The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 320: The transformation of Senju Hashirama (8K please subscribe~)

Ye Cang has performed very well in Konoha over the years, but she couldn't be trusted before.

After all, she is the war hero of Sunagakure Village. Even though she was betrayed by the village and endorsed by Natsuhiko, she stayed in Konoha safely.

But in essence, it is a fact that she cannot get the trust of those in power, even if Xia Yan gives her a lot of trust.

And when Natsuhiko became the Fifth Hokage, there was also a huge shortage of various talents in Konoha.

And the Anbu is Natsuhiko's most important strength, otherwise he would not have let Kakashi, who has followed him for many years, stay in the Anbu.

Kakashi naturally needs helpers when he stays in ANBU. Ye Cang is very familiar with Natsuhiko and has been on the team with Kakashi for so many years.

Naturally, he became one of the people that Kakashi could reuse, despite the fact that Ye Cang was just a squadron leader now.

But think about it, an enemy ninja can enter the Anbu and become a squadron leader. This is an incredible thing in itself.

What's more, there is also the reason for Ye Cang's unwillingness to strive too hard. Otherwise, with her talent and strength, it would not be unusual for her to become the captain in ten years.

Now she is the squadron leader of a squadron in ANBU, and Xia Yan heard that her squadron performed well in all aspects.

Under normal circumstances, Xia Yan should not choose to transfer her out of the ANBU, because she is indeed a talent.

And she might cause some trouble after she comes out, such as her existence being discovered by Sunagakure.

But Xia Yan did feel some sympathy. He knew the environment of Anbu very well. It was really inappropriate for a person to stay in it for the rest of his life.

Ye Cang has made enough contributions, although letting her leave ANBU now will result in the loss of some ANBU resources.

But after she leaves the Anbu, Natsuhiko will give her the position of jounin. You must know that the jounin of Konoha is now a head-scratcher.

Whether it is social status or welfare system, they can be said to be at the top of the pyramid.

To put it bluntly, Konoha's jounin is a existence that all the villages in the entire ninja world put together cannot match!

Ye Cang was still a little hesitant about this proposal, but in the end she agreed with Xia Yan's decision.

In fact, just as Xia Yan thought, Anbu was not a very good place for people to stay in for a long time.

Hagura has been in ANBU for almost ten years, which is a long enough time for a female ninja.

It was just concerns about her own identity and gratitude to Xia Yan for saving her that made her want to leave.

Now Xia Yan gave her a chance, a brand new chance to live an upright life in Konoha. Even though she was worried in her heart, she was unwilling to give up.

"It seems that Kakashi is very busy. After Ye Cang leaves the ANBU, he still has to find someone to take over Ye Cang's position."

After the party was over, Qiong stayed at Xia Yan's house - she actually wanted to leave, but both Lianhua and Qiong persuaded her to stay, so she stayed.

However, she was still somewhat embarrassed, so she also looked for some topics to avoid such embarrassment.

She was relatively familiar with Ye Cang. After all, Ye Cang lived near Xia Yan and had made many friends in the ANBU.

She naturally also knows the special identity of Ye Cang. Now that Ye Cang can live with a normal identity after leaving ANBU, this naturally makes her feel happy for Ye Cang in her heart.

But she also knew that Kakashi would probably have a headache after Ye Cang left, because now Ye Cang was Kakashi's right-hand man.

Now that Ye Cang is gone, Kakashi has to find someone to replace Ye Cang, and this makes Kakashi very depressed.

Kakashi was beside Xia Yan at the previous party. Even though he and Kai were fighting, it didn't mean that he didn't hear what Xia Yan said.

And Kakashi was indeed very depressed by the news, but Kakashi did not object at the time. After all, he also knew that this was a good thing for Ye Cang.

"It's not a big deal if you have a headache. After all, everything in life can't go smoothly, right?"

Xia Yan smiled nonchalantly, and then he said leisurely.

"And since Ye Cang has left, there are many talents in ANBU who can take over. For example, isn't that boy Shisui doing very well now?"


