The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 324: It’s not acting, it’s real food!

Xia Yan suddenly took action, causing a violent energy tide.

Such an energy tide not only detonated and ignited the forest, but also sent a powerful shock wave directly to Konoha!

When their strength reached their level, they really couldn't just choose to take action at will.

Because every move they make after using chakra will cause immeasurable damage to the surroundings.

Therefore, Natsuhiko must not let this battle affect Konoha, at least not too much, causing irreparable losses.

He chatted with this Otsutsuki Ura Shiki for a long time, just to give his shadow clone time.

No matter how you look at it now, your shadow clone should have completed its mission.

In this case, Xia Yan wouldn't hesitate much.

He planned to attract this guy's attention and then leave this place by flying Thunder God.

Only by taking this guy far away can he fight without restraint.

Of course, in order to prevent this guy from not following his footsteps, Xia Yan also took precautions in advance.

Senju Hashirama was not only able to withstand the aftermath of the subsequent collision of their energy torrents, he even wanted to directly protect Konoha from the impact of their battle.

That's why Xia Yan's shadow clone spoke so seriously to him. Xia Yan wanted to eliminate all hidden dangers.

This time he took action to seize the opportunity. At the same time, he was annoying this guy and trying to see how strong this guy was.

However, what made Xia Yan frown was that this guy didn't move at all!

He was still floating quietly in the air, and looked at Xia Yan, whose whole body was exuding golden chakra, with a playful expression.

A circle of red chakra quietly appeared on his body, and this chakra completely isolated Xia Yan's black chakra ball.

At the same time, Xia Yan could clearly see that the fishing rod behind this guy had also turned red!

"protecting mask?"

Xia Yan thought silently, he really didn't expect this guy to have such a move.

In fact, Xia Yan has also thought about this move. After all, the characteristics of the ninja are there.

If he could find a way to improve his defense, Xia Yan would naturally be very, very happy.

But it is a pity that the power of chakra is probably a kind of flowing and irregular...


Xia Yan really doesn't know how to describe this kind of power. It's not an easy thing to completely fix this energy.

Even if Xia Yan has already completed the two key steps of chakra deformation and qualitative change.

But he really couldn't do it if he wanted to keep chakra flowing and solidified to form a defensive shield!

"Don't you seem to have much strength?"

Otsutsuki Ura smiled at Xia Yan with a somewhat frivolous tone. Although Xia Yan was quite loud, it did not cause any harm to him.

"Using the power of nature, the broken power of the Ten-Tails only has this effect?

Are you testing me, or is this the only level you have? "

"What do you think?"

Xia Yan's tone was very calm, and he really didn't use much power.

After all, he is not the guy in front of him, he is afraid.

No wonder many people say that the most powerful people don’t really need to have bonds in their hearts.

The power of guardianship is certainly terrifying, but if you leave behind a bond and encounter an enemy who cannot reason with you, then this is the most deadly thing.

People who have no worries have no worries in this regard, but people who have no worries are also free from the constraints of morality and reason, and it is not surprising that they will eventually perish.

It is definitely difficult to become stronger, and it is even more difficult to reach the top.

However, no matter how difficult this road is, Xia Yan has been moving forward on this road.

Xia Yan kept scanning the energy shield in front of him with his eyes, looking for loopholes in the energy shield.

His eyes themselves possess the ability of super insight, and may not be as good as the Sharingan in terms of dynamic vision.

But when it comes to finding loopholes, Xia Yan's eyes are absolutely excellent.

In just a moment, Xia Yan already roughly knew the chakra flow of this protective shield.

"I guess? Sorry, I'm not interested in guessing. I'll just summarize what I see."

Otsutsuki Ushiki shook his head disdainfully, his expression still light and arrogant.

"Your body is okay. It has been tempered by Otsutsuki's bloodline, but its strength is only that.

If it weren't for the power of the Broken Ten-Tails to protect you, you would have been injured just now.

