The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 332 You may have been cheated (8K please subscribe~)

Uchiha Madara probably didn't expect that his current situation was completely different from what he thought!

He originally thought that Hashirama, like himself, was awakened by this mysterious and suffocatingly powerful young man.

But now it seems that the situation is different. According to Hashirama, he is actually with this young kid, and he is their experimental subject?

This reason and explanation made Uchiha Madara's face darken. He never expected that the situation would be like this.

Not to mention Hashirama's choice, he didn't know what their purpose was in awakening him. Could it be that they were humiliating themselves, or were they conducting an experiment in reincarnation?

However, just for a moment, Uchiha Madara suddenly noticed something different, that is, he found that Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama had the aura of living people!

This situation made Uchiha Madara's face change slightly. His hesitation was because he had just been resurrected. Uchiha Madara had not observed carefully before.

But now he noticed that the situations of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were indeed completely different.

There is still a huge difference between the dead and the living, and Uchiha Madara will never get it wrong.

Especially since he himself is the reincarnation of the dirty land, how could he possibly misunderstand the difference between the two?

Such a strange situation makes him extremely confused now. He clearly remembers that when he died, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were already dead!

At that time, the Ninja World was undergoing the Third Ninja War, and Konoha once again became the target of public criticism, and this once again proved that there was nothing wrong with his original idea.

Hashirama is his lifelong friend, but he is also his lifelong enemy, and this will never change.

Back then, they finally parted ways because of the issue of how to bring peace to the ninja world, and Uchiha Madara even fought in order to get the power of Senju Hashirama.

Of course, the final result was that Uchiha Madara lost the battle and won the future. He successfully obtained the power of Senju Hashirama in this battle.

And because of this battle, he was forced to cultivate, and thus got the opportunity to open the Samsara Eye!

Unfortunately, he was about to die when he opened the Samsara Eye, but he still wanted to prove that he was the right one.

Especially after seeing the stone tablet left by the Sage of Six Paths, his emotions became even stronger, and he also felt deep despair for the current ninja world.

He knew that he would definitely meet Senju Hashirama again in the future. After all, Senju Hashirama had developed the art of reincarnation.

He decided that he must let Senju Hashirama know that his decision back then was the most correct one, and that the ninja world created by Hashirama was nothing but a failure!

He wanted to face his old friend with a living attitude and a more proud attitude.

But now the situation seems to be reversed. They have indeed met now, but it is me who is reincarnated in the filthy earth?

Could it be that his plan was exposed, Nagato and Obito were wiped out, and his reincarnation-innate technique of the reincarnation eye fell on these two guys in the end?

When he thought of this, Uchiha Madara's face became even more ugly.

Although he hasn't gotten enough information yet, it seems that there is only one explanation. Otherwise, why are these two guys alive now?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara couldn't bear it anymore. He looked at the three people in front of him with a dark face, and finally asked through gritted teeth.

"In other words, I was awakened by the three of you together? Who is this brat? What is your purpose of awakening me? Also, what era is it now?"

Uchiha Madara asked a lot of questions at once, and these questions are what he is most concerned about now.

The world in front of him is really too strange to him. After all, he has been away from this world for too long. Such strangeness is too fatal to him.

He needs to have information, and he needs to have enough information to let him know everything now, so that he can face everything today more calmly.

"Let me tell you."

Natsuhiko spoke first before Senju Hashirama could speak. It would be a pity if such a charming villain like Uchiha Madara couldn't communicate.

Although Xia Yan was not sure about dealing with this guy, this did not prevent Xia Yan from doing something.

Besides, he was the real caster. If he didn't say anything and left everything to Senju Hashirama, that would be a bit bad.

"It's true that I woke you up for you, but I was the one who cast the spell.

As for me, you can call me Natsuhiko Senju, or you can call me the Godaime Hokage. "

"Senju Natsuhiko? The Fifth Hokage?"

When Uchiha Madara heard Xia Yan's words, his heart began to change rapidly. This name was really unfamiliar to him.

Because when he died, Konoha was only the Third Hokage, that brat from the Sarutobi family.

Uchiha Madara also knows the fate of the Senju clan. Even if he is no longer in Konoha, the entire ninja world is under his attention.

He really didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, Konoha's Hokage would jump from the third generation to the fifth generation, and the fifth generation was still a brat who belonged to the Senju clan that he didn't know.

It seems that the Thousand Hands clan has risen again. Is it because of this brat?

Uchiha Madara was thinking silently, but he was immediately confirmed by this idea as soon as it came up. After all, this kid gave him the feeling that it was really too dangerous!

