The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 318: Cruelty hidden under gentleness (8K please subscribe~)

Uchiha Itachi's words were shocking.

And it was because he was the first to come forward and give his proposal that this meeting became somewhat worth pondering.

Even your own son doesn't agree with you and opposes you continuing. Do you really have the nerve to sit in this position?

Obviously, after Uchiha Fugaku was stabbed in the back like this, even those who were originally more conservative and planned to support him gave up.

It can be said that Uchiha Fugaku was completely defeated, and he was almost permanently nailed to the pillar of shame!

And Natsuhiko learned about this through Qiong the next day, and Senju Hashirama was also following him. He was very concerned about the situation of Uchiha.

Now he was relieved, but at the same time he was also very curious about Uchiha Itachi.

As the son of the clan leader, the fact that he could make such a decision really made Senju Hashirama feel a little incredible, and at the same time, it also made him respect him a little.

Back then, when he faced the hateful relationship between Senju and Uchiha, and the special relationship between himself and Uchiha Madara, he finally had no choice but to succumb to his father and his family.

Although the current Uchiha Itachi's environment is not as tragic as his own, he can make a rational and reasonable choice between his father and the village.

On this point, Senju Hashirama will respect him no matter what.

"It seems that this time it went well. Uchiha Fugaku's mentality must have been greatly affected, right?"

Natsuhiko was completely different from Senju Hashirama. When he heard the news, he couldn't help but look at Qiong with a smile on his face.

"After all, he was tricked by his own son, and he was still the proudest child. I think he was very calm before he strangled Uchiha Itachi."

"Hokage-sama, this is not good."

Although Qiong agreed with Xia Yan's words, she still felt that she should exercise some restraint.

As a Hokage, Xia Yan's argument can be called violent, especially since Xia Yan contributed to this matter, otherwise it would not have developed to this point.

No matter how you look at it, Xia Yan is gloating about others' misfortune.

"Also, that kid Itachi is here and he wants to meet you."

"Oh? That child is here?"

As soon as Senju Hashirama heard this, he immediately became interested, but he knew very well who the Hokage was, so he looked at Natsuhiko.

Xia Yan was also a little surprised. He knew Itachi would come to him, but he didn't expect that this kid would come over the next day.

But as soon as he came, he came. Xia Yan didn't mind meeting this little guy, and he didn't mind giving him some pointers.

He knew that Uchiha Itachi might be very confused now. Even if he didn't regret what he had done, it still had some impact.

Xia Yan is now his life-saving straw, and he is also the only person who can truly comfort him.

Xia Yan planned to let this boy follow him honestly anyway, and he really didn't mind helping.

"Let him come in. It just so happens that I want to see him too."

Qiong nodded slightly, then she turned around and walked out. At the same time, Senju Hashirama Senju Hashirama also formed a seal with one hand, and soon he completed his disguise.

Not long after, the door to the office was opened again, and Uchiha Itachi, who seemed to be very calm, walked in slowly.

Xia Yan glanced at this guy, and he had to say that the calmness on this kid's face seemed to be something like that.

But if he was really calm, he wouldn't appear here. I'm afraid only he knows the confusion in this kid's heart.


When Itachi saw Natsuhiko sitting at his desk, he immediately knelt down on one knee and lowered his head.

Senju Hashirama was also looking at Uchiha Itachi from the side. He was really curious about this little guy.

Especially when he knew that this little guy seemed to be able to make such a decision at only thirteen or fourteen years old, this made him even more interested in Itachi.

"Get up, I heard about you."

Xia Yan smiled and knocked on the table. His tone was still so calm, gentle but without any waves.

"You did a great job. There is no doubt that you made the right choice, and your choice also saved your family and some of your clansmen from the danger of being liquidated later."

Xia Yan didn't think there was anything he couldn't say, not to mention that this was a fact.

To be loyal to people whom Xia Yan does not support, and to go against those who he supports, is to go against Xia Yan in some sense.

Even if Xia Yan may not be able to take action, there will always be someone who will do something. For example, Qiong will probably clean up these guys himself.

After all, Qiong had been training in the Anbu for so long. She thought that a document she helped Xia Yan sign could have caused many people to lose their lives.

She has already made her heart extremely strong, and this kind of thing cannot shake her at all, nor will it make her feel any mercy.

Uchiha Itachi didn't speak, he still lowered his head and listened quietly to Xia Yan's story.

