The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 330: How about resurrecting Madara Uchiha?

Although Natsuhiko expected that his battle with Otsutsuki Ura Shiki would cause a sensation in the entire ninja world.

But he really didn't expect that there were so many twists and turns in it.

For example, he really didn't think about the changes in Yunyin Village that much, and he didn't know that Kirabi would change so much.

He knew that Kirabi wanted to take the blame and had to face Konoha's pressure to take the position of the Fifth Raikage.

But he really didn't understand what Kirabi had gone through and what he had become after sitting in this position.

After all, as the Hokage of Konoha, Natsuhiko cannot focus on other places. What he pays more attention to is his own village.

It was the same as now, although Xia Yan could see with his naked eye that his progress bar had increased by one percent during this period.

But he just nodded silently to express his satisfaction, and then he didn't bother to pay attention anymore.

Because for him, this kind of thing is really unnecessary.

His task is extremely important, but given his current growth rate, paying too much attention would be of little use. It would be better to let him grow naturally.

After all, there was Xia Yan's policy towards small countries. Even though it took him three years to conquer the Kingdom of Tang, Xia Yan gained 5% growth.

And Xia Yan and the others have gained enough experience in Tang Country. Under such circumstances, Xia Yan can be sure that his improvement to other villages will be faster.

Therefore, Xia Yan did not pay special attention to situations like this that could only be regarded as unexpected surprises.

What he values ​​more is long-term, sustainable things that bring improvement and influence to himself.

After resting in Konoha for a few days, Xia Yan felt the strong self-regulation ability of Konoha and the excellent execution ability of his men.

He was also forced to experience what it was like to be a sick person, and he was also a sick person who was cared for comfortably.

Although Qiong and Lianhua cannot have so much time due to work reasons, they will take turns coming to take care of Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't expect this. Although he always felt that this was unnecessary, he had no intention of objecting.

And during his 'cultivation' period, he would often go under the Hokage Building to check on Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Senju Hashirama doesn't have much interest in things like experiments. After all, he is not good at this aspect at all.

But after all, this guy is very interested in the results of the experiment. Because of Otsutsukiura's identity and his strength, it is impossible for people not to be interested!

Therefore, during this day, he basically spent time in the laboratory with his younger brother Senju Tobirama.

After learning about Konoha's situation, he didn't take it to heart anymore. After all, Konoha's losses were really not big.

The reconstruction work was basically in the outer areas. He believed that Konoha's ninjas could easily handle these things.

In fact, it was similar to what he thought. Even though Natsuhiko was still fishing, with the cooperation of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Nara Shikaku, everything was in order.

And it is said that other ninja villages, after learning about the current situation in Konoha, chose to provide certain material assistance and sent craftsman ninjas to help.

It can be said that this is a complete reflection of Konoha's status in the ninja world, and all of this is given by Natsuhiko!

Xia Yan felt a little bored today, and there wasn't much for him to worry about in terms of government affairs, so he simply ran to the laboratory under the Hokage Building.

And when he entered, he saw Senju Tobirama recording something, while Senju Hashirama was looking with his head in the air.

"Any new discoveries?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but asked curiously when he saw this scene. At the same time, his eyes also looked at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki lying on the experimental table.

This unlucky guy had already been disemboweled by Senju Tobirama, but his abdominal cavity was completely empty.

There are a bunch of bottles on the table next to him, and these bottles contain various organs soaked in formalin.

And Xia Yan also noticed that among these bottles there were several bottles containing bright red blood. It was obvious that Senju Tobirama was not wasting any of it.

It's just that this scene made Xia Yan feel a little nauseous. He seemed to recall the scene in the basement of their school where his classmates went to study medicine in his previous life.

He still remembers that guy telling him with bad intentions that he wanted to take him to see their teacher.

Xia Yan really believed it at the time, but in the end he found out that he was the 'general body teacher'.

Of course Xia Yan knew that the general teacher was the most respectable, but his endurance was really not that good back then.

His situation is much better now, but when facing all this, even though he is still a little queasy in the face of all this, he can control himself.

"We discovered a lot, even more than we imagined."

Senju Tobirama glanced at Xia Yan, and then handed a report directly to Xia Yan. He waited for Xia Yan's results before continuing.

“Here are some of my opinions on this, and more detailed data requires further testing.

However, just these information are beyond our imagination. It is not an exaggeration to say that these guys are gods. "

Senju Tobirama's tone was filled with emotion. It was obvious that he was really frightened now. Even though he remained calm, his tone also changed.

