The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 319: Visitors from outer space (8K please subscribe~)

Uchiha Fugaku really thought clearly about the meaning of the words Natsuhiko brought to him, and at this moment he felt a bone-chilling chill.

The meaning of Xia Yan's words is actually very clear, that is to tell him that you are finished a long time ago, and even if you struggle, you will not have any chance to make up for it.

In this case, it is better to step down in a more thorough and humiliating manner and directly cut off all the connections you should not have, instead of thinking about leaving decently and with some hope.

The word decent was the only word Uchiha Fugaku could think of, but it was a pity that Natsuhiko didn't intend to give it to him.

It was obvious that there was no chance of a comeback, so why didn't he give him any dignity at the end?

Uchiha Fugaku believes that people who can stand in such a high position will never act randomly. They must have their own internal logic for doing so.

Moreover, the Fifth Hokage specifically asked Itachi to bring him news, so he must have other ideas in this.

Therefore, Uchiha Fugaku began to think seriously, especially since Natsuhiko gave his son the opportunity to enter the ANBU.

As he thought, as he connected all the things, Uchiha Fugaku immediately grasped some key points.

He probably thought that his situation might be in line with Xia Yan's two ideas.

Naturally, his first thought was that he had withdrawn in such a complete and humiliating way, and Xia Yan gave him the bridge he had always dreamed of.

This means that this is the purpose of this Hokage, or it is so on the surface.

To completely give up your own hope and tell yourself 'you have no chance at all', but to give Itachi a chance is to say 'you have no chance but your descendants will have a chance'.

Uchiha Fugaku's mind was spinning very fast. He felt that the Hokage did have such plans and thoughts. If so, it didn't seem unacceptable.

Because Uchiha Fugaku is a man who loves his family after all, he will have no chance when he dies, but if his branch can be saved in the future, it can still rise again.

Not to mention that he no longer has the position of clan leader, even if it means paying for it with his life!

Even though he didn't know why the Hokage looked down upon him so much, and judging from his current behavior, he hated himself so much.

But in the end, he was given a way to survive, especially the sentence 'it will bring you unimaginable gains', which severely stimulated Uchiha Fugaku's heart.

"The Hokage took it away and I pushed Uchiha to come forward because Uchiha was the first to surrender to him.

But I was taken away but my child was given a chance, which shows that Naruto has no idea of ​​​​catching them all! "

Thinking of this, Uchiha Fugaku felt a little better, but only a little.

Because he felt that it was impossible for Xia Yan to go to such great lengths just for such a simple thing, and even interviewing him about such a matter was not impossible.

"Is that so..."

Suddenly, an idea appeared in Uchiha Fugaku's mind, an idea that made his hair stand on end!

Uchiha Itachi has been emphasizing one thing before, that is, he is a 'Konoha ninja'.

What the Konoha ninjas have to maintain is naturally the stability of the situation in Konoha. In contrast, they may not be so concerned about some matters within the family.

Although he was forced to come down, there were definitely still some dissatisfied people in the Uchiha.

Even if they seem honest now, even if their number is small, no one knows whether they will have some unpredictable effects in the future.

And that Hokage-sama is definitely not a person who can tolerate sand in his eyes. After all, he can say in front of Itachi that he will do something to himself and Mikoto without any scruples.

In this case, those guys, the Hokage, may not allow them to mess around.

It's okay if they don't show up, but if they do show up and cause trouble, I'm afraid this Hokage will really kill them all!

This kind of thing is likely to fall on Itachi's head by then, and Naruto is a person who needs reputation, and he will never bear this kind of thing, so...

"Hokage-sama wants me to take the initiative to find possible targets and make it clear to them that I deliberately arranged this time and allowed Itachi Uchiha to enter the ANBU.

Because I was destined to lose, I needed to find a way out for my descendants in a special way. Endorsing Itachi in the most shameful way was the only way I could choose.

In this case, Uchiha Itachi is still my child and the person standing by my side.

But essentially, both Itachi and I have to stand by Senju Natsuhiko's side, whether voluntarily or forced.

And once something is wrong with those guys, once I get the evidence, then I will let Itachi kill them. This has nothing to do with Senju Natsuhiko! "

After sorting out everything clearly, Uchiha Fugaku broke into a cold sweat.

This is more than just taking the blame, it's asking them to bear everything, it's costing their lives!

And what Uchiha Fugaku was even more frightened about was that Senju Natsuhiko left the choice of this matter to him in such a subtle way, and then asked Itachi to tell him, 'Hokage-sama has considered taking action against you.'

