The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 329 Shocking the Ninja World (Please subscribe~)

Just as Natsuhiko thought, in the next few days, everything that happened in Konoha was passed on to other village spies hidden in Konoha through various methods.

There are more or less spies from other countries in every village. This is not a strange thing at all.

Even though Konoha has established their unique position in the ninja world because of Senju Natsuhiko's performance, there are still spies in Konoha.

These spies may not necessarily cause any damage. After all, they are not stupid. After staying in Konoha for so long, they naturally know what Natsuhiko's temper is.

Especially since this Hokage has shown such strong fighting power, especially yesterday they could be considered as witnessing everything in the legend.

Therefore, if you give them the courage to cause damage, they may not dare to do anything-especially if they are discovered, especially at this time.

Then it is difficult to say that this Hokage will personally parachute into their country and village, and then I am afraid that he will erase the existence of a certain village in the ninja world!

Judging from the previous battle performance, they really had no doubt that the Hokage could do all this easily.

To be honest, they really can't understand why there is such a being in the ninja world that surpasses their understanding. This being is no longer in the same dimension as them.

But there is nothing you can do if you don't understand. After all, this Hokage is standing in Konoha.

Not offending the Hokage has naturally become a way of survival for spies like them, and conveying the Hokage's policies in Konoha is also their most important thing.

In fact, for them, what they hope to convey more is the Hokage's attitude towards other villages, especially their own village.

Because such an attitude can better show Konoha, or the Hokage's diplomatic attitude towards his own village, or the diplomatic attitude of other villages.

However, these things were rarely communicated, especially the Hokage who seemed to be more interested in the small village and even spent a lot of money to help him.

They really can't understand this kind of thing, but they know that all they have to do is pass this information back.

But this time it was the same as before, not to mention that this time was even more critical in their opinion.

Because this time they saw with their own eyes the fate of the Hokage himself.

And this time the information is transmitted back, it can definitely affect your village's external policy towards Konoha.

Even though Konoha's alertness is very high now, they still used various means to send the information back. After all, this time was too important.

In the Iwagakure Village of the Land of Earth, Onoki looked at the report in his hand, his face looking a little strange.

A few days ago, there was a violent shock coming from the direction of the Fire Country. He naturally felt it. At that time, he was extremely surprised as to what happened.

He also thought about whether he should send troops over to see if something happened to the terrifying fifth generation Hokage who made people feel chilled. Then this would definitely be good news!

Yes, in his opinion, if something happened to Xia Yan, it would definitely be a great good thing for the ninja world!

Because the force value and threat level of this Senju Natsuhiko are too high, so high that it makes people feel chilled in their hearts.

As someone who witnessed Xia Yan destroying the entire Kumogakure army by himself, he knew very well how exaggerated this guy's power was.

He had concluded a long time ago that this boy Natsuhiko might be the person who set Konoha back forty or fifty years.

In fact, this is exactly the case. The current development of Xia Yan, a kid, tells everyone that he not only has the methods of Senju Tobirama, but also has the strength of Senju Hashirama!

Whether it is Senju Hashirama or Senju Tobirama, they are both scary guys, especially Senju Hashirama, who has defeated Uchiha Madara many times.

Ohnoki has lived in the shadow caused by Uchiha Madara since he was a child. He can never forget Uchiha Madara's aloof figure, who could not control his ultimate strength.

Even though he is old now, even though he knows that Uchiha Madara is dead, this shadow will follow him all his life.

Uchiha Madara is already so terrifying, but how terrifying is the power of Senju Hashirama who defeated Uchiha Madara?

Ohnoki must admit that decades ago when he was young, the Senju Hashirama he met felt like bathing in the spring breeze.

But after that, after Senju Hashirama died, Senju Tobirama felt to him that this guy was an extremely dark conspirator.

But what he had to admit was that Senju Tobirama, the conspirator, had brought tremendous changes to Konoha, and it was the series of policies he implemented that laid the foundation for Konoha's development.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen's skills are okay, to put it bluntly, his soaring is just to complete what Senju Tobirama left behind.

This guy Senju Natsuhiko is completely different. He once only showed Wood Release and Flying Thunder God.

This is why Onoki feels that Natsuhiko is the fusion of 'Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama'.

But after this guy showed the 'Senju Hashirama-like power' and successfully became the Fifth Hokage.

This guy has begun to show a side that truly belongs to Senju Tobirama, and that is his political consciousness and political skills!

