The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 336 New abilities (8K please subscribe~)

"It's really cruel."

In the Hamura Temple inside the moon, Xia Yan quietly looked at the giant reincarnated eye that was constantly flashing with pale golden luster.

Recalling what Otsutsuki Hamura said to him, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Cruel is the only word that Xia Yan can think of, but at the same time, Xia Yan also feels that the skills and character of the Six Paths brothers are really terrible!

Natsuhiko has always felt that he is a very skillful person, otherwise he would not have climbed from a small ANBU step by step to his current position as the Fifth Hokage.

But compared to the Six Paths brothers, my skills are really not even the slightest bit worse!

These two guys really took every living being in the ninja world into their scheme, and even did not let go of their own sons and nephews in order to achieve their desired goals.

Xia Yan had no way of knowing how much blood had been shed in the thousand-year war.

But after all, Natsuhiko experienced the Third Ninja War personally, even if he did not appear on the frontal battlefield due to ANBU.

However, during the execution of his mission, he also passed by some battle sites where the battle ended, and he also saw towns and villages affected by the war.

He still vividly remembers that miserable scene, and the dull and numb expressions of those who survived also brought a lot of impact to Xia Yan.

War is terrible, Xia Yan has always known this, even if he doesn't care at all about the life and death of people in this world.

After all, he is a time traveler, but in such a sad environment, he was really affected.

Just three wars were already like this, so Xia Yan really didn't dare to imagine how tragic the war that had spread for thousands of years would be.

However, no matter how tragic it was, Natsuhiko had to admit that what Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura did was correct.

Don't consider the grievances between them and Otsutsuki Kaguya, nor the consequences laid by Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Facing the attack of the Otsutsuki clan, mankind has almost no chance of winning.

The individual differences are so great. To put it bluntly, those Otsutsuki are like gods. They are indeed superior to all things.

Humans a thousand years ago had just been liberated from Kaguya Otsutsuki. It was true that chakra could protect them, but at that time they were not able to use chakra at all.

As a ninja, Xia Yan naturally knows that the use of chakra requires training, and how to train it is the result of thousands of years of development and summary.

To put it bluntly, without the accumulation and development of this thousand-year war, it would not be possible for ninjas to use chakra as skillfully as they do now.

War has always been the best way for people to get exercise and temper, and it is also the best way to stimulate potential and accumulate combat experience.

The thousand-year war broke out due to the contradiction between Indra and Asura. Such a war brought destruction to the ninja world, but it also brought hope to the ninja world.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan really admired the Six Paths brothers' character and skills.

Sometimes he really thinks seriously, if he were in this position, could he be so rational and cruel?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that he might be able to do it, because he really didn't care whether people who had nothing to do with him were dead or alive.

But if it involves his family, then Xia Yan feels that he may not be so decisive.

Xia Yan never felt that he had the template of a great person. He really couldn't abandon his family for the sake of the common people.

Especially as a time traveler, such emotions become even more intense. In the final analysis, this is a matter of belonging.

"Forget it, this kind of thing has nothing to do with me. Although I must admit that I was really scared, but for now, it doesn't have much to do with me."

Xia Yan sighed softly, he didn't want to think about these problems anymore.

Because he knew that his appearance was actually an unexpected help to the Six Paths Immortal brothers.

Even though he was born into the Senju clan and was essentially a descendant of the Otsutsuki clan, his development was seen as a manifestation of self-growth in the eyes of others.

It makes sense to say that he got to this point because he got enough training in the ninja world. This also proves that the Sage of Six Paths and the others have value in trusting humans.

Of course, Xia Yan also knew that he had cheated the Six Paths Immortal brothers and the others.

It's because he grew up too fast and accidentally attracted people from Otsutsuki in advance.

To some extent, this can be regarded as exposing the ninja world to Ōtsutsuki's gaze in advance. After all, the ninja world has not met Ōtsutsuki Kaguya now, and it cannot understand Ōtsutsuki's power.

"But no matter what, let's move forward step by step. After all, I'm even more difficult to mess with now!"

Xia Yan mentally muttered silently, and the next moment in his sight, the plug-in information belonging to him had emerged.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (chakra reserves are abnormally large)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (Second Stage) (Development Degree: 1%)

Bloodline development degree: advanced (thousand-hand secret technique, intermediate yang escape secret technique), blood stain elimination (unnamed), second blood stain elimination (unnamed), intermediate corpse bone veins, elementary yin escape secret technique, yin and yang escape (can be accompanied by yin) Elevated by the improvement of Dun and Yang Dun)

Jinchūriki: Nine Tails (two tails, three tails, six tails, eight tails) (intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant advanced tailed beast fruits to make them grow)

Seed: None

Fruit: Advanced Fire Release Fruit (10), Advanced Water Release Fruit (10), Advanced Earth Release Fruit (10), Advanced Thunder Release Fruit (10), Advanced Wind Release Fruit (10)

Mission: Become the real big BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (91% progress), the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (optional) (already have nine tails, eight tails, six tails, and three tails, and the progress of mutual integration is 5%) 10. The overall integration progress is not activated)

Looking at his own panel, Xia Yan nodded involuntarily.

