The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 327: People from Beyond the World (Please subscribe~)

Xia Yan sat on the ruins panting, his eyes fixed on the motionless Otsutsuki Ura Shiki not far away, his expression full of alertness.

Otsutsuki, the person Xia Yan killed was a real Otsutsuki, and he also had the blood inheritance snare!

Although he was indeed as he said, he didn't have much sense of pride - after all, this Otsutsukiura style was really bad.

But Xia Yan was really happy to kill such a guy, but while he was happy, he had to be extremely vigilant.

Otsutsuki is the real god in this world. They have almost endless lifespan and also possess unimaginable strength.

The most important thing is that Xia Yan seems to have guessed from the previous conversation with this guy that they actually have the ability to resurrect themselves in case of accidental death.

So now that a body of Otsutsuki was placed in front of him, he had to be careful.

Even if Natsuhiko uses the Taoist Jade, Yin Yang Escape, Senjutsu, and the power of tailed beasts, these can indeed bring substantial damage to Otsutsuki.

But he really didn't know whether he guessed the so-called wedge correctly, and he really didn't know the logic and methods of using that wedge.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy's body was of great use to Xia Yan, and he also felt that fire escape or something like that would really be difficult to cause any damage to them.

I am afraid that in order to confirm whether this guy is really dead, Xia Yan will not hesitate to give him a fire escape. It is the safest choice to completely crush him!

"But he's already been stabbed through the heart, and I'm keeping a distance and observing his movements and chakra all the time. I think there's no way I can leave anything behind."

After learning that there was a surgery that could transform a person's physique and strength into Otsutsuki, and that it might be the key to resurrecting himself, Xia Yan was always on guard.

He didn't want to find out that he was about to become an enemy after finally getting rid of the enemy.

In other words, if your body will become a weapon of the enemy, then this is really not an ordinary tragedy.

Fortunately, for now, it seems that Xia Yan is fine. There is nothing extra on him, nor is he covered with any chakra products.

On the other hand, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki fell completely motionless on the spot. It seemed that Natsuhiko really won this desperate battle.

"Xia Yan!"

At this moment, two voices suddenly sounded behind Xia Yan, and Xia Yan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing these two voices.

The people who came were Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama. These two guys were truly one of their own, and Xia Yan felt quite at ease with them.

"Hashirama-senpai, Tobirama-senpai."

Xia Yan turned his head slightly. His voice was very soft when he spoke now. It could be seen that he was really tired now.

"Are you OK?"

Senju Hashirama quickly came to Xia Yan's side. He himself was in a state of embarrassment, but he was still very concerned about Xia Yan's current situation.

Similarly, Senju Tobirama looked at Natsu Yan with concern, but after this guy just confirmed Natsu Yan's situation, his eyes turned to Otsutsuki Ura Shiki who fell not far away.

He had witnessed with his own eyes that Xia Yan fought and defeated his elder brother, so he had a relatively good understanding of Xia Yan's strength.

But now he feels that he still underestimated Xia Yan's power. According to the information he read on the moon, Xia Yan killed a god-like existence this time!

Has Xia Yan's power reached this point? Can he actually kill a being like the Immortal of Six Paths?

And what is going on with this god? It's not that he doubts this guy's power, after all, he has witnessed it before.

He is just curious about what kind of life this so-called god is, and curious about all the secrets in this god's body!

"I'm fine, but the consumption is a bit heavy. Thank you for your concern."

Xia Yan spoke slightly weakly. After a slight pause, he continued to ask.

"By the way, how is Konoha now? There are no problems, right?"

"Konoha is okay, we moved very promptly, and with your protection at the last moment, there were no problems.

However, there should still be casualties, after all, the aftermath was so large and the area covered was so wide. "

Senju Hashirama did not talk about his own contribution. For him, protecting Konoha is what he should do as a matter of course. As the first Hokage, this is not worth mentioning at all.

However, he really didn't know the casualties within Konoha because he rushed over after everything was over.

But I still think the casualties won't be too big. After all, both he and Natsuhiko protect Konoha very well.

But it is impossible to avoid casualties. No matter how well protected you are, there will still be some inevitable things that happen in the aftermath of such a shock.

Although Senju Hashirama didn't want this to happen, he was still very sensible.

After all, he has experienced the most chaotic period in the entire ninja world, and countless people have died at his hands. Naturally, he cannot have any naive ideas in this regard.

"Let's wait for the statistical results after we go back."

Xia Yan shook his head helplessly, this was already a very good result.

The civilians had been transferred in advance, and the ninjas who wanted to join the battle were stopped by the barrier between Senju Hashirama.

Moreover, the aftermath of the battle was basically blocked by Natsuhiko and Senju Hashirama together. The result was really good.

