The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 323: Who do you think you are (8K please subscribe~)

Xia Yan could indeed feel that there was a strange force that seemed to be following Shisui from afar.

This feeling is very strange and subtle, as if it comes from the heart and is natural.

He just knew someone was coming, and he could feel a vague chakra lingering around him.

This kind of chakra is dangerous, but there is no real danger.

Because this kind of chakra seems to be actually observing him and spying on everything about him, rather than causing any destructive blow to him.

This feeling had been there since Shisui came back, but Xia Yan didn't take it too seriously.

But when Shisui met him, this power began to lock onto him and began to observe him unscrupulously.

This move made Xia Yan very unhappy. He really couldn't figure out where the mentally retarded person came from to seek death like this.

Therefore, he planned to go over and find out what was going on. After all, coming to Konoha to provoke him was a bit too much for such a guy.

"But be careful. Although there is really nothing in the ninja world that I should worry about or be afraid of, the dangers in Naruto's world still exist."

Xia Yan thought to himself, and then he stood up and the chakra in his body began to surge rapidly.

There are too many dangerous people in Naruto's world, not to mention that it makes him a little distorted, but the backend is quite interesting, but he has never seen Boruto.

The Otsutsuki who ran out in the early stage was enough for him to be extremely afraid of.

Just that Uchiha Madara, and the Sage of Six Paths who was sealed inside the moon, and who was not considered dead and waiting to be hanged.

These guys are truly more terrifying than the last, and each one makes Xia Yan feel more fearful.

If he were alone, Xia Yan might not be so worried. After all, I can still run away if I can't beat you.

When I gain strength, and my strength surpasses yours, I will come back to take revenge.

He is now deeply bound to Konoha, not to mention that he has his friends and people he likes in Konoha.

Just because he ran away as Hokage, Konoha fell and collapsed, and his mission as the strongest BOSS in the ninja world was basically completed.

The real big boss either talks too much and is killed in the end, or he hides until he lifts his mask and kills everyone who opposes him.

But no big BOSS would choose the so-called advance one after another and launch an attack in the safe zone behind them.

To complete this mission, Xia Yan never talks too much, and he has no habit of showing mercy when encountering enemies.

He basically takes the second route, which is to wait until he actually arrives or can no longer hide, and then kills all of you directly!

In his life entry, although he does not mind attacking backwards, it does not mean that he is willing to do so.

Especially when he is the Hokage and the base camp is right here, where can he go if he attacks backwards?

Is it possible to run to the Land of Waves, to Kirigakure Village, or simply to the continent where the Ninja World map is developed?

He closed his eyes slightly, and when Xia Yan opened his eyes again the next moment, the bright blue was already dancing in his eyes.

His eyes scanned quickly, and it wasn't long before he saw a figure in the distance.

The moment he saw this guy, Xia Yan's expression changed slightly.

I saw a guy with pale skin and long blue-white hair standing there in the distance.

His eyes are a pair of white eyes, and his appearance is also hugely different from humans.

In particular, there are two dots on his forehead, and there are two protective horns on his head.

This guy was wearing white clothes and carrying something similar to a fishing basket and a fishing rod on his back.

Obviously Xia Yan has determined the identity of this guy. This is an Otsutsuki from outside the world!

Xia Yan was really confused. He really didn't understand why this guy appeared in this place.

And this appearance also allowed Natsuhiko to recognize who this guy was. This guy was supposed to be on a mission with Otsutsuki Momoshi and Otsutsuki Kinshiki.

But in the first Boruto movie he watched, this guy was cut out of the plot because Kishimoto wanted to compress time.

Therefore, in the end, only Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Kinshiki came, and finally opened a new chapter of the "Otsutsuki Family Infighting" in Boruto's biography.

In fact, looking at the development of the entire ninja world, it is absolutely no problem to say that the Otsutsuki family is fighting within the family.

