After all, Uchiha Madara is not an idiot. On the contrary, he has always been an extremely smart person. However, smart people always have a shortcoming, that is, they can be very conceited.

Because he believes in his own intelligence, his own vision and insights, and also his own judgment.

Therefore, when he begins to believe in something, he will decide that what he is doing is the right path, and he will continue to move forward with the strongest will.

However, even if smart people are arrogant, once they find that what they believe seems to be different from what they imagined, they will start to think seriously and doubt.

Even as their thinking deepens, they will discover more things that they have not observed in daily life, and thus fall into deeper thinking and self-doubt.

Uchiha Madara is like this now. Although he was slightly moved by Natsuhiko's words, he didn't believe in Natsuhiko, but believed that Senju Hashirama would not make such a joke.

And after all, he is a very independent person. After hearing such words and trusting Hashirama's character, he began to think about whether what he saw was true.

Of course, these contents are not enough to make him completely fall into self-doubt.

What really plunged him into deep doubt was the Otsutsukiura-like corpse that Natsuhiko showed him!

The moment he saw the corpse, he immediately realized the power of its owner.

Even if this guy has been dissected with exquisite techniques, it can be said that he is dead.

But that powerful aura and the still active chakra are always telling Uchiha Madara how powerful this guy was during his lifetime!

"Who is this guy and why is there such a guy?"

Uchiha Madara was a little shocked in his heart, but he already believed what Natsuhiko said, that this guy was a fellow member of the Sage of Six Paths.

Only the members of the Six Paths Immortal clan could feel such a terrifying sense of oppression and have such incredible power.

Just why did this guy die, and wasn't this guy a life in the ninja world?

These two questions have been lingering in his mind, but he is certain of one thing.

That is, this guy's power probably doesn't really require any messy things. He can use his own power to sink the entire ninja world.

Not only that, in front of such a guy, the tailed beast really seemed like a joke.

In addition, Uchiha Madara himself noticed it, even he didn't take the tailed beasts seriously at all back then.

Uchiha Madara didn't know how terrifying the Ten-Tails was, but he knew that when he and Hashirama hunted these tailed beasts, the difficulty they encountered was not particularly high.

And when he chose to leave the village, the full power Senju Hashirama showed, the power to easily knock over the Nine-Tails, was beyond imagination.

He felt that no matter how strong the power of the Ten-Tails was, it would probably be close to this level. Of course, even if it were a little stronger, it would not be impossible.

But the question is, even if you are strong, will it be effective when facing a guy like this?

"Am I really being cheated?"

Uchiha Madara was a little moved in his heart. He looked at the corpse in silence, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Being deceived like a fool is always unacceptable, especially when he still thinks he is a smart person.

But who is deceiving himself, or the entire Uchiha clan?

Raising his head slightly, Madara Uchiha's eyes wandered over Natsuhiko. According to this kid, it seems that those who have mastered the Yin-Yang Escape can modify the information on the stone tablet.

Uchiha Madara can believe this, but the problem is that it is not easy to learn and master Yin Yang Dunshen.

Even he could barely master Yin Yang Dun after gaining the power of Senju Hashirama.

In addition, there was another question that he had always wanted to understand. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"How did this guy die?"

"Killed by me."

What Uchiha Madara never expected was that Natsuhiko gave his answer calmly, and this answer also made Uchiha Madara extremely incredible!

Is this a fellow member of the Six Paths Immortal that this boy killed?

Uchiha Madara admitted that this boy's power was terrifying, but it was definitely not terrifying enough to be able to deal with such a terrifying existence.

So is there something happening here that I don't know about, but is very important?

"It is true that this guy's power is extremely terrifying, and if Hashirama-senpai hadn't helped me protect Konoha's safety in the battle with him, the consequences would have been disastrous."

Natsuhiko saw Uchiha Madara's doubts, but such doubts were completely normal. He walked slowly to Uchiha Madara's side, and then put a hand on his shoulder.

This move made Uchiha Madara frown, but considering that he had no ability to resist this guy now, he didn't do anything.

The next moment, the space changed, and Uchiha Madara felt his eyes blurred. When it became clear again, he found that he had reached the heights of Konoha Village.

