The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 321 Shisui’s eyes (8K please subscribe~)

Shisui really didn't expect that he would meet the suspected target so quickly.

He knew from his previous contacts with those soup ninjas that the street in front of him was a leisure street in this town.

In this street, there are almost all kinds of industries. Whether it is a hot spring resort, a custom shop, or a card club for entertainment, there is a dazzling array of things to see.

A girl who looked very young ran towards it, and her hair color was the same as her description.

This made Shisui think that maybe he had really found the mission target!

Turning his head, Shisui looked at Itachi. He suddenly realized that bringing out the youngest member of the family had unexpectedly brought him luck.

However, the target is suspected, which means they need more time to confirm.

So Shisui simply took Itachi to find a place to sit down, while the other ANBU members began to perform their tasks.

No one criticized Zhisui for his blatant fishing behavior. After all, the people Zhisui brought out this time were all members of his direct team.

Moreover, he has been in ANBU for almost ten years, and his reputation and strength are very high.

And this time he specially treated a newcomer, obviously intending to teach this newcomer well.

Therefore, the team members did not have the slightest dissatisfaction. When they joined the team, they would be led by Shisui alone for a while.

This tradition seems to them to be normal, even if Shisui is already the squadron leader.

"The country of Tang is developing really well now."

Sitting in a tavern, Shisui looked at everything around him and couldn't help but smile.

"Although it's still a little worse than our Fire Nation, let alone Konoha, it's much better than the last time I came here."

"The last time Brother Shisui came here, what was the Kingdom of Yu like?"

Itachi also saw the bustling scene around him, but he had never been to the Country of Yu.

Although he is already thirteen years old, he has been on missions since he left ninja school at the age of six.

However, his mission process was basically limited to the Fire Country, and the only place he managed to travel far was to a relatively safe place like the River Country.

Of course, this is also due to Uchiha's secret instructions.

Although Tang Country received an aid plan many years ago, it was basically a long-term mission.

To put it simply, once it’s over, who knows when it will be possible to return to Konoha.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't want his son to go away and not come back for many years. He also hoped that his son could enter the ANBU.

Therefore, Itachi has never been to the Kingdom of Yu, so naturally he doesn't know what the Kingdom of Yu was like before.

"Call Captain, your brother Shisui is not here."

Zhisui shook his head. He first confessed to Itachi with a serious expression, and then he looked at everything outside and spoke slowly.

“The country of Yu used to look pretty good, and the main cities were developing well. After all, this place relied on tourism for a living.

But apart from these cities, it can be said that people in other places are in dire straits.

After all, it is sandwiched between Konoha and Kumogakure. Any small friction will cause irreversible damage to this place.

And even those big cities that are developing well are just superficial.

All kinds of chaos are happening behind the scenes, whether they are gangs or rich people, they never care about the lives of others for their own benefit. "

"How could this happen?" This was the first time Itachi had heard of these things, which made him feel very strange and surprised.

After all, he has lived in the Country of Fire all year round, and he has become accustomed to the comfort and stability of the Country of Fire.

Indeed, there are some gang members in the Kingdom of Fire, as well as some not-so-honest businessmen.

But these guys will become Konoha's share of tasks every year, and every once in a while, ninjas will go out to cause trouble for them.

To put it bluntly, these guys can still exist only because Konoha doesn't want to completely wipe them out.

Of course, only the jounin knows these things, other ninjas don't know much about these things.

However, they can't make any waves in the Kingdom of Fire, so it doesn't matter how they try.

Itachi really didn't expect that these non-threatening guys would become such a troublesome existence in the Kingdom of Yu.

This really subverted Itachi's views, and he still had too many doubts in his heart. He really didn't understand why it was like this.

"Captain, don't there still be Tang Ninja Villages in the Kingdom of Tang? Don't they care?

And don’t the residents here know about the entrusted tasks? "

"This problem is actually easy to understand. The first thing is that you have to figure out what the model of Ninja Village is."

