The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 326 Death! (8K please subscribe~)

"What exactly is going on?"

In Konoha Village, countless ninjas gathered around the red barrier, and in front of them were the ANBU ninjas and the security ninjas who stopped them.

They were all people who had been ordered to intercept. Although they didn't know why, they had to carry out the minister's order.

But when they came here, they knew something was wrong, especially since the barrier in front of them was definitely not something that ordinary ninjas could touch.

Not only that, but the terrifying roars and terrifying energy fluctuations outside showed that a battle that they could not imagine was going on outside.

"But who is fighting whom?"

The ANBU ninjas were silently thinking, not only their ordinary Konoha ninjas were also extremely curious.

Not long ago, they suddenly received notification from the whole village, and the person who issued the order was Nara Shikaku, the Minister of Government Affairs.

He was conveyed to everyone through the secret technique of Yamanaka Haiichi. His voice echoed in everyone's minds, and his order was simple - evacuate all civilians.

Although this order seemed a bit confusing to them, as ninjas all they had to do was obey the order.

Especially the violent roar outside, which made them realize that the situation might be very serious.

Many of them wanted to go out to help, but unfortunately they were stopped by the red barrier just as they arrived at the village gate.

They could only watch anxiously, feeling the constant roar and the violent vibrations that came from time to time. They seemed to realize that the problem was serious.

It was only when the towering giant trees rose from the ground outside the village, blocking all their sight, that they realized that the matter was much more serious than they imagined!

The only person who can use Wood Release now is their Hokage-sama.

Especially the ninja who participated in the war between Konoha and Kumogakure with Natsuhiko, are not unfamiliar with this current technique at all.

At this moment, they understood that it was their Hokage who was fighting outside now!

"Who is it that makes Master Hokage so defensive that he even needs to face him alone?"

This question immediately emerged in the minds of all Konoha ninjas, but before they had time to think about it, a terrifying scene happened in front of them!

I saw two vague figures in the distance, suddenly releasing two completely different chakra spheres.

When the two spheres, one black and one purple, collided together, almost everyone covered their eyes in pain at this moment.

The moment the two chakra spheres collided together, a dazzling aurora instantly covered the entire Konoha. This terrifying scene made them unable to adapt at all.

What was even more unimaginable to them was that when they could not open their eyes, a vast and suffocating shock wave had already arrived!

Many ninjas were directly blown away by the air current formed by this shock wave at this moment, and their ears were rumbling at this moment.

It seemed that they couldn't hear any sound, but they could hear a ringing sound like a busy tone exploding in their ears!

They don't know how long it took, but when everything stopped, they slowly opened their eyes.

However, when they saw everything in front of them clearly, a deep shock mixed with despair began to rise in their hearts.

At this time, Konoha had completely turned into an isolated city, and everything around it had completely turned into ruins.

Whether it was the lush woods before or the towering peaks on the far side, at this moment they have completely disappeared from this world.

The only thing left was the wooden escape performed by their Hokage, still standing at the far end.

And the hot red barrier that was dilapidated but still standing.

Of course, they also noticed the wooden escape blocking the front of Konoha Village and the broken ghost-faced giant doors.

In their opinion, this was released by their Hokage to protect them. In fact, it was not wrong to think so, but they did not figure out which Hokage it was.

"What the hell is going on..."

The same question appeared in their minds again, but this time they felt an unprecedented shock.

Perhaps those ninjas who had participated in the fight against Kumogakure with Xia Yan were better off. After all, they had seen the thousand-meter-high Wooden Release Giant Buddha summoned by Xia Yan.

But other people who had not really seen all this, and only learned about it through newspapers and the oral accounts of frontline ninjas, were frightened by what they saw.

They really can't imagine what would happen if such a horrific attack fell on them?

In fact, they already knew the answer, but they simply did not dare or were unwilling to think in this direction!

"Is this the power of Hokage-sama? It's incredible..."

"If it weren't for Hokage-sama, I'm afraid the entire Konoha would have ceased to exist!"

"Look! That damn guy, Hokage-sama, is fighting again!"

"It's just that someone as powerful as Hokage is so careful and hits to this extent, who is he?"

After discovering that they were safe, the ninjas of Konoha began to whisper involuntarily to vent their depression and joy for the rest of their lives.

I just didn't know that when this topic was brought up, almost all the Konoha ninjas fell silent involuntarily.