"Flying Thunder God Technique?"

Uchiha Madara thought silently, but his eyes were still attracted by his surroundings.

This place is where he once talked about his dreams with Hashirama. Here he can overlook everything in Konoha!

This place later became the location of the Hokage Rock, which means that the Hokage will always watch Konoha and protect Konoha.

Glancing down slightly, Uchiha Madara found that he was now on top of Senju Hashirama's head.

There are four portraits beside him, and the last one is the portrait of the guy next to him.

Soon, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama also came here, and the four of them stood on top of this huge Hokage head.

Uchiha Madara glanced at Konoha, although he no longer had any interest.

Konoha is still the same Konoha, the Konoha that he once created but wanted to destroy, the Konoha that looks quiet and peaceful but breeds darkness.

Outside Konoha, the tranquility and peace seemed to be completely separated from the village. The terrifying wool made Madara Uchiha frown as if he were in hell.

He knew that these were traces left by the battle, but what a brutal battle it took to become like this!

"But this guy is careless. He treats all of us in the ninja world as ants, so he maintains his so-called arrogant style.

Moreover, his strength was so great that when he faced his previous enemies, he did not need to use much effort, which also left him with little actual combat experience. "

Just when Uchiha Madara was observing the surroundings intently, Natsuhiko spoke again, his voice calm and slow.

“But we don’t know what kind of guys are going to come over next time, so we need strength.

Even if such an enemy remains, his power can easily crush the entire ninja world. He is just unlucky enough to meet us.

Even if you don't believe my words or the records we have seen about the Six Paths Immortal, I think you should do something for your so-called dream.

after all......."

Having said this, Natsuhiko paused slightly, and then looked at Uchiha Madara.

"Everyone in the ninja world is dead. Is your so-called unlimited Tsukuyomi plan really useful?"


Once everyone is dead, there is really no need to continue building a peaceful world.

It's not clear whether Uchiha Madara believes him or not, and what he will think about Natsuhiko, but Natsuhiko can definitely use a very interesting method to force him.

If this guy still doesn't believe Xia Yan, then Xia Yan gives him two very bad choices.

It's just that the two choices are of different levels of badness. One at least has a future, but the other has no future at all!

Among such choices, Xia Yan believed that this guy would make a rational and reasonable choice.

Of course, the facts are the same as Xia Yan thought.

Perhaps it's because I haven't actually seen the so-called information about the Six Paths Immortals posted on the moon.

Even though Uchiha Madara had huge doubts in his heart, he still did not believe Natsuhiko's words easily, but he had indeed agreed to cooperate.

Xia Yan felt that if this guy really believed in him, he would tell some of his arrangements.

Even if you don't tell Natsuhiko, you will at least tell Senju Hashirama, right?

However, this kind of thing still needs to be observed. Uchiha Madara has just been resurrected, and she still needs to see more information before she can make a final decision.

"But since you want me to cooperate, at least let me have real power, right?"

But now there is also a problem that is bothering Uchiha Madara, that is, he found that neither the Fifth Hokage nor Hashirama had the intention to completely resurrect him.

Not to mention being resurrected, his current strength alone is simply not enough for him to deal with some high-intensity battles.

Although he knew that with his current strength, he would have no problem dealing with some powerful ninjas.

But he wasn't so sure when he met the kind of ninja who had already been given the title of Kage. After all, every Kage was not a simple thing.

Especially when he knew that the opponent Xia Yan and the others wanted to deal with was such a terrifying existence. What was the use of his power?

Even though he was reincarnated from the dirty soil, there are limits to the reincarnation from the dirty soil. If he encounters such an opponent, he may not be able to be resurrected at all!

"Don't worry, you need to adapt to the current situation first, and if you want to regain your strength, you must at least have a suitable carrier."

When Natsuhiko faced Uchiha Madara's inquiry, he seemed very calm. Anyway, he was right. It is indeed not a simple matter to restore Uchiha Madara's power.

In the original work, Uchiha Madara was able to show such terrifying power as soon as he was resurrected. It was really thanks to the body specially made for Madara by Kabuto.