Lianhua couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she heard Xia Yan's words, and then looked at Qiong meaningfully, while Qiong himself looked at Xia Yan a little embarrassed.

Shisui is Uchiha's real friend, even though he has always performed well, he is now an excellent squad leader.

But this kid's identity is a bit special, not to mention what happened to Uchiha recently, and his sudden promotion will always make people think wildly.

However, from the perspective of experience, strength, resume, etc., Shisui is also an excellent choice.

After all, he has been in ANBU for ten years, and the eight-year-old brat has grown up. No one can doubt his level.

"Yes, Shisui."

Xia Yan nodded politely, and then he spoke more seriously.

"This kid Shisui is still okay. He was not promoted due to various reasons before. Even if I become Hokage, I still need him to help me watch over the ninjas below.

After all, reforms have been ongoing, and ANBU talents also need to be cultivated, but now Konoha is basically stable, and ANBU has also completed its reforms.

If this boy continues to serve as team leader, I'm afraid other Uchihas who have entered ANBU will also be dissatisfied. "

This boy Shisui is basically equivalent to a symbol of Uchiha in ANBU, so there is no point in suppressing him.

In fact, Natsuhiko had other ideas while suppressing Shisui, such as seeing if this kid could create a Mangekyō Sharingan.

Among the two people who have the most obscure method of opening the kaleidoscope in the original work, one is Uchiha Shisui and the other is Uchiha Fugaku.

Of course, Uchiha Fugaku does not have a kaleidoscope in the comics, but he does have this power here.

Shisui's kaleidoscope is really a mystery. In the original work, it seems that he opened the kaleidoscope from the root or from the dark side. As for what happened, Natsuhiko doesn't know.

The way Uchiha opens his eyes is really weird. No one is sure which thing will touch their 'G-spot' and then explode.

Therefore, Xia Yan asked Shisui to perform so many tasks as the squad leader, just to see if he had any special performance.

As a result, his performance was very good, but it seemed that nothing related to Kaleidoscope had been released, which made Xia Yan a little helpless.

"Since you can't get it out, and Ye Cang is gone now, then you can take the lead.

I can only hope that your achievements will not be lower than those of the original work, and your IQ will be higher than that of the original work..."


According to the original work, Uchiha Shisui's IQ is actually quite high, but this kid has an obvious shortcoming.

That is, after encountering very difficult things, his IQ will become high and low, and the handling of many things is really speechless.

For example, after losing an eye in a sneak attack by Danzo, he actually chose to commit suicide instead of using his brain to think of a solution.

It’s totally okay to say that his IQ has hit rock bottom at this moment, and of course it’s also totally justified to say that he’s avoiding responsibility.

Anyway, when I first read the comics and animation, Uchiha's team of 25 boys really dumbfounded Natsuhiko.

It can be described as shocking to clearly hold Wang Zha in his hand and play with them like this.

But now that he has become Hokage, these two young men are now completely close to him.

And because of the special blessings of Konoha's training, Xia Yan is really not afraid that they will disobey him, and these two people have become people that Xia Yan can make good use of.

The only thing Xia Yan hopes now is that they don't do any IQ arrears operation. Xia Yan really can't handle this.

Ye Cang's resignation application was submitted the day after the party, and Kakashi already knew the result and naturally wouldn't bother her.

After she handed over everything completely, Shisui also successfully took over the position she left.

On the same day, Uchiha Itachi also entered the ANBU and reported to the squadron he managed.

But Shisui is also an old unlucky guy. He just took over this squadron and before he even had time to be happy, he was forced to take on a mission that made him cry.

Find Tsunade and bring her back.

As an old member of the Anbu, Shisui naturally knew how bad their Fifth Generation Hokage's attitude towards the so-called Sannin was.

Moreover, the reasons given by Natsuhiko are irrefutable. As a Sannin, you were not there when Konoha needed you most, and you did not make any contribution to the reconstruction of Konoha after the war.

It doesn't matter whether such a person comes back or not. If you like to be outside, then never come back!