Does this mean that if he didn't make a choice that was in line with the Hokage's thoughts, then he would let Itachi bury his whole family with his own hands?

Thinking of Itachi's determined action of stabbing him in the back last night, Uchiha Fugaku was sure that he had really gone to that point, and perhaps the saddest thing would really happen.

"As expected of you, Godaime Hokage-sama!"

Uchiha Fugaku felt a little chilly in his heart now, because he found that the more he thought and guessed, the more he became really afraid of Senju Natsuhiko.

This boy is obviously only in his early twenties, but his skills, abilities and personal strength are all intimidating.

It was impossible for Uchiha Fugaku not to feel sad in his heart when such a Hokage appeared in the Senju clan, and he was still so malicious towards him.

But soon, Uchiha Fugaku forced himself to calm down. There was obviously not much meaning in thinking about these things.

The Hokage has left the multiple-choice questions and answers to himself, and what to do next is his own business.

Raising his head slightly, Uchiha Fugaku cast his gaze on Itachi, and it took him a long time before he nodded feebly.

"I know, I know everything. You go to work in ANBU. I know that apart from my forcing, ANBU is also your dream.

And you remember to tell Lord Hokage that Uchiha Fugaku already knows Lord Hokage's thoughts, and Fugaku will go all out to make arrangements for Lord Hokage. "

After saying this, Uchiha Fugaku closed his eyes again.

He is really tired now, both mentally and physically, but what makes him relieved is that there seems to be hope for this family...


"So, that guy Uchiha Fugaku is pretty smart."

After getting off work, Xia Yan took Qiong and Lianhua and walked towards the ANBU.

Uchiha Itachi was not a person who could hide information. Although he didn't get an answer, he got a reply, so he ran to Natsuhiko's office as soon as possible.

Natsu Yan was a little surprised. Uchiha Fugaku's reaction speed and thinking ability didn't seem to be as weak as he thought.

In such a short period of time, he had already thought through many things clearly, and told himself his allegiance through Itachi.

This really made Xia Yan change his opinion of this guy, but no matter how he changed his mind, Xia Yan didn't like this guy who was indecisive and messed up when things got going.

After understanding Uchiha Fugaku's thoughts, Natsuhiko asked Itachi to go back.

Of course, he did not forget to let Itachi convey his affirmation to Uchiha Fugaku's stance. After all, such a choice was not particularly simple.

But this matter is basically over. Uchiha has been completely changed by Natsuhiko. At the same time, Uchiha Itachi is still following him honestly.

To put it bluntly, Xia Yan can be considered a winner this time.

"It's really smart, but he doesn't have many choices."

Lianhua nodded lightly beside Xia Yan. She understood immediately after hearing Xia Yan talk about it.

"Either die worthless, or choose a possible way out for your descendants. I think this choice is not that difficult."

"Being able to think through all this in such a short period of time proves that he is not a simple person."

Xia Yan chuckled. He didn't dare to hold on to either of the two people around him now. After all, it would have a bad influence on the street.

Of course, he would not do this even if there was no one around. After all, he still needs to take care of the girls' feelings.

"Don't think that what I did and what I asked Itachi to bring him can really be understood so easily.

See if Senior Hashirama didn't react. This shows that it's really not that simple to think about this matter clearly. "

"That's just Hashirama-senpai. Tobirama-senpai didn't know what you were thinking right away."

Qiong smiled slightly at the side. After spending a long time with the two previous Hokage, she got used to calling them senior.

In fact, she herself wanted to call her Hokage, but calling her "senpai" directly would make people feel closer, especially since those two people have a close relationship with Natsuhiko.

"I think it's better not to compare Tobirama-senpai with Hashirama-senpai."

Xia Yan couldn't help but shake his head slightly when he heard what she said, and then he sighed softly and said.

"There is no comparison between these two people. Perhaps Senior Hashirama is too kind.

After all, they each have their own advantages, don't they? "

If Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are competing for their ability to play tricks, it would be better for Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama to have a head-on fight.

To put it bluntly, the two people are good at completely different directions, so it is really meaningless to make a forced comparison.

But after Xia Yan said this, he found that both Qiong and Lianhua couldn't help but look at him, which made him slightly embarrassed.

These two people could naturally hear the underlying meaning of Xia Yan's words, but they couldn't compare alone. Couldn't Xia Yan still compare with them?

Natsuhiko can really be considered a being who can compete with Senju Tobirama in terms of skills, and with Senju Hashirama in terms of personal strength.

After Xia Yan's words, it can be said that he boasted unceremoniously, saying that he was more powerful than the two Hokages.