Whether it is Otsutsuki Hamura and Hagoromo sealing Otsutsuki Kaguya, or the struggle between Indra and Asura for thousands of reincarnations.

To put it simply, it was the ideological discord within the family that led to such a tragedy.

Natsuhiko sometimes wonders, what is the purpose of Kaguya Otsutsuki in making the entire ninja world like that?

And Natsuhiko knows that Otsutsuki Momoshiki seems to be very disdainful of Otsutsuki Kaguya, so does this mean that the relationship between them is actually not good at all?

And Kaguya Otsutsuki stayed here to avoid the enemy, and she created so many White Zetsu, probably to defend against the armies of those who came to find her.

Just thinking about this, Xia Yan is absolutely unreliable. Bai Jue's physical fitness is indeed very powerful, but it was transformed by Hei Jue.

And with Bai Jue's IQ, what's the use of this thing besides using it to kill someone?

Just look at the Fourth War period and you will know, although the so-called Hundred Thousand White Zetsu did cause huge trouble to the ninja coalition.

But their individual strength is really weak, and Shiwan Baijue was basically eliminated by more than 80,000 coalition forces.

Not to mention meeting Otsutsuki, when meeting Xia Yan, a wave of AOE can wipe them out!

There is a saying in the ninja world, especially during wars.

According to Natsuhiko's understanding, genin are the shortest-lived existence, because they often die from unknown AOE, and are not even as good as the ADC he played in the previous life.

In Xia Yan's opinion, these Bai Zetsu are really inferior to those genin.

At least those genin knew how to dodge, but they probably didn't have such awareness.

Although it is a good thing to be brave and not afraid of death, apart from being in good health, they no longer seem to have any advantages.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan felt that it was better not to think so much.

Now that the enemy has arrived at his door, it would be really unreasonable for him not to do something.

According to Xia Yan's understanding of Otsutsuki Momoshiki, he knew that these Otsutsuki probably didn't regard ordinary people as human beings at all.

Even these ninjas are nothing more than a group of inferior creatures in their eyes.

No matter how Xia Yan comes into contact with such a guy, it will lead to a fight.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan no longer hesitated, his figure flashed slightly and then disappeared into the office...


Now that their final negotiation method has been determined, Xia Yan must make some preparations.

He really didn't know how these guys came to the ninja world. Judging from the original work, it seemed that Uchiha Madara summoned the Ten-Tails, which led to their coming.

However, now that Uchiha Madara is still lying in the Pure Land, it is impossible for the power of the Ten-Tails to appear in this ninja world.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that the most likely possibility was still on the moon.

Because there is a huge reincarnation eye on the moon, it is probably the burst of power of the reincarnation eye that attracted these guys.

It's just that Xia Yan is not sure whether he used the reincarnation eye to improve his eyes and let its power penetrate into the universe.

Or when he was fighting those Otsutsuki on the moon, they used the power of the reincarnation to attract these guys?

This question is indeed worth thinking about and exploring, even if he doesn't know how many people he has attracted.

Whether there will be reinforcements after these Otsutsuki, but in order to prepare for himself in the future, he must also figure this out.

After leaving behind several shadow clones during the teleportation process, Natsuhiko passed through the barriers of space and finally appeared on the edge of Konoha Village.

Then he walked slowly towards the guy's position, his pure eyes always locked on the Otsutsuki Ura style, always paying attention to this guy's every move.

This Otsutsuki's power was well concealed. Even though Xia Yan's Pure Eyes had reached the first stage, he still couldn't see the reason.

He could only see this guy standing there, but it was difficult to detect anything based on his perception.

This guy is just like an ordinary person, so ordinary.

But the more this happens, the more Xia Yan becomes more vigilant, because such a guy is the most terrifying and difficult to deal with!

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan continued to move forward steadily. Before long, he could already see this guy with his naked eyes.

This guy was still looking at him curiously, as if he had discovered something interesting.