"And now they are all Fifth Hokage. It seems like a long time has passed. Damn, this is really not good news."

Uchiha Madara was still thinking silently, and he increasingly felt that something was wrong with Obito and the others.

After all, Konoha has already reached the fifth generation of Hokage. Sarutobi Hiruzen can be regarded as the fourth generation for about ten years, and then he will become the fourth generation.

After the fourth generation, the fifth generation of Hokage will be elected. It can't be completed in forty years!

The most important thing is that if the Thousand Hands Clan wants to rise again under such extreme circumstances, it is really impossible without forty or fifty years of development.

Moreover, within these forty or fifty years, the Hokage still needs to suppress them, otherwise it is really impossible for them to make a comeback here.

"As for your last question, what time is it now?"

Just when Uchiha Madara was thinking, Natsuhiko suddenly spoke.

Of course he knew why Uchiha Madara was curious about this question. After all, it was related to this guy's plan.

However, Xia Yan did not intend to hide this matter from him, because the truth about this matter is the most interesting.

"It's the fifty-fifth year of Konoha. Welcome back to the human world, Uchiha Madara..."


Fifty-five years of Konoha?

Hearing Natsuhiko's words, Uchiha Madara seemed a little dazed, because he really didn't expect it to be this time!

When he died, it was around Konoha's forty-seven to forty-eight years. Doesn't this mean that it's only seven or eight years since his death?

In seven or eight years, Konoha changed from the Third Hokage to the Fifth Hokage?

This is not the key point. The key thing is that in just seven or eight years, the Thousand Hands clan has cultivated such a terrifying young man?

Uchiha Madara looked at Natsu Yan carefully and found that Natsu Yan seemed to be in his early twenties.

If you calculate it this way, wouldn't this boy be about the same size as Obito?

They are about the same age but give people completely different feelings. It can even be said that the guy in front of him is completely beyond the Obito he said he chose.

Does this mean that even if he dies, he will lose to Senju Hashirama again?

When he thought of this, Uchiha Madara's mood became even worse.

Although losing to Senju Hashirama is not an unacceptable thing, after all, he has lost to Senju Hashirama too many times in his life.

But he didn't want to make so many arrangements even after his death, only to lose to this guy's junior inexplicably. This feeling was too shocking.

Quietly looking at the young man in front of him who called himself Senju Natsuhiko, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but mentally sighed slightly.

As for the nonsense about welcoming back to the human world, he really felt sick when he heard it. He frowned and finally asked indifferently.

"Descendant of the Thousand Hands Clan, boy, you are very good, but what is the purpose of waking me up?"

"Of course we have our own plan for this. After all, the current situation in the ninja world is really not optimistic."

Natsuhiko spoke very calmly. He looked at Uchiha Madara, who frowned as if he wanted to say something, and he spoke first to interrupt his thoughts.

"Don't worry, listen to me. You are expressing your opinion. This is good for you and me. Besides, aren't you curious about the state of Hashirama-senpai and Tobirama-senpai?"

Natsuhiko's words immediately made Uchiha Madara quiet down. It would be fair to say that he didn't care about other things.

Although he does care a little about the sentient beings in the ninja world, after all, deep down in his heart he still longs for world peace.

But he already felt desperate about the real ninja world, especially after being stabbed in the back by Senju Hashirama. He felt even more desperate about this feeling.

Fortunately, after using the method provided by the Immortal of Six Paths, he finally had a brand new way out and idea.

Therefore, he only felt a little emotional about the crisis that the ninja world was in, and had no other thoughts other than that.

But the state of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama at this time was what attracted him the most, because he could clearly sense that both of them were 'alive'!

This life not only has the characteristics of life, but their strength has also returned to its peak. This is what Uchiha Madara desires most.

You must know that when the strength has reached their level, it is not an easy task to be resurrected.

Even if he is resurrected, if his strength cannot reach his peak state, the gap will be really big.

A state like Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama is what Uchiha Madara longs for most!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara calmed down and waited for Natsuhiko calmly, and he guessed that he could also learn the secret of why he was awakened.

"The current ninja world is really not peaceful. Although the intensity is far less than the era of you and Hashirama-senpai, the situation is not that good either.

Of course, in my eyes, the intensity of war in this era is really nothing.

I think you can feel my power. To put it bluntly, no one in this era can truly be my enemy! "

Natsuhiko's words sounded proud and conceited, but Madara Uchiha had no intention of refuting.

He did feel the power of Natsu Yan. He had discovered long ago that Natsu Yan's power was probably not weaker than Senju Hashirama.

