The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 331 Uchiha Madara! (Please subscribe~)

The matter of resurrecting Uchiha Madara is really a very challenging and taboo thing for Natsuhiko.

After all, Uchiha Madara is what Natsuhiko himself considers to be, and as the most powerful villain in the original work, it is impossible for him not to feel taboo about this guy!

Although strictly speaking, the real villain in the original work is the madwoman Kaguya Otsutsuki.

But in fact, this woman serves more as a link between past and present and traces back to the origin. Her style is completely overshadowed by Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha Madara's style is unimaginable. Although he is also a villain, his popularity is unimaginable.

At least among the characters who appear in Uchiha, for Natsuhiko himself, he is definitely the well-deserved number one!

Uchiha Obito killed his teacher, and Uchiha Itachi single-handedly slaughtered the entire clan.

For Xia Yan, who upheld respect for teachers in his previous life and always thought of filial piety from the bottom of his heart, he really didn't like these two people.

Of course Obito is okay, because this guy is a complete tragedy.

To a certain extent, he, like Sasuke, was covered by a network of lies, and he could only wander within this network.

Moreover, his entire heart is dead, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a walking zombie monster.

What's more, the world this boy hopes to create is a world with 'everyone'.

It can be seen that although his heart has been completely dyed black, there is still 'light' in the deepest part.

But Uchiha Itachi is really different. Some people say that he is capable and can do things for the village that cannot be sacrificed for everyone.

But the question is, doesn’t he have the ability to change?

He is the possessor of a kaleidoscope. Essentially, he has exceeded the limits of his family's strength. The only person who can rival him is his father!

Even though he did not have the Mangekyo Sharingan before this, as a person who was evaluated by Sarutobi Hiruzen as "having the Hokage's mind since he was a child".

However, he never displayed the true thinking mode of 'Hokage Thinking' from beginning to end. In other words, he actually did not have such a thinking mode at all.

Although he does look at the problem from the perspective of the village, a slap in the face can't make a difference. Can he really see the whole picture by looking at the problem from only one perspective?

Without enough vision and vision, you only do things based on your own ideas and impulses.

He has been independent in school since he was a child. He has never made any friends and has no ideas and abilities to communicate. When he grew up, he didn't know how to communicate with his father when he encountered problems.

And it seems that he is protecting his younger brother, but in fact he is molding his younger brother according to his own ideas.

Although these are Xia Yan's own opinions, because of these opinions, Xia Yan really doesn't have a good impression of Uchiha Itachi.

Even in his heart, his opinion of Uchiha Itachi is not as good as Uchiha Obito!

As for Uchiha Shisui, this guy is at least not openly rebellious, but Natsuhiko is also dismissive of this guy's performance in the original work.

To put it simply, this guy's brain must have been kicked by a donkey, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do such a stupid thing!

As for Madara Uchiha, this guy is absolutely incredible.

He is a complete villain, but in essence he is for peace. It can be said that he is an extremely complicated person.

Moreover, this guy does everything he can, but in the darkness, you feel that he is upright.

His strength, character, and vision are all top-notch, if it weren't for Hei Jue's arrangement that made him completely deceived.

It's impossible for him to get out of the spider web of endless lies. I'm afraid his achievements and his ending can help him a little better.

But this is only a possibility, and no one knows what it will actually look like by then.

Natsuhiko did not deny that he liked Uchiha Madara, but he also did not deny that he and Uchiha Madara were now on the opposite side.

With such a dangerous and charming guy standing on the opposite side, anyone would be extremely fearful, right?

But the problem also came, that is, Xia Yan didn't know how to refute Senju Hashirama's words.

After all, they really have to deal with those foreign Otsutsuki, and Uchiha Madara's power is definitely the most anticipated!

Xia Yan still has no doubt that this guy has the power to deal with some Otsutsuki, such as Otsutsuki Ura Shiki and Momo Shiki.

It's hard to say that he will handle it more neatly than he can follow suit. After all, this guy's combat quality is too high.

"Resurrect him?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but frowned when he heard this, and at the same time he looked at Qianju Tojama.

What made him depressed was that this time Senju Tobirama had no intention of speaking at all. On the contrary, he seemed to be seriously considering the feasibility of this matter.