"Who are you, why are you here, and why do you roll your eyes."

Although Xia Yan basically knew this information, he still asked in a cold voice.

"Before you ask me, shouldn't you introduce yourself?"

Otsutsuki Ura-shi chuckled, his tone seemed very humble, but his slightly raised head really showed his arrogance.

"But you are really interesting. You have the power and blood of Otsutsuki in your body, but your power is much weaker than your blood.

Moreover, your bloodline seems to have some defects. Although it is slowly being repaired, it does not seem to be complete.

And you don’t seem to have a wedge on your body. Where do your strength and bloodline come from?

Your eyes are also very interesting. You obviously don’t have Byakugan but you have gained the power of Byakugan.

I have to say, you are really a freak. "

Xia Yan looked at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki in silence. He had to admire that this guy's vision was really accurate, although he also had some doubts in his heart.

He does have the power of Otsutsuki, because he has obtained the broken power of Asura, and the Senju clan itself belongs to a branch of Otsutsuki.

And Xia Yan does not have Byakugan. He directly extracted the evolution and power of Byakugan through the system, thus obtaining the eyes he has today.

As for the issue of bloodline, this was something that Xia Yan had always wondered about.

That is whether the improvement of his own bloodline is improving the bloodline power of the Senju clan, or is it restoring the power of Otsutsuki.

But now he seems to have got an answer. According to the Otsutsuki Ura-shiki in front of him, his bloodline has actually returned to Otsutsuki's level!

This is definitely excellent news for Xia Yan, even if he guesses that the reason why the system helped him recover was because he had obtained the Yin Escape.

After all, the power of Thousand Hands is an extreme form of Yang escape, and there is basically no such thing as Yin escape.

Xia Yan now has Yin Escape, even if it is just a basic level of Yin Escape.

In particular, he also obtained the terrifying power of fusion through Bai Jue's body, allowing him to possess the most basic but also the most terrifying Yin-Yang Escape.

If in such a state it is really just to calculate the bloodline of Senju alone, then it would be really inappropriate!

But after figuring out some things, Xia Yan also had a bigger doubt, that is, what exactly is the 'wedge' in this guy's mouth?

According to this guy's description, it seems that this wedge can bring Otsutsuki's power and even blood to people!

But when such things come out of this guy's mouth, Xia Yan always feels extremely uneasy.

Otsutsuki is not a good type of person. They are ruthless and regard life as ants.

And they all seem to have mastered extreme power. How could they give their own power to others?

But if you don't do this, could it be used to resurrect yourself?

After all, in Xia Yan's opinion, the biggest use of transforming an ordinary person into an Otsutsuki is to serve as a carrier.

But the question is, is Otsutsuki really that easy to die? Look at Kaguya Otsutsuki who has been sealed for thousands of years, but is still alive and kicking after the seal is broken.

Look at the seemingly dead Otsutsuki Hamura. Didn't this guy come out and deliver cheats in front of a ghost in a leisurely manner?

Anyway, Xia Yan only remembers...

Suddenly, Xia Yan seemed to remember something again.

He seems to remember that Otsutsuki Momoshiki, which can be said to have lowered the overall evaluation of the Otsutsuki clan.

Because he was actually tricked by a so-called invisible Rasengan, and then Boruto used a transformation technique to trick the Rinnegan in his hand.

In the end, he was hit by a super-large Rasengan, which sent him spiraling into the sky and flying into the universe.

Looking at him like that, I'm afraid he won't survive.

Not only him, but also Otsutsuki Kaneshiki, who was eaten by him, was obviously doomed!

After recalling this, Xia Yan seemed to understand that these so-called Otsutsuki were really not immortal.

It seems that even after reaching several extreme levels of strength, he can still kill them!

If this is the case, then Xia Yan's assumption that this wedge is used for resurrection can really be established.

According to this idea, that Otsutsuki Momoshiki may still be alive in the future.