Zhisui sighed. After staying in ANBU for so long, he was forced to learn a lot of things.

It can be said that Shisui's vision is really not comparable to that of the guy in the original work, although he can still be stupid sometimes.

But overall, he is indeed a transformed Shisui.

Maybe the strength is not comparable, but the vision and thinking are really much beyond the original work.

“The development model of Ninja Village is to accept tasks and then receive rewards for completing the tasks.

Then, these rewards are used to train ninjas in the village, giving them the strength to take on more and more difficult tasks, thus forming a virtuous cycle.

On the other hand, it relies on large subsidies. Use the money from these subsidies to continue training ninjas and vigorously develop the village's infrastructure.

But these subsidies are really not that easy to get. Those who can give you subsidies will naturally need money, and you will naturally have to pay after you get the subsidy.

Just like us in Konoha, we receive subsidies from the Daimyos of the Land of Fire.

What we have to do is to surround the Land of Fire, and at the same time protect the personal safety and property safety of the daimyo.

There are no famous names in the Kingdom of Yu, but they have established a Ninja Village. Do you think where their money comes from? "

Shisui's narration was not fast, and Itachi was also a smart man. After listening carefully for a moment, he suddenly understood.

"The money in Yunin Village was given to them by the big businessmen, so what they want to protect is the interests of those big businessmen, not the country of Yu.

But Captain, there's one thing I still don't understand.

According to the captain, Tang Ninja Village was restrained by those big businessmen.

Although it is a bit disrespectful, one thing that is also true in Konoha is that the daimyo does not seem to contain us.

Tang Ninja Village is also a Ninja Village, why do they..."

"Do you think the former Yu Ninja Village could be as strong as Konoha?"

Facing his little brother's question, Shisui sighed helplessly.

This little guy is smart, but his vision is too poor.

It seemed that he was right to come to ANBU. Although the days to come would be a bit cruel, it was still better than not knowing anything at all.

"Those big businessmen can hire Yu Ninja Village, so naturally they can also hire stronger ninjas who can do anything for money.

The investment in Yunin Village is just to allow them to better control the country of Yu. Local forces can benefit them more easily than external forces. "

Shisui paused slightly when he said this. He saw his ANBU teammates walking towards him, and then he said meaningfully.

"You are still young and have a lot to learn. It will be good for you to calm down and study hard in ANBU."

Itachi also nodded seriously when he heard this, and then he said extremely seriously.

"I understand, Captain!"


"It's really disgusting. You actually don't let me pay the IOU. Do you really think I can't pay it back?"

Tsunade walked out of the casino in embarrassment with a dark face. She felt like she was furious.

Now she was in debt, so she had to use her sealing technique to turn herself into a little girl to avoid her creditors.

She is still a person with ninja ethics, and has never thought about using her own power to violently resist the payment of debts.

But it was precisely because of this that she had to live in hiding from XZ, although she enjoyed such days.

It has been a while since she came to the Kingdom of Tang. If she could, she actually wouldn't want to come to the Kingdom of Tang.

Because she heard that everything in the Kingdom of Yu was actually built with the help of Konoha.

But it is a pity that she has a bad reputation in other small countries, and it is only the country of Tang that she has never come to.

So even if she doesn't want to, the only choice she can finally make is here.

However, what made her despair was that all the entertainment venues in this ghost place had been overhauled.

The result is that these places do not give you any possibility of owing a debt.

The first thing you should do upon entering is check whether your property is affordable.

Once you fail to pass, then I'm sorry, you can go where you came from.

Such standardization really made Tsunade spit out blood, because although she was not penniless, she definitely couldn't afford to play big.

However, the purpose of her coming to the casino was not to play big, but this moment could be said to have completely stopped all her thoughts.

This made her really resentful, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"But having said that, Tang Country is doing really well now."

Although Tsunade was unhappy in her heart, she had to admit that the country of Yu now was not the country of Yu before.

Having experienced the war, she had actually been to the Kingdom of Tang, so she naturally knew how chaotic this ghost place was.