You can still see the burst of power, but if that's all, then you can just die. "

As he finished speaking, Otsutsuki Ura stretched his right hand behind him, and then the fishing rod exuding red chakra fell into his hand.

In an instant, a powerful chakra swept over, and the power of Yin Yang Escape exploded horribly!

"Since that's all you can do, then I'll take action."

At the next moment, his eyes condensed, and a destructive aura emanated from him.

Without any warning, Xia Yan's location exploded.

A deep pit appeared on the ground, and smoke spread in all directions following the huge explosion.

But obviously, his attack failed. Xia Yan stood quietly on the treetops in the distance.

His eyes were fixed on Otsutsukiura Shiki in the distance, and there was a trace of confusion on his face.

He suddenly discovered a question, that is, why didn't this Otsutsuki Ura-style seek the path to the jade?

If this guy had used the Jade of Seeking Dao just now, although Xia Yan could still get out of trouble, that damn thing would never make it so easy for him now.

According to Xia Yan's understanding, shouldn't something like the Dao-seeking jade be able to condense the chakra of the five elements of yin and yang?

However, in his memory, why could no other Otsutsuki use it except Kaguya Otsutsuki and his descendants?

In the original work, it is true that only people from Kaguya Otsutsuki's line can use the Path-seeking Jade.

Needless to say, Ōtsutsuki Hamura and Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo can also be used by Ashura, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito.

There are two other boys, Naruto and Toneri, who also fought with the Qiudo Dama.

But looking back at the Otsutsuki Momoshiki that Natsuhiko had seen, he had never used the Qiudao Dama in combat.

"Is it possible that there are other requirements for the use of the Dao Jade, other than simply having the yin and yang and the five elements of chakra for fusion?"

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, but his expression changed slightly the next second.

Because he clearly saw a 'door' suddenly opened behind him, and a hand quickly stretched out from inside!

Space Ninjutsu is extremely difficult for ordinary ninjas and has almost no possibility of learning.

There is really nothing difficult about these Otsutsuki...


"Hashirama, what's going on?"

Uzumaki Mito felt the terrifying energy tide, and her expression changed slightly.

Although it was a bit unbelievable, after several confirmations, she already knew that this young Hokage was definitely not inferior to her husband.

Even according to his husband, this young Hokage even surpasses his husband's existence!

This news was written by Su Ri'an and I was a fantasy, but Uzumaki Mito really didn't think that her husband was joking.

But now, both his husband and the young Hokage looked very solemn.

Along with the terrifying tide of power and their conversation, Uzumaki Mito had realized that the situation might be very bad.

She really couldn't understand. She had only left this world for more than twenty years. How could this world become completely incomprehensible to her?

In addition, she heard her husband talk about the moon.

But he just stopped talking about the moon, and he didn't go into too much depth with other words.

Uzumaki Mito is a smart person. Since her husband doesn't want to talk more, she won't ask too many questions.

Even if she was curious in her heart, she would not make a mistake again.

But the situation is different now. According to the current development of the situation, it seems that the battle has spread to Konoha.

Uzumaki Mito could no longer suppress her curiosity and concern. She knew that her husband would not answer this question, and she only asked it to confirm something.

She wanted to make sure her husband could handle it and be fine.

"It's very dangerous and complicated, but don't worry."

Senju Hashirama took a deep breath and said seriously.

"As long as I'm here, Tobirama and Natsuhiko are here, everything will be fine.

Don't forget that we are all Hokage, we will protect Konoha even if we risk our lives! "

Senju Hashirama didn't give too many positive promises. He knew very well what his wife meant, because he was asked this question when he and Uchiha Madara were finalizing their relationship.

His answer that time was also correct, but that time also brought his life to its final end.

From Senju Hashirama's point of view, this time was more dangerous than the last time, but he had to show enough confidence even in danger.

Just like what he said, in order to protect Konoha, he would not hesitate to risk his life!