This immediately made Xia Yan helpless. As for the vanguard who had promised to oppose Uchiha, why did Otsutsuki make you change your stance?

Xia Yan complained a little in his heart, but he also knew that there was really nothing wrong with Qianju Tobirama's actions.

After all, for now, their biggest and most dangerous enemies are really those Otsutsukis. After all, those Otsutsukis may really want to destroy the world when they come.

Although Uchiha is dangerous, such danger seems to be somewhat insignificant compared to Otsutsuki.

Senju Tobirama can still clearly distinguish whether this kind of thing is serious or serious, but even if this guy can distinguish clearly, he starts to really consider the feasibility of Uchiha Madara.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Yan shook his head helplessly, and then he asked.

"Resurrecting him is indeed a feasible option, but the question is, are you sure you can make him obedient by resurrecting him?"

"It's not an easy thing to make Madara obey. We all have to know this."

When Senju Hashirama heard Xia Yan's words, he couldn't help but shake his head weakly.

"Madara is an extremely proud person, but pride will not let him listen to anything easily.

But Madara is also a rational person. Although sometimes he can be impulsive, if what you say makes sense, then he will seriously consider your words.

I have known and interacted with Madara for so many years, and I consider myself a person who understands him.

Although I know that I betrayed him back then, Madara is not a stingy person. If he knew the current situation, he would definitely help us! "

Having said this, Senju Hashirama paused slightly, and then he showed a confident smile.

"Because Madara is actually a gentle person, and he also pretends to be a sentient being in the ninja world in his heart, and he also desperately longs for peace.

I believe in him, I always believe in him! "


After receiving Senju Hashirama's statement and assurance, Xia Yan didn't know how to refute it for a while.

After all, by speaking to this extent, he has fully seen how strong Senju Hashirama's determination is.

Although Natsuhiko really wants to say it, you resurrecting Madara Uchiha is tantamount to releasing the super boss in the original work.

But after thinking about it, Natsuhiko found that only he, Obito and Black Zetsu knew that Uchiha Madara was a super boss.

Others simply don't know what Uchiha Madara's real situation is.

And Xia Yan always felt in his heart that if he resurrected the BOSS in advance, would there be no subsequent key scenes in the future?

Whenever he thinks of this, Xia Yan really feels a little bit of resistance in his heart.

But such resistance is actually worthless, and the reason is very simple, that is, the entire ninja world has been ruined by him!

Look at the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato who is obviously still alive and kicking even though his activities have been restricted. This change is scary enough.

In addition to him, Yunyin next door was also damaged by him.

The seemingly invincible Fourth Raikage in the original work is still missing.

In fact, strictly speaking, this guy should be dead. After all, his body has not been found after missing for so long.

It's just that the Fifth Raikage was unwilling to accept this reality, and he kept claiming it to the outside world and kept looking for it.

The current situation of Obito has also become extremely complicated. After all, thanks to Natsuhiko's strong intervention, Kirigakure Village is still in the midst of divided internal fighting.

He simply didn't have time to care about Obito's affairs, let alone Uchiha's problems - if according to the time point of the original work, the current Uchiha would have been exterminated.

There are also the changes of Nagato and Yahiko, as well as the resurrections of Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Hatake Sakumo and Nohara Rin. All these changes prove one thing.

That is the current ninja world, which has been changed beyond recognition by this guy Natsuhiko. Any plot in the original work already seems extremely unreliable to him.

And Natsuhiko is also seriously thinking about one thing, that is, can this guy Uchiha Madara really be convinced?

As a time traveler, Natsuhiko really knows what Uchiha Madara's so-called "blackening" process is like.

After all, his fate is somewhat similar to Sasuke's in that he was deceived.

Moreover, this guy is also quite stubborn and will not change his goal easily. This is an excellent quality, but sometimes it is also extremely troublesome.

Although according to Senju Hashirama, this guy is not an unreasonable person.

But the key is that according to the characteristics of the Uchiha clan, if you want to reason with him, you must beat him up first.

Look at Naruto and Sasuke, the future pair of Indra and Asura, and look at the relationship between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

If you want to convince these Uchiha, why don't you beat them up first?