But now everything has changed here, even if the change has caused many people to lose their lives.

But she knew very well that if Konoha wanted to take control of this place, changing everything here would naturally require purging some people.

And didn’t the deaths of these people bring huge changes to the current Tang Country?

Although Tsunade left Konoha for so long for various reasons, she has never been willing to return to Konoha.

But she also admitted that Konoha is really great now, and the younger member of her family is doing really well.

She has always known that some people in her family are quietly doing these things for the sake of revival.

But she really never gave any help, and she didn't even have contact with these people.

Now that they succeeded and changed everything in Konoha, Tsunade was happy from the bottom of her heart but also extremely embarrassed.

Therefore she has done nothing to contribute, and since Konoha was in trouble she did nothing.

This caused her to be very dissatisfied when she heard that the top management of Konoha, the newly appointed Fifth Generation Hokage.

Not only her, but also Jiraiya. She had met Jiraiya, and Jiraiya also told her that the Fifth Hokage had given him a mission.

Let him track down Orochimaru until Orochimaru's problem is solved.

The meaning of this mission was very obvious, and the Fifth Hokage did not shy away from expressing his dissatisfaction.

This is telling Jiraiya and even telling her that since you don't want to return to Konoha, then don't come back.

Moreover, the task was issued by Xia Yan, and it was Xia Yan who had the final say on how to characterize it.

This means that even if they complete the mission, you still can't come back unless the Hokage lets you come back.

And you can come back only when the Hokage wants you to come back.

Such a strong style and such a ruthless approach made Tsunade feel dissatisfied but also aware of it.

Even if he wants to return to Konoha now, it is basically impossible.

"I really didn't expect that I don't even have a home."

Whenever she thought about this problem, Tsunade smiled bitterly in her heart.

Now that she came to the Country of Yu, she saw ninjas wearing Konoha uniforms on the streets from time to time, which really touched her.


Just walking, Tsunade suddenly frowned.

After all, she is a top ninja. Even if she does not have strong perception, she still has the vigilance that she should have.

She naturally noticed that someone was following her, which made her frown secretly.

She didn't think she could offend anyone now, after all, she had been away from Konoha for so long.

Could it be that his creditor found the ninja? She was naturally aware that it was a ninja who was following him. If it weren't for a ninja, she wouldn't have discovered it now.

"It's really troublesome. I don't know who he is writing about."

Tsunade thought silently, and then she immediately counterattacked.

She doesn't like being followed, so she will definitely do some things.

Cleverly finding a corner, Tsunade immediately used the difference in vision to hide in. Then she used the teleportation technique to leave her place and run to the rear.

Running into this corner gave others a chance to surround her, but if she ran out and waited for others to come, then she would be the one to surround these guys instead.

But Tsunade waited here for a long time, and she found that those guys didn't seem to have any intention of following them.

This made Tsunade a little confused. Could it be that her feelings were wrong?

However, this idea was rejected by her as soon as it came up. As a ninja, he would not feel wrong about this kind of thing.

Then this can only prove one thing, that is, the person following her is definitely beyond her imagination!

This immediately aroused Tsunade's alert, and she turned around and immediately planned to leave.

However, it was at this moment that she noticed that her surroundings had been quietly blocked by some guys who looked like ordinary people!

"Who are you?"

Tsunade frowned, and her seemingly thin body suddenly burst out with terrifying chakra.

"Don't be pretentious here. Let me guess, you are from ANBU, right?"

"Yes, Tsunade-sama."

Shisui led Itachi slowly out of the shadows on the side. He didn't wear a mask because there was no need.

"Tsunade-sama is indeed powerful. We are indeed members of the ANBU."

"Then which ANBU are you?"

Tsunade became even more alert when she heard Anbu's behavior. Anbu was never an easy place to deal with.

"Reply to Tsunade-sama."

Zhisui said calmly and slowly, but he also said it with some pride.

"We are from Konoha ANBU!"


