The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 325: Crack (8K please subscribe~)

Ninjas are very keen, there is no doubt about that.

Natsuhiko is also a keen ninja. Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's performance in dealing with counter-pursuit had already surprised Natsuhiko.

It's just that Xia Yan didn't dare to think about it at that time. After all, in his opinion, guys like Otsutsuki were like heavenly beings.

And they have used the sacred tree to destroy countless living planets. Logically speaking, they cannot be what they think.

They are a group of guys who have little actual combat experience and rely purely on strength to suppress them.

But after experiencing the scene just now, Xia Yan had to take this situation into consideration.

And once he thought in this direction, he immediately discovered that this possibility was really great!

In the original work, let’s not talk about others but just talk about Kaguya Otsutsuki. Her performance is simply disaster level.

The majestic ancestor of chakra faced Naruto and Sasuke who only had the original power of Indra and Asura.

She was beaten to the point where she had to dodge everywhere, and she also followed the blind instructions of that guy Hei Jue.

To put it bluntly, throughout the entire battle, she was overwhelmed by Naruto and Sasuke's tactics and combat experience.

Apart from her, Toneri Otsutsuki seems to be a more practical case.

This guy's individual strength was so strong, but he was still defeated by Naruto who had recovered the cheat.

But Toneri is actually not incomprehensible. After all, he has had no eyes since he was a child, and he has no chance of fighting on the moon.

Therefore, this kid has no actual combat experience, and it is normal for him to be taught a lesson by Naruto, a relatively normal ninja who has been through this journey.

Apart from Sheren, who was considered normal, Xia Yan felt that there were other abnormal ones, but he had subconsciously ignored them before.

That is Otsutsuki Momoshiki, the first powerful Otsutsuki to come to the ninja world in the original work.

Xia Yan had felt before that there was something wrong with this guy who lowered Otsutsuki's overall evaluation.

I'm even considering whether the screenwriter forcibly reduced his intelligence to make the protagonists have such a tragic ending in order to highlight their power.

But now after a series of confrontations with Urashiki, Xia Yan suddenly felt that it was because this guy's experience was too weak.

It doesn't matter if you encounter ordinary enemies, but once you encounter enemies like Naruto, Sasuke, or yourself.

Their weakness of not having much actual combat experience is fully exposed!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan was speechless. He really didn't expect that each of these Otsutsuki ninjas would be like this.

Although it is very clear that people like them can basically crush to death no matter what kind of enemy they encounter.

But it seems that it is because of such powerful power that they have lost their focus on polishing their fighting skills and will only rely on strength to crush their opponents!

"It seems that this guy is not just acting, but he is a real talent."

After thinking about these key points, Xia Yan's face became extremely strange.

A touch of disdain appeared in his heart involuntarily, but after the disdain, he was extremely envious.

Such a powerful power can be controlled at will, and you can sweep most of the world without even having to hone your skills.

This is extremely extreme. Even someone like Xia Yan who has cheats himself cannot compare.

Anyway, Xia Yan's strength was tempered step by step, and then he got it with a bit of luck.

But these Otsutsuki completely rely on reincarnation. As soon as they are born, they have powers that others cannot have in their lifetime.

Of course, not all Otsutsuki are like this.

Xia Yan believed that some Otsutsuki might have improved themselves step by step, one enemy at a time.

Therefore, he feels that when he encounters such an enemy, even if he does look down upon him, he must be extremely vigilant.

Even if he is the kind of guy who only relies on pure strength, Xia Yan must be extremely vigilant.

After all, even if a pig gets the power of a god, it is still a god.

"But if this is the case, then my possibility of defeating this guy will be greatly improved."

Xia Yan's eyes changed slightly at this moment. It was not like he didn't feel that he was out of luck before.

After all, he has the power of immortality, yin and yang escape, etc., and if he uses it well, he can launch sneak attacks at the most critical moment.

