The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 32: Passing on from male to female (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

Xia Yan had some impressions of his former deskmate, and it was entirely because of her name that Xia Yan had a lot of thoughts.

Uchiha Qiong, this name is quite interesting if you break it down. Xia Yan is just not sure whether she has a brother.

Although they were roommates, Xia Yan didn't really know her that well, even though in Xia Yan's memory she was really a good person.

But as a person with an adult mindset, Xia Yan really doesn't have much interest in these children.

Especially, she comes from the Uchiha clan.

Natsuhiko still knows what will happen to the Uchiha clan in the future, but only two or three kittens will definitely be wiped out in the future.

And this Uchiha Dome has almost never appeared in the future, which means that she either died in the war or died in the genocide.

In addition, when he was a child, he was always thinking about how to escape the war, so it was naturally impossible for him to get too close to Uchiha.

"I didn't expect to meet her now. It seems that the war has not had any impact on her."

Xia Yan thought silently, and then he planned to turn around and leave here. Someone was using the training ground, and he would not compete with others.

What Xia Yan didn't expect was that just as he was about to leave, Uchiha Qiong over there noticed something and then turned around.

"The training ground here is huge, if you want to use it, it's no problem."

The voice was very gentle, just like when Xia Yan met her when he first entered school many years ago, but now the voice sounded more mature than before.

Xia Yan stopped. He felt that there was no need to just walk away.

And compared to the other ninjas who were complete strangers, although I didn't get too close to the person in front of me, I still knew him at least.

"Then excuse me." Xia Yan smiled and nodded lightly.

However, Uchiha Qiong did not speak for a moment, but looked at the boy in front of her curiously, because this boy seemed familiar to her.

After thinking for a long time, Uchiha Qiong seemed to have thought of something. She asked with some surprise: "Are you... Natsuhiko? Fukami Natsuhiko?"

"Yes." Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, then he nodded with a smile: "Long time no see, Qiong."

Xia Yan was really surprised that he could be recognized. You should know that he was very low-key in school back then.

The reason why he could recognize the Uchiha Dome was because he activated the plug-in when he was very young and subsequently developed good perception.

As a deskmate back then, Natsuhiko still remembered her chakra. In addition, the Uchiha clan had some enviable looks, so it was difficult for Natsuhiko to forget.

I have to say that God's preference for the Uchiha clan is a bit too much, because in the entire Uchiha clan, it is really difficult to find some weird-looking guys.

In other words, your good looks don't seem to be a big deal to the Uchiha clan, because everyone looks similar.

But if you look very ordinary, or even weird, then you will definitely be remembered in the Uchiha clan.

"I didn't expect that it was really you." Qiong showed a smile, which made people feel like they were bathing in the spring breeze: "We haven't seen you for almost six years. I have only heard of you from other people. Now you... ..”

"Just a little ninja, constantly performing tasks." Xia Yan knew what she wanted to ask, so he took the initiative to speak.

Natsuhiko didn't want to reveal his actual situation. The Anbu's identity actually needed to be kept secret. He was not Kakashi, and he didn't want his identity to be known to everyone.

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qiong nodded slightly, and then she smiled and said: "Fortunately, the war is over, isn't it?"

"Yes, the war is over." Xia Yan also nodded, seeming a little emotional.

As a ninja, acting skills must be online, especially for ANBU ninjas, they need to show their acting skills to the fullest.

Because when performing certain special tasks, you may need to disguise yourself as anyone, and it is absolutely impossible without qualified acting skills.

Xia Yan's acting skills are pretty good, and his posture looks like he is expressing his emotions for the rest of his life, even though he has never been on the battlefield.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Xia Yan decisively ended the topic. He knew that talking too much would lead to mistakes, so he simply asked something else: "How have you been living these years?"

"It's still the same these years. I've been going to the Country of Whirlpool since graduation."

Uchiha Qiong pulled her hair and she said softly.

“But I’m lucky, I’ve always been with the patriarch, and there’s been no problem.

I came back after the war with Kirigakure last year and have been on standby. Now I plan to go to the medical department, but the review has not been completed yet. "

Because Uchiha was good at fire escape, when the war was announced in Kirigakure Village, they went to the Country of Whirlpool as the main force against Kirigakure.

Also going to the Country of Whirlpool were Hinata's people. After all, Kirigakure was very good at using dense fog, and he even invented the Kirigakure technique to obscure vision.

In such an environment, the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan can play its role very well.

Therefore, even if Hinata and Uchiha are unhappy with each other because of the dispute between the first family in Konoha and the dispute over the first eye technique, they still need to cooperate.

However, Uchiha Qiong's luck is indeed quite good. At least she can follow him to the Country of Whirlpool to fight against Kirigakure, which shows that her talent is not bad.

Those who are not talented will not go there at all, but will be directly thrown into the Kusano Country where the war is severe to deal with the Iwa Ninja, or the Yuno Country to deal with the Kumo Ninja.

In those places, the Uchiha members didn't have much to look after them.

"Good idea, the medical department is indeed a good choice." Xia Yan was thinking in his head, but he said with a smile: "Come on, I believe you can enter the medical department, maybe I will ask you again in the future Woolen cloth."

"Thank you." Uchiha Qiong's smile was still sincere and bright: "I will try my best."

I have to say that this Uchiha Qiong really inherited the characteristics of the women of the Uchiha clan.

In Natsuhiko's memory, there are still very few women from the Uchiha clan, but each of them has a common characteristic.

That is gentleness, intelligence, and beauty.

Whether it is Uchiha Mikoto, the mother of the super mid-teen Uchiha Itachi, or his childhood sweetheart Uchiha Izumi, they are all of this type.

Even a long time ago, it was probably the civil strife that occurred in Uchiha just after Madara Uchiha left Konoha.

Uchiha Jiri, who settled all the troubles in one fell swoop, was also a similar person.

In fact, Xia Yan was a little surprised, why all the men in the Uchiha clan were no different from lunatics.

But the women of their clan are so gentle that it's unbelievable.

Is it possible that their unique mental illness is passed down from male to female?


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