"There is no need to make this gesture, and there is no need to worry about your relationship with your father, not to mention you did nothing wrong in the first place.

As a Konoha ninja, sometimes you have to make some decisions. You should be glad that I didn't let you kill your father, mother, and those who support him.

The importance of the stability of the village is greater than anything you can imagine. Of course, I will not let that happen, because everyone is a member of Konoha. "

Xia Yan spoke very slowly, but he also rarely showed his cold side in front of people who were not familiar with him.

His words really shocked Uchiha Itachi, especially when he heard the words of killing his parents, he couldn't help but lower his head a little lower.

But what made him relieved was that such a tragedy did not happen, and Natsuhiko seemed to recognize the current Uchiha, which made him feel a little moved in his heart.

Raising his head slightly, Uchiha Itachi opened his mouth, and in the end he just said one sentence: "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

"There's no need to thank you. On the contrary, I should be the one to thank you. At least you prevented me from letting ANBU attack my fellow Konoha villagers, even though sometimes this is necessary."

Natsuhiko chuckled. Uchiha Itachi's attitude was really satisfying, so Natsuhiko didn't bother to tease him.

"Go back and have a good rest for a few days, and then prepare to report to the ANBU with Shisui. A ninja like you deserves a spot in the ANBU.

In addition, after you go back, tell your father that you can enter ANBU, and tell him something. "

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and then he spoke meaningfully.

“Sometimes a seemingly honorable exit may not be the best, and sometimes the most complete and humiliating exit may bring you unimaginable gains.

When you go back, tell your father word for word. If he is a smart man, he will naturally understand what I mean. Go down..."


After Uchiha Itachi left, Natsuhiko's day's work was about to begin.

Looking at Uchiha Itachi from different standpoints and from different angles, the conclusion drawn is actually very big.

On the Uchiha side, he is a heinous, completely ignorant white-eyed wolf.

But from Natsuhiko's perspective as Hokage, this guy's unique loyalty can be used as a sword for himself.

Although Natsuhiko already has Nagato in his hands, Nagato's more important role is external. Internally, he has Kakashi, but Kakashi is too close to him.

Moreover, the environment inside Konoha is very stable, so Natsuhiko plans to use Itachi Uchiha as a sword against Uchiha.

Anyway, as a member of Uchiha, Sharingan would be better for Sharingan.

Although Uchiha has been almost tamed by Natsuhiko, with a knife standing there, the effect is definitely better than nothing.

In addition, Xia Yan also needs to find someone to take the blame.

In terms of taking the blame, Kakashi was actually a particularly good choice, but it was also an absolutely wrong choice.

The good reason is that Kakashi has enough status, but the bad reason is that his teacher is the fourth generation, and Natsuhiko has no intention of letting Kakashi do this.

Sometimes Natsuhi couldn't help but think that Danzo could be so unscrupulous, and it was indispensable for Sarutobi Hiruzen's connivance.

And besides feeling indebted to Danzo and trying to find ways to make up for this kind of connivance, was it also intentional on the part of Hiruzen Sarutobi?

Everyone knows that Danzo is arrogant and domineering, and everyone knows that this guy is nothing like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Therefore, some of the things he did were naturally regarded as what this guy wanted to do.

This naturally distinguishes him from Hiruzen Sarutobi, thus truly becoming the biggest pot king in Konoha.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that this possibility was really high. After all, it was really difficult for the Hokage to be restrained by a direct subordinate.

Unless this person has huge influence, unless this person is basically a Hokage.

Or, like Natsuhiko, it gives the impression that this guy is the spokesperson of Hokage.

You must know that during the time of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he did not have a living Hokage standing behind him like Namikaze Minato.

This is why after Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were resurrected, they were not willing to let others know their existence.

Because even if such influence is not what they want, it is likely to burst out suddenly at some point.

Once it breaks out, past friendships are likely to be shattered, and even family ties are hard to say will become fragmented under the temptation of power.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about these things. For him, there was no need to think about these things.

In the case where Kakashi cannot be used, the best choice cannot be Uchiha Itachi.

This boy is the son of Uchiha Fugaku, and his attitude seems to be naturally opposed to Natsuhiko.

This boy is extremely loyal to Konoha, and is even capable of stabbing his father in the back.

And this kid has great potential and strength, and has already reached the three Magatama Sharingan at a young age.

Through some means, let him become Natsuhiko's sword in Konoha.

It won't make Natsuhiko and Kakashi's hands dirty, and it will also be clean.