Having read the original work, he naturally knew that even Otsutsuki could not withstand these powers and would still suffer.

But now, his confidence is much stronger.

Even if he is stronger than me without much actual combat experience, I can still deal with it more calmly.

And he can also seize more opportunities to find ways to launch a fatal surprise attack on this guy!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan did not hesitate to mobilize the Pure Eye Chakra he had accumulated.

The next moment, his whole body became blurry, and blue chakra enveloped his whole body, making him look so weird.

Ura Shiki, who was hit hard by Natsuhiko, has now come to his senses.

He was a little confused by Xia Yan's bump just now. He had no idea what Xia Yan's action just now meant.

But now he is too lazy to think about these things, because he saw the change in Xia Yan's condition, which made his expression change slightly.

Because he discovered that he was attracted by this power in the first place!

"Oh it's you!"

Urashiki's tone changed slightly at this moment. He really didn't expect that he would encounter this big fish.

"No wonder your level is beyond my imagination. In fact, I should have thought of this a long time ago.

But your power is really special. It is activated by your eyes. No wonder I haven't found anyone yet. "

"What's the meaning?"

When Xia Yan heard this, his expression became slightly weird.

From what the guy said, it seems that he sensed the power of his eyes and came to the ninja world?

This news really shocked Xia Yan, because he had always thought that it was the reincarnated eye's ability that was leaked, which led them here.

After hearing this, it seemed that he was the one leading the way, which made Xia Yan look extremely strange.

"Why do you think I traveled thousands of miles to come to this place?"

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's injuries were basically healed at this time, and a terrifying aura came out of his body the next moment.

His body was already surrounded by red chakra. He looked at Xia Yan indifferently while holding the fishing rod in his hand and said slowly.

"It's because I feel your chakra, a chakra that belongs to Otsutsuki but is completely unfamiliar.

I am really becoming more and more curious about you now, and I am also a little curious about your eyes. "

Having said this, Otsutsuki Urashiki paused slightly.

However, the next moment his figure quickly disappeared, and he was already in front of Xia Yan.

The vast power was like a wave, rushing towards Xia Yan!

"So thank me, I will study you well!"


Otsutsuki Ura Shiki took the lead in launching a surprise attack, which already showed that this guy completely regarded Xia Yan as an opponent, and the red chakra attacked Xia Yan crazily.

Natsuhiko's reaction speed was also extremely fast. He quickly turned around and then swung the broken ninja sword in his hand towards Urashiki with a blade edge.

This time, both of them were almost serious. The moment the blade collided with the fishing rod, the ninja sword in Xia Yan's hand finally broke.


At this moment, the ground trembled slightly amid the harsh roar, large amounts of smoke and dust were stirred up, and Xia Yan took a step back involuntarily.

The power of this Otsutsukiura style is really not something that Xia Yan can easily compare with.

But the moment he stepped back, his eyes froze slightly, and then his body naturally leaned down.

The next moment, streaks of red chakra light flew past his scalp.

These red chakras are like blades, each piece showing the shape of a scimitar. Xia Yan can detect their sharpness even if he doesn't touch them.

"Amansuha Ryusei Mate!"

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki didn't know when he was flying in the sky. He waved the fishing rod in his hand fiercely, and those red chakra blades shot out from his fishing rod.

And after these blades landed on the ground, each one made a loud noise.

Xia Yan's reaction speed was strange. He quickly avoided the attacks of these blades.

However, when countless blades were dodged by him and fell on the ground, a loud roaring sound bloomed in his ears.

From a distance, a semicircular curtain of bright light suddenly appeared, followed by strong winds.

"That powerful?"

Xia Yan had already hid further away at this time. His purpose was to take this guy away.

Even though Senju Hashirama was coordinating the defense in Konoha, he was not sure whether Senju Hashirama could put down all the attacks.

Looking into the distance, Xia Yan's hands began to form seals quickly at the next moment, and all the chakra in his body merged into one at this moment.

