Natsuhiko wasn't sure whether Uchiha's mental illness was passed down from male to female.

But he does know one thing, that is, it may be really difficult for Uchiha Qiong to enter the medical department.

The Medical Department was within Hiruzen Sarutobi's core authority, and its importance was unimaginable.

Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen was the initiator of rejecting the construction of the Medical Department and Medical Ninja, he was always an extremely realistic person.

When the medical department exerted an unimaginable effect in Tsunade's hands, it greatly improved the morale of Konoha and saved many lives.

He began to firmly hold the entire medical department in his hands, and began to continuously allocate funds from the Ministry of Finance to greatly enhance the status of the emerging ninja group of medical ninjas in the entire ninja system.

This allowed the Medical Department to go from a small workshop that no one cared about or even valued at all to one of the largest and most powerful departments in Konoha in just a dozen years.

No ninja is truly fearless of life and death. With the logistical support of the Medical Department, Hiruzen Sarutobi's support has increased dramatically.

Even the success of the medical department has brought about changes in the entire ninja world. Almost all ninja villages have begun to try to establish their own medical departments.

How could Sarutobi Hiruzen allow 'other people' to enter such a department? He would never let anyone he didn't trust have the opportunity to get involved.

It’s impossible for anyone to even realize the idea in ‘Pollution’, let alone how to implement it.

The existence of the medical department is equivalent to having a huge support rate, and Uchiha is someone he does not trust. How can a girl like Qiong get in?

However, Natsuhiko would not tell Uchiha Qiong about this kind of thing. It is a good thing that this quiet girl has her own ideas, and he does not have to attack others.

After a simple warm-up, Xia Yan started his own training. His training was very simple and basically started from the most basic things.

With the plug-in, he has actually reached the peak of his control over his own strength, but Xia Yan has never slacked off in such training.

Having power and mastering it does not mean that Xia Yan will use these powers to the maximum extent.

How to easily kill opponents in battle without consuming too much chakra has been a key project of Xia Yan's research over the years.

He has no way to solve the sequelae left by his own suicide, so he can only solve the problem through some other methods.

Uchiha Qiong watched all this silently. This was the first time she saw Xia Yan training.

In the past, when she was in school, her grades were relatively good, while Xia Yan was slightly worse than her, but still very good.

After Xia Yan left school, she never saw Xia Yan again.

My memory basically stays in the past few years when I was studying, those years that left a deep impression on me.

Even in the following years, through past classmates, I learned some experiences of this former classmate, but it could only be regarded as hearsay.

Seeing Xia Yan again today, Uchiha Qiong found that Xia Yan seemed to be much stronger now, but he had been doing basic training, which made Qiong frown slightly.

"Is it because there are not enough ninjutsu resources?"

Qiongxin sighed slightly. In her memory, Xia Yan was a civilian ninja. It was no wonder why he had no ninjutsu resources.

She is now thinking about whether she should help Xia Yan in some ways to get him out of this predicament...


In Konoha's office, Kakashi was kneeling on one knee, and in front of him, Namikaze Minato was looking at a scroll seriously.

This scroll completely records the entire mission of Kakashi and Natsuhiko, including the entire process of how they found out who the attacker was and how they captured Yashamaru.

To be honest, Namikaze Minato himself didn't expect that this mission would be so fruitful.

Although he knew that even if he found out who did it, Konoha would not be waging any kind of war, nor would he necessarily be able to cause trouble for the other party.

Because Konoha is too weak now, any military action may cause Konoha to suffer greater losses.

Even if they knew it was done by Sunagakure, even if it was only done by a small country, Konoha couldn't do anything. At most, it would just retaliate secretly.

As Hokage, there are so many things that need to be considered, whether it is a political level or an economic level, they are all issues that need to be considered.

We even have to consider the current thoughts of the ninjas and the morale of Konoha as a whole.

This was Minato Namikaze's first time dealing with such multiple considerations, and the difficulty was beyond his imagination.

However, Natsuhiko and the others caught Yashamaru, which is an excellent hand. As long as Konoha is dealt with, they will definitely get a lot of things.

It's just that the Third Hokage gave Namikaze Minato another headache.

The Third Hokage is too stable. His desire to end the war has reached a limit. I am afraid that he is not willing to accept even a small-scale conflict.

Namikaze Minato could understand him, but he really couldn't agree with him, because even though such an approach was powerful for Konoha, it hurt Konoha's morale.

"It seems that we still need to think carefully about this matter and how to obtain the support of Lord Sandaime Hokage."

Namikaze Minato, who was not going well in government affairs, was also helpless. Although he was Hokage now, he found that he couldn't do many things by himself.

However, he felt that he should be more patient, and it was best not to think wildly. His position as Hokage was single-handedly promoted by the Sandaime-sama.

"Well done, Kakashi." Namikaze Minato couldn't help but smile when he thought of this: "You and Natsuhiko's cooperation is great. Congratulations on completing such a task."

After saying this, Namikaze Minato continued to lower his head and read the scroll. Kakashi handed him not one scroll, but two reports.

Obviously based on the previous experience, Kakashi simply decided to use scroll reporting to convey information to his teacher.

Namikaze Minato obviously understood Kakashi's thoughts, so he looked a little calm when he turned over the scroll.

Although he felt that it was not necessary, the ANBU that was always hiding in the office and did not choose to leave still made Namikaze Minato sigh slightly.

Putting aside such emotions, Namikaze Minato began to read the scroll seriously.

However, when he read carefully, his expression changed again...


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