However, after glancing at Xia Yan, the two men nodded at the same time, seeming to agree with this statement, which made Xia Yan even more embarrassed.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, Kakashi and Ye Cang are still waiting."

Xia Yan shook his head. He didn't intend to continue to struggle with this issue. They still had a lot of things to do.

For example, he has a rather interesting party tonight.

This party was not just a whim, but a celebration of Kai's success in becoming a Jonin.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to be a jounin today, and because Akai is only good at taijutsu, his road to jounin can be said to be even more difficult.

Fortunately, Xia Yan has carried out major reforms. It is true that he is good at physical skills, but after passing other comprehensive strength assessments, he will naturally not have no chance to pass.

Obviously, he reaped the dividends of Xia Yan's reforms, and it was also because of his own hard work.

He also became the first ninja to reach Jonin level besides Natsuhiko, Kakashi and others!

As the Hokage, Natsuhiko naturally knew the news, and his becoming a Jonin was also due to Natsuhiko's credit.

He needed a role model to give those 'specialists' the idea of ​​​​struggle, and Akai was his classmate and had a good relationship with him, so Akai naturally went up.

However, no one else knows about the little details here. Those who know the inside story, such as Xia Yan, Qiong and Kakashi, will not talk about it at all.

What's more, although Xia Yan 'catch a model', he still has to pass the assessment. Xia Yan just favored Akai under the same conditions, and he didn't appoint this guy.

Therefore, after this boy succeeded, Xia Yan also took the initiative to call him over and prepared to invite him to his home for a good sit down.

Not only him, but also the rest of Xia Yan's classmates when he was studying, because of three battles, there are not many left.

Even because of the war, they often form teams with people who are in a lower grade than themselves, such as Anko, Morino Ihiki, and Iruka.

Natsuhiko simply called them over, planning to have a good get-together. After all, they and Natsuhi were classmates, and after all, they were now the pillars of Konoha's future.

As Hokage, a lot of work still requires them to work hard. In addition, Xia Yan has not attended any class reunion for a long time, so this reunion is also very meaningful.

As for calling Ye Cang up, this was to tell this woman who was 'forced to defect' from Sunagakure that he valued her even though he was the Hokage.

Lianhua and Qiong both nodded slightly. They both knew about tonight's party and would attend it, although to Lianhua she was not a classmate.

But she can face all this as a hostess, and although Qiong is a former classmate, she is sure of one thing.

That is Qiong, and it will definitely be the same as myself...


"This place is really interesting."

In a remote area in the ninja world, a figure dressed in white stood there indifferently.

The white eyes of his eyes scanned everything around him, and finally he smiled.

It took him a little longer, but he finally arrived at this place - for Otsutsuki, they were immortal beings, so naturally they didn't have much specific knowledge of time.

Although after arriving here, he did not find the place where the power burst out before, but the small planet not far from this planet did have some very special power in it.

But there were no traces of life on that small planet, which made him skip that place out of interest.

However, he did notice that there were seals and barriers on the small planet, and in this big planet, there were traces of life everywhere.

And he also noticed that the natives on this planet also used the power of chakra.

The most important thing is that these chakras seem to belong to an Otsutsuki!

He would never figure this out. As a member of Otsutsuki, even though Otsutsuki Ushiki is a relatively junior, his knowledge and perception are not wrong.

He was 100% sure that Otsutsuki had been to this place before, and according to tradition, there was definitely more than one.

According to Otsutsuki's tradition, when they conquer a planet to absorb power, they usually work in teams of two or more.

After all, summoning the sacred tree requires a large tube of wood to be sacrificed, which is a mandatory requirement.

Therefore, among an indifferent ethnic group like Otsutsuki, there is also a relationship between the guardian and the protected.

The guardian is a lower-level member, while the guarded is a higher-level member.

For example, Otsutsuki Kinshiki and Momoshiki, who he originally followed to learn together, if Momoshiki finds a suitable position and needs to summon the sacred tree.

Then Jin Shi must do something of his own to ensure that such a summons can proceed smoothly.

However, giving your life does not mean that you are really dead. The vitality of the Otsutsuki clan is unimaginably strong, and they also have the power to resurrect themselves.

That is the 'wedge'. The existence of the 'wedge' naturally does not need to worry about real death, even if the actual operation of the 'wedge' is very troublesome.

"There are traces of Otsutsuki, the power to master chakra, and the explosion of Otsutsuki's power that I felt before, but this world is still alive.

Interesting, really interesting..."

