The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 322 Let you know who has the final say in Konoha!

Natsu Yan would never have dreamed that his series of actions would lead to him compiling a "Hokage Dream" belonging to ANBU.

He would never have thought that he had acquired a little fanboy for no reason, and that this little fanboy took him so seriously.

So much so that due to the conflict and competition with Tsunade, his eyes changed due to extreme emotions.

Under the stimulation of such extreme emotions, the three magatama in Shisui's eyes rotated faster and faster, and the chakra emitted by his body became stronger and stronger.

In an instant, suffocating, frightening, and destructive chakra enveloped the entire room.

Tsunade was stunned for a moment when she saw the scene in front of her. She really didn't expect that damn guy Natsuhiko to actually send an Uchiha to find her.

The hatred between the Senju and the Uchiha clan has lasted for thousands of years, and this hatred still existed even after the establishment of Konoha.

Although Tsunade had to admit that it seemed that the Uchiha had changed under Natsuhiko's rule.

But no matter how it changes, some things still remain, and Tsunade has never liked Uchiha.

What does it mean to have an Uchiha come to her? In her opinion, this is no longer as simple as contempt and dissatisfaction!

However, just when she was about to vent her dissatisfaction, she suddenly found that the situation seemed to have changed.

The kid in front of him was emotionally unstable, and the magatama in his eyes was rotating too fast.

As that crazy chakra escaped, Tsunade's expression suddenly changed.

As the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama, how could she not know the existence of the kaleidoscope?

"This kid actually has the Mangekyou Sharingan?"

The activation of the kaleidoscope is a secret among secrets. Tsunade knows about the kaleidoscope but does not know how to obtain such eyes.

However, she knew that she must not be careless in the slightest, because the Uchiha with these eyes was definitely beyond common sense!


Without any hesitation, Tsunade burst out her strongest chakra, and then punched Shisui.

Even if she didn't understand why Uchiha, who used the kaleidoscope, would still obey Senju Natsuhiko's orders.

But she knew that if she didn't do something, she might really have to be taken back with a kunai around her neck.

Of course, she also knew that taking action might cause huge trouble, but this also showed her attitude.

She wanted to see how the Senju Natsuhiko would deal with her.

At this time, Shisui had fallen into a very mysterious realm, and he felt that the world in front of him had completely changed.

The moment Tsunade punched, he seemed to see countless lines.

These lines seemed to be guiding him and telling him what he should do to avoid this attack and achieve the effect of counterattack!

Not only that, he also found that his eyes seemed to give him a lot of information at this moment.

There was a lot of information that he didn't even dare to think about, and through this information, he knew that he seemed to have the power to capture Tsunade, one of the three ninjas in front of him!

"It's really a wonderful power. Is this the real power of the Sharingan?"

Shisui murmured to himself, and the moment Tsunade's fist was about to hit his body, the three magatama in his eyes stopped spinning.

At this moment, the three magatama were connected together, and a triangle-shaped symbol that looked like a shuriken appeared in his eyes.

He channeled the power contained in his eyes without hesitation, and in an instant a green chakra covered his body.

This chakra surrounded him like armor, and under his guidance, the shape of ribs quickly appeared.


Along with a muffled sound suddenly sounded in the hotel, the ground began to sway slightly.

The table next to them suddenly shattered and fell to the ground at this moment, and the wooden doors and walls around them also fell into pieces at this moment.

Those ANBU ninjas who had not reacted at all were pushed back a few steps by the sudden burst of power.

And Uchiha Itachi fell directly to the ground because he was young and not very strong.

Even Shisui took a few steps back at this moment.

His chest felt a little tight, blood was already spilling from the corners of his mouth, and the chakra protecting him also had cracks!

It can only be said that Tsunade is worthy of being Tsunade. Even if she just suddenly attacks with strength, the terrifying strange power is not something that normal people can withstand.

Fortunately, she attacked suddenly and there was no "preparing for attack" process. Fortunately, she was still cautious and did not intend to kill Shisui.

Otherwise, her punch could directly penetrate Shisui's defense, not to mention his chest!

"What a terrifying power..."

Shisui felt the tightness in his chest, and then looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade's expression was a little solemn. After that punch, she also knew how strong Shisui's defense was.

Besides, she could also see what kind of jutsu Shisui used. If she was not mistaken, this thing was probably the legendary Susanoo!

At such a young age, he has already opened the kaleidoscope and mastered such a terrifying technique.

The most important thing is that this kid is still so biased towards Konoha and that Senju Natsuhiko.

With what he has done, I am afraid that he really cannot avoid this battle.