Look at the miserable state of the unprotected areas, and look at the lush forests and towering peaks that have completely disappeared as far as the eye can see.

Look at the canyon that stretches to no one knows where, it can be said to be almost bottomless.

It would be no exaggeration to say that this is a huge miracle that Konoha can still be safe and sound in these ruins!

"Anyway, it's over, and we got a good result, didn't we?"

Xia Yan stood up tiredly, and then completely turned off all his chakra modes.

But when he turned off his chakra mode, he couldn't even stand still for a while, he was really too tired.

Senju Hashirama quickly supported him with quick eyesight and hands, and at the same time, he also released his own power to help Xia Yan recover.

Although he knew that his power was of little use to Xia Yan's current situation, it was better than nothing.


Natsuhiko smiled slightly and nodded to Senju Hashirama, then he looked at Otsutsuki Ura's body.

Now he is thinking about how he can get good things from this guy's body!

Not to mention anything else, he has the experience of Ao's Byakugan and Uchiha Fugaku's Sharingan, plus White Zetsu's body and so on.

Xia Yan's goal is obviously Otsutsukiura's eyes and body flesh. If he is lucky, these two things can definitely provide Xia Yan with unimaginable benefits!

However, planting takes time, and it also requires an unusual game of looking at the face.

If you are lucky, you will gain weight. If you are unlucky, you need to wait slowly.

If it was just the meat on the body, then everything would be okay. After all, there is quite a lot of meat in this Otsutsukiura style. Xia Yan could get a little at a time and stuff it into a tree for planting.

But this guy only has one pair of eyes. In fact, Xia Yan was also surprised that Otsutsuki should have three eyes.

Kaguya Otsutsuki still has one on her forehead, Uchiha Madara does the same thing after he completely transforms into Otsutsuki, and even Momoshiki still has eyes on his palms.

But the guy in front of him seemed to really only have one pair, which made Xia Yan a little troubled, because this meant that he had less room for 'trial and error'.

Even though this guy seems to be able to change his eyes instantly, thus opening up different abilities, he still uses his original white eyes.

Therefore, Xia Yan can only make one decision, that is, for the sake of long-term and stable development, in addition to obtaining what he wants through the ability of systematic planting.

He also needs Senju Tobirama to use his abilities to help Xia Yan research the specific situation of this guy!

Putting eggs in one basket is never a good choice.

When there are sufficient conditions, separate the eggs so that you don't have to worry about being helpless if there are any irreversible problems.

"Xia Yan, what are you going to do with this guy?"

I don't know if Senju Tobirama can read minds. Xia Yan had just sorted out his thoughts when this guy spoke.

"Otherwise, we can study this guy carefully. After all, this guy's power is really terrifying.

And according to those guys on the moon, he is of the same race as the World Destroyer and the Immortal of Six Paths.

Maybe we can learn about the secrets in this guy's body through research.

After all, this guy came to the ninja world and didn't seem to have any goodwill towards the ninja world.

And we have no way of knowing whether there will be other guys like this coming to the ninja world in the future.

Therefore, I think we should take some necessary measures to prevent something that may happen and is definitely tragic. "

Having said this, Qianju Tobirama paused slightly, and then he looked at Xia Yan extremely seriously and said.

"You are the only one in the ninja world who can deal with such a guy. It might be okay if it's just one, but if there are more..."

"I agree with your idea, Tobirama-senpai."

Xia Yan didn't have any objections. This guy Senju Tobirama almost said what Xia Yan was thinking, so why should he object?

But there was one thing he said wrong, and it would even greatly damage their confidence. Xia Yan had to boost their morale.

"We don't know if there will be people coming in the future, but this guy really doesn't have any goodwill towards all life in the ninja world.

Therefore, we must make necessary preparations so that we can deal with possible crises in the future.

But one thing Tobirama-senpai made wrong is that I am not the only one who can deal with him.

In terms of absolute strength, I am actually not as good as this guy at all, but I was the one who defeated him in the end, and he was the one who died.

Hashirama-senpai and Tobirama-senpai, you might as well think about it, why is this happening? "

Xia Yan directly admitted his lack of strength without any hesitation. It would not be strange for him to admit that he was not good in the face of such an Otsutsuki.

But even if it doesn't work, everyone still has a chance, just like his current situation.

Xia Yan's words also stunned Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, and then the two of them began to think involuntarily.

One of the greatest combat strengths of a ninja is to carefully think and analyze all situations to obtain all kinds of information that can support one's victory.

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are both outstanding in combat, and their thinking ability is definitely the best in the ninja world.

Just for a moment, both of their faces showed expressions of astonishment involuntarily, as if they didn't quite believe what they were thinking.

"you mean....."

Senju Hashirama spoke hesitantly, he still didn't seem to believe what he was thinking.