Not only the peach style, but maybe the golden style also has a high chance of surviving!

"Forget it, since you also have Otsutsuki's bloodline and strength, and you have what I want in your body, then I will be merciful."

While Xia Yan was thinking, Otsutsuki Ura yawned boredly, and then spoke leisurely.

"My name is Otsutsuki Urashiki, you can call me Urashiki-sama.

Follow me and let me study it carefully. Let me see why your origin is missing. Maybe I can help you. "

After saying this, Otsutsuki Urashiki paused slightly, and then the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Maybe I can turn you into a real Otsutsuki..."


"Xia Yan, why are you here, are you still a shadow clone?"

Natsuhiko quickly found Senju Hashirama who had moved out of his house. After this guy was awakened by Natsuhiko in Uzumaki Mito, he also knew that it was not appropriate to stay in Natsuhiko's house.

In particular, he knew that Natsuhiko had sent someone to find Tsunade, so he found Senju Xiangzhen and asked him to arrange a new residence for him.

It was naturally impossible for Senju Shoma to refuse Senju Hashirama's request, and he was even very happy to do it.

It only took less than a day for Senju Hashirama to move into a new residence with Uzumaki Mito, and Natsuhiko finally got rid of this guy.

Sometimes Xia Yan also wonders how many houses the Thousand Hands clan owns.

I arranged it as I said it would for me, and it was in a prime location close to the Hokage Building.

He also said that arrangements for Ye Cang would be made immediately, and that it was right next door to him.

Xia Yan found that he, a member of the Thousand Hands clan, was still a big real estate developer who was hiding.

After all, it is your own land, and your own houses are everywhere.

This made Xia Yan couldn't help but think about it at that time. If he didn't have such high achievements, could he be a charterer honestly?

But this thought was just a fleeting thought at the time, because without power, how could he inherit the property of the Senju clan?

Allocating a house for him to live in is probably already a limit.

If people are self-aware, a family cannot give you everything when you have nothing to contribute.

"Emergency, there are enemies."

After Xia Yan met Senju Hashirama, he didn't say any nonsense. He directly explained the current situation.

"I'm not sure if I need help, but I'm sure of one thing, I need to evacuate Konoha quickly."

"Enemy, that serious?"

When Senju Hashirama heard Natsuhiko's words, he immediately stood up.

"Your other shadow clones have already started to take action. It seems that the emergency plan is about to be activated. What do you want me to do?"

"Protect Konoha from threats for now."

Xia Yan thought for a moment, and then spoke quickly.

“The opponent this time is very unusual, even I have a kind of fear.

I don't know exactly what the fight will look like, but I know that this guy is not far outside Konoha.

Once a fight breaks out, the village may not be able to withstand the aftermath. "

"Is that so? I understand."

Senju Hashirama's expression became extremely solemn as he listened to Xia Yan's words.

Although he was very curious about what the enemy that Xia Yan feared would look like.

But it is clearer that if there is such an enemy and a war starts not far from the village, the consequences will be disastrous!

The stand between the two of them three years ago took place in the Country of Tea. Fortunately, the Country of Tea was a vast and sparsely populated place in the true sense.

And because it is directly connected to Konoha and the rest is the sea, this place can be regarded as Konoha's backyard.

The place they chose was an extremely remote place, and the terrain for dozens of kilometers around that place had been completely changed after their battle.

Even today, three years later, it is said that the place has still not recovered and is still dead silent.

It is conceivable that once something like this happens around Konoha, not to mention the subsequent impact, the current destructive power alone can directly destroy the entire Konoha.

And it seems that the only one who can save Konoha is to use Wood Release on a large scale to protect it.

Senju Hashirama has already made a decision in his heart, that is, no matter what, Konoha will not be too damaged.

Even if it means risking his life, he must protect all of this!

Back then, in order to protect Konoha, he could kill his best friend Uchiha Madara.