Xia Yan couldn't help but become more curious when he saw this scene, and then he began to read Qianju Tobirama's report carefully.

It was okay if he didn't look carefully, but as he looked carefully, his expression changed slightly.

Among Senju Tobirama's data, Senju Hashirama has sadly become a unit of measurement. In his opinion, there is really no more suitable comparison object than Senju Hashirama.

According to his data, Otsutsukiura's physical strength is more than five to ten times stronger than Senju Hashirama!

In addition, even after this guy died, the cells in his body remained unimaginably active, even much more active than many living people.

In particular, even though this guy was dissected, he still seemed to be able to feel a strong breath of life that belonged to living people.

Moreover, the chakra in his body is so huge that it is unimaginable. The chakra combined in his cells is so aggressive.

The most important thing is that his chakra has completely exceeded Senju Tobirama's cognition, which seems to have reached an unimaginable situation.

But Xia Yan does know a little bit, after all, this guy has reached the level of 'Blood Successor Snare'!


The Otsutsukiura style is a blood-succession trap, and Natsuhiko feels that he cannot be mistaken about this.

After all, it is really difficult for Natsuhiko to mistake the terrifying "Yomi Hirazan" that is similar to Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Although this guy has mastered this power, he behaves like shit.

But Natsuhiko doesn't think there is any problem with this. After all, Kaguya Otsutsuki has learned from the past, and this guy's character is indeed a bit speechless.

Even Kaguya Otsutsuki didn't have that kind of arrogance and arrogance, but this guy just standing there made Xia Yan feel uncomfortable.

To put it bluntly, this guy can be compared with the future Sasuke, although he is not necessarily more powerful than Sasuke.

After all, as long as Sasuke stood there, the enemy would be tempted to jump out and beat him.

But this guy is also a bit unwilling to give in. Wherever he stops, it seems that this guy is superior and looks down on you, which makes people feel unhappy.

Such arrogance actually determines a lot of things.

The consideration in battle is never a single issue of strength, just like the amount of chakra. Many people think that the more chakra, the stronger the ninja is.

But this is not the case. Chakrador just determines that this ninja can burst into a more terrifying upper limit, but this does not mean that he is really strong.

It's not unusual for Sora to have a huge amount of chakra but not know how to use it.

Similarly, Kong has great power, but problems such as personality, technical and tactical characteristics, combat experience, etc. can also seriously affect a person's combat performance.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is in such a situation now. His strength is so powerful that it is suffocating, but his character, combat experience, etc. are also something that makes people 'wisdom out'.

Therefore, it can be said that his failure was not really an accident, and how he was handled after such a failure was not a problem.

"What a horrible guy."

Silently putting down the report in his hand, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh inwardly at how powerful these guys were. Even after he died, this guy was still telling the world how powerful he was.

However, such a guy was still killed by Xia Yan, which made him feel a little upset inside.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that this guy is so powerful, so what kind of things can he cultivate as the nourishment for his own seeds?

This is what Xia Yan pays most attention to and cares about, and it is also what Xia Yan cares about the most!

"Such a guy, even if just a little bit of power is stripped away from him, it will be enough for me to get a huge improvement.

And I have his complete body. As long as I have enough time, I can get everything I want. This guy is full of treasures! "

This idea had already taken shape in Xia Yan when he met this guy, but as mature and crazy as he is now, he really saw this guy's report.

This made Xia Yan look at the Otsutsuki Ura Shi who had been dissected, and he no longer felt any nausea.

After all, in his eyes, this guy's whole body is just material. How could he still feel disgusted with such thoughts?

"It is indeed too strong, but this is a good thing for us."

Senju Tobirama spoke slowly while recording something.

"The most important thing is that I found that there is something in this guy's body that is very compatible with you and Big Brother.

This also means that once enough experiments are done to ensure that you will not have any problems, I can try to use his power to strengthen you.

And after gaining this guy's power, their strength will definitely rise to the next level! "

After saying this, Senju Tobirama's eyes shone slightly, and it could be seen that this guy seemed to be really looking forward to this.

However, Senju Hashirama was a little uninterested in this result. He seemed to be more concerned about why this guy's physical fitness and strength were so strong.

He already knew that there were huge problems with this guy's character, skills, tactics, and actual combat experience, but the problems were not so easy to solve.

What's more, no one knows whether these monsters will continue to come to the ninja world, and no one can guarantee whether the next time they come will be the same as this one.