Natsuhiko looked at the report in his hand boredly in the office. Although some things were revealed by Uzumaki Mito's damn perception, it had little impact on him.

But this incident also made him know that he should be more careful. Even if he didn't care about the power of tailed beasts, to ordinary people, tailed beasts were not the same thing.

No jinchūriki in any village had an easy time, because people's processed propaganda about tailed beasts created the stereotype that 'tailed beasts are gods of death and disaster'.

The purpose of this is simple. In addition to the fact that the tailed beasts are indeed terrifying, another point is to form a mutual deterrent.

Since the tailed beasts were taken out by Senju Hashirama to share the spoils, they have basically become a strategic weapon for every big village.

The value of strategic weapons does not lie in their use, but in their deterrence.

The loving father of the Soviet Union rightly said that a nuclear bomb is most powerful not after it is launched, but when it is placed on the launcher.

The same is true for tailed beasts now. After a long period of excessive publicity, even ninjas are extremely afraid of tailed beasts.

Once a war begins, both opposing sides will worry about whether the other side will use tailed beasts. Through such deterrence, the war will not reach an uncontrollable stage.

No matter how intense the fight is, it can be resolved through negotiation when the fight is about the same.

Because everyone is worried that people will be pushed into panic, and then there will be a wave of tailed beast airdrops, which will cause huge irreversible losses.

It can be said that tailed beast war is the war mode that everyone is afraid of and the least willing to accept.

This is also the reason why all villages with tailed beasts tacitly amplify the threat of tailed beasts.

It's just that this kind of expansion is a trap for the tailed beasts, and it also makes the Jinchūriki in his village suffer from blood mold.

Although the tailed beasts have been deceived, it is still a fact. After all, tailed beasts have been burdened with fear and disaster since ancient times.

But the jinchuriki is really unlucky, the tailed beast is so scary, and the tailed beast is sealed inside you.

Then when did you go crazy, wouldn’t we be unlucky?

Therefore, hating the jinchūriki has almost become politically correct. The villages that were barely sealed had nothing to say, but the villages that were sealed also suffered disasters.

However, there is really no way to explain this kind of thing. After all, the villagers don't know whether the seal is good or bad, and they don't care about the impact of the seal.

They only know that there is a tailed beast inside you, so they think you are the incarnation of the tailed beast.

Just look at Naruto in the original work and you will know how miserable he was when his identity as the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki was exposed.

Everyone almost blamed the poor guy Naruto for the destruction caused by the Kyuubi.

Although it is said that Konoha deliberately exposed and publicized Naruto in order to divert attention and influence so that Konoha could recover and rebuild.

But if it weren't for the long-term stereotypes in the past, Naruto would be so unlucky.

And Naruto's life is just a microcosm of all the Chuuriki.

Even this guy Kirabi was ostracized a lot when he was a child.

Xia Yan now has five tailed beasts stuffed into his body, and the impact of this kind of thing is ridiculously large.

A tailed beast can be called an explosion, and Xia Yan had five of them stuffed into his body. To an ordinary person, it was as outrageous as transporting a big Ivan to Moscow.

Of course, if the population of Washington is the same as that of Moscow, perhaps it would be more suitable to place it in Washington.

Xia Yan's identity is really different now, so he needs to pay attention to more things. These five big Ivans in his body must not be exposed.

However, he was reminded that he was reminded, but Natsuhiko should be unhappy with Mito Uzumaki.

Perhaps it was because she was indeed older when she died, and Sarutobi Hiruzen also respected her when he was Hokage.

So seeing Xia Yan so young, and feeling the power of the tailed beast, he unconsciously 'relyed on his old age and betrayed his old age'.

Even though Xia Yan knew there was nothing wrong with her, who didn't have a secret yet?

Even though this secret was terrifying to her, it was just that to Xia Yan.

So when it came to resurrecting her completely, Xia Yan gave her to the card owner very directly.