Not only did this kid not become the third generation Hokage's puppet, he even cleaned up all the people behind the third generation Hokage, and finally tied the third generation Hokage to his side.

This kind of skill and ability is the scariest and most powerful thing about Senju Tobirama, and this Senju Natsuhiko has undoubtedly inherited all of this.

He is the one who has the strength of Senju Hashirama and the skills of Senju Tobirama in the true sense.

Such a person is a huge disaster to the entire ninja world. With his existence, no one in the entire ninja world can hold their head high!

Therefore, something so serious happened in Konoha, and he really hoped that something happened to this scary guy.

But the reality is not like this, and he himself knows that the probability of such a thing happening is too low, but the current report did give him a great shock.

“The entire Konoha Village has been affected by the battle and has become like an isolated island, and everything around it has been completely destroyed.

Moreover, there is an unknown person who can rival Senju Natsuhiko in the ninja world. Is it just that Senju Natsuhiko was superior in skill and defeated his opponent? "

Onoki's eyes turned slightly. This news was really scary to him, and in his opinion, this was more than just a sign that Senju Natsuhiko was superior.

The enemy is very powerful and terrifying. At least judging from the damage caused, it is definitely an existence that can destroy an entire country by one person.

However, such an enemy existed in Konoha and Senju Natsuhiko confronted him and took action. Senju Natsuhiko was actually able to protect the safety of Konoha and solve the opponent.

This kind of strength has completely exceeded Ohnoki's imagination. In his opinion, this is no longer a superior skill, this is a situation that is simply crushing!

If there were no worries behind Senju Natsuhiko, and the place where they fought was somewhere else, would Senju Natsuhiko be able to show a greater advantage?

"This Senju Natsuhiko has now reached a level that is unimaginable to ordinary people."

Onoki sighed quietly. He really didn't expect that the kid who had emerged in Sunagakure Village had completely grown to a point that was out of reach.

If he had known these things back then, he might have risked his life to do something. After all, the existence of a giant in the ninja world was too terrifying.

Shaking his head slightly, Onoki stopped thinking about these things. He thought for a moment and then sighed quietly and spoke slowly.

"Come here, let me know and let the logistics department prepare a batch of supplies as soon as possible - all types of supplies except weapons to be transported to Konoha.

At the same time, we are preparing a hundred 'craftsman' type ninjas, and let them set off with the supplies to support Konoha..."


"I didn't expect that Konoha would encounter such a problem, and that there would be such people in the ninja world."

In Yunyin Village, Chirabbi looked at the document report in his hand, his expression seemed a little incomprehensible.

Ever since their Cloud Hidden Village carried out a large-scale invasion of Konoha under his brother's plan a few years ago, their situation could be described as being in dire straits.

More than 8,000 ninjas were completely buried in the Kingdom of Yu. Especially these more than 8,000 ninjas were the elite of Kumogakure!

Moreover, these people were killed by Senju Natsuhiko, who later became the Fifth Hokage of Konoha, on his own.

Even his brother, the Fourth Raikage, has yet to find any trace!

According to previous judgments, his brother could be considered dead at this time, but Kirabi was not willing to give up just like that. He was still trying to find his brother.

But the village cannot be left without an owner for a day, especially when the war has failed to this extent. They need a new Raikage to lead them to face all this.

There is no doubt that Kirabi, who is the younger brother of the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, was pushed to Chiyo.

Even if he didn't want to, he eventually became the fifth generation Raikage of Hidden Cloud Village!

Facing the pressure from the whole village, Kirabi also believed that he could find his eldest brother by virtue of his identity as Raikage, so he chose to take this position.

However, in the next few years, he sadly discovered that he had been plotted against.

He, the Raikage, came to power purely as a shield.

Whether it was pressure from Iwagakure or aggression from Konoha, he needed to step forward to deal with it all.

Even the anger of the residents of Kumogakure Village must be borne by him, because he is the Raikage and he must bear it all!

Kirabi has been very tired these years, and this is the first time he feels the pressure that his brother needs to bear when he sits in this position.

This was a terrifying thing, and he hesitated about what those elders had done, making him really unable to trust anyone.

Now he no longer has the innocent and romantic character he had a few years ago. He has become calm and ruthless, and must repeatedly think about the pros and cons of everything he does.

He gave up his favorite rap, and also gave up his original slightly lazy character.

Even the Eight-Tails couldn't help but shake his head silently due to his changes. After all, as the existence that had always been hidden in his body, the Eight-Tails knew Kirabi's state best at this time.