Without such a body, no matter how strong Uchiha Madara is, he can only be blinded.

After all, Uchiha Madara is not Senju Hashirama, and Natsuhiko can use a white Zetsu body to restore Senju Hashirama to almost its peak strength.

In order to reach an unprecedented peak in his power during his lifetime, Uchiha Madara had fused with the cells of Senju Hashirama to open the Samsara Eye.

Therefore, although a pure white Zetsu body can bring his strength to a very high level, in essence he belongs to Uchiha.

If he really wants to create such a body, Natsuhiko must find a suitable Uchiha.

Fortunately, no one in the entire Uchiha can stop talking to Natsuhiko, especially after Uchiha Fugaku surrendered, some people within them are still monitoring and observing.

As long as there is a reasonable reason, I am afraid Uchiha Itachi will attack them without any hesitation.

Xia Yan only needs to slightly change the order from direct killing to capturing alive to get what he wants.

Of course, it's not a problem if it's not that troublesome. After all, the body Kabuto uses in the original book is definitely not the body of the Uchiha clan.

Because at that time, there were very few living members of the Uchiha clan, and no one alive was easy to mess with.

If it really doesn't work, it's not impossible to use some clever methods.

Although Xia Yan likes to strive for excellence in his work, he only needs to completely trust others.

Before he has gained his trust, it is absolutely impossible for him to overdo things. Leaving some backdoors for himself is the most correct choice.

"That's true, but you haven't taken any action now. Are you sure you have such thoughts?"

Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows. Although he was not satisfied with this statement, he could still control his emotions.

"Besides, didn't you say that you found the records of the Six Paths Immortals inside the moon? Are you not going to take me there to take a look?"

"I'm afraid this is your purpose."

When Natsuhiko heard Uchiha Madara's words, he couldn't help but chuckle.

At this time, there were only two of them in the underground laboratory. Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama went to prepare the supplies they would need temporarily after leaving Konoha.

After all, the time it takes to go up this time is probably not that small. After all, they have to process and study the Otsutsukiura-style corpse here.

However, Natsuhiko may not stay there for long. After all, as Hokage, he cannot stay in Konoha with his shadow clone for a long time.

This time, other than seeing the beginning of the experiment and completing his own evolution of the Pure Eye, there was nothing else he needed to do.

In other words, when he completes the evolution of the Pure Eye, he will choose to leave and return to Konoha.

Therefore, he does not need to prepare too much. As far as the current situation in Konoha is concerned, he can handle it well by leaving a shadow clone.

Although external support teams are constantly coming to Konoha, it is enough to leave this kind of matter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It can be said that Natsuhiko's control over Konoha has reached an extreme, especially after experiencing this incident.

"We are about to set off, but you are a dead person and we are a living person. We must make necessary preparations."

Natsuhiko chuckled indifferently, and his words made Uchiha Madara's face change slightly, but this guy could still hold back without refuting.

"Okay, don't worry about this kind of thing, because we are going to leave soon, and...

This time may completely subvert your imagination, so be prepared and learn about a whole new world..."


Indeed, this is a whole new world for Uchiha Madara.

In fact, not only Uchiha Madara, but also Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, this is a brand new world!

When they arrived on the moon, in addition to setting up the experimental sites they needed, they also started looking for relevant information.

Because this information is too important to them, especially for Uchiha Madara, this information can almost determine whether he has been cheated!

In fact, Madara Uchiha, who had just arrived on the moon, had begun to believe all of this. After all, there were traces of battles outside Konoha and the corpse of Otsutsuki Ura.

All of this can already prove a lot of things, plus the teleportation now used to reach the moon, and the incredible environment inside the moon.

Especially the golden eyes that are placed in the temple and constantly release terrifying power.

It can be said that Uchiha Madara does not believe it but must believe some things. After all, no matter how you look at it, it is not something that humans in the ninja world can easily create.

Such terrifying power, such incredible everything, can already be regarded as the result of the creation of the world!

I'm afraid that only those who want to do all this can do it, or people at the level of the Immortal of Six Paths.

If a person with such power really wants the ninja world to fall into an environment of infinite moon reading, it seems to be not difficult.

