The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 328: Xia Yan’s changes in three years (please subscribe~)

Xia Yan didn't explain too much about the situation of Otsutsuki, because the complexity of these guys is really not suitable for anyone to know.

Therefore, Xia Yan adopted a relatively vague, but correct concept to explain all this.

Although what Natsuhiko said was very vague, it was enough for a human spirit like Nara Shikaku.

He could see that Xia Yan didn't want to mention it anymore, obviously knowing that these people were not something ninjas like him could handle easily.

So instead of knowing so much in detail, it is better not to think too much and just do what you are doing.

After all, there are really too many things to deal with in Konoha now, and they really need to focus on the areas that deserve attention.

For example, Konoha's internal affairs now require them to spend more energy, and what they have to deal with is not just Konoha's internal problems.

This time the battle directly caused the entire Konoha to become an island-like existence - the ground around Konoha almost collapsed, and countless gaps crisscrossed the area.

Moreover, the depth of these chasms is also extremely scary. Some chasms have become like river valleys, and they are almost filled with groundwater.

There are also many gaps that have directly turned into abyss. Their bottomless depth directly separates Konoha from everything around it.

Such an abyss blocks the roads around Konoha, which is a huge trouble for Konoha's various business dealings and people from outside who give Konoha tasks.

These troubles must be solved, otherwise it will definitely affect the future development of Konoha, and this is also one of their top priorities.

In addition, they also need to count the towns living around Konoha to see how much their losses have been.

Although these things are not their problems in Konoha, after all, Konoha only needs to manage Konoha Village.

The management authority of other places in the Fire Nation belongs to the Fire Nation daimyo, so it should be them who have the headache.

But this matter is really caused by Konoha, and everyone is well aware of the existence of daimyo.

To put it bluntly, the one who truly controls everything in the Land of Fire is Konoha, and it is actually Natsuhiko Senju, the Fifth Hokage!

So Natsuhiko really needs to be responsible. Even if he doesn't say too much, it's impossible for a guy like Nara Shikaku not to know how to deal with it.

Of course, Xia Yan doesn't need to worry about compensation. The one who should pay is naturally the famous name of the Land of Fire.

Such a big problem has arisen, even if the responsibility does not lie with the Fire Nation or even Konoha, they still have to pay the money. This is inevitable.

Therefore, they need to coordinate these things, understand these things and finally make the best solution.

It can be said that their affairs are not only numerous but also very complicated now, so it is really inappropriate to think about those existences that are too far away from them now.

Concentrate on handling the issues that need to be dealt with at hand. This is the most rational and critical issue!

After figuring out these problems, these jounin no longer bothered Xia Yan.

It seemed to them that their Hokage-sama also needed time to rest and recover after such an extremely brutal battle.

After all of them left, Xia Yan could finally close his eyes and rest.

In fact, as far as his body is concerned, his condition is still okay. After all, the Otsutsukiura style is really bad, and he really didn't cause Xia Yan too much trouble.

Even if those terrifying torrents of chakra touched Natsu Yan, Natsu Yan was still in Kyuubi and Pure Eye chakra modes at the time, and incidentally he was also in Sage mode.

It can be said that his body has been greatly improved in all aspects, and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's poor fighting experience and fighting skills prevented Natsuhiko from being injured at all.

The reason why he feels tired now is mostly from his mental state. After all, such a battle really consumes his energy.

But no matter what, he has done the best he can, and the body currently being inspected by Senju Tobirama is his best trophy!

And through this battle, Xia Yan also learned a lot about himself.

There is no doubt that he is very strong. Even if Uchiha Madara recovers in a real sense, before Otsutsuki transforms, he feels that he is definitely capable of fighting!

But this is just Uchiha Madara without Otsutsuki. If he really becomes Otsutsuki like in the original work, then Natsuhiko feels that he is dead.

This is not because he looks down on himself, but on the contrary, it is because he has a clear understanding of his own power.