After saying this, Senju Hashirama ran directly towards the door. The previous energy tide had already proved that Xia Yan had taken action.

And it is absolutely impossible to be very intense at the beginning. This is for them to test each other, and it is also a buffer for themselves.

Senju Hashirama naturally did not waste time. After he came out, he had already seen the ninjas begin to transfer the residents of Konoha quickly and orderly.

This made Senju Hashirama very satisfied, but he also noticed that many ninjas were also rushing towards the starting point, which made him extremely worried.

In such a battle, if these ordinary ninjas rush forward, what is the difference between this and seeking death?

Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama's speed became faster.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a kunai flying to his side, and the next moment a figure appeared and took him away from the place!

The space changed, and Senju Hashirama's eyes blurred slightly. When everything in front of him recovered again, he had arrived at the outer area of ​​Konoha Village.

And beside him stood Senju Tobirama with an extremely stern look, really looking into the distance.

"Thank you. I suddenly discovered that the Flying Thunder God's Technique is sometimes quite useful."

Senju Hashirama whispered, and as he spoke, he was forming seals quickly.

"Wood Release: Wood Clone Technique."

"The art of shadow clone."

Senju Tobirama formed a seal with one hand, and the next moment, the same number of clones as Senju Hashirama were summoned by him, and he spoke calmly at this moment.

"Xia Yan has found me, and I know what's wrong.

Damn it, this legendary guy is really in trouble. "

"Don't think so much, what we have to do is protect Konoha."

Senju Hashirama shook his head, his expression at this time looked extremely serious.

"And as a ninja, you shouldn't feel afraid when facing the enemy.

As long as we are calm enough and believe that Xia Yan can find enough information, we will definitely be able to defeat this guy.

But now we have other tasks, are you ready? "


Senju Hashirama did not answer this question. His shadow clone had already put his hand on Senju Hashirama's wooden clone.

The chakra moved slightly, and in an instant they had disappeared.

In different corners outside Konoha Village, their figures quickly appeared there, and at the same time, their chakra began to rotate.

Senju Hashirama smiled slightly. Although they had not cooperated for many years, the tacit understanding between him and his brother was not low at all.

"Now that you're ready, then..."

Senju Hashirama formed a seal with his hands again, and the next moment the chakra in his body burst out completely.

"Ninja Technique: Four Red Sun Formation!"

The Four Red Sun Formation is the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan. It requires the gathering of four top ninjas with very large amounts of chakra.

Form seals in the four directions of east, west, south, and north, thereby opening a rectangular barrier of red transparent flames.

This technique can isolate the target from the outside world, and the barrier is marked with red flames.

It neither allows outsiders to enter the barrier, nor allows enemies inside the barrier to escape.

Once you touch the four walls of the barrier, you will be burned by the flames carrying chakra.

The most important thing is that it is hard enough to withstand the Ten-Tails' tailed beast bullets!

In the four battles in the original work, Senju Hashirama relied on this technique to trap the Ten-Tails.

But now he is surrounding Konoha, otherwise the people inside can come out at will.

After doing all this, Senju Hashirama randomly surged with chakra again, but this time he did not form any seals.

What he has to do now is to maintain the maximum amount of chakra circulation so that he can release ninjutsu at any time.

He knew that what was going to happen next would be the most terrifying.

Sure enough, when the red barrier rose crazily, two powerful chakras attacked them crazily...


When the space split open, a hand quickly attacked Xia Yan, and Xia Yan immediately activated the Flying Thunder God to dodge.

But when Xia Yan just landed, he suddenly found that the black space door appeared behind him again!

Xia Yan suddenly knew that his Flying Thunder God had been cracked again.

This Otsutsuki is even more difficult to deal with than Senju Hashirama, because this guy has Byakugan.

This also means that Senju Hashirama needs to use his perception to lock Natsuhiko's seeds, and this guy only needs to look.

Xia Yan is now more and more aware that if the art of Flying Thunder God is not fully reformed in a more comprehensive way.