Therefore, as a member of the ninja world and considered the strongest member of the ninja world, Senju Hashirama knew that he would inevitably run into these guys.

Understanding their abilities and characteristics has naturally become the most important thing for you.

But understanding is understanding. This does not mean that Senju Hashirama needs to transplant things from their bodies into his own body, so that he becomes like a human being but not a human being or a ghost.

This is not to say that he is opposed to human experimentation - admittedly, he is indeed opposed to it. Even if it is an enemy, he will never do anything to insult a corpse.

But these guys in front of him are no longer as simple as enemies, so Senju Hashirama will give up his past methods and cooperate with Senju Tobirama to check this guy's body.

But even so, there are some bottom lines that he won't go beyond. What's more, in his opinion, his potential is very poor, so he has to use this guy's body to transplant it into his own body?

After all, Senju Hashirama is also a proud person. Even though he always shows some lack of confidence in his daily life, he is still a confident person in his heart.

Just imagine, if he is really an unconfident person, why can he stand at the top of the ninja world, alongside guys like Uchiha Madara?

Even in previous battles, he still had a certain advantage when facing Uchiha Madara!

"I don't need it. I believe I can handle it myself."

Senju Hashirama looked at Senju Tobirama's records and spoke calmly.

"Although I admit that he is very strong, I still have confidence, so it is not necessary for me to use things from his body."


Senju Tobirama couldn't help but frown when he heard Senju Hashirama's words. It was obvious that he was not very satisfied with the result.

"Don't be stubborn at this time, our top priority is to improve our strength to deal with their threats.

Of course I know what you are capable of, brother, but this guy is unceremoniously said to have transcended our dimension.

Xia Yan can deal with this guy because he is careless, but next time the guy who comes does not have such a strange character, then..."

"I think there is no need to continue arguing about this matter."

Before Senju Tobirama could finish speaking, Xia Yan interrupted him directly.

As he spoke slowly, he raised his head and looked at Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, and then spoke slowly.

"It is true that we don't know what kind of opponents we will encounter in the future, but Tobirama-senpai made something wrong.

Everyone's development route is different, which means requiring the other person to develop according to their own expectations. This kind of thing often only brings tragedy.

Hashirama-senpai has his own ideas and his own route, so there is no need for us to change these.

After all, Senior Hashirama has the power to injure or even kill the opponent..."


It means asking others to do things according to your own ideas. Although sometimes you can get positive feedback, most of the results you get are unsatisfactory.

This is not a joke. After all, Xia Yan's classmates in his previous life have already told Xia Yan this conclusion with his life experience in the first half of his life.

Xia Yan's family environment was okay when he was a child, but his parents didn't force him to do this or that. They just let him make his own choices based on his personality.

Therefore, Xia Yan did not attend any additional tutoring classes when he was a child, and had a relatively free and memorable childhood.

But a classmate who has been studying with me since he was a child is different. His schedule has been full since he was a child.

The weekend break was supposed to be his vacation, but in fact it was just him starting a new course somewhere else.

Although Xia Yan admits that this guy has studied very well since he was a child and has always been at the forefront of the class. He has been awarded certificates such as "Three Good Students" and "Excellent Study Representative".

Even Xia Yan and his other friends are envious of this guy. Anyway, this guy has been a role model for 'other people's children' since childhood.

It can be said that this guy is an outstanding representative from elementary school to high school, and he also got a high score and went to a good university.

And a guy like Xia Yan had to work very hard to get to the bottom of the exam.

But after he came out of college and worked for several years, when Xia Yan saw him, he suddenly realized that this guy looked more than ten years older.

It was worth it that they found a small bar to chat, and Xia Yan realized how bad the situation of this guy who had been extremely outstanding since childhood was.

Because he has only known about studying since he was a child, his interpersonal skills are almost negative. After graduating from college and working in a company, he has never been promoted or important.

This made him extremely confused. The most important thing was that he had contradicted his boss, which made his situation even worse.

After so many years of wastage, he now understands that society is still a society of sophistication, and it does not mean that you will be reused if you are good enough.

It's about being excellent and being able to handle various interpersonal relationships well, so that people know you remember you so that you can get the chance to be reused.

But since he was a child, he has only known how to memorize texts and immerse himself in studying. He has always been indifferent to the people around him, which led to him not knowing how to deal with it at all.

As for his family, his long-term high-pressure life has made him full of dissatisfaction with his parents, so that the relationship is now extremely bad.

Perhaps it was because when he became an adult, he became extremely disgusted by his parents' constant persuasion in his ears, and he felt that he should think independently.