Yes, what kind of enemy has such power to fight to this extent with their fifth generation Hokage who is comparable to the first generation Hokage?

What is the purpose of this guy coming here? Can Lord Hokage really concentrate on dealing with it because he is worried about Konoha?

For a time, all kinds of complicated and slightly pessimistic thoughts began to occupy their minds.

But in the end, they are all Konoha ninjas with enough faith. No matter how pessimistic they are, they will adjust and control themselves.

After all, almost all ninjas of their generation have experienced the most painful wars, and they all know how to adjust their emotions.

Although the current situation is extremely difficult, they still have to choose to believe in their Hokage.

This time the battle was beyond their dimension, and they could not make any contribution at all.

All they can do now is believe and trust. Trusting their Hokage is just like the last time they faced Kumogakure's attack...


Natsuhiko doesn't know what the situation is in Konoha right now, and he's not in the mood to care about these things, because the most important thing to him is to resolve the current battle!

The ninja sword transformed from the seeking jade cut through the sky and struck hard at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is now paralyzed, and his brain is still a little dizzy. It is obvious that he knows what is happening to him - he has been poisoned!

Although he has never figured out how he was poisoned, his current situation is really not optimistic.

Seeing the ninja sword getting closer and closer, feeling the pressure of death that he had almost never felt before, his blue samsara eyes suddenly turned red.

At this moment, the wave technique of space became disordered and chaotic, and Otsutsuki Ura's body was quickly wrapped in a black halo!

"Is Huangquan Birasaka? This time the speed is much faster than before. Is it the ability of the red samsara eye?"

Natsuhiko figured out a lot of problems in just an instant. Even if he didn't have the high-speed insight of Sharingan, there were many things that his Pure Eye could help him with.

What's more, he has been collecting all the information about this guy since the beginning of the battle. Although the more he collects, the more he becomes jealous of this guy's ability.

But the more Xia Yan collected, the more confident he became that he could find a way to defeat this guy!

To be honest, although Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's ability is ridiculously strong, the feeling he gives Natsuhiko is really not as good as the elegance of Uchiha Madara in his memory.

It's also not as good as Senju Hashirama's style. This guy is just a fool who relies on his own abilities.

Using the attributes in the game means that there is no technical content and no room for operation. Basically, you just charge money at the beginning and then crush it.

Xia Yan really didn't like this guy at all, because you had to be careful and go all out to fight with him.

But there is nothing gained from fighting this guy, because his fighting skills are almost zero, and you can't learn anything at all.

Thinking mentally, Xia Yan's Ninja Sword that seeks the transformation of Dao Jade in his hand has been slashed out!

In an instant, the ninja sword brought up a trace of blood, but unfortunately Otsutsuki Ura Shiki ran away.

In the distance, Otsutsukiura's figure appeared again, but this time he already had obvious scars on his body.

This scene made Xia Yan think of something, because this time this guy was not using his disgusting time ability.

"Is he worried because he was tricked by me? Or is it because his eyes are transformed and he can no longer use that ability?"

Xia Yan's reaction speed was very fast, and he immediately thought of something interesting.

Although he was not sure whether it was true or not, he could tell that this guy had changed some of his combat strategies.

Although such a change seems a bit unknown to Xia Yan, the advantage is that this guy has now given up his regular fighting method.

Unconventional fighting method, which means that he is not that skilled.

Even if this guy's performance in a regular battle is just that, once it becomes unconventional, his performance will probably be even more "worth looking forward to".

However, Xia Yan noticed that this guy's ability was really abnormal. He could actually use both time and space.

It really complies with that sentence, people are more likely to die than others.

"If we can really kill him, then this guy's body will be an excellent material!

With such powerful power and his eyes that can change, these guys are really full of treasures. "

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, but in the next second he rushed forward, and the ninja sword in his hand struck hard at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki again.

This time, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki seemed to be completely annoyed. He did not choose to dodge but shook his chakra without hesitation.

As a member of Otsutsuki, he was killed by a guy who looked like an ant to him - even though this guy had a broken Otsutsuki bloodline, he was still far from it.

Being beaten like this by such a guy had completely made him angry. In his extreme anger, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki followed up without hesitation and started to fight back.

Xia Yan didn't expect this guy to be so decisive this time, and before he understood the power of these red reincarnation eyes, Xia Yan still remained relatively cautious.

But no matter how cautious and skillful Xia Yan is, he is not afraid of this guy!