I'm afraid that in the future it will really only be used as a torment, or used on the road.

"Since you like to chase me, let me chase you to my full extent!"

Xia Yan immediately activated the Flying Thunder God technique again, but this time he was cautious.

After activating this operation, he immediately and quietly condensed a Tailed Beast Jade.

In three years, Xia Yan's improvement has been huge. Even if he rarely uses the power of Nine Tails, he is definitely not weak when using this power.

What's more, he also has the help of the system, and his Tailed Beast Jade is fast and fierce.

However, Xia Yan didn't have much confidence in such a sneak attack, and his purpose was just to interfere with this guy's actions.

When he stopped from traveling through the Flying Thunder God, the space gate appeared again behind him without any surprise.

However, what Xia Yan never imagined was when he hit the tailed beast jade hard towards the space door behind him without hesitation.

What he saw was Otsutsuki Urashiki's slightly stunned face, and this guy didn't seem to react at all.


Without any reaction or evasive action, Natsuhiko's blow hit Otsutsuki Ura Shiki directly!

That powerful spiral was mixed with Xia Yan's terrifying chakra, and the destructive power it created was unimaginable.

Amidst the violent roar, Otsutsuki Ura's body took a few steps back, and the black space quietly began to close.

Xia Yan quickly pulled his hand out of the black hole. He didn't want his hand to be cut off by the space.

"Blue reincarnation eye?"

At this moment, Natsuhiko seemed to notice some changes in Otsutsukiura Shiki.

Moreover, the Otsutsukiura style is still very powerful. The terrifying power of the Tailed Beast Jade did not bloom for a long time before it came to an inexplicable and sudden stop.

Obviously, the remaining power of the Tailed Beast Jade was directly absorbed by his samsara eyes.

However, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki seemed a little embarrassed at this time, and his body was slightly charred.

Moreover, the clothes on the left half of his body disappeared without a trace. It was obviously torn to pieces by Xia Yan's Tailed Beast Jade.

His body also looked a little weird at this moment, and the half of his body that was attacked by the Tailed Beast Jade seemed a little miserable.

But soon a burst of white smoke came out of his body, a Yang Escape power quietly emerged, and his body was also recovering quickly.

His face was gloomy, and it was obvious that he had not expected this scene.

Not to mention him, even Xia Yan himself didn't expect it.

My counterattack, which was purely to disrupt the enemy's attack and force the enemy to give me room to move, actually had such an effect!

This made Xia Yan's face look a little weird. He was 100% sure that even if he used such a move to deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen, the old man could counterattack.

Even though he is now so old that in Xia Yan's eyes he can no longer move, it does not mean that the old man does not have this ability.

How could this ridiculously strong Otsutsuki make such a mentally retarded mistake?

"Are you too arrogant, so you are careless?"

Xia Yan thought silently. After thinking about it, he found that there seemed to be the only explanation that could make sense of everything he encountered now.

Is it possible that this guy overturned because of his poor actual combat experience?

But Xia Yan didn't have time to think too much about these things, because he also noticed a detail, that is, Otsutsuki Ura style seemed to have no magic!

Xia Yan was thinking before, why none of these Otsutsukis asked for Taoyu.

On the contrary, Kaguya Otsutsuki and his descendants can all use the Tao Jade.

This question seemed to come to mind after Natsuhiko used the Tailed Beast Jade and Xianjutsu to hit Otsutsuki Ura Shiki hard.

He himself possesses senjutsu, and he naturally discovered during this encounter that this Otsutsukiura style has no senjutsu chakra at all!

In other words, they seem to have no natural power at all.

Whether it's the Otsutsuki Ura-shiki in front of him, or the Otsutsuki Momo-shiki and Jin-shiki in Xia Yan's memory.

As for those who have used the Qiudao Jade, Otsutsuki Hagoromo learned the use of celestial arts from the old toad.