It can be said that Natsuhiko knows how strong Uchiha Madara is, especially when there is a Senju Hashirama beside him who told him everything in the past.

According to Senju Hashirama's description, Uchiha Madara was already on par with him back then, and the main reason why he lost was because he was consumed by him.

After all, Uchiha Madara does not have his terrifying recovery power, whether it is chakra recovery or physical recovery.

This also resulted in Uchiha Madara losing chakra in the end, and was eventually deceived by the wooden clone created by Senju Hashirama's extra chakra.

This is probably why Uchiha Madara complained after his resurrection that Senju Hashirama's battle was inelegant.

After all, Senju Hashirama could try to resist his attack, but he could only dodge it honestly, which seemed elegant but was really helpless.

After the resurrection, Madara Uchiha made up for his shortcomings, and not only that, he also received further upgrades!

Whether it was magical chakra or the samsara eye, he had fully obtained it after his resurrection.

Coupled with the most terrifying years of war he has ever experienced, his combat skills have reached an unimaginable peak.

In terms of overall strength, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the true number one in the ninja world!

Especially Uchiha Madara, who has mastered the Yin Yang Escape. It can be said that there is basically no difference between him and Natsuhiko in terms of basic equipment.

Probably the only thing he doesn't have control over is the power of the tailed beasts, right?

Natsuhiko really had no doubt that if Uchiha Madara hadn't died, those Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Kinshiki would have ended up extremely ugly when they encountered him in the future.

Not to mention the Otsutsuki Ura Shiki he just killed. You can imagine how terrifying Uchiha Madara's power is.

In fact, after this battle, Xia Yan felt that if the person fighting was Senju Hashirama, it was hard to say that there was no chance.

After all, Senju Hashirama is also a person who has experienced those cruel years, and now he is also learning Yin Yang Escape.

Even if their learning is mediocre, if they are used in conjunction with magic, if these Otsutsukis are careless, they can definitely cause unimaginable destructive power!

"So now I have to further enhance my strength. Even though I am really strong now, I still have a lot of room for improvement.

Especially now that I have Otsutsukiura's body, I need to work harder.

After all, no one knows whether these dangerous terrorists will come to the ninja world in the future! "


Xia Yan really has to be extremely careful about these outsiders. After all, with the Otsutsukiura style this time, no one is sure whether there will be a second time.

Especially Xia Yan knew that this guy was attracted here really because of his contribution.

To put it bluntly, it was because of the evolution of Xia Yan's pure eyes that the power fluctuations belonging to Otsutsuki began to overflow crazily.

Only then did the Otsutsukis, who were the best in the universe, know that there were still their tribesmen in this direction, so this guy Otsutsuki Ura Shiki came.

Xia Yan really doesn't know if there is anyone else besides him, but he knows that if he can't continue to improve his strength.

Then next time you come here, just in case you are not such an idiot and arrogant.

But the kind of person who has rich technical and tactical experience, and is calm and will not give up his advantages because of personal preferences, then Xia Yan is really bad.

Therefore, improving oneself at all times is the best and most important choice Xia Yan can make.

Although he knew very well that he was always improving, even though he was not as cunning and cheating as Naruto and Sasuke, he could reach that point in just three years.

But it took him more than ten years to achieve this level, which is considered a huge miracle compared to Uchiha Madara after his resurrection.

But he knows that this is not enough, this is far from enough, he still has a long way to go, and there is still a lot of improvement he needs!

He opened his eyes slightly, and in an instant, system information that he had not checked for a long time appeared in his pupils.

Now that his strength has reached his level, he no longer needs to stare at him all the time like before.