I'm afraid that for these arrogant Uchiha, if you want to talk to them and make them listen to you, you must first stand on the same level as them.

Only when you are at the same height will they look at you.

If you are not as tall as they are, then who are you?

Of course, if you can stand in a higher position than them, then they will definitely listen carefully to every word you say.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head silently. These Uchiha's characters were really speechless.

But in general, it's not impossible to give it a try. After all, Natsuhiko really won't be afraid of Uchiha Madara, who is reincarnated in the dirt.

“But even if he wants to be resurrected, it’s absolutely not possible to use Bai Jue’s body to resurrect him from the beginning.

And we have to find a way to guide him and let him know that he has actually been cheated. "

Natsuhiko thought a lot. After all, the person he wanted to try to reincarnate in dirty soil was Uchiha Madara. He really didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

As for the materials to resurrect Uchiha Madara, Natsuhiko did have it. After all, one of his collaborators included Orochimaru.

And among the ANBU, there was also a kid called Kabuto Yakushi among his subordinates.

The two masters of digging graves came together, and Xia Yan really made some preparations in advance, so he also obtained Uchiha Madara's materials in the past three years.

Even though Xia Yan hasn't verified it yet, Xia Yan doesn't think he will be wrong about the cold and destructive chakra in these materials.

This is definitely Uchiha Madara, Natsuhiko will never be mistaken about this!

"Forget it, it's just a reincarnation of the dirty earth in an ordinary state, and I'm afraid I can't even exert the first 40% of my strength.

Even if you are careful, you must have a bottom line. If we can talk, let's talk. If we can't, forget it. After all, I also want to meet this 'Uchiha Dance King'. "

As if he had been convinced, Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then his figure disappeared from the place.

When he appeared again, he was holding a male death row prisoner in his hand.

Because Konoha needs to conduct various experiments, and Natsuhiko clearly stated that he is not allowed to take action against the residents of the Land of Fire.

Naturally, these experiments require all kinds of death row prisoners to complete, which also spawns a large number of tasks such as capturing the most evil traitors and bandits alive.

In fact, all ninjas in Konoha most likely know what the final fate of these death row prisoners will be.

After all, there was no process for judging them in Konoha. After being thrown into prison, they disappeared without a trace, as if they had evaporated from the world.

However, they will not go overboard with these things, and no one will protest against such things.

Not to mention that every time such a task is issued at Xia Yan's request, he will write out in detail what 'good things' they have done.

Some of the 'special deeds' of Shan Dan Dan were exposed, letting the ninjas know how important some necessary experiments were.

Basically no one comes back to speak out, because these ninjas are also vested interests, and they have no interest in destroying what they can get.

Over time, with the cooperation of Xia Yan's newspaper, all Konoha residents formed a consensus.

That is, these guys are trash. Instead of letting them die so easily, it is better to use the trash and let them make up for the crimes they committed!

And these guys who were captured were basically gathered together, and Konoha even specially allocated funds to build a special prison to look after them.

But it is a pity that both Konoha and Orochimaru have a huge demand for these death row prisoners, and those captured by Konoha are still a little nervous.

"But it's me who's nervous, Hokage. If I want to use it, I'll have the highest priority. Everyone else must queue up!"

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and then he started to perform the technique without hesitation.

When the filthy paper rippled crazily and quickly wrapped up the death row prisoner in front of him, forming the shadow of a long-haired ninja.

Natsuhiko knew that Uchiha Madara was about to wake up...


Uchiha Madara's figure quickly took shape, and he stood quietly as if asleep.

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama silently looked at the young Uchiha Madara, the expressions on their faces were completely different.

Senju Hashirama's eyes showed a hint of joy. He was really happy that his former friend appeared in front of him.

Senju Tobirama showed a trace of disgust without revealing anything. It was obvious that he was still wary of Uchiha Madara and really disliked this guy.

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Madara silently, and he couldn't help but sigh a little when he looked at this guy who was obviously not at his peak in strength but still had the same style.

It's a pity, the Uchiha clan's mental illness is really terrible.

Even for such a charming guy, he still can't escape the fate of being insane.

After a long time, Uchiha Madara suddenly opened his eyes. The scarlet three magatama slowly rotated in his eyes, and his breath also changed at this moment.