And now he has died once. According to Xia Yan, he came back to life for Konoha.

Therefore, even if he really has to sacrifice his life this time, he is absolutely bound to do it!

"Then it's up to you."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he sighed slightly.

"My body has gone over there and held that guy back. I know you are curious about who he is.

Remember those people hidden in the moon when we were on it? "


Senju Hashirama's face turned slightly weird when he heard Natsuhiko's statement.

"Is it them? Are they coming for revenge?"

"If it were them, maybe I wouldn't take it to heart at all. If I can kill them once, I can kill them countless times!"

Xia Yan shook his head disdainfully, and then he said extremely seriously.

"He is a guy who is similar to the person who established the internal environment of the moon, and is equivalent to the creator of the huge reincarnation eye."

Natsuhiko's words were not very obscure, but Senju Hashirama's expression completely changed at this moment.

Having seen those records on the moon, how could he not know who built the interior of the moon? How could he not know who the real owner of the reincarnated eye was.

That was the younger brother of the Sage of Six Paths, the ancestor of the Otsutsukis on the moon, Hamura Otsutsuki, who together with the Sage of Six Paths sealed the destroyer of the world!

Natsuhiko has now encountered such an enemy, and this enemy is still not far outside Konoha Village?

This news really made Senju Hashirama feel a little chilly all over, but he also felt his blood boiling this time.

The Thousand Hands clan itself has warlike qualities, no matter how peace-loving they are.

It's actually hard for Senju Hashirama to feel this way. He hasn't come back to life after sparring with Natsuhiko last time, which makes him extremely regretful.

And even after he was resurrected, he didn't dare to fight Xia Yan. Not to mention that he couldn't beat him, just because they couldn't hold back even though they tried their best, they didn't dare to mess around.

Standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world, he would also feel bored. Especially after his resurrection, he had been learning Yin Yang Escape, and now his strength has improved again.

But there is no opponent in the ninja world, and now there is such a guy. He is really worried about the strength of this kind of enemy.

He has decided that after protecting Konoha, if he is still alive, he must go and see this enemy.


But at this moment, a violent roar suddenly exploded.

Invisible air currents will sweep across Konoha in an instant, and countless spider web-like cracks appear in the sky that are almost visible to the naked eye...


"I surrender to you, do you still want to study me?"

Xia Yan looked at the Otsutsuki Ura Shi with faint eyes, and his tone began to sound a little cold.

His eyes, which were blooming with brilliance, also showed a dangerous look at this moment.

Xia Yan knew that these Otsutsuki were crazy, but to be so crazy was beyond his expectation.

Let this guy study Xia Yan's secrets. How could Xia Yan agree to such a thing?

What's more, this Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is too self-righteous. Natsuhiko, who has the system, needs his help if he wants to evolve into the true bloodline of Otsutsuki.

And what kind of help can this guy do? Is it possible that he relies on the so-called wedge?

This damn bastard is just using him as a backup, right?

After some guessing, Xia Yan didn't have an answer for the use of wedge, but he felt that his guess was correct.

It's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, I'm afraid I will be swallowed up by the so-called wedge, and eventually become this Otsutsukiura style, right?

Now Xia Yan really regrets it. Why didn't he hold back his nausea and send Boruto to have a look?

It is said that the back part is beautiful, but before Natsuhiko went to see it, he heard that Sasuke was blind in one eye and that the Kyuubi was dead.

This news was really a bolt from the blue for him. The person who accompanied him from elementary school to university was just like this?

Anyway, Xia Yan couldn't accept it at first. Even though he knew it was to make way for Boruto, he still refused to look.

If he knew in advance that he would travel through time, he would definitely go and see it.

Ninja is a magical profession, and intelligence is to some extent the most critical thing for them to win.

"Oh, do you have other ideas?"

Otsutsuki Ushiki glanced at Xia Yan strangely, and then he smiled disdainfully.