Even if someone knows about the things in Uchiha, the spread will definitely not be high.

Even if someone knew that Natsuhiko was behind Uchiha Itachi, they would never tell such nonsense.

"This kid is not bad, but I always feel that you have bad intentions."

After Uchiha Itachi completely left, Senju Hashirama suddenly spoke.

"Although I'm not as smart as you and Tobirama, I can feel that you have some malice towards this boy.

He is an excellent ninja, I hope you..."

"Don't worry, I just plan to ask him to help me deal with some people in Konoha that I am not easy to deal with."

Before Xia Yan could finish Senju Hashirama's words, he interrupted him directly.

“Of course, in fact, there are not many people in Konoha who need to take action, because those who disobey have already died.

He can be left to monitor people in Uchiha that we cannot contact, people who may misunderstand us and have hot heads.

If necessary, he can take matters into his own hands and solve the problem.

Neither Qiong nor Shisui can do this better than Itachi, because his identity is a very good one to hide. "

"That's true. It's just that he opposed his father. Is this really good?"

Qiong frowned. She could understand what Xia Yan meant and understood that everything Xia Yan said was right.

But the problem is that if Natsuhiko really wanted to use Itachi Uchiha, he shouldn't have had such a bad performance yesterday.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to gain the trust of those people now, and even his father will not trust him."

"So I gave his father a sweet date, and also asked the boy to bring that sentence to his father."

Xia Yan chuckled, knocked on the table and looked at Qiong with a smile.

"Although Uchiha Fugaku is not a good clan leader, it does not mean that he is a fool."

"you mean....."

Qiong seemed to understand Xia Yan's thoughts at this moment, but she still asked with some uncertainty.

"With so much hatred and insult, will he really cooperate with us?"

"We don't know, so we still need to observe."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, picked up a document and then spoke slowly.

“But I personally feel that under such circumstances he should choose to cooperate with us.

Because this is the best choice for him and his branch in Uchiha.

Of course, if he really wants to be against him, then I think Itachi can also show his value. "

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and then he said with a slight sigh.

"Itachi is a very talented ninja, but for a talented ninja, it takes suffering and hard work to realize such talent.

Especially for Uchiha ninjas, they need to experience more, even if they are not willing to cash in on such talents.

But there are some things that you really have no control over. If he doesn’t do it, someone will do it more cruelly than him..."


For a sharp knife, all it has to do is kill the enemy without getting blood on the hands of the person holding the knife.

Once this knife is no longer able to display its value, a better end is for it to be put away for people to appreciate and miss its sharp edge.

Those who are even close to it may actually be abandoned, or they may be broken into pieces and finally thrown into the furnace.

Natsuhiko just regarded Uchiha Itachi as a sword, a sharp ninja sword. Although Senju Hashirama was not happy with Natsuhiko's idea, he didn't say much.

In every era, every Hokage has to face different problems. Although Senju Hashirama is unhappy, he will not force his own ideas and opinions into it.

Even though he felt that Xia Yan should spend more time thinking of ways to convince these people, instead of sending them all directly to the Pure Land to reunite them with their ancestors for tea.

But he could tell that Xia Yan was not the kind of patient person, nor was he the kind of person who would tolerate someone doing things behind his back.

Such a Hokage has both good and bad qualities. The good thing is that it can eliminate a lot of troubles as soon as they break out.

The downside is of course that there will be bloodshed, and it may even affect some innocent people, thus allowing hatred to continue indefinitely.

But looking at Konoha today, looking at Konoha today, which is full of vitality and has development potential that exceeds that of the past, Senju Hashirama feels that it is better not to say anything.

Otherwise, he would be really scared and intolerable when this junior and his younger brother lectured him.

Although it is somewhat sad that the boy named Uchiha Itachi was characterized by Natsuhiko, at least the result of his handling still depends on his father's performance.

And the current Uchiha development is also great, everything is moving in a good direction.

Therefore, Senju Hashirama could only lament the family where Uchiha Itachi was born, and then changed the topic to Natsuhiko.

Regarding the next topic of Senju Hashirama, Xia Yan had no choice but to do it, because he could not do without Xia Yan's childbirth.

By coincidence, Lian Hua also came in at this moment. It could be said that he alone made Xia Yan, Lian Hua and Qiong blush.

"I said that if you really want to hold the baby, you can't do it yourself. If you really can't, how about I help you resurrect Mito-senpai?

Anyway, her grave is in Konoha. At worst, I will dig the grave with Tobirama-senpai tonight!