What's more, Xia Yan still has the protection of the Dao-seeking jade. Even if he only has three Dao-seeking jade, it is enough.

Two shadows that were so fast that it was impossible to see them clearly collided in the woods created by Xia Yan.

However, it is obvious that although one of the figures is constantly attacking, he keeps pulling towards the outside, as if he wants to leave this artificial forest.

But another figure with bright blue chakra blooming all over his body didn't give him any chance. Every time he had the slightest chance, he would be intercepted.

Every time he finally reached the edge and was about to rush out of the forest, he would soon be intercepted by the black sphere and the blue personnel!

Natsuhiko's timing was very clever. He had basically told Otsutsuki Ura Shiki that the forest was poisonous.

Even if this guy is arrogant and stupid, he can't stay here and wait for the poison to continue to spread into his body.

Even if he could indeed use the power of Yang escape to continuously detoxify, it would also consume his attention and his strength, and he didn't want to waste it in vain.

But when they really started to fight Taijutsu again, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki found that this time he was not arrogant, but simply superior.

When his physical skills were compared with Xia Yan's, he really couldn't gain any advantage at all. He even found that his strength advantage was of so little use in front of this guy?

Xia Yan also noticed this, and he also realized that Otsutsuki was completely confused now, and his fighting could almost be described as chaotic.

In addition, Xia Yan also noticed one thing, that is, these red reincarnation eyes did not seem to have any other special power.

At least so far in Xia Yan's confrontation with him, he found that this guy's red samsara eye can only make Huangquan release faster than Liangsaka's.

"Blue eyes control time, red eyes control space, and the advantages and disadvantages are obvious, if only to this extent..."

Xia Yan thought mentally, the ninja sword in his hand had once again slashed at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, but this guy's evasion speed was much faster than before.

Natsuhiko's ninja sword did not have this guy like a machete, but this guy didn't retreat completely, but his counterattack wasn't sharp enough.

Instead, Xia Yan once again seized the opportunity and suppressed him again!

"Then this guy is really dead!"

Thinking this way, Xia Yan also did the same. In the long-term physical battle, the Otsutsuki Ura style showed more and more flaws.

Faced with such a flaw, Natsuhiko had been patient and did not rush to take action. He just wanted to prevent Otsutsuki Ushiki from noticing his situation.

Finally, after the two of them went back and forth more than ten times like phantoms and lightning, Natsuhiko finally stopped giving Otsutsuki Ura Shiki any chance!

The moment his knife landed on the Otsutsukiura-style fishing rod, his body quickly leaned on it one after another.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki had originally prepared a strong force to deal with all this, but this time he suddenly fell short.

His face changed slightly, and in an instant, the scarlet-colored transparent magatama in his eyes began to rotate.

A black space channel has appeared behind him, but this time Xia Yan is faster than him. Xia Yan has already taken action before he enters the space channel!

"Yin Yang Escape·Wood Flowers Blooming Yeji!"

Otsutsuki Ura Shi saw the shadow of a woman with long silver hair appearing in the void.

The next moment, a terrifying chakra accompanied by a sharp blade rushed towards him!

Otsutsuki Ura's face became extremely ugly. At this moment, he seemed to know that he could not avoid this fatal blow.

Faced with this horrific scene, he finally gritted his teeth, and then the chakra in his body began to run wild and wantonly.

The moment Xia Yan's blade was about to touch him, a giant chakra oarfish suddenly appeared between the blade and him!

This giant oarfish blocked Natsuhiko's blade with its own body, and with the support of Otsutsukiura Shiki's nearly infinite chakra, its body began to expand crazily.

"Tensuha Ryusei Ming·Ryuugu!"

Otsutsuki Ura's face showed madness, and there were countless blood marks on his body like knife cuts, but he didn't care at all.

He held his hands flat, ignoring the blood that was constantly overflowing from his arms. There was a four-pointed star-shaped purple chakra in his palm that was constantly flashing.

And the tail of the giant oarfish-like monster is still connected to these purple chakras!

However, the situation of the Chakra monster is also very bad. Under Xia Yan's blade, the chakra in its body has begun to become distorted, and even its shape cannot be maintained.

Only under the chakra infusion of Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, who didn't care about gains and losses, could it still maintain its form and compete with Natsuhiko's blade.

And with the help of that crazy chakra, this one suddenly opened its mouth, and in an instant a huge purple-red energy ball took shape in its mouth!

