The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 335: The truth about the ninja world (8K please subscribe~)

This guy Otsutsuki Hamura is really a bit nagging, but it is undeniable that his words seem to confirm Natsuhiko's point of view!

Even though this guy didn't say a single useful word, Xia Yan felt like he had been seen through.

This feeling was terrible, but it was undeniable that this feeling gave Xia Yan a sense of security.

Because if things go as he thinks, then he will indeed be safe.

However, this kind of thing still requires Xia Yan to further explore and explore. Any guesses are just guesses. There must be more specific details and information.

To be honest, Natsuhiko only now started to seriously look at this guy Otsutsuki Hamura.

However, what made Xia Yan feel strange was that he clearly felt that he could see this guy clearly, but now that he looked carefully, he felt as if he was blocked by a layer of fog.

All he could see was an old but handsome old man, and besides that he really couldn't see anything else.

This kind of illusion that he is clearly right in front of him, but he can't see or feel anything, really makes Xia Yan extremely uncomfortable.

Xia Yan sighed slightly in his heart. He could only define it as the gap between the two sides was too big, so big that it made people feel a little desperate.

"Hamura-senpai, the basis for ninjas to analyze intelligence is to have enough intelligence."

After gathering his composure, Xia Yan spoke seriously.

"I don't have enough information, so I don't dare to speculate on your intentions. After all, nothing good will happen if I guess wrong."


Otsutsuki Hamura still looked at Xia Yan with a half-smile, but this time he didn't make Xia Yan too embarrassed.

He knocked on the table lightly, and everything around him changed in an instant.

The pale golden space becomes like countless mirrors, and in these mirrors are pictures that are constantly moving.

Xia Yan raised his head and looked at these mirrors. At this moment, he was almost 100% sure of his thoughts!

Because what is played in the mirror not only includes scenes from the past, but also scenes from the original work in the present, and even scenes from the future of the original work.

At this moment, Xia Yan still has to pretend that he knows nothing, which is really not appropriate.

Obviously, Otsutsuki Hamura's actions are telling Natsuhiko that he is definitely a person who knows the past, present and future!

This silent complaint really put tremendous pressure on Xia Yan, even though Xia Yan had indeed guessed such a thing.

But when he actually saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh. After all, thinking about it and actually seeing it were completely different things.

"So, have you got enough information now?"

Otsutsuki Urashika looked at Natsuhiko with a smile, and he asked with a smile.

"Actually, I said before that you should have guessed something, and my point of view remains unchanged. Can you tell me now?"

"I think it should be OK."

Xia Yan showed a wry smile. He didn't know why Otsutsuki Hamura had to say it himself, but since he wanted to hear it, Xia Yan didn't mind talking about it.

"I think your Excellency has been observing me and should know that I have obtained the power of dragon veins.

After I obtained the power of dragon vein, I unexpectedly discovered that this power seemed to be able to break the constraints of time, but I did not try it.

But this incident left a deep impression on me. I speculated whether there are people in this world who can transcend the constraints of time and see or even go to the future. "

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly. He raised his head and observed Otsutsuki Hamura's expression.

But it's a pity that this guy didn't show any expression at all, he still looked at Xia Yan with that kind look.

Xia Yan knew that it would be difficult for him to tell anything from this guy's expression, so he could only say everything he had thought before.

He spoke very slowly and in great detail. Anyway, this was just based on his guess.

But Xia Yan also had some questions, and he didn't intend to hold them back.

"I made a guess based on this. You can see the future and know what the future will be like.

Therefore, my appearance is no threat to you, and my appearance may even bring changes to the future you see.

It's just that I have some questions. Has the future I appeared in not affected you? And if you have the ability, why don't you change the future yourself? "

Natsuhiko is indeed curious about what Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura's attitudes are towards themselves and the future.

Just like what Xia Yan said, they have such power, why not try to change the future?