And Otsutsuki Hamura probably learned it from him, after all, he also possesses the Jade of Seeking the Way.

Moving on, Asura is a carbon copy of Naruto, so it's not surprising that he knows celestial magic.

As for the future Uchiha Madara, he absorbed Senju Hashirama's senjutsu, not to mention Naruto.

As for the boy Obito, he has indeed never learned senjutsu, but don’t forget that he became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki!

Naruto once sensed the power of the Ten-Tails, and what he sensed was a monster with endless natural power.

The power of the Ten-Tails itself comes from nature, and Obito becoming the Jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails is naturally considered to have the power of nature.

And he relied on the Ten-Tails to become the so-called Six Paths level, looking like an Otsutsuki.

The source of his power is probably the power of the Ten-Tails, in addition to the Sharingan and Madara's Rinnegan.

Therefore, he can be regarded as possessing immortality, and it is also because of this that he can use the Jade of Seeking Dao, right?

"So the key to being able to use the Jade of Seeking Dao actually has something to do with immortality?"

Although Xia Yan thought this was a little unreliable, it seemed that this was the only explanation that made sense as to why these guys didn't seek Dao Jade.

Looking at the Otsutsukiura style in front of him who was still recovering, Xia Yan suppressed the impulse in his heart and sighed helplessly.

Such a good opportunity, according to his ninja quality, should be a strong attack, it is impossible for him to recover so comfortably.

But unfortunately, Konoha has not yet fully built its defense. If he attacks now, he must use more powerful force.

The consequence of this is that the person may be suppressed, but it may not be crushed to death.

On the other hand, Konoha will suffer a more powerful impact and encounter unimaginable damage.

Therefore, Xia Yan can only endure it helplessly. Once the rear defense is established, Xia Yan will never be polite again!

"It seems I did underestimate you."

At this moment, Otsutsuki Urashiki suddenly spoke.

"Your reaction speed is indeed very fast, and I have to say that with your natural strength, you are indeed worth taking me seriously."

Is this looking down upon?

When Xia Yan heard this, his expression became even weirder.

Isn't what he did a normal operation for a ninja to escape pursuit? He just used more power.

Even a well-trained genin can definitely do this kind of routine operation.

But Xia Yan didn't have time to think too much, because at this moment, a barrier had risen in Konoha behind him.

The hot and bright red barrier enveloped the entire Konoha. At this moment, Xia Yan knew that he could increase his intensity...


When the hot barrier rose, Xia Yan decided not to hold back.

The chakra in his body rippled crazily at this moment, and the Yin-Yang Escape in his body began to operate without any reservation.

At this moment, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki noticed how troublesome the guy in front of him was.

The power of Yin Yang Escape is the power that the Otsutsuki clan is best at.

This same power can also hurt or even kill the Otsutsuki clan!

There are actually quite a lot of powers that the Otsutsuki clan is afraid of, whether they are separated by Yin and Yang or fused together, they are all powers that can hurt them.

Especially the Yin and Yang Escape after fusion, this kind of power is even more terrifying and suffocating.

In addition to this is the power of nature. Although the power of nature is not as intense as Yin Yang Dun, this power is definitely something that people cannot underestimate.

And once the power of nature is possessed, it can adapt to any power, even Yin-Yang Escape can be completely integrated!

But the power of nature is too difficult to obtain. Even if they are stronger than them, they cannot absorb the power of nature from the outside world.

They can catch people with magical power, then forcibly absorb them and suppress them on their own.

But the problem is that there is no way to get more if you absorb it, so there is no difference or significance at all whether you absorb it or not.

Can you only use the Ten Tails to obtain the Jade of Seeking the Way?

This is not impossible, but the Ten-Tails is a prop they use to plant the sacred tree. How could they seal this thing into their bodies?

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki had discovered that Natsuhiko used senjutsu before, but he had not paid too much attention to a single senjutsu.