However, his idea did not receive any recognition, and in the end, the two parties even had a quarrel with each other, almost as if they would never communicate with each other forever.

Xia Yan still remembers that he said he felt very tired when he was studying, so tired that he couldn't breathe.

He said that he felt that he was not living for himself, but for the person his parents saw as a person shaped by their own regrets.

He also said that when he was studying, he thought about jumping off a building - there were many cases back then, but he never dared to do it.

Especially when he said at the end that he actually envied Xia Yan, even though his parents always said when he was a child that Xia Yan would have no future if he didn't study at all except playing.

But in his heart he was envious, and in his heart he did not admit that what his parents said was right.

Of course, facts also proved that Xia Yan was doing much better than him now - at least he was doing much better than him before time travel.

It can be said that this guy who has been extremely good since he was a child and keeps moving forward according to his parents' ideas can be said to be a huge tragedy.

It's like someone has drawn a circle for him. He can only wander around and be shaped within this circle, receiving all praise and encouragement.

But once he goes beyond this circle, or even just touches the edge of this circle, he will be severely reprimanded, and even beaten back without hesitation.

As for what happened to this guy now, Xia Yan didn't know.

Because after that meeting, he left the city and returned to his place of work to continue his endless life day after day.

Until Xia Yan traveled through time, they never had any contact with each other.

Of course, Senju Tobirama couldn't be Senju Hashirama's parents, and he couldn't be that lethal, but the situation between the two of them still made Xia Yan think about it unconsciously.

And in Xia Yan's opinion, sometimes their own growth really needs guidance, rather than mandatory requirements on what to do.

No matter how good the starting point is, if it is not suitable, it is not suitable.

Look at Sasuke in the future being treated like a fool by Uchiha Itachi, trapped in a circle and following the established route.

It seems that he is helping Sasuke with good intentions, so that Sasuke can become a great hero who can stand upright in Konoha.

But everyone is an independent individual, and their thoughts and ideas are different.

Therefore, isn't the final result of Itachi's behavior still a complete tragedy?

Natsuhiko's words made Senju Tobirama frown, while Senju Hashirama showed a happy smile. It could be seen that the two people were in completely different moods at this time.

Senju Tobirama really didn't expect that this guy Xia Yan would support his brother's childish idea. In his opinion, this was simply irrational.

How could an extremely rational guy like Xia Yan support such a thing?

However, Senju Tobirama also noticed a statement from Xia Yan, that is, Senju Tobirama has mastered a method that can injure or even kill these Otsutsuki.

This actually made him a little curious. Do these Otsutsuki have some fatal weaknesses that can be exploited?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask: "What is the ability you are talking about? Is it magic?"

"There is absolutely no problem with fairy magic, because fairy magic has always been a power beyond imagination, and these guys themselves are equivalent to having no magic."

Xia Yan nodded directly, because this is reality.

He had not thought about these issues before when he had not come into contact with these Otsutsuki. In his opinion, the power used by these Otsutsuki was probably magic.

After all, these guys have mastered the power of the Ten-Tails. They control the Ten-Tails to form the Sacred Tree. Isn't it the same as having the Immortal Technique when they seal the Ten-Tails in their bodies?

You must know that when Naruto sensed the Ten-Tails, what he discovered was a boundless and unimaginably huge natural force. The Ten-Tails, to put it bluntly, was an aggregate of celestial power!

But after the actual battle, he realized that his thoughts were simpler.

These Otsutsukis have no magic, the power they use exceeds the chakra level, and they have completely stood on the front line of power and are at the peak of the blood inheritance net!

This power can suppress and analyze all chakras, or the power formed by all chakras.

However, it does not cause real and effective damage to Xianjutsu and Yin-Yang Escape. It can even be hurt by these two powers and even cause fatal effects.

Senju Hashirama himself knows celestial magic, and now he is still learning Yin Yang Escape, and has achieved good results.

Even if he has not merged Yin Escape and Yang Escape, the things he has mastered can still cause huge destructive power.

"So that's it? Immortal magic and Yin-Yang Escape actually have such an effect. Did you kill him with this power..."

After Senju Tobirama listened to Xia Yan's story, he couldn't help but nodded inexplicably.

I have to say that this is really good news. Although Senju Tobirama does not know magic, he still has some good achievements in Yin Escape.

Especially after reading the information about Otsutsuki on the moon, he has a certain grasp of these two powers, especially the power of Yin Escape. He has a good grasp of it.