"Yin Yang Escape·Earth Stone Dragon!"

The raging chakra went crazy, and several huge black earth dragons suddenly appeared in mid-air.

The earth dragons, which had been enhanced by Yin Yang Release, Senjutsu, and even the power of the tailed beast, were at full power, and they roared and rushed towards Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

Facing these attacks, Urashiki smiled coldly, flicked the fishing rod in his hand, and a red chakra thread quickly flew out with the fishhook.

In just an instant, Xia Yan's earth and stone dragons were instantly hooked by this guy.

And while being hooked, they were quickly absorbed by Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

If he just absorbed Xia Yan, he wouldn't think there was any problem, but Xia Yan soon discovered that this guy was similar to Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

He actually released the technique he absorbed from Xia Yan directly, and then rushed towards Xia Yan fiercely!

Although Xia Yan was a little surprised when he saw this scene, he remained extremely calm.

After all, he had seen Otsutsuki's Momo-style combat techniques, and he really felt that it was not surprising for these strange abilities of Otsutsuki.

"Yin Yang Escape·Wooden Formation Wall!"

Putting his hands together, the chakra in Xia Yan's body burst out, and a row of towering wooden walls suddenly rose from the ground!

On the other hand, Otsutsukiura Shimen was much calmer. He didn't do any defense at all, or he was too lazy to do any defense at all.

After he lured Xia Yan's earth dragon, he stood quietly, but his eyes were full of madness.


The sky-shaking roar suddenly sounded, and this terrifying destructive power instantly changed the color of the world and the earth, and the sky suddenly showed a gray reflection.

On the other side, Natsuhiko's earth dragon has hit Otsutsuki Ura style hard!

The vast earth roared under this force, and was pushed down three feet out of thin air, with countless fragments flying in all directions.

Xia Yan stood silently behind his wooden formation wall, his eyes looking a little strange.

The Pure Eye can have the same remote observation effect as the Byakugan, so naturally he has been watching Otsutsuki Ura's every move.

However, as he observed, he was shocked to find that this guy stood motionless, silently watching Xia Yan's earth dragon crash into him!

Xia Yan didn't know if this guy was really tired of living, so he would act so stubborn?

However, it only took a moment for Xia Yan to realize that something was not right.

Through Jingyan's observation, Xia Yan noticed that this guy's colored eyes were standing and exuding strange power.

As this power spread, Xia Ran suddenly discovered that the guy appeared not far away, and the Urashiki standing in front of Tulong moved in another direction.

Xia Yan was a little confused at this moment, because he found that the moving Urashiki became an illusion, and the Urashiki that appeared not far away became real.

That special power became extremely chaotic in an instant. It first stagnated and then began to flow back quickly.

Such repetitions made people feel hugely unreal, and also made Xia Yan see more illusory figures.

"What exactly is this?"

Xia Yan frowned, the scene in front of him was really beyond his understanding.

But for some reason, Xia Yan seemed to be able to guess something.

It's just that he really doesn't want to guess correctly, because once he guesses correctly, it means that the guy he has to deal with is too much trouble!

"Yin Yang Escape, the ability to absorb chakra and rebound.

There is also a pair of blue reincarnation eyes with unknown specific effects, and they are very likely to have the power of time.

This guy's upper limit is so high that it's scary. "

Encountering such an enemy, especially one who has mastered the power of time.

Even though Xia Yan knew that this guy didn't have much practical experience, he felt a little involuntarily desperate.

When you encounter such an enemy, why the hell are you fighting?

The shadow that Xia Yan saw just now was obviously a process of constant trial and error for this guy.

It wasn't until he found the most ideal and suitable hiding angle that he showed up.

Xia Yan sighed slightly, knowing that this time he was really in trouble.

How can we kill such an enemy?


Just when Xia Yan was at a loss what to do, Xia Yan suddenly noticed something interesting.