Also, why are you always staring at me?

Isn’t your own granddaughter Tsunade never married? If you have the ability, ask her to give you a grandson! "

Xia Yan was a little annoyed by Senju Tobirama, so he retorted without hesitation. As a result, his words made Senju Tobirama think deeply.

After a long while, this guy actually punched his other palm with a look of realization.

"Yes, then please wake up Mito too. As for resurrection, it's better to ask her what she means.

The matter of little Tsunade is indeed worthy of consideration. Could you please help me send someone to look for her? I haven’t seen her for so long since I was resurrected! "

Xia Yan really didn't mean to refuse Senju Hashirama's small request. It would be better to harm others than harm himself, right?

Therefore, Natsuhiko decisively asked Hatake Sakumo to find Kakashi, and he planned to send the two of them out together.

In the past, Natsuhiko didn't want Tsunade to come back because he felt that it didn't matter whether Tsunade came back or not, and her presence would probably affect him.

But Natsu Yan is not worried now, although he will not give this woman or even a guy like Jiraiya even the slightest bit of power, and he will not pay any attention to them.

They will also not be allowed to use the so-called 'Sannin' to exert their influence in Konoha.

But they are Konoha ninjas after all, so why not use the labor they should use?

Just when there was a lot of excitement in Natsuhiko's office, Uchiha Itachi slowly walked to the door of his house.

Along the way, he kept thinking about what other meanings Xia Yan asked him to convey, but unfortunately he found that he couldn't understand it at all.

After all, he is just a thirteen-year-old child. Even if he is smart, he really can't see through many intrigues and conspiracies.

"Maybe this is the difference between me and the Fifth Hokage-sama."

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha Itachi sighed helplessly.

He knew that the Fifth Hokage had been serving in the Anbu, and according to legend, he already understood the tricks of conspiracy at his age.

And it was also at that time that he took Uchiha Makoto, who came for help, into his hands, and taught the elder Makoto step by step to seize power and transform the security department.

Step by step, the Security Department has developed to its current level, and Uchiha has returned to Konoha step by step.

Uchiha Itachi wanted to enter the Anbu, except that this was what his father asked, hoping that he could build a communication bridge between Konoha's higher-ups and him.

But this is also his real dream, because he wants to follow Natsuhiko's path again. As a Konoha ninja, he also has the heart of Hokage.

Natsuhiko entered ANBU when he was seven or eight years old. He graduated as a genin at the age of six and has been doing missions. When he has accumulated a certain amount of experience, he began to try to apply for ANBU.

At first, he thought that he should still have a good chance. His friend and brother Uchiha Shisui was in the ANBU.

However, from the age of seven to now, for a full six years, he has never succeeded. Every time he got a cold rejection.

This made Uchiha Itachi himself a little desperate, even if he knew that he would never be able to reach Natsuhiko's level after entering ANBU.

Even though he heard Shisui say that the life of Anbu was really not as good as he imagined. Within Anbu, he would be exposed to the most suffocating darkness in the ninja world.

But Uchiha Itachi never gave up this idea. If you want to grow, only the most dangerous places can make people improve quickly.

"Now I have got my wish, but the gap between me and Hokage-sama is getting wider and wider."

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Itachi walked firmly towards home. He couldn't understand the meaning of Xia Yan's words, so he could only do it.

He hoped that his father could understand and tell him everything about it.

If his father could understand, then everything would be very good.

But if his father didn't understand, although it would make Itachi feel extremely distressed, he believed there was still a solution.

Even if...


Uchiha Fugaku sat quietly in the room. He had been sitting here all day and night.

Even if his wife came to persuade him, she would get nothing but cold silence.

He still couldn't figure out why his child, the child he loved and valued the most, treated him like this, why would he betray him?

He had been thinking about this question all night, and he still didn't get any answer at the end of the night.

At this time, his heart was filled with sadness, and he really couldn't accept this result, which made him almost desperate.

"Knock knock knock."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room. The knocking sound against the wooden door was so clear, but to Uchiha Fugaku, it was so harsh.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't respond, because he was really heartbroken now, and he had no interest in caring about who was looking for him.

However, his expression soon changed, because there was a voice outside the door that was both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

"It's me, Father."

It's Itachi, it's this guy!

Uchiha Fugaku gritted his teeth. He wanted to curse out some unpleasant sentences to express his feelings at this time, but he found that he couldn't curse at all.

After all, this is his child, and this is the child he was once extremely proud of.

