't say that everyone makes mistakes. I don't think I made any mistakes, because sometimes people have to follow their own hearts.

As long as you don't violate principles and rules, you have a clear conscience. "

Xia Yan's actions made Qiong look at him, but Qiong didn't mean to object or resist. To her, this was not necessary at all.

After all, she had already made her decision, and Xia Yan would only be happy if she admitted it like this.

Itachi was a little embarrassed at first. He had actually noticed Xia Yan holding Qiong's hand, but he didn't dare to say such a thing.

But Xia Yan admitted it in front of him, and he was 100% sure that it was really impossible for this senior in his family to marry anyone in the family.

As the son of Uchiha Fugaku, he also knew more or less some information.

For example, when the Fifth Hokage was a child, he was in the same class as Qiong, and they had a very good relationship when they were young.

Now that we have reached this point, everything seems to be happy - except that the Hokage has a fiancée.

But Itachi didn't care about this kind of thing. After the embarrassment, he thought about it seriously. He didn't think that Xia Yan came to him just to tell him about his relationship with Qiong.

He is very self-aware. He doesn't think he is a big deal. Even if his father is different in the eyes of Hokage-sama, doesn't it mean nothing?

He determined that what the Hokage said before definitely meant something else.

Although he couldn't figure it out for the moment, he believed that Lord Hokage would forgive his stupidity, and Lord Hokage would definitely give him a direction to think about.

Sure enough, after just waiting for a while, Xia Yan spoke again.

"I heard that the clan leader is going to be re-elected within Uchiha."

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Itachi calmly, with a smile on his face at this time.

"I don't know what you think, after all, you are the clan leader's son, and you are also applying for the Jonin exam while applying to enter the ANBU.

Obviously you have your own thoughts and opinions, and you also have a certain say in the family.

So I'm very curious about you, but I don't know if you can tell me. "


Uchiha Itachi was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know how to speak for a moment.

Although he had his own thoughts in his heart, as the son of Uchiha Fugaku, he really couldn't speak freely.

But he didn't want to disappoint Xia Yan, or he didn't want to disappoint Naruto.

For a moment, Itachi seemed extremely confused, but this confusion made the smile on Xia Yan's face become even brighter.

He turned around, led Qiong and walked toward the outer edge, but he spoke as he walked.

"Sometimes you don't need to care about other people's opinions. Do you think Qiong and I care?

Remember what I said, you can make the right choice without violating your principles and rules.

In addition, you should remember that first of all you are a Konoha ninja, and secondly you are a ninja of the Uchiha clan. "

At this point, Xia Yan's voice stopped, and his and Qiong's figures also disappeared.

Itachi stood there blankly, and suddenly he lowered his head slightly again as if thinking deeply about something.

After a long while, his head slowly raised, and a firm look appeared in his eyes...


"Xia Yan, isn't this too cruel to that child?"

Walking on the streets of Konoha, looking at the sunset slowly setting in the sky, Qiong asked curiously.

She didn't have any unbearable thoughts, but she felt a little pity for Itachi's identity and situation.

After all, after following Xia Yan for so many years, she no longer had any thoughts about benevolence as a woman.

And as the true granddaughter of Uchiha, she is naturally opposed to Uchiha Fugaku and the others.

If it weren't for the gentleness and kindness in her character, maybe she wouldn't have asked such a question at all.

However, I like this Qiong Xiayan even more. On the basis of maintaining his original character, he can also deal with some key issues coldly.

What's more, she can also be of great help to him at work. Who wouldn't like such a person?

However, her question also seemed a bit funny to Natsuhiko. Was his behavior cruel to Itachi?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that it was a little bit normal, but the problem was that Itachi was a super cruel person.

It may seem a bit brilliant to others, but to him it is definitely not a cruel thing!

"Don't worry. Although this is my first time meeting this guy, I believe he is not an ordinary guy."

Xia Yan chuckled and slowly explained to Qiong. His voice was still so gentle, which made people feel very comfortable.

"And did you notice that kid's eyes? They are a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes. This kid also has great potential.

So I gave him a chance, a chance to figure out who he should be.

If he does well, I will give him a chance. Doesn't he want to enter ANBU? I will let him succeed.

If he refuses, I won't lose anything. At most, it's just a pity that a young and promising ninja chose the wrong path. "

Xia Yan spoke very calmly, and Qiong also nodded calmly.

The meaning of Natsuhiko's words is very clear, that is, he wants to see if Uchiha Itachi can make a real decision.

Even though this time may bring great misfortune to his father, it is obviously foreseeable that if he does it, Xia Yan will not treat him badly.

To be honest, Xia Yan's actions were not very upright, but Qiong also felt that this was a matter of course.

After all, from a standpoint, they are enemies, so why should enemies care about what they think?

Whether the method is cruel or not, shameless or not is not a big deal.