It was obviously impossible for time to bind and limit the two of them. Looking at what was shown in the mirror suspended in mid-air, like a broken space, Xia Yan really had no doubt.

"Actually, what I want to tell you is that with your appearance, we can't see what the future will be like."

However, what Xia Yan never imagined was that after Ōtsutsuki Hamura gently sipped another cup of tea, he quietly opened his mouth and gave such an answer.

Their appearance makes them unable to see the future situation at all. How is this possible?

Xia Yan's expression was extremely weird. Could it be because as a time traveler, he could block everything in the future?

"Wait a minute, just because I can't do it doesn't mean some things aren't okay!"

Xia Yan just smiled inwardly, but the next second he thought of something!

Xia Yan really can't do these, but there are other secret things in his body, and that is his system.

Xia Yan didn't know the origin of his system, but Xia Yan knew that the power of his system was beyond imagination.

After all, your own system can extract things that suit you and suit you from various materials, and then integrate them into your body.

Both Kyuubi and Jingyan have perfectly proven all of this.

Even his own bloodline seems to be able to continuously improve and improve due to his own system.

With such a system, if you can really block information about your future, then this is not something incomprehensible!

If this is the case, then he is equivalent to an uncertain product that cannot be restrained, and can even be said to be a time bomb.

If it were Xia Yan himself who encountered such a being, maybe Xia Yan would take action with the purpose of solving the trouble.

But these two people didn't seem to take it to heart at all. I don't know if they were overconfident or if they had other purposes.

This question made Xia Yan a little embarrassed for a while, which made him fall into silence again...


Xia Yan is indeed a very good thinker, but just because he is too good at thinking, he always comes up with many things that others cannot think of.

That's a good thing, but sometimes it's not a good thing.

Because thinking too much sometimes leads to oneself, resulting in all kinds of doubts and entanglements.

Xia Yan is almost like this now. There are some things that he really can't think clearly, and this also means that he can't figure out Otsutsuki Hamura's intentions now.

And Otsutsuki Hamura raised his head and glanced at Xia Yan, looking at Xia Yan's face that was lost in thought, he just thought about it for a moment and couldn't help but chuckle.

If he couldn't figure out why Xia Yan was acting like this, then his life would really be in vain.

He has been observing Xia Yan for a long time. It can be said that he and his brother have been paying attention to Xia Yan ever since Xia Yan accidentally broke the barrier of this world and came here.

He knows Xia Yan's upbringing and his personality. To be honest, he doesn't actually like people like Xia Yan.

Because Xia Yan seems to be a guy who always wears a mask and is inaccessible to others, and such a guy has inexplicably grown horribly.

Especially this guy's future is completely unpredictable. If his brother hadn't wanted to see what such unknown factors could bring to this world that they had observed the future countless times.

I am afraid that according to his personality, he has already brought this little guy to them.

He would not choose to kill Xia Yan, not because he couldn't do it but because he didn't have the idea, and he didn't feel it was necessary.

What's more, when they have reached their level of cultivation, they have already reached the point of recognizing and perceiving nature, and even integrating into nature.

Xia Yan's appearance was a huge surprise, but why couldn't they understand that it was a natural choice?

Natural selection is the most terrifying existence in the world.

People always think that they can change nature, but in fact, according to Otsutsuki Hamura, the so-called change is actually something that already exists in nature.

People do not change nature, but discover what nature once concealed from humans.

Now that they have determined that Xia Yan is just one of the 'natural choices', they have no reason and need to take action.

"Don't think too much. Thinking too much can lead you into misunderstandings."

Otsutsuki Hamura shook his head slightly, and then slowly spoke.

"Besides, don't you already know that we can see the future, even if we can't know what the future will be like now because of your appearance.

But comparing the ‘future’ we see in the past, can’t we still draw a conclusion whether it is good or bad? "

"Is that so?"

When Xia Yan heard this statement, he nodded calmly. It seemed reasonable to say so.