After all, the moon is controlled by the younger brother of Sage of Six Paths. As long as the two brothers have a good discussion, this kind of thing can be accomplished.

"It seems like I was really deceived."

Once again, such words appeared in Uchiha Madara's mind, and such words made him even more angry and uncomfortable.

Being deceived is always the most hated thing. Although he didn't know how he was deceived, it didn't stop him from starting to think about the authenticity of the matter.

Especially after they used the shadow clone technique to find the records about the past and the records of the Six Paths Sage hidden on the moon and stored in the Hamura Temple.

Uchiha Madara has completely begun to believe that he has indeed been deceived!

These records are basically consistent with what Xia Yan said, although there are still some discrepancies - after all, he has not read them.

Even where he placed it, he himself was vague. According to what he said, he didn't take this kind of thing too seriously. He was not an archaeologist.

It was based on this statement that they did not pay attention to Xia Yan's slightly different content from what they said.

Because in their opinion, this guy didn't take it to heart at all, which made them helpless but had no choice.

However, these things are of great value to Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Especially Uchiha Madara, he knew that what he had learned from the stone tablet was completely different.

He knew the past of the Immortal of Six Paths and some stories about Indra and Asura, especially after he learned about the former power of the Immortal of Six Paths, the real power.

He completely believed that he had been deceived, even if some of the contents were true, such as how to obtain the power of the Six Paths Immortal.

But its essence is to lie to him and make him want to destroy the world like a fool!

"Damn bastard, don't let me know who you are!"

Inside the moon, Uchiha Madara punched the table angrily, and the anger on his face could not be contained at all.

He endured Senju Tobirama and Natsuhiko all the way without really breaking out, but at this moment he really couldn't bear it anymore!

He felt like a puppet on strings, performing a clown-like comedy to the world along with those damn strings.

He really couldn't bear this situation anymore. Everyone has a limit of patience. Obviously, this matter has touched the limit of Uchiha Madara.

"Okay, don't be angry, we will know who is harming you."

Senju Hashirama smiled and comforted him. Although smiling at Uchiha Madara was not a very good thing now, this guy was happy from the bottom of his heart.

"And I didn't expect that our family bloodline has been the same for thousands of years. It turns out that we are still brothers."


Senju Tobirama couldn't help but snorted when he heard this. It was obvious that he was very dissatisfied with such a brother's remarks.

Although from a historical perspective, they are indeed brothers, but after so many years, they are still brothers.

What's more, the two groups have experienced so many years of war and so many people have died. How to settle this account?

Also, his brother said that he and Uchiha Madara are brothers, so who is his real brother?

"That happened a thousand years ago. The families have been separated for so many years. What's the point of saying this?"

Uchiha Madara actually agrees with this statement, because he has really had an inexplicable relationship with Senju Hashirama since he was a child.

They are like brothers and friends, and this feeling is also an important factor that keeps their friendship intertwined.

Although there were a lot of problems in the middle, overall their relationship has always been good.

It's just because of their respective beliefs and some hateful scams that they have reached where they are now.

Uchiha Madara already knew that Senju Natsuhiko, the kid who combined all the advantages of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, actually had a lot of opinions about Senju Hashirama.

Especially the fact that the kid was still very supportive of his ideas and theories, which gave him a good sense of the little guy who made him feel weak.

Especially since this kid let him know the truth, and knew that he was deceived like a fool, he was still more or less grateful in his heart.

But he couldn't admit his thoughts. Even if he did, he would only admit Senju Hashirama. He had not forgotten the losses caused to the two families by years of war.

It is even more impossible to forget that Senju Tobirama, this hateful bastard, killed his last younger brother!

"If we really think about it this way, even Hinata and those guys are our brothers. I think this kind of thing should not be discussed.

By the way, what about that guy Xia Yan, now that I know the truth, I have to prepare to regain my strength. "

After saying this, Uchiha Madara paused slightly, his expression at this time looked unusually cold.

"It's not just a problem in the ninja world, I also have to find a way to find the traces of the guy who deceived me.

I must figure out who is lying to me and who is lying to Uchiha! "


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