Although he was really confused as to why this boy was so strong, so powerful that it even moved him.

But he still remained confident in his heart, because once he returned to his young and completely peak state, he believed that he could deal with this kid.

But what makes him feel strange is that this boy is already so powerful. Why does he still say that the situation in the ninja world cannot be optimistic?

"Because, a group of outsiders have come to this world."

Natsuhiko didn't make Uchiha Madara wait any longer. He directly told the reason, and Natsuhiko's words were also very profound.

"I think as the former leader of the Uchiha clan, you must know the story about the Sage of Six Paths, and you also know that he is definitely not a legend.

After all, I saw an interesting stone tablet in a certain shrine of the Uchiha clan. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and then he closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again the next moment, his eyes were already filled with bright blue!

Uchiha Madara couldn't sit still when he heard Natsuhiko's words. That stone tablet was the Uchiha clan's biggest secret, and it could even be said to be his biggest secret.

But why can the Fifth Hokage be found? Could it be that the Uchiha clan has been completely dealt with by him?

It doesn't seem strange when you think about it, because the Hokage of the Senju clan has such a powerful power, it is not difficult for him to deal with a fallen Uchiha.

He just cleaned up that fallen family. How could this guy see the contents of that stone tablet?

But just when Uchiha Madara was confused, he felt a destructive force coming towards him.

Looking around, I saw that Xia Yan's eyes had changed at this time, and that dreamlike blue that seemed to be able to absorb the soul appeared in his eyes.

Uchiha Madara had never seen such eyes before, but he was the one who awakened the Samsara Eye by his own power.

He discovered almost immediately that the intensity of these eyes was definitely no better than his own reincarnation eyes!

But he was suddenly confused because he couldn't figure out how a member of the Thousand Hands clan could awaken a pair of special eyes.

And when Uchiha Madara was extremely confused, he also looked confused.

Because the two of them really don't know about the stone tablet in the basement of the Uchiha clan...


In fact, Natsuhiko was really talking nonsense about the Uchiha clan stone tablet.

He didn't go to the Uchiha clan's shrine, and he never saw what the so-called stone tablet looked like.

But he fell to the ground as a time traveler. If he didn't even know this, then he, a time traveler, would be really stupid.

In addition to Senju Tobirama's obstruction in Uchiha Madara's blackening, there is also the most critical prop, which is this stone tablet.

The reason why Black Zetsu was able to deceive Madara Uchiha was largely because he used his Yin-Yang Escape body to modify the information on the stone tablet.

Madara Uchiha mistakenly believed that this stone tablet was left by the Sage of Six Paths to warn the descendants of the Uchiha clan how to make the world peaceful.

Because of the failure of the Hokage election, plus hearing Senju Tobirama's words, and Senju Hashirama denying his idea of ​​​​unifying the ninja world.

Uchiha Madara, who was almost forced to take an extreme path, believed the content on this stone tablet.

And this belief directly led to countless subsequent disputes, countless secrets in the ninja world, and countless tragedies.

But in any case, it is understandable that Uchiha Madara, who was almost in despair at the time, believed in this stone tablet.

At least in Natsuhiko's opinion, in that extreme situation at that time, Uchiha Madara really had no better choice, and there was no reason to doubt the authenticity of the stone tablet.

Moreover, Uchiha Madara's subsequent actions were also very reliable. He at least asked other members of his family when making his decision.

Compared to some people, Uchiha Madara's approach is completely commendable!

Uchiha Madara looked at Xia Yan quietly, the Sharingan in his eyes kept turning, and he looked like a cheetah waiting for an opportunity.

However, Xia Yan didn't seem to take his actions seriously at all. Xia Yan just looked at him quietly, with an expression on his face that seemed a little amused and a little inexplicable.

"What's going on with that stone tablet?"

At this moment, Senju Hashirama broke the current silence. He looked at the two people with a slightly curious look, and then asked.

"Xia Yan, Madara, what is going on? Is there something extraordinary recorded in that stone tablet?"

"So be it."

Natsuhiko nodded calmly, took a deep look at Uchiha Madara, and then spoke slowly.

“That stone tablet is said to have been left by the Immortal of Six Paths, and some very interesting information was left on that stone tablet.

Just like the story of Indra and Asura, it's like the changes that can be achieved by combining the power of Indra and Asura.

After all, only when these two powers are fused together can we gain the power of all things, and thus gain the power of the Immortal of Six Paths!