Although Natsuhiko's violent remarks did not expel Tsunade and Jiraiya from their ninja status, they basically left no trace of face.

Moreover, his violent remarks are widely circulated in the ANBU, and there are quite a lot of supporters - except for Kakashi who is the most embarrassed, everyone else either supports it or doesn't care.

Zhisui is also a person who supports this theory. Now he is asked to find the person back. Although he does not dare to express any dissatisfaction, he is still somewhat unhappy mentally.

But this was the Hokage's request, and he could only complete this task honestly.

In fact, the difficulty of this mission does not lie in the search. After all, it is ANBU, and the intelligence system is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Even Jiraiya, who wanders around all day long, can't compare to ANBU in terms of specific intelligence collection.

The difficulty of this task lies in how to persuade this woman, one of the three ninjas, who suffers from some kind of hemophobia, to come back.

To be honest, there was no hesitation or hesitation in killing Shisui. After training with Anbu for so long, he no longer had any compassion that he shouldn't have.

Because he knows that the people he kills must be killed, and killing them is good for Konoha.

But persuading people involves some blind spots in his knowledge. Is it possible to put a knife on this woman's neck and persuade her to return to Konoha?

Although this seems pretty good, the problem is that Shisui doesn't think he can do it better than Tsunade, a woman with the title of Sannin.

"It's really a headache..."

Shisui sighed quietly, and then he set off with Uchiha Itachi and several team members.

There is no danger in this mission. It would be good to take Itachi out to get used to it.

In fact, he really didn't expect that his little brother would actually become a member of ANBU.

Shisui running to find Tsunade was not a big deal to Natsuhiko, but he was not as relaxed as he thought now, because he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

The last time he was annoyed by Senju Hashirama, he was disgusted that this guy talked about finding Tsunade and resurrecting Uzumaki Mito. He didn't expect that this guy's attitude was so serious.

Less than a week after Natsuhiko let Shisui go out, he actually appeared in his office with Mito Uzumaki, which really made him a little stunned.

"Are you the Godaime Hokage? You look really young."

Uzumaki Mito looked at Xia Yan with a kind smile on her face and said, but her smile was combined with her awakened age, which really gave people a very strange feeling.

The state in which she was awakened was not that of a seventy-year-old, but a very young and beautiful state.

But her smile and expression, no matter how you look at them, are like the way an elder would look when facing a younger one.

Even though she still had a look of respect on her face, Xia Yan still felt a little uncomfortable, so he could only nodded silently to express that he was right.

"Xia Yan is much more powerful than you think. He has been the Hokage for many years."

Senju Hashirama also noticed the embarrassment on Xia Yan's face, so he immediately laughed and opened his mouth to make a rescue.

"He can be said to be the youngest Hokage in the history of Konoha, and even the youngest Kage in the entire ninja world!

Moreover, this kid's strength is also very terrifying. Even if I try my best, I still can't be his opponent. "

Although there is nothing wrong with Senju Hashirama's statement, Xia Yan always feels like he is bragging for some reason.

Now with Senju Hashirama, Xia Yan really didn't dare to go all out with him, because they couldn't hold back their strength at all, and they might be waiting to be resurrected if they were not careful.

As for the youngest person in the entire ninja world to become a Kage, it might be him now, but there is still Gaara waiting in the future, and Natsuhiko is really embarrassed to brag about it.

After the three of them chatted with each other for a while, Xia Yan decided to be more direct.

Senju Hashirama must have had some ideas in bringing Uzumaki Mito to him, and Natsuhiko didn't need to go around in circles with them.

"Mito-senpai, I don't know what your thoughts are."

"I have checked Hashirama's condition. It is really perfect. You have completed an incredible technique, Hokage-sama."

Uzumaki Mito smiled very calmly, but soon her expression became much more serious.

"Both Hashirama and Tobirama chose to live. If Hokage-sama wants to help me, I will definitely not refuse.