Anyway, Natsuhiko promised Kakashi to resurrect Obito after finding Obito's remains. Natsuhiko is not afraid to tell the order.

After Uzumaki Mito left, he seemed to have had a more in-depth communication with Senju Hashirama.

And this kind of exchange also made her understand that although she technically did not make a mistake, she had also offended the new Hokage in some sense.

And she also knew that this new Hokage was indeed more terrifying than Senju Hashirama.

Moreover, the way of governing was more powerful than Senju Tobirama, which made her sigh at Xia Yan's strength, but she couldn't help but feel happy at the same time.

Because she knew that the Thousand Hands Clan had fallen, and now she saw the Thousand Hands Clan rise again, she naturally felt happy.

In particular, the Uzumaki clan also fell, and the descendants of this clan were brought back by the fifth generation many years ago.

This also made her feel grateful to the Hokage from the bottom of her heart, but it was a pity that she was offended by being anxious.

"Forget it, don't think about her anymore."

Xia Yan gently put down the report in his hand and shook his head, too lazy to think about these things.

“Although it makes me very unhappy, this incident also allows me to see Senju Hashirama’s transformation, which is excellent news.

In fact, even if she was resurrected, it was only for Senju Hashirama.

With this incident, I don't think she dares to do anything anymore. She will be disgusted for a moment. I don't intend to have a tense relationship with Senju Hashirama.

After all, there are too many places where Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama can be used! "

Senju Hashirama is almost bound to Senju Tobirama by itself, and Natsuhiko is not willing to have a relationship that is too rigid.

What's more, these two people have made too many contributions to Konoha now, plus the personal relationship they have gained from getting along over the years.

Xia Yan also didn't want to make things particularly ugly with each other because of some trivial matters.

Xia Yan tilted his head slightly and looked elsewhere.

Although it was daytime, he could still sense the position of the moon through chakra.

He hadn't been to the moon for a long time. At this time, his eyes had almost adapted, and he felt that he should go to the moon.

“And I’ve been feeling a little restless lately, always feeling like something is going to happen.

Although the strength of the two of them may not be as strong as mine, they can still do many, many things with their existence.

For example, they protect some people who must be protected..."


"Are you kidding? Do you really think that because Senju Natsuhiko is the Hokage, he can just leave if he wants us to leave, and if he wants us to go back, we have to go back?"

In a hotel in Yuno Country, Tsunade looked at Shisui and others in front of her with a cold face.

At this time, she was really angry again. After hearing that Shisui and the others came to Konoha, she had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, after Shisui directly stated that his purpose of coming was to find Tsunade and to take her back, Tsunade knew that she had guessed correctly.

But guessing correctly does not mean that she is willing to go back, after all, the current attitude of Konoha and Xia Yan.

Even though she wanted to go back, she knew that she might not be able to live comfortably after going back.

Therefore, even when she faced the invitation, she seemed very hesitant.

But when she deliberately refused, Shisui told her unceremoniously that this was not an invitation, because it was a request!

Natsuhiko was asking her to return to Konoha, and she couldn't have any reason to refute it, she had to carry it out.

Upon hearing this statement, Tsunade immediately became angry.

Although she knew that this Hokage of the same race was very strong, and he also had strong capital.

With that powerful strength coupled with that young age, it's normal for him to show off his sharp edge.

But being so strong, and being so strong on her head, Tsunade really wouldn't recognize it!

The First Hokage was her grandfather, the Third Hokage was her teacher, and the Fourth Hokage was still her half-disciple.

And judging from the family's seniority, she is somewhat higher than Xia Yan.

Within Konoha, although Natsuhiko is now the Hokage, she was one of the Sannin at the beginning.

When she was fighting for Konoha's blood, whether Natsuhiko was weaned or not was a problem.

And she's not Jiraiya, she doesn't have much affection for Naruto. It's a dream to get her to give in!

"Tsunade-sama, please calm down."

Shisui's face didn't look very good now, but he still suppressed his anger and looked at Tsunade calmly.