Of course, there is also some very interesting content, that is, unlimited monthly reading! "

Natsuhiko said these words lightly, and Uchiha Madara's expression completely changed.

This is a secret that has been buried deep in his heart, and this is also the goal he has been pursuing.

How could he bear it at this moment when his inner purpose was seen through and spoken out like this?

Fortunately, he is Uchiha Madara and not Uchiha Obito. Even if someone sees through him, he can still maintain a calm attitude.

Instead of yelling or acting like he was going to take action, he still maintained his own demeanor even though his face looked slightly ugly.

"Infinite Tsukuyomi?"

Senju Tobirama couldn't help but speak after hearing this, and his malice towards Uchiha had always been deep, so he asked bluntly.

"Is this guy still preparing some evil plan?"

"Hmph, after being dead for so many years and being resurrected, you still have this kind of virtue. You really can't change your behavior and eat shit."

Before Natsuhiko could speak, Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Tobirama with a sullen face and said.

But after saying this, he didn't look at Qianju Tobijian again, but looked at Xia Yan.

"Now that you know this plan, you should also know the greatness of this plan.

This world is so desperate, especially after Hashirama rejected my intention to integrate the entire ninja world, the tragedy has actually been laid.

Judging from your age, you should be young. In your twenties, you should have experienced the most brutal war in the ninja world, right?

Taking the village as a unit, the war is larger in scale, more cruel in means, and more without a bottom line. It is a war for their own interests and exaggerated with hatred.

Even when the fighting reaches its most extreme, even children need to go to the battlefield. How does it feel? "

Uchiha Madara had no intention of denying it. Although he was arrogant and did not directly admit his thoughts and plans, he did admit that he was indeed executing the 'Infinite Tsukuyomi'.

He was the former patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and it was impossible for him to have never seen that stone tablet.

And since his eyes are so strong, it is impossible that he has not read the contents inside.

Denial is an unrealistic thing. If this is the case, then why should you deny it to make yourself look so disgraceful? It is better to admit it directly.

Anyway, he never thought there was any problem with this, especially since his goal is still to create a peaceful world!

What's more, he has already come this far and has been seen through. There is nothing he can't deny.

Glancing at Natsuhiko again, Uchiha Madara continued without waiting for Natsuhiko to speak.

"Since the world is so miserable and there is no way we can integrate it anymore, there is only one way I can deal with it.

That is to create a new world, a world where everyone's dreams can come true.

Create a world that the Six Paths Immortal has inspired us and hopes to create!

Only in such a world can everyone feel at peace in their hearts, can they achieve and realize their dreams, and can there be no smoke of war.

Only such a world is a truly peaceful world! "

Having said this, Uchiha Madara's demeanor has changed slightly. He seems to be a little fanatical and a little excited.

He looked deeply at Senju Hashirama and Xia Yan, and then he raised his head slightly and asked proudly.

“Such a world, such a world without war, is the world I pursue.

This is the revelation given to me by the Sage of Six Paths, and this is the plan of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

This is the ultimate peace! "


Final peace?

When Xia Yan, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama heard his words, their expressions became a little weird involuntarily.

It was okay for Natsuhiko, after all, he knew Uchiha Madara's purpose, but Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama seemed much weirder when they heard such words.

Although Uchiha Madara didn't say it clearly, they are not really fools. That sentence alone can realize "everyone's dream" and create a new world.

This made them involuntarily think that this guy was planning to drag everyone into illusions and then use illusions to create such a world, right?

I have to say that these two brothers really understand Uchiha Madara, and they have already thought of so much in just a few sentences.

And the plan he mentioned made the two of them feel weird. Is this a good way to bring peace to the world?

Even involuntarily, the words 'mental illness' appeared in their minds for no apparent reason.

However, neither of them spoke, but looked at Xia Yan. After all, it was the first time for them to hear this.

But Xia Yan was different. This kid had come into contact with the so-called stone tablet, so he naturally knew more about it.

Of course, they also had some doubts in their hearts, such as why the Immortal of Six Paths left such a stone tablet?

This is very different from the description of the Six Paths Immortal in the information they saw on the moon.

Also, why did the Sage of Six Paths leave such a stone tablet in the Uchiha clan? Is there any other story in this?

If Xia Yan knew what they were thinking, he would definitely sigh helplessly.

After all, there was too much information collected inside the moon, and what they watched was basically the story of Six Paths Sage and his brother defeating Kaguya Otsutsuki.

After this, all that can be easily seen are Otsutsuki Hamura's things on the moon.

There is something about the descendants of the Immortal of Six Paths, but they have not found it to watch.