Although Xia Yan's appearance changed too many things, it was also because of his appearance that many things went in a different and better direction than in the original work.

Just like Namikaze Minato, although Naruto lost Kyuubi due to Natsuhiko's messing around, he still had the care of his parents.

It is true that without the hell-like training in the original work, Naruto may not be able to reach the heights in the original work.

But his personality is different, and his level of strength is also different. In addition, Xia Yan also resurrected Senju Hashirama.

This kid hangs out with Senju Hashirama all day long. It's hard to say that in the future, even if this kid doesn't rely on Kyuubi, he might be able to become a qualified inheritor of Asura!

Although there are too many uncertainties in the current situation, under Xia Yan's control, everything has undergone incredible changes.

Perhaps it was this change that gave them a different feeling after they were already used to seeing things remain the same and the outcome was predictable every time.

Led by this feeling, they also want to see different changes in the world, right?

"I think I understand, Hamura-senpai."

Xia Yan nodded slightly. He, who was already smart, finally breathed a sigh of relief after figuring out what Otsutsuki Hamura meant.

Overall, this is very good news. At least Xia Yan has determined his position in the eyes of these big guys and understands his current situation.

Although Xia Yan was also a little helpless, he had had such a helpless experience before.

But Xia Yan also knows that sometimes form is stronger than people. If he wants to reverse this situation, he can only continue to improve himself and keep moving forward.

"Thank you, Hamura-senpai, for clarifying my doubts. At least it stopped me from worrying blindly, and also let me know a lot of things."

"So I said, you don't need to think too much. Sometimes the situation is not as bad as you think."

Otsutsuki Hamura smiled slightly, and then he gently knocked on the table again. At this moment, the golden space returned to normal.

"Okay kid, it seems that you have understood our attitude towards you, and some minor misunderstandings have been resolved.

And now I think we should also talk about something interesting. To be honest, your growth is beyond our imagination.

Your growth has brought hope and vitality to the ninja world, but you have also attracted some guys in advance who should not be here yet. "

"Your Excellency, what do you mean, Otsutsukiura style?"

Xia Yan is very smart. He immediately understood what Otsutsuki Hamura meant. I am afraid that what I am going to say now is the main reason why this guy is looking for him this time.

After all, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki himself said that the reason why he came to the ninja world was really attracted by Natsuhiko's eye power.

In other words, he was attracted by the chakra erupted from the evolution of Natsuhiko's eyes, so he went to the ninja world to find out.

Xia Yan was not sure how much change their arrival had caused, but he knew that this matter would never be simple.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have let this old 'Voldemort' who had been lurking in the ninja world for who knows how long come out and drag himself down to meet in this hellish place, right?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but shake slightly and sighed, and then he said slightly apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hamura, I didn't expect things to develop like this. Maybe I was too careless."

"Actually, I don't blame you for this, but after all, it still had a big impact."

Otsutsuki Hamura sighed slightly, and then he said slightly seriously.

"Their early arrival may disrupt some of our arrangements and plans for the ninja world. Strictly speaking, this is really not good news."

Having said this, Otsutsuki Hamura paused slightly, and then looked at Xia Yan meaningfully.

"After all, you are the only special case in the ninja world. Although you have realized the seriousness of the problem, the growth of the ninja world is far from enough..."


Otsutsuki Hamura's words made Xia Yan fall silent involuntarily.

For the entire ninja world, Xia Yan can indeed be said to be an extreme case.

After all, it is probably impossible to find a man like him who holds the 'system' in his hands, except for his fellow time travelers like him.

But in this world, Natsuhiko doesn't think there should be colleagues from his 'hometown'. He has been in the ninja world for so many years, especially before he was in Anbu.

If there were such colleagues, they would have appeared during the Third War.

Gou also has a certain degree of control. Xia Yan doesn't think that the ninjas on the surface can be more capable than the ninjas in the ANBU!