"It seems like that boy Nagato has grown up a lot, and he has finally returned to this human world."

Uchiha Madara looked at Natsuhiko in front of him. He frowned slightly, but soon he spoke slowly.

However, after he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something was not quite right!

The quality of his chakra at this time was very weak, and his body seemed very heavy, and his eyes seemed unable to activate stronger power.

To put it bluntly, he feels that his overall strength at this time is not even half of what he was at his peak!

"what is happening?"

Uchiha Madara's expression did not change at all, but his heart began to sink a little.

Obviously this is not a good phenomenon, and it is completely inconsistent with his plan, especially now that he has noticed that his resurrection posture is actually the reincarnation of filth!

Although the dirt reincarnation is a very practical technique that can revive him from the state of death, it is only a revival and not a resurrection.

What Uchiha Madara needs is a complete resurrection, not this bad situation between life and death.

What's more, his current situation is almost the same as a joke.

"Are such a weak force on guard against me? Has my plan been exposed?"

Uchiha Madara couldn't help but start thinking in the worst direction, and at the same time, he also began to carefully observe everything around him.

The first person to enter his eyes was naturally Xia Yan, who had a chakra connection with him. However, just one glance at him made his heart become heavier.

This kid looks very young, but this kid gives Uchiha Madara the feeling of being very dangerous!

Although he no longer has peak strength, like Mito Uzumaki, his keen perception still exists.

He was shocked to find that he could feel the aura of his old friend Senju Hashirama on Xia Yan's body, and he also felt that this kid seemed more terrifying than his old friend!

"Who is this kid, and why does he give me such a dangerous feeling? Was my plan ruined by this kid?"

Uchiha Madara thought silently, he was really very dissatisfied in his heart right now.

He asked Uchiha Obito to replace him and make him his spokesperson in the world. He didn't just let this guy make enemies everywhere!

Although Uchiha Madara is extremely confident, he will not worry about anyone if he returns to the top, not even Senju Hashirama.

But now when facing Xia Yan, he suddenly felt that "even if he is at his peak, he may not be able to deal with this guy easily".

Such a person, even when he is still alive, will never be easily provoked unless necessary.

Obito, that idiot, even equipped him with his own will combination. Why would he still make such an unforgivable mistake?

It's okay now. I'm afraid there's something wrong with that brat Obito, otherwise I wouldn't be here.

Uchiha Madara, who was filled with anger, had to suppress his emotions at this time. He had to figure out more things and obtain more information before he could make further plans.

His eyes turned slightly, and Uchiha Madara's expression could no longer be controlled at this moment, because he saw Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama!

He opened his mouth slightly to say something, but in the end he forced down his excited emotions, and after calming down in a very short time, he couldn't help but start thinking again.

"Are they both reincarnated by the dirt? It seems like they are really in trouble this time!"

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were also awakened by the Reincarnation of the Earth. This was definitely something he didn't expect, but it made him realize that this time things might not be simple at all.

Could it be that this guy has other ideas or some unknown secret that he wants them to carry out?

The Jutsu Reincarnation technique can forcefully control the dead, and Uchiha Madara naturally knows this very well.

Even if he knows how to untie it, he can't do it when he is controlled, especially because his current strength is too weak.

"But if there is any problem, it's enough to wake Hashirama. What can Senju Tobirama do with that rat in the stinky ditch?"

Uchiha Madara was thinking disdainfully, but now he has thought clearly. The current situation is too complicated, and it is better to take the initiative than guess here.

Besides, he is in a good mood now. After all, he has met an old friend that he has not seen for a long time.

"who are you?"

Uchiha Madara crossed his arms and looked at Xia Yan calmly and indifferently.

"Did you wake us up? What was your purpose?"

After saying this, Uchiha Madara paused slightly, and then he turned his head and looked at Senju Hashirama.

"Long time no see, Hashirama, I didn't expect you to be awakened too."

"Well, long time no see, Madara."

Senju Hashirama was quite happy at first, but now his expression looks a little embarrassed.

After thinking for a moment, he spoke sheepishly.

"Well, it wasn't him alone who woke you up, it was us..."

"We? You mean..."

"Well, we are together..."



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