"Tsunade-sama, you have gone too far."

Shisui looked at Tsunade in front of him with a sullen face. He gently stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then the chakra in his body burst out even more terrifyingly.

The green chakra on his body became more and more at this moment, and the originally broken ribs became complete again.

And with the influx of majestic chakra, the green chakra on his body began to gradually form a human shape.

First, the torso became complete, and then a huge skeleton quickly took shape.

But this was not over yet. The kaleidoscope in his eyes began to rotate slowly, and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his eyes.

But he didn't pay attention. The giant covering him began to grow larger and larger, and the bones began to be filled with chakra.

In just a few breaths, this giant skeleton has completely taken on the form of a human!

The green giant roared, as if to show his power.

And such a roar made the tavern begin to shake, and an invisible energy wave struck Tsunade fiercely, forcing her to take a defensive stance.

"Tsunade-sama has taken action just now. It is obvious that Tsunade-sama does not regard us as ninjas from the same village, but more like enemies."

Zhisui's voice seemed a little cold at this moment, and he looked particularly scary under the cover of this giant.

"Then I won't be polite anymore. Hokage-sama also said that he would take Tsunade-sama back, so I will definitely do it.

From now on, you are no longer a Konoha ninja, but our enemy.

I'll give it my all, even if it's just to bring your head back! "


"It seems that everything in this world is not useless. Although it is occupied by a group of lower creatures, their imagination is still very good."

In a hot spring pavilion in Yunokoku, Otsutsukiura-style soaked in the hot springs comfortably. This kind of experience was really rare for him.

As Otsutsuki, he needs to find ways to improve his strength, otherwise he may become a 'Guardian' if his strength cannot keep up.

He knew how sad the fate of the guardian was, because every time he summoned the sacred tree, the guardian had to sacrifice his life to fill it.

Even though Otsutsuki is not afraid of death, who is willing to really die and then wait for a long resurrection?

In particular, Otsutsuki's resurrection is extremely troublesome. They need to find a suitable body and then leave Wedge to cultivate that body.

They can only be resurrected if that body has the power of Otsutsuki and has the strength to withstand itself.

Otherwise, an ordinary body cannot withstand its own power, and may collapse even with a burst of chakra.

And without enough strength and longevity, it is likely to be played out under the erosion of time.

Such a situation is really not something that any Otsutsuki is willing to bear, and the guardians are naturally not willing either, but they have no choice.

If they had a choice, I'm afraid they themselves wouldn't be willing to do it.

In fact, it is not impossible for them, Otsutsuki, to try and use wedges to train people with Otsutsuki's bodies.

A blank wedge with only power has never been created before, but the Otsutsuki clan is also very conservative.

They were worried that after this thing was released, they would accidentally fail to control the people who were burned and wedged.

Then this will cause irreversible results. Just imagine a guy who has the power of Otsutsuki and does not belong to them.

This is simply a heretical existence. If they want to take action against Otsutsuki, they really have such power.

In order to avoid accidents, things like white wedges are basically prohibited, and the guardian class is still used today.

If nothing else goes wrong, after Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's mission is over, he will also look for his own guardian when he returns to the clan.

Although he is a freshman Otsutsuki, his talent and strength have been recognized.

Therefore, he is qualified to become a protected person. From now on, someone must sacrifice his life for him to obtain the fruit of the sacred tree.

"I just don't know which unlucky guy he will be in the future."

Otsutsuki Ura Shi stretched hard. To be honest, he didn't care who it was.

The Otsutsuki clan is cold by nature, despite his gentleness in front of other Otsutsukis.

But in fact, he is just like everyone else, because for Otsutsuki, these feelings are luxuries or useless things.

Only if you have strong power can you survive forever and stand on top of the world!

Power is their only pursuit, everything else is useless.

"But in the future, when I summon the sacred tree in another world, I can enjoy the characteristics of that world. This can be considered a blessing to that world."

Otsutsuki Ura Shi stretched slightly, then stood up with a face full of satisfaction.

"I am really a generous person. After all, I gave them the opportunity to come into contact with me during my lifetime."

Otsutsuki Ura's words can be called outrageous remarks, but to him, this is the most normal mentality of their Otsutsuki.

Except for their Otsutsuki, all other creatures are ants.


But at this moment, Otsutsuki Urashiki was suddenly stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"What a powerful Yin Escape. I never thought that people in this world can still use such power."

The power of Yin Dun has always been called great power. The only one that can compare with Yin Dun is Yang Dun.

Of course, on top of these two forces there is the natural force of Yin and Yang.