Therefore, Xia Yan is an extremely special case, which is no surprise and cannot be doubted.

And according to Otsutsuki Hamura's statement, Xia Yan is indeed doing something in Chou Mo.

After all, he resurrected Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, even if the purpose of resurrecting them was not to target guys like Otsutsuki at the beginning.

But he did it anyway, and his approach also achieved good results.

This time Otsutsukiura-style attack on Konoha, if it were not for the protection of Senju Hashirama, what exactly Konoha would be like now, Natsuhiko would not dare to imagine.

However, these are not the most critical information. The most critical information in Xia Yan's ears is that 'the ninja world still needs to grow' said by Hamura Otsutsuki!

What does the ninja world need to grow, and how does it need to grow?

These two questions instantly became the most noteworthy things for Xia Yan. After all, he could feel that there was something in the words of Hamura Otsutsuki.

Although Xia Yan knew that the Six Paths brothers had watched Wei Lai's corner, so they knew that terrible enemies like Otsutsuki would come in the future.

But the problem is that the people who can solve these problems well are the inheritors of Indra and Asura.

During the Fourth Ninja War, the performance of Naruto and Sasuke had already proved this.

The other ninjas seemed to be cooperating, but in fact they were just playing a mixed game and had no problem with assisting.

Especially when they finally dealt with Kaguya Otsutsuki, the other ninjas were all made to fall into the infinite Tsukuyomi by Madara Uchiha. They could say and do nothing.

"So under such circumstances, what else does the ninja world need to grow? Isn't it enough to wait for Indra and Asura to grow up?"

Xia Yan frowned tightly, and he suddenly felt that the situation seemed to be much more complicated than he imagined.

But soon, Xia Yan seemed to think of something again. He remembered that Sage of Six Paths had taken back Naruto and Sasuke's cheats.

In the future, Naruto and Sasuke also encountered enemies like Toneri Otsutsuki, as well as Momoshiki Otsutsuki and Jinshiki.

Although Naruto and Sasuke had no cheats, they finally defeated them, and were even awakened by the boy Boruto's "Daddy" at one point.

But compared to the Fourth World War, the two of them are really very different.

To put it bluntly, although they are still extraordinary ninjas, their limit is probably Xia Yan and the others' current level, and maybe not as good as Xia Yan and the others!

"So, is their purpose to enable the ninja world to fight against these Otsutsuki?"

Xia Yan felt like he had discovered something. Although there were still many things that he could not determine, he felt that there was nothing wrong with his thinking.

But his idea was still too dangerous after all, not to mention that even if he wanted to confirm this, he had to figure out something.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his head, and then hesitated before asking softly.

"Hamura-senpai, I would like to ask, what exactly is the so-called Infinite Tsukuyomi?"

"Infinite Tsukuyomi?"

Otsutsuki Hamura blinked, and then he asked with a smile.

"Don't you have an answer to this question? Whether it is what is recorded in my temple or what you said you saw in some Uchiha temple."

"No, Hamura-senpai."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and this time his expression became more serious.

"What I want to know is the nature of Infinite Tsukuyomi, what it is."

"What is the nature of Infinite Tsukuyomi?"

Otsutsuki Hamura couldn't help but become a lot more serious when he saw Xia Yan like this.

"This is a terrifying technique that can make people fall into a dream state and satisfy all the desires of the person being performed."

"that is it?"

Hearing Otsutsuki Hamura's answer, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. If it was just explained like this, it really didn't make much sense.

After all, Infinite Tsukuyomi Natsuhiko has already seen it under surveillance. He naturally knows this information and even knows the performance and effect of this technique.

But this was obviously not the answer Xia Yan wanted. I have to say that Xia Yan was really disappointed when he heard this.

"Of course, I actually have other views and understandings about this technique."

At this moment, Otsutsuki Hamura spoke again, his expression was still extremely serious, and there was no trace of the relaxed look before.

"I further regard this technique as a transaction, even a forced transaction."


Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. This statement seemed to have a strong meaning and a strong hint.

"Yes, it's a deal."

Otsutsuki Hamura nodded, and then he seemed to be lost in memories. It took him a long time before he spoke quietly.

“Using a compulsory illusion that people simply cannot refuse, it draws people into a dreamy and beautiful space.

Let them do everything they want to do and get everything they want in this fantasy space.

Whether it is the power to overlook the top of the clouds or the strength to control the world, they can be easily obtained in this dream world.

But in getting all this, they have also made a trade, a trade that cost their bodies.

Their bodies will be trapped by the sacred tree, their wills and bodies will be completely stripped away, and their souls will be immersed in dreams forever.

And their bodies will turn into monsters..."

Having said this, Otsutsuki Hamura closed his eyes, as if many unbearable pasts had appeared in his eyes.

After waiting for a moment, he sighed quietly, but when he said the answer, Xia Yan's pupils involuntarily grew a lot.

"Become a weapon, or a huge army..."


The word "army" must not be used indiscriminately. Xia Yan believes that the old man Otsutsuki Hamura knows what it means.

And if he still uses it like this even though he knows it, then this can already explain many, many problems.

Natsuhiko once guessed what the purpose of this woman Kaguya Otsutsuki was to create so many White Zetsus.

He also knew something from his previous life. Kaguya Otsutsuki's purpose of creating White Zetsu was most likely to create an army to resist the invasion of others.

It's a pity that Xia Yan didn't know much about some things before traveling through time. He also had a lingering knowledge in his mind.

That was the performance of the White Jue's in the four battles. It was truly disaster-level!

Use these guys to create an army and then use it to fight against the foreign Otsutsuki. Is this really a method that anyone with a sound mind can think of?

However, the reality that Xia Yan understands now is that it seems that someone really thinks this way, and then actually does it!

"But why would Kaguya Otsutsuki do this?"

Creating an army naturally had a purpose. Her purpose was to resist Otsutsuki, but why she did this was another question.

At this moment, Otsutsuki Kinshiki and Momoshiki suddenly flashed in Natsuhiko's mind, and he also recalled what Urashiki had said to him during his lifetime.

This made Natsuhiko begin to wonder involuntarily, whether the woman Kaguya Otsutsuki didn't actually come to the ninja world alone?

But for some special reasons, this guy killed his companions, and she was worried about being hunted down by the Otsutsuki clan, so she made some preparations?

Thinking of this, a strange look appeared on Xia Yan's face, because he found that this possibility was really high!

In order to fight and resist the invasion of those Otsutsuki, Kaguya Otsutsuki, a woman who wanted to create an army, would naturally have to destroy the world.

However, the two brothers, Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, have a deep bond with ordinary people. When encountering such a situation, they will naturally resist!

"But what happened to what he said about the need for growth in the ninja world?"

Xia Yan felt that he had a huge headache, because the information he could get was too little, and the analysis he could make was far from enough!

"Have you thought clearly?"

Just when Xia Yan was extremely depressed, Otsutsuki Hamura spoke again.

"Looking at you, it seems that you have thought of something interesting again, or you have sensed something about our intentions through my words.

I have to say that you are really sharp. Such sharpness is not something that ordinary people can possess.


Speaking of this, Otsutsuki Hamura looked at Xia Yan strangely, and then he shook his head and sighed.

"But why don't you ask me directly if you have questions?

I brought you to this place. Do you have some questions that I can talk about that you know first, and I refuse to tell you?

What's more, we also hope that you can lead the ninja world in a good direction, and your existence is also an important basis to prove that our views are correct to some extent. "

Xia Yan looked at Otsutsuki Hamura speechlessly. For some reason, he always felt that this guy was treating himself as a guinea pig.

Their own existence is the basis to prove their point of view. The question is what point of view is it and who do they want to prove it to?

Xia Yan shook his head and sighed silently before he asked.