Although I live a long time, I am also willing to see more of the scenery in the world, but there is a problem that is bothering me. "


Natsuhiko glanced at Uzumaki Mito curiously. This woman seemed to be much more open-minded than he thought.

And she wasn't so obsessed with the idea of ​​'I'm already dead, why am I still alive?', which gave Xia Yan a lot of good impressions of her.

However, Xia Yan was a little surprised that this woman still had questions. He was also quite curious about what questions this woman had to ask.

"Tell me about it, Mito-senpai."

Natsu Yan nodded casually, but when Mito Uzumaki spoke, Natsu Yan's expression changed slightly.

"Hokage-sama, before I died, I sealed the Kyuubi inside Kushina's body.

And I heard that Kushina is still alive and has gone to a fairyland like Mt. Myoboku to practice, which proves that there is nothing wrong with the Kyuubi in her body.

So, where does the Nine Tails in Hokage-sama come from? "


Natsuhiko's face turned a little ugly now, because he really didn't expect Uzumaki Mito to have such keen perception!

His Kyuubi was clearly hidden very well. Even if he stood in front of Kushina, he could conclude that there was no way that Kushina would discover anything about him.

However, this woman discovered the clue so easily, which really made Xia Yan feel embarrassed.

This woman knew and exposed herself, which really made Xia Yan a little passive.

Even though he hasn't used his vest for a long time, it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use it!

"Kyuubi? Don't you feel wrong?"

Senju Hashirama was stunned for a moment, then he looked at his wife curiously and asked, but when he looked at Xia Yan, he felt that something was wrong.

Because at this time, Xia Yan's face no longer had the gentleness before, replaced by a kind of calmness with a bit of silence.

At this time, Senju Hashirama himself didn't know what to say. In fact, in his opinion, the Nine-Tails was just that, there was nothing to be surprised about.

It's not a big deal if Natsuhiko is so strong and has Kyuubi in his body. Of course, he is not really stupid. Since he knows that Kyuubi is in someone else, and Natsuhi still has Kyuubi in his body.

Does that mean that tailed beasts can actually be cultivated through special methods, not to mention that he doesn't know the legend of the Ten-Tails.

"Indeed, I have the power of the Kyuubi within me."

After a long while, Xia Yan slowly broke the silence. He knocked on the table and said slowly.

He has now figured it out. Now that he has the power of a tailed beast, let him expose it. It's not a big deal.

He knew what these people were most likely worried about. Uzumaki Mito only heard Senju Hashirama say that she was very strong, but she had never seen it.

Therefore, she felt that Natsuhiko's dependence on and interest in the tailed beast would be very scary and huge, and the damage that the tailed beast could cause was unimaginable.

Although she did guess some things, overall she still didn't have enough vision.

Senju Hashirama has enough vision. After all, he knows what Ten-Tail Sora said, so Natsuhiko plans to give him a response and tell him some of his thoughts.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly smiled, and at the same time, the chakra belonging to the tailed beast began to flow out crazily!

In an instant, Uzumaki Mito's expression changed, and Senju Hashirama couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise.

Because they all clearly felt that there was more than one tailed beast in the chakra burst out by Xia Yan.

In addition to the Nine-Tails, there are also the powers of the Two-Tails, Three-Tails, Six-Tails and Eight-Tails!

What is going on here, and why does this guy have so much tailed beast power?

Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito were both a little confused. They didn't expect that the Fifth Hokage of Konoha could hide so deeply.

There are only nine tailed beasts in the entire ninja world, but the Fifth Hokage in front of him has gathered five of them without knowing it. What is he going to do?

"Natsuhiko, are you going to summon the Ten-Tails?"

Senju Hashirama is still very calm. He immediately regained his composure after being stunned. He has no other thoughts now, he is just pure curiosity.

And he also noticed a small detail. He found that the power of all the tailed beasts seemed to be intertwined, and they all came from the power of the nine tails.

And these powers don't seem to be particularly powerful, or not as scary as a single tailed beast.

"And your tailed beast power, why does it feel a little weird?"

"It's normal, because it was originally conceived from the tailed beast chakra and was formed through some fusion."