Also at this moment, without Natsuhiko's crazy and exquisite personal attack, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki could finally use his teleportation technique safely.

This scene naturally caught Xia Yan's eyes, but Xia Yan was not in a hurry.

His eyes flickered slightly, and a Tao-seeking jade suddenly disappeared behind him, while another one quickly came to his body.

When everything was ready, the destructive chakra in Xia Yan's eyes suddenly erupted!

The shadow of the silver-haired woman behind him seemed to be a real entity at this moment.

And the blade he swung was also infused and stimulated by his chakra at this moment, and began to become more and more sharp and crazy.

Natsuhiko had no intention of letting Otsutsuki Momoshiki leave so easily. He almost showed all his strongest chakra!

His blade turned into a vast glow at this moment, severely cutting off the huge chakra sphere that had just condensed as it fell crazily.


Along with the roar that seemed to explode in the soul, the ray of light directly cut the purple-red energy ball in half!

The purple-red energy ball exploded directly, and the sweeping energy once again completely destroyed the forest created by Xia Yan.

Not only did the Flower and Tree Realm come, but even the chakra monster released by Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was blown to pieces by Natsuhiko's blade and the explosive energy ball!

After Xia Yan's ray-like blade passed over Otsutsuki Ura's body, it quickly sank into the ground.

At this moment, the earth cracked like tofu crazily, matching the cracks left by the previous destruction by Natsuhiko and Otsutsuki Ura.

A winding canyon of unknown depth, almost reaching the bottom, seemed to extend infinitely into the distance from under Xia Yan!

Under the roar of this extreme power, the barrier protecting Konoha was shattered, and the Wood Release and Rashomon summoned by Senju Hashirama also completely collapsed.

If not for a critical moment, a small black ball suddenly flew over, and then expanded its size crazily to form a shield, blocking the terrifying power.

I'm afraid that from today on, Konoha will be directly removed from the ninja world!

Xia Yan hid behind the shield formed by another Tao-seeking jade, and he was panting now.

The consumption just now was too great. No matter how strong Xia Yan's recovery power was, he couldn't bear it at this moment.

To be honest, Xia Yan is really unwilling to do such a risky move, because such an attack is no different from killing the enemy together.

But fortunately Xia Yan has the Jade of Seeking Dao, otherwise with his body and resistance to the overflow of such power, I am afraid he would have been wiped out long ago!

After all, his body has not yet reached Otsutsuki's level.

His strength is indeed strong, but his strength is comprehensive strength, which is really basic things. He can't compare to guys like Otsutsuki at all.

It can only be said that these guys' combat awareness and combat experience are really poor, and Xia Yan relies on powerful powers such as Jingyan, plus his experience in years of combat training.

Otherwise, his fate may be no different from other people who were crushed to death by Otsutsuki's strength.

"But it's all over soon."

Xia Yan took a deep breath and took back the seeking jade that protected Konoha behind him. However, as soon as the seeking jade flew over, it sank directly into his body.

This made Xia Yan frown, but after feeling it for a while, he knew what was going on.

Some cracks appeared on this Tao-seeking jade, which was obviously caused by the impact just now.

Because this Tao-seeking jade was expanded to the maximum size by Xia Yan to act as a shield, this made it endure unimaginable pressure as it was not an expanded Tao-seeking jade.

The end result is that the strength division is not protected tightly enough, leading to eventual damage.

Fortunately, this is the Taoist Jade. If it had been protected by other means, it would have been destroyed like all the techniques used by Senju Hashirama.

This Tao-Seeking Jade needs time to grow, so that it can return to its previous level and combat effectiveness.

But now Xia Yan still has two Tao-Seeking Jade, which is enough for him.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan took a deep breath and looked into the distance with vague eyes.

The battle has reached this point, and Xia Yan has reached the end of his rope. Whether it is Immortal Chakra or Yin Yang Chakra.

Or maybe the state of his Jingyan was already in bad shape, and he needed to make a quick decision now.

His eyes have been locked on the Otsutsuki Ura style that relied on Yomi Hirasaka to escape at the last moment. This guy's chakra is still enviably full.

But his physical condition was not as optimistic as expected. His whole body seemed to be completely infected with blood. He was half-kneeling on the ground, panting.

At the same time, he was also relying on his Yang Escape to recover from his injuries.

He is very alert, but no matter how alert he is, there is no way to thoroughly explore it now, and this is Xia Yan's opportunity!