He suddenly discovered that the Otsutsukiura-style time power did not seem to be as exaggerated as he imagined...


The power of time has always been scary, especially the way to turn back time, which gave Xia Yan an unspeakable fear.

But now Xia Yan seems to have noticed some details, that is, the strong power of Yang escape is spreading in this Otsutsuki Ura style.

Along with this Yang Escape power, his body was also slightly emitting white smoke.

Obviously, this is a healing process.

Moreover, Xia Yan carefully observed through Jingyan, and he found that this guy was hurt by his own power!

"Did I hurt you?"

Xia Yan silently waited for the energy torrent to be consumed, and at the same time quietly observed the situation of Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

"If he was injured by me, then it means that this guy's time ninjutsu is not as powerful as imagined!"

Although the time ninjutsu is terrifying, it also depends on the method and technique used. Simply put, it depends on the person.

Natsuhiko couldn't deny the use of Otsutsukiura-style time ninjutsu, but he knew that this time ninjutsu seemed to be purely aimed at time.

To be more precise, it was a technique that acted on external time but did not affect his own body!

If everything could go back in time, then there would be no need to consume chakra to restore one's body in the Otsutsukiura style.

This discovery made Xia Yan's eyes light up slightly, because it might have some unexpected effects for him!

“You cannot use the power of time to reverse physical trauma, but you can distort external time.

This means that when he uses the power of time to try and make mistakes, he may be exposed to more of the same injury! "

When he thought of this, Xia Yan already had a plan in mind.

After the impact of the energy torrent disappeared, Xia Yan immediately began to form seals.

The wooden formation wall in front of him has also been destroyed by the earth dragon, so he must be fast.

"Yin Yang Escape·The Flower and Tree Realm is coming!"

The moment Xia Yan completed the technique, the earth shook crazily, and countless giant trees rose from the ground, blocking the sky and the sun.

At the same time, Otsuura Shiki had arrived through space!

The fishhook exuding red chakra in his hand flew out of the fishing line and quickly wound towards Xia Yan.

After already knowing that this thing can absorb chakra, Xia Yan will naturally not let it touch him.

With a slight twist of his body, Xia Yan had already dodged the current attack. Then his body floated slightly, and the next moment he rushed directly in front of Otsutsuki Ura Shiki like lightning.

A tailed beast jade has appeared in his hand. The dark tailed beast jade energy is mottled and unified. It is obvious that Xia Yan has integrated all his chakra into it.

The tailed beast was pushed out by Natsuhiko, but the moment he hit the Otsutsukiura style, Natsuhiko found that the person in front of him had disappeared.

Behind him, a powerful chakra had quietly erupted.

"Are you hiding again? What an annoying guy."

Xia Yan mentally cursed, he didn't know whether he was hit or not.

According to his own feeling, he should have hit, but because of the transfer of time power, Xia Yan was really not sure that he could cause much damage.

However, Xia Yan won't focus too much on this. His real method is not to attack at this time.

Turning around quickly, Natsuhiko instantly used the power of Kyuubi. His hand had turned into Kyuubi's head. The next moment, the tailed beast jade in his hand was sprayed out by Kyuubi!

"Tensuha Meteor Fate·Jade Box!"

Just after the Tailed Beast Tamama aimed at Otsutsukiura Shiki and sprayed it out, Otsutsuki Urashiki's attack also arrived.

I saw that he condensed a huge, purple-rayed chakra sphere in his palm and shot it towards Xia Yan.

This chakra sphere looks just like the Tailed Beast Jade, but its structure and combination of Yin and Yang Release are completely different from the Tailed Beast Jade.

But what is undeniable is that it also possesses formidable power!

The moment the two spheres collided hard, there was a sudden silence between heaven and earth, and an aurora appeared quietly in the center of the battle.

This dazzling aurora deprived everyone of their sight at this moment, and after that, circles of invisible air currents visible to the naked eye, like waves, dispersed crazily in all directions.