Even Otsutsuki must be extremely careful with these two powers, because these two powers can already hurt them.

However, although they will value this kind of power, they will not care too much.

Because those who have mastered the power cannot defeat them, then everything is meaningless.

As Otsutsuki, they must not only have super strong 'jutsu' abilities, but also super strong physical skills.

"But with such power, I do know to pay attention to it. It's not too far away anyway."

Otsutsuki Ushiki put on his clothes casually, and then felt the distance between the two parties before he made a decision.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry to find the hidden Otsutsuki now.

After all, Otsutsuki is hiding, and it's not easy to catch him and pay him back.

At least Otsutsuki Ura Shiki didn't think he could find that guy by searching blindly in this world.

But he wasn't worried that the guy wouldn't come out. After all, the power of the Ten-Tails was scattered everywhere, and he could sense even the Ten-Tails' body.

Therefore, he is not afraid that this guy will not show up, and with his strength, he is not worried about whether anyone in this world can resist him.

The reason why he hasn't taken action yet is simply because he hasn't had enough fun yet.

Thinking of this, the chakra in Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's body swayed slightly, and then a black hole appeared in front of him.

The use of space is really not a difficult task for him.

God has given the Otsutsuki clan unique advantages, and they can obtain various abilities through various methods.

Whether it is the improvement of strength, the chakra is fused to obtain the Blood Succession Snare.

Or by planting the sacred tree and finally eating the fruit.

They can all get special powers from it, thus enhancing their upper limit of strength.

What's more, even if they don't do anything, they will get special powers after birth.

Slowly crossing the black hole, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki arrived in another town in the next second.

But soon his expression changed slightly. Before, he only noticed that someone was using the power of Yin Escape, but he didn't notice it until he came here.

This kind of Yin Escape comes from the power of the fruit of the divine tree. Among this power, there is a very obvious power of the fruit of the divine tree!

Looking at the green giant not far away, Otsutsuki Ushiki suddenly showed a smile again.

It's just that this time his smile seemed so inexplicable and playful.

"Now, it's much more interesting..."


Shisui and Tsunade's fight was about to break out, and neither of them had any intention of holding back.

For Shisui, although Tsunade is a Sannin and a senior in Konoha.

But being impacted by Xia Yan's thinking in the ANBU all year round, he really didn't care that much about this guy who hadn't participated in the three battles.

Afterwards, Konoha was destroyed by the Kyuubi, and Kumogakure was nowhere to be found when he invaded.

Although Jiraiya is much better, Jiraiya also did not appear in the incident between Kyuubi and Kumogakure.

To put it simply, they made no contribution at all when Konoha needed them most!

However, in comparison, Orochimaru had a defection incident.

But Shisui also knew the secret here. After all, he and Kakashi would go to hand over to Orochimaru.

He naturally knew that although Orochimaru's defection also had his own problems, it was more about taking the blame.

Moreover, Orochimaru also made a lot of contributions to Konoha after his defection. Can this be compared to Jiraiya and Tsunade?

What's more, just now, Tsunade was the first to attack him, if it weren't for the fact that his eyes had been greatly improved to protect him.

I'm afraid he will be in complete trouble now, and it is even less likely that he will have any affection for Tsunade.

That's why he said that even if he goes back with Tsunade's head!

Tsunade was somewhat passive now, but at the same time she was also furious.

She knew she was being unreasonable, after all, she was the first to take action.

She actually knew that what she did to the ANBU was extremely inappropriate.

But as one of the three ninjas, she really didn't pay too much attention to ANBU.

Although they did not have many specific positions when they were in Konoha, they were completely included in Konoha's top management.

Now that Shisui was talking to her like this, it really made her extremely angry.

Even if she admitted that she had done something wrong, this guy directly defined himself as a 'non-Konoha ninja' and wanted his own life. No one could accept this.

But she is still reasonable. She has already made a mistake once, and she will not make it a second time.

She never thought about taking the lives of these Anbu ninjas, because she knew that if she did, then she would really be hunted down by the Senju Natsuhiko.

Judging from the fact that Senju Natsuhiko didn't take him seriously as one of the three ninjas at all, and he completely ignored that he was also a member of the Senju clan.

This guy can definitely do such a thing, and he may even really want to kill himself!

"I may influence him after I go back, and I am the disciple of the Third Hokage. Is he going to clean up the Third Generation and One Line?"

Tsunade still has some brains after all, even if her position as the fifth Hokage in the future is compromised.

But if there is no brain, it is impossible to sit so calmly.