Xia Yan smiled indifferently, but he stretched out his hand, and in an instant, pale golden chakra surrounded his hand.

Soon, the fluffy little fox, which never seemed to wake up at all, appeared in Xia Yan's hand with its nine tails waving.

At this moment, Natsuhiko saw a faint red chakra appear on Uzumaki Mito's body.

That is the chakra belonging to the Nine-Tails. Although Uzumaki Mito has not reached the peak level after being resurrected, she is still the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki in front of her.

After being reincarnated by the foul earth, even though she no longer had the Nine-Tails in her body, her body had contained the Nine-Tails for so long, so she naturally possessed part of the Nine-Tails' chakra.

And having no power does not mean that her perception has disappeared. She relied on her own power to control the Nine Tails during her lifetime, which was definitely no worse than Naruto.

Now she can also rely on her perception and Kyuubi's chakra to discern the secrets hidden in Xia Yan's body. This is really not surprising.

"Actually, the activity of Nine-Tails Chakra is much stronger than all of us imagined. Hashirama-senpai still remembers the information he read on the moon, right?"

"Of course I remember, and that place has been renovated by us. I plan to go there and take a look when I have time."

Senju Hashirama nodded directly. Naturally, they would not let go of the moon.

Especially there is so much information on it, and there is a reincarnation eye on it.

The evolution of Xia Yan's eyes depends on the power of the reincarnation eye, and he also plans to establish a teleportation array pilot station in the Land of Fire.

Therefore, the importance of the moon's interior is much higher than imagined.

In the past three years, Xia Yan, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama have been using shadow clones and wood clones to rebuild everything inside.

It can be said that the moon has become their second base. If they don't go up once, they will suffer an imbalance in the flow of time.

Due to the trouble of not matching the time of the ninja world, they may have to go there in person every week.

"The power of the tailed beast actually comes from the ten tails, and the stature of the ten tails is beyond our imagination.

I have always been curious about what kind of existence the Ten-Tails is, so I gave it a try. "

Xia Yan said slowly that there were some secrets that he really couldn't tell others, but he really didn't necessarily have to keep them secret from Senju Hashirama and the others.

"On the night of the Kyuubi Incident, I accidentally got some of Kyuubi's chakra, so I put it in my body and cultivated it with my own power.

What I didn't expect was that this little guy began to slowly take shape after devouring my power.

And when I mastered the power of Yin Yang Release and started feeding him, he completely turned into a brand new Nine Tails that was different from the original tailed beast. "

Xia Yan spoke slowly, and Xiao Jiuwei, who had just woken up from his nap, couldn't help but rolled his eyes in a vague way.

Can this nonsense be any more nonsense? When you raise me out, you will be a fool to escape from yin and yang!

Although Xiao Jiuwei complained mentally, he didn't bother to say anything to refute. He finally saw that his existence was exposed.

However, he and Xia Yan were connected, and he could feel what Xia Yan was thinking.

He knew that Xia Yan Xia Yan didn't care at all, so there was no need for him to think too much, but he still raised his head and glanced at the woman in front of him.

"This woman really has a lot of things to do. Why would you find me if you have nothing to do?"

The little Kyuubi's attitude towards Uzumaki Mito is really not good. After all, he inherited the memory of another Kyuubi. It's strange that his attitude is good.

Of course, he also knew that this woman had been fighting against the Kyuubi all her life, so it was understandable to be sensitive.

Moreover, she had never seen the battle between Xia Yan and Senju Hashirama. She was so aware of Senju Hashirama's strength that she didn't believe that anyone could reach that point.

It can only be said that empiricism kills people, and it can only be said that Senju Hashirama was so powerful that it made people despair.

Xia Yan naturally felt what Xiao Jiuwei was thinking, and he also felt that this guy was right.

But now is not the time to discuss these messy things, he continued to explain casually.

"After this little guy appeared, I started to wonder if I could do the same thing with other tailed beasts?

So I also did some risky things to collect chakra from other tailed beasts.