He surged his remaining chakra crazily, holding the Ninja Sword transformed from the Seeking Jade, and the next moment the Ninja Sword was once again covered in blue chakra.

The next moment, Xia Yan's figure completely disappeared from the spot, while Otsutsuki Ura's expression in the distance changed slightly.

In an instant, his body was covered by a layer of red chakra, and these red chakra formed a semicircular shield that completely covered him inside.


A muffled sound resounded on the broken land, and Xia Yan's ninja sword landed heavily on the red shield.

Otsutsuki Ura's face was full of resentment, but also with the remaining pride. He gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Yan and said in a slightly heavy voice.

"I really didn't expect that I would be put in this situation by a bug like you who only has such a broken Otsutsuki bloodline. You can really be proud!"

"I really don't feel any pride in defeating a guy like you."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly. He was telling the truth. He really had nothing to be proud of.

If his opponent was strong and unparalleled in skill, Xia Yan tried his best to defeat him even if he was lucky enough to win, which is something to be proud of.

But the problem is that he met a person whose skill level was basically zero, who was just born with good luck and 'opened a membership'.

Xia Yan really doesn't feel like there's anything to be proud of in defeating such a guy. Maybe it's right to be happy.

After all, he learned something about these Otsutsukis. After all, he might be able to obtain materials belonging to the Otsutsukis!

However, Natsuhiko's words made Otsutsuki Ura's expression turn ugly instantly. He wanted to say something but for a moment he didn't know how to say it.

Losers have no right to speak. This is an eternal fact. Even a person as proud as he is can't find any reason to refute his own situation.

He lost, he was defeated by someone he regarded as an ant. If he was saying something cruel at this time, that would be really embarrassing!

Clenching his teeth tightly, Otsutsuki Ura Shi looked at Xia Yan with anger on his face.

If he hadn't been too seriously injured now, he would have dug out his own eyes and launched a final counterattack!

But thankfully, it seems that the kid in front of him is unable to penetrate his defensive shield for the time being.

Of course he believed that someone who could defeat him to such an extent must be able to break his own defenses.

When he thinks of the power that this guy burst out before, even he can't help but feel fear.

He regrets a little now. He regrets why he had to be so arrogant and didn't go to that village to kill people!

If you do this, this guy will definitely be put off, and things will definitely not develop to this point.

But it's too late, and there's no real point in thinking about it now.

But thankfully, this kid is not a real Otsutsuki after all, and his current chakra is nearly exhausted.

Otsutsuki Urashiki admitted that Natsuhiko's taijutsu was also the weirdest and most powerful he had ever seen.

But the physical skills are getting stronger. He uses the skills to completely shrink the defense, and you can't break it without chakra. What can you do to me?

Although Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was seriously injured, his own chakra was still full, and he could afford it!

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki has made a decision in his heart. Once he recovers, he will definitely kill everyone in this guy's village.

At the same time, he also wants to make this guy into a puppet, so that he will always be by his side and become a guardian honestly!

"I don't need you to feel proud, but I will definitely repay you for the shame you gave me!"

Otsutsuki Ura-shi gritted his teeth and said that at this moment he seemed to be even less stable with his chakra, but this did not affect his protective shield.

"You don't have much chakra now. You can't exert your previous power at all. I want to see what else you can do!"

"What should I do?"

Xia Yan tilted his head slightly, and then he smiled.

The next moment, the ninja sword in his hand shook slightly, and the blue chakra rotated to meet the flow trajectory of the red chakra.

Not only that, this blue chakra is also vibrating slightly with the vibration of the ninja sword. Its frequency is exactly the same as that of the red shield chakra!


Accompanied by the soft hum of chakra, under the incredible gaze of Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, his red shield was directly broken by Natsuhiko.

"Of course I have my own methods, because I'm a ninja."

Natsuhiko looked at the Otsutsuki Ura Shiki in front of him calmly, and the next second his ninja sword pierced this guy's body without any hesitation!

He stabbed very deeply, and the other half of the ninja sword appeared directly from the back of Otsutsuki Ura's body.

His Ninja Sword itself was transformed from the Dao Jade, and it also specially covered all the powers that could cause damage to Otsutsuki.

The target he stabbed was the heart, and he would never give this guy even a slight chance!

"And you're just a lucky guy who was born with strength.

We are very different. The biggest difference is that I am still alive and you...

There is only death! "


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