What winners always care about is the result, and they will not care about the process, because no matter how magnificent the process is, its essence is to serve the final victory.

Therefore, omitting such a process and looking directly at the answer you want is the most realistic mentality for people of their status.

"When you say that, I'm a little curious about what kind of decision this kid Itachi will make."

Qiong thought for a moment, and she couldn't help but smile.

"And I'm even more curious, if he does what you say, what kind of expression will the patriarch have?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure it will be very interesting."

Natsuhiko doesn't know exactly what will happen, but this does not prevent him from guessing Uchiha Fugaku's mentality.

After all, no matter who is stabbed in the back by his favorite son, his heart will explode.

However, this stabbing was just a stab in the heart. Natsuhiko felt that Uchiha Fugaku really should come to Dogeza to thank him.

If stabbed in the heart, at least he won't die. If it were stabbed in the body with a real knife, it would really be a sign of 'a loving father and a filial son'.

The two of them strolled along the street. Many ninjas smiled slightly when they saw them, or saluted from a distance to show respect.

They didn't step forward to disturb them, so these ninjas really respected Xia Yan very much.

After three years, Xia Yan's internal reforms have basically been completed, and Nara Shikaku also played an important role in this matter.

Now all three levels of ninjas in Konoha have received huge improvements in welfare, and special classes have also been launched in the ninja school.

The students targeted by these special classes are almost all 'students with partial subjects'. Of course, to put it in a nicer way, they are 'students with special talents'.

For this reason, Konoha has also specially deployed a lot of jounin to help these students develop their specialties thoroughly.

To be honest, these Jonin were not very happy at first because their tasks were already very heavy.

In order to maintain their Jonin level and not be pulled down, they need to complete the assessment.

These assessments include the number of tasks and the training of the students who lead the team.

Suddenly they are asked to help these little guys in school who are more partial to science. Isn't this a waste of their time?

Fortunately, Xia Yan finally made the decision and classified this matter as a bonus item in the assessment project, which immediately turned the situation around.

But this is also a pain for Nara Shikaku and the others, because it is not that easy to define the degree of 'extra points' when taking this matter into account.

These little guys have talents in this area, and it will be easier to develop them if they are properly trained.

This is much easier than the many jounin who have to work so hard to lead the team and do those dangerous tasks.

If such an extra point option does not have a suitable degree, it can easily lead to a collapse of the assessment.

But what reassures Natsuhiko is that Nara Shikaku and the others are doing a good job, at least for now it seems they haven't had any problems.

In addition, the Ninja Council created by Xia Yan was also carried out smoothly.

Ninjas of all levels can elect their own representatives to meet among themselves to collect issues to be solved.

And at the final conference at the end of the year, issues were raised to resolve these issues.

This obvious plagiarism approach satisfied all the ninjas.

Although not all conflicts can be resolved, after all, some problems still need to be overcome by themselves.

But this is not much better than before, and they can clearly feel that the village attaches great importance to them.

In such an environment, how could they not respect Xia Yan and disobey Xia Yan?

"I really like this feeling." When Xia Yan and Qiong were about to reach the door of the Uchiha clan, Qiong suddenly said softly.

"How does it feel to be with me?" Xia Yan tilted his head and asked curiously.

"I've always loved it, and it's never changed."

Qiong shook her head slightly, she turned to look at Xia Yan and chuckled lightly.

“I’m talking about other people’s respect for you, and that’s what makes me happiest.

Because this shows that Xia Yanjun has always been right, and I believe that Xia Yanjun will always be right in the future. "

"No one is right all the time, and I need everyone's help."

Xia Yan stretched out his hand and gently scratched Qiong's nose, and then said as needed with a smile.

"And everything in Konoha today is indispensable without your help."

"Xia Yanjun was the one who planned it, and I just put in a little effort."

Qiong shook her head slightly, then she raised her head and glanced at the gate of the Uchiha clan, and asked softly.

"Want to go in together and see what's going to happen tonight?"

"No need, I believe that with you here, he won't be able to cause any trouble."

Xia Yan thought for a moment and finally shook his head.

"And since I went in, the impact won't be very good. I'd better just let you guys handle this matter with peace of mind."

Having said this, Xia Yan also took the initiative to let go of Qiong's hand, and Qiong also nodded slightly.

Indeed, if Xia Yan was inside, it would easily cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

What's more, even if Xia Yan uses the transformation technique to get in, how will Xia Yan vote during the voting stage?

There is really no need to deal with this kind of matter personally. The most correct thing to do is to wait for the result with peace of mind.

Seeing Xia Yan wave his hand towards him, and then the Flying Thunder God Technique disappeared without a trace, Qiong closed his eyes slightly.

After a moment, she opened her eyes again, and just like Uchiha Itachi she went to see before, a determined look appeared in her eyes.