What's more, they don't go there often. Even if they go there, they are sorting out the chaos inside the moon. Even if they look through the information, the most common ones are about Yin Yang Escape.

Otherwise, some of their doubts will be easily solved.

"I think you're mistaken about something."

Xia Yan naturally noticed the gazes of these two people, so he shook his head and chose to speak actively.

"It is impossible for the Sage of Six Paths to leave such a stupid way to tell his descendants how to resolve disputes in the ninja world."


Natsuhiko's words immediately shocked both Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, but Uchiha Madara seemed very calm.

After all, he had guessed it a long time ago, and had taken practical actions and reached the conclusion. How could he still appear surprised?

"Yeah, why do you look so surprised?"

Xia Yan seemed to be looking at Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama a little strangely, and then he asked with doubts.

"Isn't there a book in the moon? The Immortal of Six Paths has two children, one is Indra and the other is Asura.

These two children are constantly fighting for the legitimacy of the Ninja Sect. One of them inherited the power of the body and will of the Sage of Six Paths.

The other one inherited the power of the Six Paths Sage's eyes. According to records, Asura can use Wood Release, and Indra can use Sharingan..."

"That is to say..."

When Senju Tobirama heard Natsuhiko's words, he understood it no matter how slow he was. He couldn't help but glance at Uchiha Madara with disgust.

"One of these two descendants is our Senju, and the other is this Uchiha?"

"But why didn't you tell us?"

Senju Hashirama looked at Xia Yan in confusion, he touched his head and asked curiously.

"Is there this information on the moon?"

"Of course. You are all watching Yin Yang Dun. My clone doesn't follow you every time. How do I know you?"

Xia Yan nodded naturally. In fact, he had never seen it, but he remembered that the Otsutsuki he killed recognized his Wood Release.

He even bluntly stated that he was a descendant of Asura, so Xia Yan was not afraid of cheating at all, not to mention that what he said was not very detailed.


Uchiha Madara naturally heard the conversation between the three of them, and he seemed a little confused at this moment.

"What are you talking about, what is going on?"

"Simply put, you may have been scammed."

Natsuhiko sighed quietly, and he deliberately looked at Uchiha Madara with a slightly pitiful look. This irritation made Uchiha Madara clenched his fists.

But this was the effect he wanted, and Xia Yan unexpectedly found that their communication seemed to be a little too smooth.

Perhaps it was because Senju Hashirama was here, plus his own power, that Uchiha Madara realized that he was a person he had to talk to as an equal, that's why he was like this.

“The name of the Sage of Six Paths is Otsutsuki Hagoromo, and those people on the moon are descendants of his brother Otsutsuki Hamura.

Of course, after what happened on the moon, just let Hashirama-senpai tell you, and we will discuss more important things.

On the moon, we know the actual origin of the ninja world. It is because the mother of the Six Paths Sage brothers, as the world destroyer, hopes to plunge the entire ninja world into death silence.

Therefore, the two of them decided to resist. They sealed their mother in the moon until now, and the Six Paths Sage also taught the ninja world how to use chakra.

As the person who laid the foundation for the ninja world and even the ninja world, he was also the person who saved all living beings in the entire ninja world from his mother.

Why is he still trying to find a way to make this ninja world fall into fantasy? "

Natsuhiko narrated calmly, while Uchiha Madara frowned and looked at Natsuhiko. This story was completely different from what he knew.

Because what he knew was that the Sage of Six Paths resisted the Ten-Tails' destruction of the ninja world, and finally sealed the ten-tails in his body, ultimately saving the entire ninja world!

But such a seal also cost him. He did not have so much power to bring peace to the ninja world, so he left such a stone monument.

He was a little confused for a moment. He really didn't know who he should believe!

If what the Hokage and Hashirama in front of them said was true, then what happened to that stone tablet?

But if they lie to themselves, then what is their purpose? Their current strength is not enough to prove it!

"I know what you are wondering about. Is it the problem with the stone tablet?"

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Madara, whose face was gloomy and uncertain, and he couldn't help but smile.

"That stone tablet may really be left by the Immortal of Six Paths, but the specific content may have been modified.

Don't tell me that this kind of thing can't be done. In fact, as long as you have Yin Yang Escape, many things can be changed.

And don’t you wonder why we still summon you..."

Having said this, Xia Yan turned his body slightly, revealing the body of Otsutsuki Ura behind him.

"This is the reason, these are the same clan of the Six Paths Sage, and now they have come to the ninja world again.

Take a good look, feel good, and think carefully, and maybe you will find the clues hidden in what you know..."


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