Fortunately, Kirabi managed to survive in the end. Although this guy had become a stranger in the eyes of outsiders, his relationship with Kirabi got closer.

Because for him, the only thing worth trusting is the Eight-Tails in his body, and the only place where he can find comfort is that the Eight-Tails can give it.

This kind of mutual trust allowed his strength to grow further, even if he always felt that such an improvement was always a bit sad.

But the reality is this, he has no choice, and Senju Natsuhiko's battle also caused him to lose everyone he could trust.

To be honest, he is a bit like Natsuhiko, because what Natsuhiko did made him a true loner with only eight tails left.

But he also knew that he should not blame Natsuhiko, because the person who initiated the war against Konoha was his brother.

If his brother had not launched such a war, so many people would have died, and naturally no one would have ended up like this.

"In the entanglement of interests, no one is right or wrong, only who is the winner and who is the loser."

Kirabi has learned this truth after being a Raikage for several years, and now he is slowly starting to take the initiative.

Conspiracies and tricks are always just a help to achieve the goal, strength is the most critical thing.

But if you don't have enough vision to see through all this, then no matter how strong you are, you may just become someone else's pawn in the end.

Kirabi stood in a high position, and he worked hard to learn and absorb all this. Now he also has a certain vision, and he already has enough strength.

Therefore, under his fierce counterattack, those people in Hidden Cloud Village who had restless thoughts finally realized how terrifying the Fifth Raikage was.

And after he took control of Yunyin Village, his attitude towards Konoha has never changed, that is, when you should lower your head, never raise your head to take a second look!

He has not forgotten that his most trusted person constantly warned him not to go to Senju Natsuhiko and not to have any thoughts of revenge.

Because the strength of this Senju Natsuhiko is definitely not weaker than that of Senju Hashirama back then!

Kirabi has become a Raikage, so he can naturally read many, many things, including records about the first Hokage.

From such records, Kirabi finally understood why this ninja who created a country and a village was called the God of the Ninja World!

According to Eight-Tails, the current Natsuhiko is not weaker than him at all.

Then it is conceivable that if he still has such thoughts and successfully angers the contemporary god of ninja world.

This guy definitely has the means and ability to send the entire Kingdom of Thunder to hell in one fell swoop!

He really couldn't forget the terrifying giant Buddha that covered the sky and the sun on the battlefield of Tang Country, nor could he forget how devastating the attack launched by the giant Buddha was.

Therefore, he doesn't care what others think. He will bow his head when he should. After all, they are the real losers!

But this time, he got an unexpected news, that is, there are really people who are not afraid of death who dare to go and find trouble for the Fifth Hokage.

Although according to the description of the intelligence, the strength of this troublemaker is also unimaginably terrifying.

But as an excellent ninja, Kirabi could tell at a glance that there was something unusual about this information.

"Senju Natsuhiko is relying on Konoha to fight, and he must devote his attention to protecting his village from destruction.

And he really did it, even though the topography around Konoha has been completely changed, and even Konoha has become an isolated land island.

However, the number of casualties in Konoha Village was completely negligible under the destruction of such an attack.

The most important thing is that the attacker was killed by the Fifth Hokage who was in such a disadvantaged position.

You can imagine how far this Fifth Hokage has grown! "

Kirabi sighed silently. Why didn't he hope that Konoha would be destroyed in this battle? Why didn't he hope that Senju Natsuhiko would die like this?

Although he didn't blame Senju Natsuhiko, the Fifth Hokage's hands were stained with the blood of the Kumogakure ninja.

More importantly, the Fifth Hokage has completely broken the backbone of the Cloud Hidden Village, making it impossible for the Cloud Hidden Village to stand up straight again.

If he dies, Yunyin Village will definitely change, and it won't be the same as it is now.

However, the battle report this time made him realize that his idea was destined to be impossible to succeed while the Fifth Hokage was still alive.

Looking at the documents in his hands and the signboards with pictures, Kirabi fell into deep thought, but he could see that he was a little helpless and sad.

After all, anyone would feel this way when you encounter an enemy like this who will always be on top of your head.

Shaking his head helplessly, Kirabi put down the report in his hand, and then looked at the ANBU ninja standing aside.

"The order goes down, Konoha is in such big trouble and we can't help. It's our incompetence.

And Konoha has passed the crisis, so as a firm friend, I will help Konoha free of charge.