This operation was originally a sure thing. If Uchiha Itachi could switch sides, it would be easier.

But no matter whether Uchiha Itachi changes sides or not, she will not let this operation have any chance of failure.

She would never let anyone stand in her way, and she wouldn't let Xia Yan down.

In her opinion, everything Xia Yan did was right. Since it was right, she would definitely defend and execute it.

Although she didn't want to take action, she also didn't want unnecessary bloodshed.

But if necessary, she will do it.

After all, after staying in ANBU for so long and following Xia Yan for so long, even though Qiong is gentle, she cannot be gentle to everyone.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be no problems this time. If someone dares to cause trouble, I will let him know what regret is..."


When the Flying Thunder God landed, Natsuhiko had returned to his residence, but what surprised him was that Senju Hashirama was actually at his house with Naruto.

In order not to affect Xia Yan, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama only appeared in front of a few people, and others were completely unaware of their existence.

And when they want to go outside, they will also wear ANBU suits like Hatake Sakumo.

As for their identities, they are the same as Hatake Sakumo. They are promoted to the outside world as members of Natsuhiko's Guards.

The two previous Hokages serve as members of Natsuhiko's Shadow Guards. This kind of treatment is really not something that ordinary people can enjoy. After all, resurrecting these two people is not a simple matter.

The two Hokages are still living in Natsuhiko's home. Although Senju Xiangzhen said that he wanted to let the two return to their former residence, they both refused.

The place where they once lived is now Tsunade's home. Even if Tsunade is not in Konoha now, neither of them has any intention of going back.

Moreover, Xia Yan's home is large enough, with three floors and a basement, and there are enough rooms.

If you stay here, you can know the movements of Natsu Yan, the Hokage, earlier, plus some of Xia Yan's plans, why do they want to leave?

Although sometimes some embarrassments are inevitable, such as Xia Yan and Lianhua's 'parallel jogging', it is not a problem after they strengthened the seal.

Xia Yan was helpless about this. Even if he really wanted to drive away these two people, he really couldn't say this, and these two people were so honest, so he just let it go.

"Hey, you're back?" After Senju Hashirama saw Xia Yan, he couldn't help but smile and say hello.

Naruto also smiled after seeing Xia Yan: "Hokage-sama, good evening."

Naruto has been following Namikaze Minato for so many years. Although his character is still a little out of touch like Kushina, he is not what he was in the original work.

It can be said that Namikaze Minato taught him very well, and he did the same in school, treating everyone very well.

Except that when he met Sasuke, he started to develop in the direction of the original work, everything else can be said to be that he is not the Naruto in the original work.

"Long time no see, little one."

Natsuhiko smiled and rubbed Naruto's head, and then looked at Senju Hashirama under Naruto's eyes that were unhappy but did not dare to do anything.

"Well, you're back. Isn't Lianhua back yet?"

"Wouldn't this be a better question to ask you?"

Senju Hashirama was a little speechless, but soon he thought of something, so he showed a wicked smile.

"You're with that Uchiha girl, right? That's good. I like that kid."

"With her indeed, because something interesting is going on with the Uchiha."

Regarding Senju Hashirama's ridicule, Xia Yan had no intention of denying it, because it was the truth.

What's more, both parties have almost expressed their feelings, so Xia Yan naturally has no need to hide.

In addition, there are some important things today, such as what is about to happen in Uchiha, which is indeed worthy of Natsuhiko's attention, so he will naturally not deny it.

"Is something going to happen Uchiha?"

As soon as Senju Hashirama heard about Uchiha-related matters, he immediately became serious. It was obvious that he really cared about the Uchiha clan.

"What happened to them? I remember you were always supporting them. You even got all the girls from their family.

What else is going to happen to them? Also, aren't you going to do something? "

"Please, don't say it so harshly. What does it mean to get it?"

Xia Yantong couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard what these guys said. He felt that the First Hokage was really not good at speaking.

"We were in love with each other, and we couldn't get anything done.

Moreover, what does it mean for me to interfere in matters within their own family?

In addition, I do support them, but the problem is that I only support a certain faction and person within their family.

Even the person I support is not the Uchiha clan leader. Isn't it normal for them to have internal conflicts?

What they have to do now is to resolve conflicts. How can I, as Hokage, get involved in their affairs? "

"Their own internal conflicts?"

Although Senju Hashirama's reaction was a little slow, he was not stupid after all. He first patted Naruto, who looked curious, and asked him to go home first.

What they were talking about now was not suitable for others to hear, even if Naruto was just a child.

After sending away the curious Naruto, Senju Hashirama looked at Natsuhiko seriously.

"You mean, do the people from the faction you support want to get the position of clan leader?"

"Smart, indeed."

Xia Yan smiled and nodded. He found a seat and sat down, and then spoke slowly.