Of course, I am using the identity of the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. "

Having said this, Xia Yan listened, and then he calmly watched the reactions of the two people in front of him.

It has to be said that Senju Hashirama was always very calm. Of course he realized what Natsuhiko meant by "collecting chakra from other tailed beasts".

But for him now, he has been bombarded by Natsuhiko and Senju Tobirama in turn on the topic of 'why the ninja world was not unified back then', and others have long been numb.

Naturally, he also felt that he really shouldn't have done it back then, otherwise Uchiha Madara wouldn't have run away.

Now, other villages in the ninja world can basically be regarded as enemies of Konoha. Even if the war ceases, some identities will still not change.

Although Xia Yan's actions were unreasonable and the impact was very bad, Senju Tobirama was not worried about the safety of civilians, but there was nothing serious about it.

Uzumaki Mito was a little too surprised. She probably didn't expect that there were such people in this world.

Likewise, she didn't quite understand the content of her husband's conversation with the Fifth Hokage.

But it's obvious that she knows one thing, that is, her husband doesn't care at all, and she also knows that there may be no room for her to speak now.

"It's not exposed, right?" Suddenly, Qianju Tobirama asked: "You know, if your identity is exposed, your identity will be very troublesome."

"Am I that stupid?" Xia Yan shook his head disdainfully: "I also want to exercise the power of the tailed beast, right? And I specially chose Kirigakure just to be on the safe side."

Senju Hashirama couldn't help but nodded when he heard this. Kirigakure was indeed very good. The place was now completely sealed off. Even if Natsuhiko exposed the news, it might not be possible.

"So you are actually fusing the tailed beast now?"

Senju Hashirama lowered his head and then stretched out his hand to poke the little Kyuubi on Natsuhiko's palm, which made the Kyuubi become dissatisfied and wanted to bite him.

But the little guy obviously still has fear from his bloodline. He has not forgotten how badly he was beaten by this guy, so he is just showing off.

"And how do you use the power of the nine tails? Why do I feel that this little guy is not very strong?"

"Do you think everyone is you?"

Xia Yan almost rolled his eyes when he heard this, and Xiao Jiuwei also showed an extremely unhappy but helpless expression on his face.

He was suddenly woken up from a peaceful sleep. He didn't care about waking up. He also met someone who sealed him and beat him violently.

The most important thing is that the person who beat him violently also called him weak, which made him really depressed.

"As for the display of the Nine-Tails' power..."

Xia Yan ignored the little Kyuubi. He slowly absorbed the little guy into his body, and then pale golden chakra suddenly appeared all over his body.

Suddenly, a powerful aura reverberated in the office...


"According to the intelligence, it should be here."

In the country of Yu, after Shisui communicated with the ninjas of Yu Ninja Village who had just formed and tried to do simple tasks, he returned to his team and spoke.

Before they set off, they knew that Tsunade's approximate location was in the Country of Yu, so they spent some time tracking it here.

I just know that it is in the Kingdom of Yu, but it is not easy to find it because the Kingdom of Yu is so big.

Fortunately, now the Country of Yu and the Country of Fire can be said to be 'all-weather strategic partners'. To put it bluntly, it is no problem for Yunin Village to call Konoha 'Dad'.

Now that they have all ‘called father’, if Konoha comes to them with any questions, they will naturally not be able to refuse.

It didn't take long for them to lock the city. After communicating with the ninjas in the city, they finally got some information about Tsunade.

"But there is another situation that needs to be said."

Shisui thought for a moment before continuing.

"I heard from them that they didn't find Tsunade-sama herself, but they found a very similar little girl who often appeared at the entrance of the casino.

I think this is probably Tsunade-sama's technique, and it's not a transformation technique. Everyone must pay attention, understand? "

"team leader."

As soon as Shisui finished speaking, Uchiha Itachi suddenly pointed forward.

"Are you talking about her?"

All ANBU ninjas turned their heads involuntarily when they heard this, and saw a blond loli walking towards the front.

And the street ahead is not a simple place...


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