"This guy is very strong, but because he is so strong, he relies on strength to suppress his battles and doesn't have much skill?"

"Why don't you just say that he has no combat experience?"

When Senju Tobirama heard Senju Hashirama's words from the side, he couldn't help but shook his head and said coldly.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Xia Yan, as if to verify whether his and his elder brother's views were correct.

In fact, after combining various possibilities, the only answer they could get was this.

After all, the information they got was really limited. Maybe they could learn more if they had a fight, but unfortunately they didn't have this opportunity at all.

"Yes, although I can't say that all these foreign guys are like this, but at least this guy I met is like this."

Xia Yan spoke calmly and slowly, telling the two people about the situation of the guy he met.

"This guy's technical and tactical skills are really equivalent to none. He seems to only rely on his own strength to do whatever he wants.

In addition, this guy is very arrogant. To put it bluntly, he is arrogant to the point of being conceited.

If he really lowered his body and attacked Konoha, I'm afraid he wouldn't end up like this, but he didn't do it.

In other words, he doesn't bother to do this at all. He believes that his own power can solve troubles like mine.

So now that he is dead, it is actually not an exaggeration to say that he died in his own hands. "

"Is that so?"

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this, and then they looked at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki who fell on the ground.

This news was indeed a bit unexpected for them, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to be natural.

When their strength reaches that point, any techniques and tactics may be of little use to them. They only need to maximize their use of their strength.

But there are exceptions to everything, if you meet someone who has faith, persistence, and a certain level of strength.

Then their character and lack of combat experience and skills will be their biggest hidden danger!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel much better.

Even though they know that not all Otsutsuki are like this, at least they have similar flaws.

So this means that they still have a chance to defeat these gods from outside the sky...


After confirming these things, Natsuhiko also returned to Konoha with Otsutsuki Ura's body, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

At this time, Konoha has completely fallen into madness. After all, such a terrifying thing is happening before their eyes. How can they remain calm?

And when the battle just calmed down, they were also very nervous because they really didn't know who won and who lost.

Even though they were full of confidence in their shadow, seeing the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but feel worried no matter how determined they were.

Fortunately, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan told them that the winner of this battle was their Hokage, which allowed them to suppress a lot of worries in their hearts.

After all, the Byakugan can see very far. This is definitely worthy of belief, and it is impossible for the Hyuga clan to lie to them.

The only thing they can't rest assured now is that they haven't seen Xia Yan's return with their own eyes. 'Seeing is worth hearing a hundred times' is of vital significance on many different occasions.

Fortunately, Natsuhiko didn't make them wait much longer. Even though he looked a little tired at this time, he still caused huge cheers in Konoha.

Perhaps today, all the ninjas who stayed in Konoha have experienced what it means to survive a disaster.

And after everything they experienced today, their respect for Natsuhiko, the Fifth Hokage, has reached its peak.

To put it bluntly, Natsuhiko's prestige in Konoha at this time is probably no weaker than that of Senju Hashirama currently, and may even be stronger!

However, Xia Yan didn't pay too much attention to this kind of thing, although he was very happy that this kind of thing happened, because it was related to his mission.

But at this time, he was still more willing to pay attention to the situation in Konoha. After all, as Hokage Natsuhiko must take good care of Konoha.

He knew very well that his previous concern for Konoha was actually more focused on improving the completion of tasks.

Even though he was already the minister of ANBU at that time, and had even defeated Hiruzen Sarutobi and sat in the position of Hokage, some things were really difficult to change.

Xia Yan himself also knew that he was actually a very cold person.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t really integrate after traveling here, but looked at everything more from the perspective of a bystander.

Or maybe it was because of his age that he really didn't have many real friends who could get close to his heart - because everyone was too young at that time, he really felt that he couldn't play.

But now everything has changed. Although his inner character has not changed much, in the end he is not a truly indifferent person.

As the people around him have grown up, as he has more and more bonds in Konoha, as his mission continues to advance and be completed.

His attitude towards Konoha has really changed a lot now. He cares about Konoha and the people who are closely related to him in Konoha.

He cares about the overall development of Konoha, cares about the future changes of Konoha, and cares about those who respect him from the bottom of his heart.

Perhaps he himself knew that he regarded Konoha as his own.

After all, he put so much energy into it, even if his purpose was not pure at the beginning, everything that has changed in Konoha now has something to do with him.

Under such circumstances, he really couldn't accept that Konoha was destroyed, he couldn't accept that his hard work was destroyed, and he couldn't accept that someone related to him had problems.

His mentality is changing, and naturally all his actions are also changing, and his attitude towards Konoha is naturally changing.

"What are the losses in Konoha? Have they been calculated?"