Various supplies were selected and sent over, and a hundred 'craftsman' ninjas were selected to accompany them. Let them obey Konoha's orders and help Konoha complete the reconstruction. "

"Lord Raikage, this..."

The ANBU standing next to Kirabi looked a little confused. He really didn't expect that their fifth generation Raikage would give such an order.

"Stop talking and follow orders."

Kirabi didn't give the ANBU a chance to talk nonsense. He looked at the ANBU indifferently and then said firmly.

"I want obedient ninjas, not ninjas who refute my opinions. Can you do that?"

When the ANBU heard Kirabi's words, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and then he immediately bowed and answered.

"Yes, Raikage-sama."


"I really didn't expect that Konoha would encounter such trouble, and I really didn't expect that Senju Natsuhiko..."

In Sunagakure Village, Luo Sha looked at the document in her hand and murmured with some numbness.

Not only did he feel his scalp was numb now, but Chiyo, who was sitting together in the office, also felt his scalp was numb.

As for the village that has the deepest involvement with Senju Hashirama and has a deeper hatred, I am afraid that after Kumogakure, the village that directly attacked Konoha, it is Sunagakure Village!

What they did after this kid came to Sand Hidden Village back then, they still remember vividly what this kid did.

They couldn't forget the hundreds of ninjas killed by this brat, the ANBU troops killed by this brat, and the barrier class that consumed countless of their energy to train.

What Chiyo can't forget is that this brat took a jutsu from her and destroyed countless of her puppets!

Although it seemed at the time that they were breaking the deal, Xia Yan gave her accurate information, and she needed a technique in exchange for it.

But don't forget, Xia Yan has killed countless of them before this. No matter how fair the deal is, Chiyo will not be able to forget this hatred!

It's just that the subsequent development really made them never expect that this boy Xia Yan not only became the Minister of ANBU, but also became famous during his years in ANBU.

However, this is not the most despairing thing. What makes them despair the most is this young man who showed his grace in Sunagakure Village a few years ago.

Unexpectedly, during the war between Kumogakure and Konoha, Kumogakure, who had suffered the least loss and retained the strongest strength after three battles, was able to kneel on the ground with his own strength!

Not only that, after returning to the village, he completely suppressed Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And through his skill and ability, he was recognized by Namikaze Minato, and finally became the fifth Hokage in one fell swoop!

This series of changes really left them dumbfounded and chilled their hearts.

As neighbors of Konoha and with many entangled interests, they naturally knew how powerful Senju Hashirama was back then and how terrifying Senju Tobirama was.

What a coincidence, this boy actually took advantage of all the characteristics and advantages of the two Hokages by himself.

Such a terrifying guy would make anyone feel on edge.

Especially since this guy is still their neighbor, a neighbor they have provoked in the past who may have ill intentions towards them!

"Let's talk about it, what should we do now?"

Luo Sha sighed feebly, he rubbed his brows and said feebly.

Being a Kazekage is a job that seems glorious, but is extremely tiring and hard, not to mention that his son is not a worry-free guy.

I don't know if it was due to talent or personality, but after his youngest son became a jinchuriki, the boy's personality changed drastically.

Although he could rely on some special advantages to suppress the tailed beast from exploding, in his opinion, this boy was a failure.

Moreover, this failed product was the one that took away his wife's life. He did not kill this kid out of consideration for the sake of father and son.

The disharmony within the family, coupled with the rise of Konoha next door, even though Konoha seemed to be in trouble this time, in fact he gave the entire ninja world a slap in the face.

This slap made the entire ninja world know how ridiculously strong Konoha is now.

"In fact, there is nothing more to say about this matter."

Chiyo sighed slightly, shook her head slightly and finally gave her answer with a hint of humiliation.

"Konoha suffered little loss this time, but its surroundings were completely destroyed, and the topography was severely changed.

So I think it's better to send ninjas there to help them rebuild their transportation network and provide them with some material assistance, free of charge. "

After saying this, Chiyo paused for a moment, and then she continued weakly.

“Although Konoha may not look down on these things, in the end we have paid our dues.

We only hope that such dedication can make Konoha remember a little bit, and that the Fifth Hokage Senju Natsuhiko can remember a little bit.

I’ve heard legends that even though he looks kind-hearted, he seems to be the kind of person who is even worse than the Second Hokage, and who is determined to retaliate..."


"Is this the power of Naruto?"

On the way to Konoha from the Land of Rain, Nagato and Yahiko had the news they had received not long ago echoing in their minds, and they now felt as if they were falling into a dream.