“Okay, Hamura-senpai, I do have too many questions that I need to know.

I dare to ask Mr. Hamura, what is going on? Why is your mother guarding against those Otsutsuki? Did she do something bad?

And what do you mean by growth, and what is my existence? "

Xia Yan was thorough this time and asked all his doubts.

He had a feeling that if he got the answer this time, I'm afraid it would be a shocking answer!

Otsutsuki Hamura couldn't help but ponder for a while after hearing Xia Yan's words, and then he nodded seriously.

"It seems that you have thought more than I thought. You are really an excellent ninja. You can explore so many secrets with just a few words.

Well, I can also tell you some things that you can know. "

Having said this, Otsutsuki Hamura picked up the teacup again and took a sip. The heat continued to overflow from the teacup, and the aroma of tea overflowed.

He shook the teacup in his hand unconsciously, and then a deep voice came from his mouth.

"You are right, my mother was just to guard against those Otsutsuki, and she did do something to lead to this result.

I won’t tell you what it is, maybe you can get an answer in the future.

You also know what she did, and I believe you also guessed what we did.

Yes, we had a huge conflict with my mother on how to fight Otsutsuki.

In my mother's opinion, those Otsutsuki were invincible, and a huge army was necessary to deal with them.

Regardless of the strength of this army, the key is to be obedient and fearless.

So her mother decided to take action. She used her own power to forcibly form what she thought was a perfect deal with everyone in the ninja world.

She makes everyone feel satisfied in the illusion, and she can get everyone's body to create her own army.

But for us, this kind of thing is unacceptable. All living beings in the ninja world are children of nature and are created by nature.

My brother and I have always believed that human potential is unlimited because they are the ones chosen by nature.

As long as humans get enough training, they will definitely be able to fight against those Otsutsuki in the future.

Because of this incident, the conflict between us and my mother became increasingly uncontrollable, until finally we sealed her away..."

Having said this, Otsutsuki Hamura sighed deeply, while Natsuhiko had a creepy feeling!

He could now be completely sure that he had guessed correctly!

Sure enough, Otsutsuki Hamura soon revealed the answer.

“After we sealed the mother, we also had to do something to prove our point of view was correct.

The ninja world needs to grow, and it is impossible to rely on our protection, because once we show up, the trouble we will encounter will definitely be greater than imagined.

So my brother founded the Ninja Sect, and he spread the power of chakra to the world.

Having chakra is naturally equal to having power, but how to better exert and use these powers has become a big trouble.

When mother was sealed, she left behind a child. That child was our younger brother, and his purpose was to rescue mother.

Therefore, when we take advantage of his existence, we are also taking advantage of Indra and Asura.

The war between Indra and Asura is cruel, but the war between the two of them can exercise everyone in the entire ninja world.

The thousand-year war was so cruel that it was unimaginable, and every corner of the ninja world was stained with blood.

But these thousand years of war have also allowed people in the ninja world to use chakra skillfully, familiarly and purposefully.

Growth requires paying a price, and humans need to face the threats of those Otsutsuki themselves.

Mother's arrival did not make humankind extinct, but other Otsutsuki would never be merciful.

However, war is also cruel, so my brother has been secretly helping and cultivating people in the ninja world who truly have the concept of peace.

Although such people seem out of place in the years of the Thousand Years of War, their existence has always conveyed hope to the ninja world.

Even if this approach is a drop in the bucket, it is so insignificant compared with the bones and blood buried in this thousand-year war.

But as long as this belief exists, the light will not go out. When mankind resists Otsutsuki, it will inevitably be united because of the emergence of such a terrible foreign enemy.

At least that's the ending we saw. "

Having said this, Otsutsuki Hamura stopped, his tone was particularly calm, and his expression returned to indifferent.

He looked at Xia Yan quietly, looked at Xia Yan who said nothing, and after a while he spoke softly.

"This is the truth about the ninja world, and this is the answer you want to know."


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