But unfortunately, she hasn't been back to Konoha for too long, and she doesn't pay enough attention to Konoha.

Therefore, she didn't really know much, at least she didn't know that Xia Yan's reckoning with the Third Hokage was over.

At least she didn't know that the grass on the graves of the two consultants and their families was already several meters high.


With a huge roar, the tavern they were in was completely reduced to pieces.

The huge air wave destroyed the surrounding houses, and the ANBU ninjas who followed Shisui were quickly evacuating the surrounding people.

Once such a battle breaks out, there's really not much they can do.

Especially the current battle scene seems to have completely exceeded their imagination.

Especially Uchiha Itachi, this was the first time he saw Shisui fighting with others.

Although he had always known that Shisui was very strong, after all, someone who could become the captain of the ANBU squadron, how could he be weak?

However, he really didn't understand how strong he was.

He had indeed been sparring with Shisui for a long time, and Shisui had also taught him a lot. He also thought he knew Shisui's strength.

But looking at the scene in front of him, he realized that his understanding of Shisui, his brother, was really too little!

Shisui didn't know what others were thinking, he only knew that he had to resolve the battle quickly now.

Tsunade's power was so great that almost every blow to Susanoo would cause Susanoo to shake violently.

Although this would not cause Susanoo to collapse, the terrible power transmitted to him also made him extremely uncomfortable.

When the power reaches a terrifying level, it is difficult to defend even with a shield in your lower hand.

After all, the aftermath of power can be transmitted directly to a person's body through the shield.

The most terrible thing is that now Shisui feels a little uncomfortable in his eyes.

Although he didn't know why his eyes couldn't be used for a long time, he knew that his eyes were about to reach their limit.

He had a strong feeling that if he continued, he might go blind!

"It seems that some special methods must be used. I hope it will work."

Shisui thought silently, and when Tsunade's fist was about to fall on him, he controlled Susanoo to punch him without hesitation.

The ground beneath their feet cracked at this moment, apparently unable to withstand the power the two of them unleashed.

But after this punch, Shisui quickly removed his Susanoo, and ducked in front of Sensation.

He felt a little regretful now. He wiped his eyes before so as not to affect the battle, but he didn't care about these details now.

He quickly took out a kunai, and then stabbed Tsunade hard.

Tsunade also didn't expect that the guy in front of her actually gave up her protection and rushed directly in front of her.

Tsunade would not be polite when faced with such a stupid move, but the next second she was completely stunned.

Then her body became completely stiff, and she even began to tremble a little.

In front of her eyes, Shisui's kunai did not stab her body, but instead stabbed her palm!

At this moment, bright red blood spilled out directly and stained her face.

Tsunade's momentum was completely exhausted at this moment, and she seemed to have no courage to continue fighting.

Shisui would not miss this opportunity. He quickly stepped forward and looked directly at Tsunade's slightly dull eyes.

The next moment, his pair of kaleidoscopes burst out with strange chakra.

Tsunade's eyes began to become more blurred and lifeless, and then her body trembled more and more violently, and finally she let out a scream.

Accompanied by harsh and shrill screams, Tsunade also completely passed out...


"So, you used her hemophobia to defeat her?"

In the Hokage's office in Konoha Village, Natsuhiko looked at Shisui with a strange expression. He really didn't expect that so many things would happen if he asked Shisui to get Tsunade back.

First, Tsunade mocked the wave of Hokage, and then angered her little fanboy.

Then his little fanboy fought with Tsunade, and using the information about hemophobia, he successfully put Tsunade down.

Does this count as Tsunade's boat capsized in the gutter?

Xia Yan thought about it and couldn't get a clear answer, but he also had a headache now.

He didn't expect that Tsunade would have such a hot temper. He brought Tsunade back just to deal with Senju Hashirama.

It's just that Natsuhiko didn't intend to tell anything about Senju Hashirama, so Shisui didn't know what attitude to adopt.

Similarly, when facing Gang Shu, no better reason was given, which also led to a conflict between the two of them.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head.

Now that he has brought it back, it can be considered that Shisui has completed his mission.

However, this woman, Tsunade, went too far. She actually dared to attack people from the ANBU. This was something that the Sannin were so used to that they didn't even know who was the boss in Konoha now.

Taking action against the ANBU is in some sense an attack against the Hokage. In the past, the Sannin could ignore the ANBU because they themselves were direct descendants of the Hokage.

In terms of seniority, the ANBU is far behind, but now that the ANBU is still Xia Yan's ANBU, everything is different.

Similarly, the Sannin are no longer the Sannin they used to be. Are you asking them to put together a Sannin to come out and have a look?