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki murmured to himself that the world in front of him really aroused his interest.

The world that has not yet been destroyed by Otsutsuki's invasion is already extremely incredible.

Moreover, there was no news about the two Otsutsukis responsible for coming to this world, which made him feel even more 'surprised'.

He didn't feel that in the entire universe, there was really someone who could defeat the existence of 'outsiders' like them.

If it were true, it would be impossible for an Otsutsuki to come back to life and unleash his own power.

Obviously, there are some interesting things happening here, some unknown things.

"Perhaps this is where Senior Yishi and the others came from. This place is really worth looking forward to."

Otsutsuki Ura Shi grinned, and then his entire body rose into the air, and then quickly moved towards the core area of ​​the ninja world.

He felt that the power of the Ten-Tails was all over the world, or that the Ten-Tails had been split apart.

These forces were scattered in different places in this small area, which naturally attracted Otsutsuki Ura's attention and thoughts.

After all, this kind of power can give him a huge improvement. It is impossible for any Otsutsuki to have no ideas, and the same goes for him.

However, he would still consider the issues between his kind, so he did not plan to use the power of the Ten-Tails yet.

Anyway, for him, these powers are scattered there, and it is not difficult at all as long as he wants them.

But before that, he wanted to find out what happened on this planet, and who was the person who activated Otsutsuki's power.

Only by figuring it out can he make the final choice, not to mention that he can't do it alone if he wants to get this power.

"This world is really becoming more and more exciting."

Thinking this, Otsutsuki Ura's speed couldn't help but become faster. At the same time, he made a series of plans for himself.

What he has to do now is to go to the most crowded areas, and then find a way to find out something about everything that has happened in this world.

In addition, he also plans to get a better understanding of the world in order to analyze the strength of the world's power.

After all, he had been to Otsutsuki's planet before. After all, the people in this world had mastered the power of chakra. He must be careful.

Although he looked down on these humble mortals, he restrained his actions because no one knew there was anything unknown in this world.

Perhaps the two Otsutsuki who came to this world before were eliminated by these unknown forces.

However, the probability of this kind of thing is too small, but no matter how small it is, it is always right to be cautious.

In particular, whether the guy who exposed his power is an enemy or a friend still needs to be observed, but Otsutsuki Ura Shiki hopes that this guy will be his enemy.

Because if he is an enemy, he can justifiably catch this guy, and justifiably get a Ten-Tails and the fruit of the sacred tree!

Otsutsuki Urashiki is still very confident in his own strength. He is indeed a junior among the entire Otsutsuki clan.

But he got it, a member of the guarded who can choose his own guardian!

If he hadn't wanted to learn more and then acted with Otsutsuki Kinshiki and Otsutsuki Momoshiki, he could have led others to act alone.

"Momo-senpai and Jin-shiki-senpai threw me away, doesn't it seem like a bad thing?

If they hadn't left me behind, I really wouldn't have had the opportunity I have now..."


Otsutsuki ran into the ninja world, which Natsuhiko did not expect. At this time, he was having a barbecue with his former classmates and friends in the backyard of his home.

The three wars did result in the death of many people. People in the same class as Xia Yan and even those in the next class all made huge sacrifices.

From this point, we can see how disgusting Sarutobi Hiruzen's decision-making is, even Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama expressed their attitudes very straightforwardly.

Indeed, Konoha, which fought on almost four fronts during the Third War, faced huge challenges in terms of manpower.

Moreover, they had suffered the baptism of the Second Ninja World War before, and coupled with their own internal friction, the number of high-level ninjas was also lacking.

But even so, this is not the reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen decided to let the children go to the battlefield!

When Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara founded Konoha, one of their fundamental purposes was to protect the children.

To protect them from becoming like themselves, they had to face a cruel war at a young age.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's behavior of "turning back the clock on history" frankly angered both of them.

Coupled with what this guy had done before, this couldn't help but make the two people's senses about Sarutobi Hiruzen drop rapidly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also helpless, but he didn't defend himself.

Because he knew that his affairs would definitely make these two teachers angry, and he also knew that what he did went against the original intention of establishing Konoha.

Now these two former teachers dislike him, and he has lost almost everything in Konoha.

He can still stay at the top of Konoha, not only because he was once the Hokage, but also because of his experience and ability.

Therefore, all he can do now is to work hard now. After all, he can see that although Xia Yan hates him, he does not target his son.

Obviously Xia Yan was silently telling him that just because you don't have a chance doesn't mean your son doesn't have a chance. If you do what you should do, your son will still have a bright future.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did this, and Natsuhiko did the same. It has been more than two years since Asma returned to Konoha, and he is now the chuunin of Konoha.