Slightly closing his bloodshot eyes, Uchiha Fugaku didn't intend to make a sound. He was very heartbroken and tired now, especially when facing Uchiha Itachi.

But soon, there was a creaking sound from the door, and it was obvious that Uchiha Itachi pushed the door open.


Uchiha Itachi walked slowly in front of Uchiha Fugaku, and then he called softly.

"I heard from my mother that you didn't sleep all night last night?"

Faced with such a question, Uchiha Fugaku remained silent, and at the same time his hands were clenched into fists.

And the clenched fists were trembling constantly. It could be seen that he was suppressing his anger and not letting it explode easily.

Uchiha Itachi also sighed slightly when he saw this. He had seen such anger in his father twice.

The first time was when his father lost an eye, and he showed such anger, and the second time is now.

He didn't understand such anger, maybe because he hadn't become a father yet, but he could also feel how terrible such anger was.

At the same time, he also felt that his father had been suppressing this anger and preventing it from completely exploding.

But Itachi did not regret his choice, even though he knew that his father was extremely sad and angry now, but there were some things he had to make a choice.

And didn't Lord Hokage also give him a set of words, a set of words that his father could understand and understand?

Even he knows that this argument may not necessarily work, but now it is his only choice.

"Father, I have joined the ANBU."

Uchiha Itachi slowly sat down, and he calmly told what happened to him yesterday and what Natsuhiko told him today.

"I met Mr. Hokage yesterday, and he told me that as a ninja, sometimes you can make some necessary choices without violating principles and rules.

At the same time, as a Konoha ninja, I should make some choices to maintain the peace of Konoha. "

"So you betrayed me, so you betrayed me like this, right?"

As soon as Uchiha Itachi finished speaking, Uchiha Fugaku shouted angrily. He opened his eyes, and his bloodshot eyes were so penetrating at this moment.

However, Uchiha Itachi was not frightened by such a roar. He took a deep breath and said firmly.

"It's not a betrayal, I can only say that I made a rational choice, Father.

This morning I went out and met with the Hokage again. He told me that I should be thankful because he had thought of taking action against my father and mother.

Hokage-sama has never been a soft-hearted person, and father should also know this.

When Hokage-sama came to power, are those who opposed him still there now? "

Uchiha Itachi said slowly, and what he said made Uchiha Fugaku's body stiffen slightly, and then a feeling of fear arose spontaneously.

There is no doubt that Senju Natsuhiko is a good Hokage, but it seems that because of his birth as an Anbu, he will not talk nonsense to you if he really wants to take action.

At that time, thousands of people disappeared in Konoha, although these thousands of people were somewhat insignificant compared to Konoha, which had a population of hundreds of thousands.

The unit reminds us that most of these thousands of people are ninjas!

Overnight, several families were wiped out. From this, Xia Yan's cold-bloodedness and cruelty can be clearly seen.

Even though his performance in power is becoming more and more moderate now, people are gradually forgetting what happened in the past.

But no one has forgotten Xia Yan's story of killing Yunyin's army by himself.

The cruelty buried under the gentle surface is so chilling, Uchiha Fugaku really feels that way.

If I really go against this guy's will, I'm afraid their whole family will suffer!

But thinking about it is one thing, whether he can accept it is another thing, especially Uchiha Itachi's behavior really chilled him.

"So, I still want to thank you, right?"

Uchiha Fugaku asked coldly, but his tone had returned to calmness.

"No, I understand how bad what I did is, and I know I am sorry for my father, but I am also a Konoha ninja."

Uchiha Itachi sighed slightly, and then he spoke word by word.

"Furthermore, Hokage-sama has something else that he hopes I can convey to my father."

"Say." Uchiha Fugaku said indifferently.

"Hokage-sama said that sometimes a seemingly honorable exit may not be the best.

And sometimes the most complete and humiliating exit may bring you unimaginable gains. "

Uchiha Itachi finished this sentence calmly, and then he shook his head slightly.

"I can understand the literal meaning, but I know that Hokage-sama must have a deeper meaning that I cannot understand.

But I believe that father can understand and understand the meaning, right? "

Uchiha Fugaku ignored Itachi's question. He was also seriously thinking about the meaning of Natsuhiko's words.

As he continued to think, his eyes suddenly lit up slightly, and he seemed to understand what Xia Yan meant.

But as he understood it, a heart-piercing cold fell on his heart again.

He knew that he was definitely not wrong!


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