"Natsuhiko-sama is our Hokage-sama. As a ninja of Konoha, you need to respect her, Tsunade-sama."

"Huh, respect him?"

Tsunade looked at Shisui with a sneer, and finally she shook her head disdainfully.

"I've met many more Hokages than you, kid.

Even Senju Natsuhiko, he is just a brat in my eyes.

I admit that he did a good job and that he is very strong, but this is not the reason why he can force me. "

"Tsunade-sama, I'm warning you again, please maintain due respect for Hokage-sama."

Shisui's face turned colder at this moment, and even the chakra in his body was floating.

Not only him, but all the ANBU members who would follow him could not help but activate chakra.

They were basically old men from the ANBU, so naturally they accepted Natsuhiko's attitude and views on the Sannin.

Moreover, they themselves admired Natsuhiko very much. To ANBU, Natsuhiko meant more than just Hokage.

He is the pride of ANBU, he is the greatest minister of ANBU!

There is no member of ANBU who does not respect Natsuhiko.

Now Tsunade showed no respect for Natsuhiko in front of them.

Not to mention that the ANBU is a force directly under the Hokage, and it itself needs to protect the Hokage's reputation and interests.

Just the reputation that Natsuhiko left in ANBU, they would naturally want to maintain it!

It can be said that Tsunade was unhappy with Natsuhiko in front of the ANBU. This behavior was no different from lighting a powder keg.

"What, you want to do something?"

Seeing this scene, the sneer on Tsunade's face became even louder, and the dissatisfaction and anger in her heart became somewhat uncontrollable.

"Then let's give it a try. I'm just a little curious about how the Konoha Anbu are doing, as they are always said to be the best among the best.

And it's your business to respect Hokage, don't bring me in too easily.

I know very well what Naruto is, because Naruto is just a curse!

My two grandfathers eventually died in battle because they carried the Hokage on their backs.

Although my teacher is okay, I still know how much he has paid for Hokage.

Not to mention him, my brother has dreamed of becoming Hokage since he was a child, but he died while trying.

My lover also died on the battlefield in order to become Hokage.

Even your Yondaime Hokage, if he only passed by for a long time, you would be finished?

Although he died, because he carried the name of Hokage, he has now retired and doesn't know where to cultivate.

Do you really think that Hokage is an important person? I tell you, even if Natsuhiko Senju is standing in front of me, I will be like this.

Naruto is a curse, there is nothing extraordinary about it, and those who become Hokage are destined to die early! "

"It's enough!"

At this moment, Shisui couldn't bear it anymore, and he stood up suddenly and glared at Tsunade.

The scarlet Sharingan was also revealed at this moment, and the three black magatama slowly rotated in his eyes.

And what’s even weirder is that the speed of such selections has slowly begun to accelerate.

Shisui has been taught by Uchiha since he was a child, and his obsession with Hokage is unimaginable.

After he entered the Anbu, although he did not directly follow Xia Yan.

But to put it bluntly, he grew up watching Xia Yan’s legendary experiences!

Especially when he saw Natsuhiko becoming Hokage, he seemed to see a Hokage dream belonging to ANBU ninja coming true before his eyes.

Especially with Natsuhiko's reform recommendations in Konoha, Konoha is getting stronger and stronger, and the surrounding areas radiated by Konoha are becoming more and more peaceful.

His admiration and respect for Xia Yannei became stronger and stronger.

In his heart, Natsuhiko is equal to Hokage, not that Natsuhiko is the Fifth Hokage!

Now Tsunade said this in front of him, and she said it too much.

This was no longer as simple as lighting a barrel of explosives. Anger had completely enveloped his heart.

Even though he knew he was no match, he was ready to take action without hesitation.

"If...if I were stronger, I could defeat this guy who insulted Hokage-sama.

If I had stronger power, I would definitely be able to save Hokage's dignity! "

Due to his thoughts, the three magatama in his eyes rotated faster and faster, and his chakra became stronger and stronger...


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