Moreover, if he wants to improve his current abilities, it will take time and continuous accumulation. It is really not suitable for him to become a genius in one step.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (chakra reserves are abnormally large)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (First Stage) (Development Degree: 99%)

Bloodline development degree: advanced (thousand-hand secret technique, intermediate yang escape secret technique), blood stain elimination (unnamed), second blood stain elimination (unnamed), intermediate corpse bone veins, elementary yin escape secret technique, yin and yang escape (can be accompanied by yin) Elevated by the improvement of Dun and Yang Dun)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (Two-Tails, Three-Tails, Six-Tails, Eight-Tails) (Intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails fruit to make it grow)

Seed: None

Fruit: Advanced Fire Release Fruit (10), Advanced Water Release Fruit (10), Advanced Earth Release Fruit (10), Advanced Thunder Release Fruit (10), Advanced Wind Release Fruit (10)

Mission: Become the real big BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (90% progress), the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (optional) (already have the Nine-Tails, Eight-Tails, Six-Tails, and Three-Tails, and the progress of fusion is 50%) , the overall fusion progress is not activated)

Looking at his own panel, Xia Yan mentally nodded slightly. Although he had not improved much in the past three years, he had made some progress.

In terms of the strength of the system evaluation, he seems to be fixed above the film-level standard, as if there is no higher option in the system evaluation.

However, in terms of chakra, his evaluation and expression have also undergone considerable changes. He used to be simply huge, but now he is extremely huge.

Xia Yan didn't know how to calculate the changes in his bloodline. According to the system's evaluation, he seemed to have reached an advanced level.

But whether this senior level is considered Otsutsuki or Senju, Xia Yan doesn't quite understand the meaning.

However, after thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that he should not be considered to be at the level of Otsutsuki, even though Otsutsuki Ura Shiki had said that his bloodline was from their clan.

But he also said that his bloodline is very weak and has a certain degree of incompleteness.

Obviously, I am afraid that I do have Otsutsuki's bloodline now, but due to the thickness of the bloodline, it has not been recognized by the system.

But Xia Yan didn't care about this kind of thing. At least this time he got a good answer, and he also got an Otsutsuki body.

He believes that he can definitely get a huge breakthrough from it, just like when he got the Senju Hashirama meat piece, making himself truly a force that cannot be ignored!

In addition to the bloodline situation, Xia Yan also integrated the second type of blood elimination in the past three years.

However, he found that his luck in drawing cards from Bai Jue was getting worse and worse. He didn't know how long it took him to get this fusion power.

Therefore, after obtaining the power of fusion this time, Xia Yan deliberately fused the chakra power that he had not used before.

This fusion also created a brand new blood-stained elimination, and through this fusion, Xia Yan was able to use all his chakra attributes.

For now, he already has two blood-stained elimination powers and one Yin-Yang Escape power among the full attribute chakras.

If he wins the power of fusion in the lottery again, then Xia Yan can definitely try to fuse these three powers into one, so that his own blood inheritance snare will come!

"But this kind of thing is just a thought. The other attributes of chakra are all high-level, but Yin-Yang Escape is only elementary. This is very helpless."

Xia Yan himself also had a headache when he thought of Yin-Yang Escape. He didn't know if his Yang Escape was due to his physical condition or because he finally got the Corpse Vein from Kimimaro.

As a result, his own Yang Dun has been greatly improved, and now he has reached an intermediate level in Yang Dun.

And he himself feels that maybe it won't be long before he can reach an advanced level.

But when it comes to Yin Dun, Xia Yan's performance is really not as good as Yang Dun.

It can even be said that apart from picking up the Yin Escape Fruit, he has never received any improvement.

Xia Yan has nothing to do about this. After all, as a Senju, he really can't expect his Yin Escape to improve normally.

And as Hokage, everyone in Uchiha is honest, so he can't gouge out other people's eyes and build a Sharingan Wall, and then plant them one by one, right?

"I'm so careless, this choice..."

Every time he thought about this, Xia Yan couldn't help but lament that some of his actions were sloppy.

And he also discovered a depressing thing, that is, his talent in learning Yin Escape was actually not as good as Senju Hashirama.

Since there are no fruits to use for the time being, let's practice by ourselves. This is a better solution that Xia Yan came up with.

After Senju Hashirama was resurrected, he also started a new study and training. Both of them were studying Yin Escape well.