To put it bluntly, Natsuhiko could make the so-called Sannin lose any status with just one sentence.

Moreover, this title of Sannin was given to him by Hanzo, who may have lost all traces of the grass on his grave.

A ninja from an enemy country - now considered a vassal country, who also cooperated with the rebel ninja Danzo, and was killed by Nagato.

The name given by such a person will be valuable if Xia Yan accepts it, but it will be worthless if Xia Yan does not accept it!

These things happened completely in his mind, and his current authority cannot be challenged by others.

So Tsunade should go to the ANBU prison and take her with her now, so she can sober up and figure out who has the final say in Konoha.

"Yes, Hokage-sama, I'm sorry that the mission turned out like this."

Zhisui didn't know what Xia Yan was thinking, so he lowered his head and said with utmost sincerity.

"This is my mistake, please punish me, Hokage-sama."

"Come on, stop doing this in front of me."

Xia Yan came to his senses and rolled his eyes before continuing.

"Well done, upholding Hokage's reputation while completing the mission, I can't find anything to fault.

Congratulations, you have completed your first mission as squadron leader perfectly.

I hope you will continue to do so and become a captain or even ANBU minister in the future. "

"Thank you, Hokage-sama!"

Zhisui resisted the idea of ​​half-kneeling down and nodded vigorously.

But soon he seemed hesitant, and then his eyes became firm.

"Lord Hokage, there is one more thing I need to report in person."


Xia Yan glanced at Shisui unexpectedly, then he picked up the document in his hand and asked.

"Didn't you include it in the report?"

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, I didn't write this down, although it won't take long for Hokage-sama to know about it."

Shisui closed his eyes slightly before continuing.

"When I was confronting Tsunade, I got a little too excited because of her attitude, which led to some unexpected things.

I unexpectedly noticed a change in my eyes, and I gained tremendous strength from it. "

Zhi Shui told his story without any concealment, while Xia Yan looked at Zhi Shui with questions.

According to Shisui's description, Natsuhiko certainly knew what happened.

He never dreamed that this boy Shisui would not die because his teammates died, or that he killed the person he loved most.

Instead, was it because Tsunade scolded him and sprayed the Hokage's position, thus stimulating him to open his kaleidoscope?

What the hell is this?

In fact, Natsuhiko has always known that the Uchiha clan does not have to experience anything cruel to open the kaleidoscope.

Those cruel things can only make them more stimulated, thus pushing their spirits to an extremely extreme level.

And what is the easiest way to do all this faster than to kill your loved one with your hands?

Every Uchiha's G-spot is different. In the most extreme cases, they may not even know what their G-spot is.

So Indra used it, and Uchiha Madara seemed to also use it, and he not only used it on himself but also on Obito.

Facts have proved that this method is indeed effective.

In the original work, Uchiha Itachi was also forced to use this move. After all, Shisui died in front of him.

Zhisui has now done something like this to Xia Yan, which really makes Xia Yan dumbfounded.

But no matter what, this is good news, and according to Shisui's story, Xia Yan found that this kid's eye skills have undergone tremendous changes.

It seems that the daunting other gods in the original work are completely gone, but this seems to have a lot to do with his growth environment and mentality.

Now that Uchiha has been integrated by Natsuhiko, he no longer looks like he was about to fall apart in an instant.

In this case, Shisui naturally no longer has that worry, so it is normal that his eyes will not appear like those of other gods.

According to him, one of his current abilities is to release flames, a black flame that cannot be extinguished.

One is the ability that allows him to use Susanoo relatively easily without worrying about damaging his eyes.

Xia Yan knows the first of these two abilities, and if there are no accidents, it should be Amaterasu.

He had never heard of the second one, but based on his situation at the time, he might not be strong enough to deal with a violent woman like Tsunade.

So he was thinking that he wanted to gain great strength, so he got these two abilities?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that this explanation was the most logical, otherwise many things would be really clear.

"Give you a week's rest. Go home and talk to your elders about this matter, or talk to your clan leader."

Xia Yan thought for a moment before finally speaking.

"Your eyes are called the Mangekyou Sharingan. They are very scary eyes. It would be better if you talk to your family members about the secrets inside."


Shisui hesitated when he heard this. It didn't seem right to take a leave just after becoming the squadron leader.

But he finally nodded, and then said extremely seriously.

"I understand, Hokage-sama, then I'll take my leave first."

Xia Yan nodded and said nothing more, but after he left, he couldn't help but look out the window.

"This guy Shisui actually came back with a tail. I want to see who you are!"


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