But now this guy also bursts out with Yin-Yang Escape, plus the reaction speed of this guy before, this really makes him a little afraid.

"But it's normal. After all, with Otsutsuki's bloodline, it's not surprising at all to be special."

Otsutsuki Ura looked at Xia Yan coldly, and suddenly he showed a smile.

"But I can't be careless next time, otherwise the outcome may not be very good."

Otsutsukiura was still thinking, but the next moment Natsuhiko had appeared directly behind him.

This time Xia Yan took the initiative to attack, and a brand new ninja sword appeared in his hand. With the power of Yin Yang Escape, he swung the sword at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki without hesitation.

However, the next moment, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's body turned into scattered red paper cranes.

Under Xia Yan's clear eyes, this guy had already arrived behind him.

The next second, Natsuhiko turned around and swung his ninja sword fiercely towards Otsutsuki Ura Shiki again.

But this time, Otsutsuki Urashiki also responded. The fishing rod he originally carried behind his back has appeared in his hand.


His hand moved slightly, and the fishing rod blocked the direction of Natsuhiko's Ninja sword at this moment.

The sound of gold and iron clashing came, and Xia Yan's Ninja Sword was blocked by him so lightly.

And no matter how hard Xia Yan exerted himself, his Ninja Sword couldn't move any further.

"What a powerful force. Isn't this guy's physical condition too good?"

Xia Yan thought slightly, but as a veteran in the ninja world, Xia Yan has experienced a lot of battles.

Especially when he joined ANBU at a young age, he had experienced too many battles with unequal power.

Even now, even though his physical fitness has become so strong that it can be ruled by law, the experience accumulated in those years has not been forgotten by him at all.

Even if you are unable to take advantage in terms of strength or even fall into a disadvantage, then find a way to work on some skills!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan took the lead in pulling back the ninja sword in his hand.

This Ninja Sword was his new one, but what made him depressed was that when he pulled the Ninja Sword back, he noticed that the Ninja Sword actually had cracks again.

But he didn't bother to care about that much. After all, this kind of Ninja sword-making material limited its upper limit. Besides, Xia Yan also had a better choice but he hadn't used it yet.

After Xia Yan withdrew his ninja sword, he immediately made a forward pressing gesture.

Because after you draw the knife, the enemy will instantly appear and lose balance due to the force being too forward.

What they have to do at this time is to maintain balance and prevent themselves from pressing forward.

The powerful ones will even think of ways to take some countermeasures at this time. Once they press forward, they can try to counterattack and turn passivity into initiative.

However, Xia Yan was dumbfounded the next moment, because the moment he pressed forward, he found that this Otsutsuki Ura style actually pressed directly towards him!

"Countermeasures? Such firm countermeasures?"

Xia Yan hesitated but took the initiative to press forward. No matter how good his body coordination was, he still couldn't turn the corner at all.

All he can do now is to bite the bullet and continue to push forward.

At the same time, the power in his eyes began to pulse. Using the power of the Pure Eye to activate the Pure Eye Chakra mode can definitely alleviate the current situation.

It's just that the distance between them is too close, and it takes time to mobilize power and then activate it.

Xia Yan knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to catch up this time, but he still tried to make up for it.


However, the next moment a muffled sound suddenly sounded in the forest.

Xia Yan stared blankly at the guy pretending to be with him. He was already prepared to get hurt.

In the end, he discovered that he and this Otsutsuki Ura style had just collided with each other, and he had imagined a counterattack.

This made Xia Yan a little confused. What did this guy mean?

They all predicted their own thoughts and fought back so resolutely. How could it end in such a bizarre ending?

The chakra moved slightly, and Xia Yan quickly distanced himself. He still didn't understand the situation.

But an idea appeared in his mind, could this guy really have no practical experience?

As soon as this idea appeared, Xia Yan found that he seemed unable to restrain himself from thinking in this direction.

After a long while, he seemed to have really come to a conclusion.

That means this guy seems to be not acting, but a real person!


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