“Their patriarch is very unqualified, and he seems very indecisive on many major matters.

The person I support is called Uchiha Makoto. This guy contacted me when I was the ANBU minister, hoping to get help from Konoha and let Uchiha return to Konoha.

So I decided to help him. Whether in Konoha or in the security department, I taught him how to do it, and he has always been obedient.

This is how the Uchiha is now booming, but because of his expansion, he and Uchiha Fugaku are already on the same level.

What they have to do tonight is naturally to solve this problem. "

Natsuhiko spoke very slowly, and Senju Hashirama also listened very carefully. After being resurrected for so long, he naturally knows how Uchiha is developing now.

He also knew how the current Uchiha, with the help of Natsuhiko, truly walked into the arms of Konoha again.

But he really didn't investigate the twists and turns here. He was satisfied with the current situation of Uchiha, and he was not interested in other things.

Senju Tobirama did investigate, but he didn't talk too much to Senju Hashirama, so Senju Tobirama didn't really know much.

"Is that so?"

After Senju Hashirama figured out the information, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I really didn't expect that Uchiha would change the clan leader again. After Madara left Konoha, Uchiha changed once."

"Isn't this great? Since they have experience, it won't be unfamiliar to them."

Xia Yan said indifferently, and then he continued with a smile.

"But don't worry, everything has basically been arranged, and it's impossible for Uchiha to give up the good life he has now.

Likewise, the less I will allow Uchiha to cause any trouble. "

"As long as you have confidence, both Tobirama and Monkey owe Uchiha too much. By the way, is it true that the person you support is named Uchiha?"

"Yes, that's the old man. By the way, he is Qiong's grandfather."



Within the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku sat indifferently on the main seat, his eyes scanning everyone present.

Tonight is a shame for him, because his family actually has to elect a new clan leader to lead the Uchiha clan forward!

As the leader of the Uchiha clan, this incident was just a slap in the face. Even if the Uchiha clan leader was changed decades ago, the clan members could be considered as betraying the clan leader.

But that time it was Uchiha Madara who wanted to take everyone out of Konoha. This was essentially a wrong decision, so changing the clan leader that time was nothing.

What he was facing now was much more humiliating than what Uchiha Madara was back then, and he couldn't object or refuse at all.

Because the entire family has been almost conquered by that damn Uchiha, even if he wanted to object, he couldn't do it!

His heart is filled with hatred now. He really hates that Uchiha Makoto and his granddaughter. He also hates the current Fifth Hokage Senju Natsuhiko.

Especially the Fifth Hokage. He didn't know why this Hokage would rather support Uchiha Makoto than him. Is it really just because of his granddaughter like the rumors?

To be honest, Uchiha Fugaku really didn't believe such rumors, because how could someone who did great things be tied up by such an unreliable personal relationship?

"Everyone is already here, I think we should get started."

While Uchiha Fugaku was still thinking wildly, Uchiha Ma stood up and spoke slowly.

Although this meeting is of great importance, only the ninjas of the Uchiha clan can participate. Ordinary people really are not qualified to participate.

“I think everyone should know what the purpose of this meeting is, so let’s be more direct.

After all, this matter is still technically a shameful matter, and it would be best for all of us to end it as soon as possible. "

Uchiha's true words were recognized by all Uchiha ninjas. Indeed, this forced replacement of the clan leader was indeed a shameful thing.

It would be good for everyone to end it early, but now everyone is having some difficulties.

After all, this was about deposing his own clan leader, and no one wanted to be the first to say this. The entire venue suddenly seemed a little silent.

Fortunately, Uchiha Zhen had anticipated this situation. After waiting for a while, he planned to let his people provide guidance.

But what he didn't expect was that Uchiha Itachi stood up first.

His expression looked calm, but he seemed to have made another huge decision, making it difficult to see through his thoughts.

"I have something I want to say."

As the son of Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi still has a certain weight.

Moreover, as a genius of Uchiha, he possessed the Three Magatama Sharingan early on, and his status in the family was also higher.

His sudden rise made Uchiha frown, while Uchiha Fugaku smiled.

After all, he was his son. Uchiha Fugaku was still a little happy when he saw this scene, even though he knew that his chances of winning were really slim.

However, the next moment, when Uchiha Itachi spoke, his face instantly turned pale, and his whole person seemed a little dull.

Not only him, but all the other Uchiha ninjas seemed to be shocked. They looked at Uchiha Itachi in disbelief, with confusion on their faces.

“I think the True Elder’s proposal is a very good choice.

Although I am the son of the clan leader, Hokage-sama can select and replace me based on the actual situation, and the clan leader of a family can naturally do the same. "

After saying this, Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes slightly, but his tone became more determined.

“So in this matter, I will choose to support the true elder’s proposal and replace a new patriarch to lead the family forward.

Even if the replaced patriarch is my father..."


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