For a moment, the earth shook, smoke and dust appeared all over the sky, and the towering tree created by Xia Yan was almost cut off at the waist.

If Xia Yan hadn't immediately replenished the chakra and allowed it to grow back quickly, I'm afraid this Wood Release would have been completely destroyed.

As this energy continues to extend, the hot and red barrier outside Konoha Village also appears extremely distorted.

Countless cracks have begun to climb up the barrier. At this moment, the barrier seems so shaky.

Upon seeing this, Senju Hashirama immediately gritted his teeth and rushed out. But the moment he ran outside the barrier, countless blood marks appeared on his body.

Even if he touched that terrifying energy wave, he would be injured. An ordinary person might have died!

"The Immortal Technique: The Five-Level Rashomon!"

Senju Hashirama quickly restored himself and silently turned on the sage mode. At the same time, he put his hands together to complete his technique.

In an instant, five giant iron gates with grimaces quickly rose from the ground.

It's just that the first door was blown to pieces by the shock wave in just a moment, and then the second door followed suit.

Senju Hashirama was not idle either. When he felt that the energy of the shock wave had been weakened a lot, he clasped his hands together again.

"Immortal Technique, Wood Release, Ranking Technique!"

Vast chakra surged in his body, and under his super control, a wooden shield shaped like a fang grimace slowly rose up, blocking the front of the Leaf Village.

After the mask was raised, Senju Hashirama finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew how risky what he did just now was. If it was a normal battle, he would use ninjutsu for defense in advance.

But facing such a shock wave and energy torrent like now, running to an unprotected place is really no different from dying.

But as he said, he was willing to fight for Konoha, and he said so and did so.

Raising his head, Senju Hashirama looked deeply into the distance. His mission was to protect the safety of Konoha, so the enemy would be left to Natsuhiko to deal with.

"You have to work harder, kid..."


When the seemingly endless torrent of energy stopped, the whole world seemed to have changed drastically.

In the central area of ​​the battle, it was still covered by a strange dense forest.

But outside this dense forest, there was only a large hell-like scene.

The originally dense forest had disappeared, and the peaks that originally stood on the far side were razed to the ground at this moment.

Countless cracks of unknown depth spread everywhere, and they seemed to spread all the way to the end of the earth and straight to the sea.

I don’t know if these slender cracks are too deep, and there is even groundwater seeping into them.

At this moment, all that was left in this area was dead silence, only Konoha, which was still surrounded by a broken red barrier and protected by an unsightly wooden barrier in front.

And above the strange dense forest, the two figures that kept intertwining showed that there were actually living people and living things in this area.


Two streams of light, one red and one blue, collided together, but the next moment they quickly separated.

But soon they were close to each other again, and then there were constant sounds of breaking through the air.

When the aftermath of the collision of their techniques ended, Natsuhiko, who had been locking the Otsutsukiura style, decided to take action.

In his eyes, he saw many phantoms taking different ways to avoid the aftermath of this time.

From being careless at the beginning to constantly trying various techniques later on, Xia Yan knew that his offensive was effective!

But it is a pity that the previous torrent of power destroyed his flower and tree world, otherwise Xia Yan would now consider trying to resolve the battle.

But this is not a big problem. This guy's overconfident character, coupled with his weak combat experience, gave Xia Yan great hope.

In particular, Xia Yan also saw that this guy's time counterflow seemed to have an upper limit of only a few seconds.

This also means that when the energy torrent was forming, he stayed there for dozens of seconds in order to find the best way to avoid it!

Being hit by such a force for dozens of seconds and still not dying, I can only say that this guy is indeed an Otsutsuki.

"But you won't be so lucky next."

Natsuhiko admits that his strength is definitely not as good as Otsutsukiura Shiki, but his combat experience and fighting attitude are definitely much better than this guy.