Since Natsuhiko decided to invest and transform the Kingdom of Rain, Nagato and the others must also make some preparations in advance.

In addition, since they have been out for so long, they must return to the Kingdom of Rain to understand the current situation and see if the guy who calls himself Uchiha Madara has come.

Therefore, after they separated some clones and went to Konoha, they returned from the Country of Yu to the Country of Rain.

However, what they never expected was that not long after they returned to the Land of Rain, their clones left in Konoha exploded.

After all, they had learned from Jiraiya, so the clones they used were shadow clone techniques.

And it was because of this technique that they realized how terrifying Xia Yan's power was!

Nagato was actually relatively okay. After all, he had been taught a lesson by Natsu Yan, so he was not too surprised by the power Natsu Yan showed.

And he also knew that Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama existed. He guessed that Senju Hashirama was protecting Konoha, while Natsuhiko was dealing with the enemy.

But even so, he had to admit that the power Xia Yan showed in this battle really far exceeded him, the user of the Samsara Eye.

If it were him who had to deal with this enemy, he felt that he might not be able to withstand it.

Yahiko, on the other hand, had never seen such a terrifying battle. He had heard Nagato say that Natsuhiko was powerful, but he had no idea how powerful he was.

However, this time he knew it, but after knowing it, he found that Xia Yan no longer seemed to be a human being.

Because this is basically God, a god who acts in the human world!

He could not imagine such power, and he could never forget such destruction.

He now somewhat understands why Natsuhiko was able to kill the Yachikumo ninja on his own, and he can even understand why Nagato was defeated miserably even though he had the Rinnegan.

"The power of Hokage-sama is truly unimaginable."

After a long while, Yahiko sighed.

"But the person who can let Hokage-sama use such power is definitely not an ordinary person."

"Indeed, although I can't see who he is, such a guy is indeed extremely dangerous."

Nagato nodded aside, but soon he laughed.

"But now, I think Lord Hokage is more like the protector of this world."


Yahiko couldn't help but nodded seriously when he heard the words, and then he spoke slowly.

"Hokage-sama is indeed like the protector of the world. If it weren't for him, I can't imagine what Konoha would be like.

However, the situation in Konoha is not optimistic now, so we should speed up and get there quickly.

Although there are only two of us, I believe we can definitely make some contributions within our capabilities. "


In the Kirigakure Village, Black Zetsu looked into the distance with a somewhat frightened expression.

He had been in this situation for a while, and he never dreamed that he had felt that familiar yet frightening force just a few days ago.

That was the same but obviously different from his mother's original power, and it was Otsutsuki's power that he couldn't forget!

Even if Black Zetsu had already guessed it, there were definitely other Otsutsuki figures in this damn ninja world.

For example, the guy who controls the tailed beast definitely has Otsutsuki's shadow behind him.

But the power that burst out this time was obviously not the same guy last time, and more than one person had such power!

What does this mean?

This shows that there is more than one Otsutsuki who came to the ninja world. This shows that these Otsutsuki must have discovered something to come to this ninja world!

This discovery is really not good news, and this discovery also makes Hei Jue extremely frightened.

As he inherited part of his mother's memories, it was impossible for him not to know how powerful these guys were, and also how exaggerated these guys were.

Although the other two Otsutsuki were fighting crazily, it was because of their fighting and their fighting for unknown reasons that made Black Zetsu panic even more.

At that moment, he was really angry that Obito had blocked the Water Kingdom.

Because such a blockade prevents him from knowing everything about the outside world, and it also prevents outside intelligence from coming in.

"Damn it, what happened? Why did these guys have to come to where my mother is!"

Hei Zetsu cursed secretly in his heart, and he could only curse secretly, because he knew that no one in the entire ninja world could be the opponent of these Otsutsuki!

Whether it is Nagato who has the Samsara Eye, or Senju Natsuhiko who has some kind of Pure Eye, they cannot be the opponents of these gods.

"Now I can only hope that the guy who won will set his sights on Konoha and Senju Natsuhiko."

Black Zetsu muttered silently, and he turned to look at Obito, but soon he looked back in disappointment.

Although Obito's strength is strange, it is of no use against those Otsutsuki.

Although Nagato has been strengthened, it is better to look forward to Natsuhiko Senju than to look forward to him.

After all, Senju Natsuhiko's power is indeed terrifying.

Especially since this kid is still their enemy, wouldn't it be better to let him attract these Otsutsuki...


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