"Follow a master like me and let you become a true heavenly being. What else don't you want to do?

Could it be that you are still thinking about having free will? "

"No, free will is just a joke."

What Otsutsuki Ushiki didn't expect was that Xia Yan shook his head without hesitation and said in a calm and slow voice.

“The so-called free will is just a nice thing to say on the surface.

And according to my own understanding, you have the freedom to live, and I also have the freedom to deprive you of your life.

I believe more in the authority of order, because order can bring stability.

Moreover, I am always determined that I will be the maker of order in this world! "

"A very good idea. The authority of order is the most stable."

Otsutsuki Ura Shi smiled and nodded, but the next second his expression began to darken.

"So, you plan to create your own order and reject the order I am about to bring to you?"

"You bring me order?"

Xia Yan was too lazy to pretend at this moment, his smile looked so cold at this moment.

"You are just destroying the order I have established.

The existence of order is to maintain stability, but you will only bring destruction.

And from a personal point of view, why do you think I should agree to you, just for the so-called Otsutsuki in your mouth? "

"Very good thinking, very good self-confidence."

Otsutsuki Ura Shi sighed and shook his head slightly, and then he said with a smile.

“That’s right, for you people, you won’t know the existence of Otsutsuki.

Likewise, you cannot realize the great power that belongs to Otsutsuki. "

Having said this, Otsutsuki Urashiki suddenly floated up, and then vast chakra surged out of his body.

This huge aura swept over Xia Yan instantly. If you didn't face Otsutsuki, you would never know how terrifying he is.

Xia Yan has faced guys before, and the pressure those guys put on Xia Yan is honestly not that big.

But everything is different now. This Otsutsukiura style, even if it only actively releases a little breath, already makes Xia Yan feel attentive.

At this moment, he felt that what he was facing was simply a beast that had opened its eyes and looked as ferocious as if it wanted to swallow him whole!

Xia Yan forced himself to calm down. Such an enemy was definitely rare in his life.

And such an enemy made him feel like he had returned to the powerful ninja he met when he first joined ANBU and performed his first mission.

But what surprised him was that he did feel such extreme oppression, but he found a feeling of blood boiling in his body.

It seemed that every cell in his body was activated, and he seemed eager to test the strength of the enemy in front of him.

Although Xia Yan himself didn't know why he felt like this, he knew that it was definitely not a bad thing.

The bright blue eyes suddenly burst out with huge energy at this moment, and his body floated slightly under his control.

At the same time, the magic in his body was instantly activated, and red eye shadow appeared on his face.


Otsutsuki Ushiki looked at Xia Yan's changes, and he couldn't help but slightly raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that I have underestimated you, and I have also underestimated your eyes.

You actually have mastered the power of nature, and your mastery seems to be very high. This really surprises me.

I have to say that you do have the potential to fight me.

And your eyes, what an incredible pair of eyes.

I can feel that his power is very strong, but you don't seem to have fully developed it.

But it's normal, after all, your life is as short as a meteor.

But you have hope of breaking through the boundaries of ants. As long as you agree to my conditions, I can give you this opportunity.

Otherwise, your fate will be no different from other ants, and you may even die faster. "


Xia Yan looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, and suddenly he laughed disdainfully.

"You know, actually I've always wanted to tell you something."


Otsutsuki Ushiki looked at Xia Yan with interest.

"Tell me what you want. Although I feel like this isn't the answer I want, I don't mind hearing it."

"That is, how do I grow up and do I still need your help?"

Xia Yan raised his head slightly, and his arrogance was fully revealed at this moment.

"Also, who do you think you are, that you can control my destiny?"

After the words fell, Xia Yan's figure suddenly flashed, and in an instant he had appeared next to Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

He didn't know when a black chakra sphere appeared in his hand, and then he pressed it hard on Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's body.


At this moment, violent roars were heard, and orange firelight illuminated the sky...


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