Perhaps it is because the starting point is too high, and I am used to crushing any troubles with just my strength.

This resulted in his attitude towards fighting being uncorrected from beginning to end, and he would not think too much about it when encountering trouble in combat, and would only rely on his strength to recover and make up for it.

With such a fatal weakness, Xia Yan really felt that his chances were getting bigger and bigger, so he decisively chose to take the initiative!

But this time Xia Yan did not forget one thing, and that was to let the world of flowers and trees truly bloom.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki encountered Natsuhiko's strong attack, and at this moment he could only bite the bullet.

He really didn't expect that this guy with even incomplete bloodline and who was evolving towards Otsutsuki would be in such trouble.

This kid's physical skills are very weird, and the skills he masters are not only complicated but also very powerful.

The most important thing is his eyes. This boy's eyes obviously inherited the power of the Byakugan and evolved.

And these eyes have obvious power that only Otsutsuki possesses.

And this kid seems to be relying on these eyes and his weird skills to make himself feel so much pressure.

But no matter how difficult it is, no matter how tricky it is, Otsutsukiura Shiki cannot stop.

He has been completely attracted by the ability of the guy in front of him. He plans to study this guy's body and his eyes carefully.

The power of nature has always been something he has dreamed of, and Xia Yan's eyes inspired him a lot.

This kind of ability that can bring huge improvement is really impossible for him to miss!


When Natsuhiko deceived Otsutsuki Ura Shiki again and successfully stabbed the kunai into Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's chest, it was no surprise that he disappeared.

Phantoms and entities intertwined with each other, time seemed to be deflected, and this guy also inexplicably appeared again in other locations.

"I have to say, you are really powerful."

Otsutsuki Urashi felt his pain, and he couldn't help but grin.

"I have lived for so long, and this is the first time I have been made so uncomfortable. You kid should also feel proud."


Xia Yan couldn't help but smile softly when he heard this, and then he continued speaking calmly.

"How can I be proud that I didn't kill you?"

"You're proud, boy."

The smile on Otsutsuki Ura's face began to fade, and his tone became colder.

"I don't know where you get your confidence. You actually think you can kill me. I admit that your physical skills and your martial arts are very powerful.

But while you are still here, you have to be able to hit me. However, every move of yours is avoided by me. I don't know why you are still so confident. "

"Did you really hide?"

The smile on Xia Yan's face became brighter at this moment, the chakra in his body swayed slightly, and then a black sphere appeared behind him.

The appearance of such a sphere immediately made Otsutsuki Ura's expression darker. He naturally knew what this black sphere was.

This is the Jade of Seeking Dao, and this is a technique that even he doesn't have, or has no way to get!

Because for them, they have always lacked the same important power. This power does not need to be integrated into the Jade of Seeking Dao, but it is crucial and indispensable.

Moreover, the boy's words also made Otsutsuki Ura's face look a little ugly. These words gave him a slightly bad premonition.

Is it possible that this kid has seen through my skills?

But soon, Otsutsukiura's expression recovered a lot, even if he was seen through, so what!

Is it possible that this guy can still crack it? The power of time has always been the weirdest and most terrifying thing in the world.

His power is extremely rare and precious among the Otsutsuki clan!

"Are you feeling a little uncomfortable?"

At this moment, Xia Yan spoke again. As he spoke slowly, he turned the Qiudao Jade into the shape of a ninja sword.

The moment this ninja sword fell on his hand, the pure eye chakra full of destructive aura in his body grew stronger again.

The vague aura of death has begun to surround Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

Otsutsuki Ura Shi was slightly stunned when he heard this, but his expression changed the next moment.

Because he felt that his body was actually a little numb, and his brain seemed to be a little dizzy.

But at this moment, Xia Yan moved again. He appeared next to him like a ghost, and the Ninja Sword in his hand was covered with blue chakra.

In the midst of lightning and flint, the ninja sword cut through the sky, attacking him with its ultimate blade...


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