As a result, Senju Hashirama had already learned the basics of Yin Escape, and had mastered what Xia Yan considered to be elementary Yin Escape abilities, while Xia Yan had not improved at all.

As for Senju Tobirama, of course he also participated in the learning, but this guy's learning speed and mastery of Yin Escape are a bit ridiculous.

According to Xia Yan, this guy is probably about to reach the level of intermediate Yin Escape.

Comparing the two of them, Xia Yan's current situation really left him speechless. This was the first time that he found that his learning ability was so poor.

"But fortunately, neither of them successfully fused Yin Yang Escape, so I still have the upper hand."

The fusion of yin and yang is not an easy task. In the original work, only Uchiha Madara seems to have achieved it. As for Obito, Natsuhiko doesn't know whether he has achieved it or not.

Not to mention fusing these two completely opposite special powers, just using these powers alone is extremely difficult.

Except for some specific secret techniques that can exert the power of Yin Yang Escape, it seems that there is really no one else who can use it in Xia Yan's memory.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan didn't bother to think about the issue of Yin Escape, because this issue was not very friendly to him.

What's more, apart from Yin Escape, Xia Yan didn't have other troublesome problems. For example, the corpse bone veins did not meet Xia Yan's expectations.

From the time Natsuhiko brought Kimimaro back to now, this kid has grown into a qualified ninja, even though he is only about eleven years old now.

But the eleven-year-old Kimimaro has already shown his talent and has a very good resume in the ANBU.

To him, Anbu was his home, and Natsuhiko was the one who saved him and gave him new life.

Therefore, he worked extra hard and hard. Although he also got a lot of vacations and made a lot of friends because of the requests of the two ANBU ministers, Natsuhiko and Kakashi.

But this did not change his idea of ​​dedicating himself to Konoha at all times. He would take the initiative to request a mission every time.

And the difficulty of the tasks he requires is still increasing step by step, but compared to now, he is already a squad leader.

Moreover, Natsuhiko also heard that the boy Uchiha Itachi is likely to be assigned to his subordinates, because he is really considered to be in the team under the squadron leader Shisui.

This boy's strength is very good now, with the careful training of ANBU and the help of medical staff.

Not only has he opened the corpse veins, but he has not found any blood stain disease.

This is much better than when he was messing with Orochimaru in the original work. After all, Xia Yan knew his situation and would naturally take some preventive measures.

Therefore, this boy is not as unlucky as in the original work, and he also provided the upgrade materials Xia Yan needed, allowing Xia Yan's corpse veins to reach the intermediate level.

And based on this kid's development level, he believed that this kid would be able to perform better in the future, and Xia Yan's advanced corpse veins were just around the corner.

But the problem is that after Xia Yan obtained the Corpse Veins, he found that there did not seem to be any special linkage effect between the Corpse Veins and his own Pure Eye.

Gaining this power not only makes Xia Yan's bones harder, and allows him to use them as weapons, but also makes his recovery speed after fractures faster, and also improves his Yang Escape to a certain extent.

It seems that Xia Yan has never found anything else that is more representative.

This situation really made Xia Yan feel disappointed. After all, judging from Otsutsuki Kaguya's performance, her physical foundation is definitely capable of the power of corpse veins.

After all, the frightening ashes of the co-killer are manifestations of the corpse veins. According to Xia Yan's inference, the corpse veins are definitely one of Kaguya Otsutsuki's powers.

Just imagine, Xia Yan's pure eye essence comes from the Byakugan, and if he gets the corpse bone veins to match his body, he originally belongs to Senju.

Does that mean he can get a bigger body closer to Otsutsuki's origin?

Naihe's idea was logical and beautiful, but the fact was that Xia Yan didn't really have any outstanding feelings.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan didn't bother to care anymore. Anyway, he had obtained this power, and maybe he could make a breakthrough in the future.

Except that this situation made him depressed, the other news was pretty good.

For example, when it comes to fruits, Xia Yan has collected a lot in the past three years.

However, Xia Yan will basically not use these fruits, because he will have no effect if he uses them. The purpose of collecting them is to give them to others!