Sitting in the Hokage's office a little tired, Natsuhiko was recovering while standing with Kakashi asking.

At this time, in the Hokage's office, Nara Shikaku, Kakashi and others have gathered here.

Such a terrible thing had just happened. They must have come to understand the situation, and they also believed that Xia Yan definitely wanted to understand the situation in the village.

But they looked a little surprised when they looked at Xia Yan in front of them, because this was the first time they saw Xia Yan looking so tired.

But they also knew very well, and Xia Yan couldn't be more clear about this. The battle was so intense that any fatigue was normal.

In the past, Xia Yan always looked calm and gentle, although his indifference and cruelty could only be felt in private.

But on the surface, his gentleness is the consensus of all Konoha ninjas. Many Konoha ninjas have said that meeting Natsuhiko makes people feel as comfortable as bathing in the spring breeze.

Xia Yan never denied that he was a two-faced person like a certain prime minister, or that he wore more or less masks.

And only a few people knew about his other side, and Xia Yan did a very good job in this regard.

When Kakashi and the others heard Natsuhiko's question, Nara Shikaku glanced at the people on the Uchiha side and then at Kakashi, and then took the initiative to stand up and speak.

"Lord Hokage, Konoha's statistics are still in progress, but the losses are not huge.

Although many houses did collapse due to various reasons, the casualties were very small. "

Nara Shikaku spoke very slowly and in detail, although because of the tight time limit, he was unable to make comprehensive statistics.

However, the security department and ANBU had given him the general situation of Konoha, and the loss this time was indeed not too big.

Such a strong shock inevitably leads to the collapse of the house. This kind of thing is really unavoidable.

In terms of human losses, this is really something to be happy about.

Because Konoha really did not lose many people in such a catastrophe because of its proper defense.

Except for some unlucky ones who were buried because their houses collapsed, or whose internal organs were shattered by the shock wave and died unfortunately, everyone else had no problems.

This is the situation on the ninja side, but as for civilians, it's actually pretty good.

Civilians are not ninjas after all. They have no chakra protection. Even if they hide in the basement, there is really no way to avoid certain situations.

But overall it was good. This time the civilian losses were probably about a hundred people, and the number of injured people was countless.

But compared to Konoha's total population of more than 100,000, the losses of more than a hundred people seemed so insignificant.

Of course, such a thing is still very distressing, and it can also further arouse Konoha's hostility towards the intruder.

At the same time, it can further inspire the residents of Konoha to respect Natsuhiko, the fifth generation Hokage who protected everyone in Konoha.

After hearing Nara Shikaku's report, Natsuhiko nodded slightly. This result was already very satisfactory.

Of course he knows that some losses are unavoidable, and all he can do is reduce these losses as much as possible.

So far, both he and Senju Hashirama have done a good job. Konoha's current losses can be said to be too good to be true!

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he slowly spoke.

“That’s fine, the rest of the reconstruction work depends on everyone.

The hospital should also act quickly. After all, there should be many injured people, and I don't want to leave any sequelae. "

"It's Hokage-sama!"

All the ninjas answered loudly, because everyone knew that this was a troubled time in Konoha.

It was also Natsuhiko who became the Hokage and went through the war between Kumogakure and Konoha to establish Konoha's strength.

Otherwise, now is not a time of trouble, but a time of danger!

After suffering such a horrific scene, Konoha would have been in chaos before.

After the chaos, the spies from other villages hiding in Konoha were frantically active, whether they were secretly carrying out sabotage or delivering intelligence.

These are losses that Konoha has to bear, and this is also a time when various departments in Konoha will be busy.

Although Konoha also needs to be busy now, overall they are not as stressed, which is definitely a good thing for everyone.

"As for the coordination of various departments, you can take care of it yourself. The person in charge is Nara Shikaku."

Having said this, Natsuhiko paused slightly, and then he looked at Nara Shikaku before continuing.

"Boss Shikaku, I need you to pay more attention during this time."

"No problem, Hokage-sama."

Nara Shikaku nodded seriously, but soon he raised his head slightly and looked a little hesitant.

This hesitation did not last long, and then he asked.

"Lord Hokage, who is the enemy this time?

Such an enemy is too terrifying. Mr. Hokage has fought against him. Is there any relevant information that can help us prepare in advance? "

Nara Shikaku's words made everyone look over involuntarily, because they themselves were very curious about what was going on this time.

That power was so terrifying that it made their hearts tremble, and they were truly terrified.

Although they know that they may not be able to do anything in the face of such an enemy, as ninjas they must make preparations in advance.


Natsuhiko was not surprised that Nara Shikaku would ask him, and after hesitating slightly for a moment, he spoke calmly and slowly.

"A group of people whose strength is unimaginable, but whose character is very problematic, a group of people from outside the world..."


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