This also means that if he handles it properly when facing such a terrifying enemy, he can avoid fatal damage from the opponent.

And if he has the characteristic of being careless, then he will not have no chance to give the opponent the most fatal blow!

Although the attack methods are available, the difference in essence is still very big. Senju Tobirama is still very clear about this.

It's like a child holding a knife in his hand. The knife is a fatal threat to everyone, but the child must have the opportunity and ability to send it into the enemy's body.

Facing these Otsutsuki, Senju Tobirama was convinced that he was just a child. It was really difficult to do all this.

"It seems that we need to go to the moon again."

Thinking of this, Senju Tobirama was no longer thinking about 'using the cells of this corpse to strengthen Xia Yan and his brother', he was thinking about other issues.

The experiment is still done, but this experiment does not necessarily need to be continued in the ninja world. After all, if something goes wrong, it will be difficult to say.

The moon is in the universe, very far away from the ninja world. With Xatsuyan's last cleanup of the moon, the Otsutsuki in the moon were almost wiped out.

At least in the past three years, they used their clones to rebuild the moon, or no other life was found when they went up to the main body.

Therefore, in the quiet environment of the moon, Senju Tobirama felt that it would be a better place for experiments.

Of course, if this alone is not enough, the main reason is that he still hopes that he can get more improvements.

Knowing that his strength was insufficient, he was unwilling to continue like this, although his brother and Xia Yan did not seem to intend to use this guy's cells to improve themselves.

But Senju Tobirama doesn't care so much. He can try to use this power if it is necessary and safety is ensured.

His purpose is also to protect the ninja world, but his methods are more 'flexible'!

Therefore, it is difficult to say that such an experiment will cause any misunderstanding to other people, and there is nothing better than an environment without people on the moon.

In addition, there are books left by the deceased Otsutsuki in the moon, which are also very helpful in improving his strength.

Even though these lunar Ōtsutsuki are completely different from the real Ōtsutsuki, their ancestor is the younger brother of Sage of Six Paths!

These two reasons have completely made him decide to do this, not to mention that he still has an idea that he doesn't want to say more.

That is, he is not sure whether this corpse will attract the attention of other Otsutsuki. Once it does, it will definitely be a disaster.

If this corpse is really a 'locator', then it is better to let him locate the moon, which can also reduce the trouble in the ninja world.

"Go to the moon?"

When Xia Yan heard this, he couldn't help but nodded seriously.

"It's a great idea, I can feel my eyes improving even more.

It's definitely a good idea to go to the moon and rely on the power of that reincarnated eye to make further attempts. "

"Are your eyes going to be lifted?"

Xia Yan's words immediately attracted the attention of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama. Of course, they knew what Xia Yan's eyes meant.

According to Natsuhiko's story, if he hadn't relied on the power provided by these eyes, he might not have been able to survive the last moment, nor would he have been able to complete the final kill of Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

Although Xia Yan did not say specifically how his eyes were improved, nor what they looked like after the improvement.

But the two of them had been facing the Sharingan during the Warring States Period, and it was unceremonious to say that the two of them still had a high level of understanding of the pupil technique.

What they are not sure about now is, can Xia Yan's improvement span reach the level of Sanmagatama to Mangekyo?

But they won't ask such boring questions, because every ninja has his own secret.

"If that's the case, then we really need to go to the moon."

Senju Hashirama also spoke very seriously at this time. At this time, he no longer looked as lazy as before, but more of a state full of fighting spirit.

"We must temper ourselves, only in this way can we deal with those guys, and only in this way can we protect our ninja world!"


Xia Yan nodded slightly, and he smiled at this moment.

"Only those with enough strength can deal with these guys. After all, none of us want our homes to be destroyed by such bastards!"

Although Natsuhiko is not outside the ninja world, he is just an outsider to the entire ninja world.

But at this time, after so many years of development, Xia Yan has set his sights higher and further.

It can be said that he has regarded the entire ninja world as his own back garden. How could he tolerate other people running into his back garden and doing whatever they want.

And according to Xia Yan's guess and understanding, these guys are going to demolish the entire garden!

"That's right." But at this moment, Senju Hashirama spoke again: "I have an immature idea, what do you think?"

"Tell me." Xia Yan came back to his senses and asked slightly curiously: "I think Senior Hashirama's ideas are still very constructive."

"The guys we have to deal with now are very difficult and troublesome. If that's the case, why don't we find more people who can help?"

"Well, do you mean..."

"Well, what do you think about us resurrecting Madara Uchiha?"


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