With the subsequent performance of those who used the fruits, such as Kakashi, Qiong, and Renhua, Xia Yan was basically sure that there would be no problem in handing these fruits over to others.

And the most important thing is that if he gives it to others to use, he doesn't need to worry about betrayal.

Not to mention his current strength, status and reputation, he would not allow others to betray him, and there would be no one who could not think of such a thing.

Especially after the previous fight between him and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki outside Konoha, I am afraid that in addition to respect for him, all Konoha ninjas also have a layer of fear echoing in their hearts.

In fact, Xia Yan really doesn't need or care about such fear, but human nature is like this, and Xia Yan has no good solution.

However, having fear is not an unacceptable thing. After all, such fear still gives some silent deterrence to some truly evil-minded guys!

The fruits that Xia Yan is holding now are intended to be given to ninjas who perform well every year.

Whether they are jounin, chunin or genin, as long as they perform well enough, Natsuhiko doesn't mind giving them enough benefits.

In fact, he had already mentioned this matter at last year's year-end meeting, and this year will be the first year.

However, Xia Yan did not specify what he would give, so no one knew what Xia Yan was thinking.

Xia Yan doesn't care about this kind of thing, even if he is the one who gets the fruit, he will ask this guy to keep it strictly confidential.

What he wants is a sense of mystery, an effect that makes everyone interested and gives full play to their subjective initiative to strive for it.

From the current point of view, the effect is still there, and he believes that the effect will be even better after today!

"But if they want to get the fruit, they still need to handle the situation in front of them well."

Natsuhiko stretched slightly. The troubles Konoha is currently facing still need to be dealt with.

How to deal with it and how well it is handled can definitely be included in the Jounin assessment at the end of the year, so these things really don't require Xia Yan to expend too much of his energy.

To be honest, with a group of excellent subordinates, Xia Yan can really do everything he wants to do very easily.

As long as there are no problems with his general goals, then this group of excellent subordinates can help him accomplish these things and do them well.

He is probably the only one in the entire ninja world who can become Hokage with such ease.

"Regardless of Konoha's affairs, it seems that my Jingyan is exactly what I thought it was, and it has reached an extreme level.

It seems that I also need to find time to go to the moon and take a look. By the way, I also need to take off the parts of Otsutsukiura style that I need. "

Xia Yan's eyes were slightly blurry, and he began to think about some subsequent actions he needed to take.

The first stage of his pure eyes has reached the 99% development level. This is not so unexpected. After all, it is his eyes that make him feel this way.

Having reached this level, further development is naturally needed, and what Xia Yan can think of when activating the second phase of development is naturally the huge reincarnation eye!

Xia Yan has no doubt that with the help of that eye, his pure eye can definitely go further!

Xia Yan has already felt how strong the first stage of the Pure Eye is. Although there are some abilities in it that Xia Yan cannot use for the time being, there is no doubt about its strength.

To put it bluntly, without such a pair of improved eyes, there would be no help from the Taoist Jade and the improved chakra mode.

Even if Natsuhiko could win against Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, he would never be the same as he is now.

Now that Xia Yan knows that he may have more terrifying enemies in the future, the further improvement of his eyes naturally makes him extremely happy.

He can feel that his future is definitely bright!

“Not only that, my two tasks have also improved a lot.

Although the Tailed Beast mission did not collect all the Tailed Beasts, the progress of the unilateral integration with the Nine Tails seemed to be very good.

However, this fusion progress is not counted as a whole, but as the fusion of the Nine Tails and other tailed beasts. This needs to be carefully studied. "

In the past three years, the improvement of tailed beasts is the only aspect that Xia Yan has not made much progress in. This is not because he doesn't want to but because he has no chance for the time being.

Besides, he wasn't too worried about this matter. What did he have to worry about when Nagato followed him?

"As for this only task, the progress has reached 90%, but this is definitely not the limit, because..."

Because after today, his legend in the ninja world will be further upgraded!


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