Asuma really didn't expect that the most insignificant classmate in the same class as him had actually become the Hokage of Konoha Village.

Moreover, Sarutobi Hiruzen also discussed the current situation with Asma in private, which made Asma understand many, many things.

Although the current Asuma is a bit rebellious like the original, he does not have any weird ideas of "the Hokage and the Daimyo competing".

Perhaps it was because Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen had started early and directly broke the daimyo's hand, preventing him from having any thoughts he shouldn't have.

Asuma's purpose of leaving Konoha was actually just to pursue his own value.

And there is definite information that shows that during the war between Konoha and Kumogakure, this guy deliberately returned to Konoha to prepare and hope to participate in the war.

But after the war, he chose to leave after learning about Xia Yan's 'great achievements', intending to continue to improve his strength.

At that time, he really didn't know that the Konoha ANBU minister who led Konoha to victory would be Natsuhiko.

Even though he later learned that the Fifth Hokage was a guy named 'Senju Natsuhiko', he did not think in this direction for a while.

After all, he had been away from Konoha for a long time, and Natsuhiko's name back then was 'Natsuhiko Fukami', and his behavior could be described as mediocre, so it was normal for him not to think about it.

However, after he was recalled to Konoha, he realized how outrageous his original idea was and how outrageous his old classmate was.

This kid performed pretty well after he came back, especially after Xia Yan knew that he had done something different from Tsunade and Jiraiya in the previous war, he was willing to give this kid some opportunities.

On the one hand, it is a win-win, and on the other hand, it gives hope to Sarutobi Hiruzen and makes him work harder.

Asma also came to this party. Counting Asma, there were more than thirty people in attendance.

At first, there were more than thirty to fifty people in each of their classes, but now there are Xia Yan and his class plus students from the same grade who have formed teams, as well as students from one grade below them.

There are also talented people like Lian Hua and Ye Cang, so you can imagine how terrible such a sacrifice is.

But after all, more than thirty people came at one time, and Xia Yan didn't have such a big place at home, so Xia Yan finally chose to have a barbecue outside.

"Such a relaxing feeling is really nostalgic."

Natsuhiko sat casually on the ground. At this moment, he was neither Hokage nor Senju Natsuhiko.

He had already said before the party started that there was no Hokage here, only 'Natsuhiko Fukami' who was their classmate back then.

What he said did make everyone feel a lot more relaxed, but it is not an easy thing to really forget this.

"Indeed, everyone likes this kind of relaxation. This is why you manage Konoha so well, Xia Yan."

Akai sat opposite Xia Yan and smiled, his white teeth even shining.

Many times Xia Yan actually wanted to ask him, what kind of toothpaste do you use to achieve the same whitening effect as black people?

And Kai is also a relatively open-minded person, but even though he is open-minded, he really can't forget that Xia Yan is the Hokage.

"You guy."

Kakashi rolled his eyes, bumped Akai with his elbow and said helplessly.

"There is no Hokage here. If you still mention it like this, are you also telling me that the identity of the ANBU Minister cannot be forgotten?"

"No no!"

Akai shook his head decisively, even if he really thought so, he would not admit it now.

When Xia Yan saw the two people starting to bicker again, he couldn't help but smile, but he still liked this environment very much.

Turning his head, his eyes fell on Ye Cang, who was sitting not far from him. After thinking for a while, Xia Yan suddenly asked in a low voice.

"You have been in ANBU for almost ten years, right?"

"It's just over a year away from reaching ten years, Huo...Xia Yanjun."

Ye Cang couldn't help being stunned when she heard Xia Yan's words, then she nodded lightly and answered quickly.

Indeed, counting the time, she was captured by Natsuhiko before the Nine-Tails Incident. Since then, she has been in Konoha ANBU for almost ten years.

Ten years is indeed a long time for a person, especially for Anbu, it is extremely difficult.

Ye Cang has been in ANBU for so long without knowing it, and she has no regrets. Xia Yan can't turn a blind eye.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Yan suddenly smiled and asked: "So, do you have any idea of ​​leaving ANBU and becoming an ordinary ninja?"

"Leave...Leave ANBU?" Ye Cang was frightened by Xia Yan's words, and she didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Xia Yan chuckled lightly, and then he spoke slowly.

"Yes, leave ANBU and become a normal ninja.

In the past, due to some special reasons, you could only stay in ANBU, but it is different now.

In my heart, you have long been a qualified Konoha ninja..."


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