This time the panel didn't change much, the only change was Xia Yan's eyes.

But for Xia Yan, this was enough. After all, this time Xia Yan came to see a guy he had guessed for a long time and who actually existed.

And he also got a lot of real information about the world from this guy.

Even without this information, Xia Yan was quite satisfied with his actions this time.

After all, his eyes have received a real, huge improvement...


The improvement of Xia Yan's eyes this time can be said to be all-round, even if it takes time for him to become familiar with his power.

After all, the power of his eyes is too strong, and these powers need to be fed back to his body so that his body can adapt and resonate.

In addition, he himself needs to exercise and use these powers more so that he can master these powers better and more accurately.

But no matter what, these powers are already in Xia Yan's hands. At this time, Xia Yan even has no way to accurately control these powers.

But Xia Yan is still able to make full use of these powers to fight.

In the original work, Otsutsuki Toneri was able to use his power to the maximum extent when his reincarnated eye moved.

Although Natsuhiko's eyes are not the Tenseigan, in some sense his eyes are still very similar to the Tenseigan.

Xia Yan believes that he can definitely do this. If he can, Xia Yan will definitely do it better than Otsutsuki Toneri!

And the experience and intensity this evolution brought to Xia Yan were unprecedented. Xia Yan felt that he would be more relaxed now when encountering the Otsutsukiura style.

"After all, the abilities I gained this time are unimaginable."

After upgrading his eyes for the first time, Xia Yan received huge benefits from such an improvement. He obtained four very special techniques.

Although he rarely uses three of these four techniques so far, the power of the Tao-Seeking Jade has given Xia Yan a huge improvement.

Without the help of Qiu Daoyu, Xia Yan can be sure that even if he can defeat Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, he will not be as injury-free as he is now!

However, after experiencing the desperate battle with Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, one of Xia Yan's Taoist Jade was damaged and now cannot be used at all.

This time Xia Yan's eyes improved, giving him another opportunity to seek Dao Jade enhancement!

Based on the feedback from his eyes, Xia Yan knew that if he could completely absorb and master the power of his eyes this time.

Then he can use up to six Tao-Seeking Jade at one time!

It is self-evident what the six Tao-seeking jade means. With six Tao-seeking jade, Xia Yan can be more calm when facing some enemies.

Moreover, these Dao-Seeking Jade are not simply increasing in quantity, but their appearance will also double the feedback that Xia Yan has in strength!

Xia Yan can completely believe that with these six Tao-Seeking Jade Xia Yan can make his Yin Escape a huge feedback and improvement.

"At least with this kind of feedback, it will be no problem for my Yin Escape to reach the mid-level of the system evaluation."

Yin Escape was something that gave Xia Yan a headache from beginning to end, and the embarrassing thing was that no matter how much headache he had, he didn't have much to do about it.

As a member of the Thousand Hands clan, it can be said that Xia Yan was born with excellent performance in Yin Escape.

Even if he is really similar to this guy Senju Tobirama, he is not Senju Tobirama after all, and the Yin Escape can be regarded as a flaw in him.

Even though he is a time traveler and is born with powerful spiritual power, the problem is that his possession does not mean that he can transform it into Yin Escape.

The reason why he was able to obtain Yin Escape was because of the power derived from the Sharingan.

But the problem is that I have not transplanted the Sharingan, so it is naturally impossible to get it continuously.

Therefore, Natsuhiko sometimes feels that his way of dealing with the Uchiha clan is a bit premature, and he should get more benefits before dealing with it.

But this matter has already passed, and there is no use for Xia Yan to regret it. Besides, now that he has got what he wants, there is no need for him to dwell on it.

Even if there is no Sharingan as a source of power, the Dade Jade will definitely not be worse than the Sharingan!

This is not because Xia Yan thinks that seeking the Dao Jade is not good, but comparing this thing with the Sharingan, in fact there is no comparability between the two.

The value of a seeking jade may not be comparable to the value of the entire Uchiha clan even if they dug out their Sharingan eyes.

But there is an old saying in Natsuhiko's previous life that says, "Skills have specializations." The Sharingan itself is a product of Yin Escape, and it itself contains terrifying Yin Escape power.

The seeking jade is the power of all chakra attributes, and there is still a very obvious difference between the two.

What's more, as a material for improvement, the Qiudao Jade can feed back all the chakra in Natsuhiko's body in an all-round way, while the Sharingan can only be used as a material to improve the Yin Escape.

But what Xia Yan lacks now is Yin Escape. Using Qiudao Jade can be said to be killing a chicken with a knife, which seems to be such a waste.

"However, this improvement process still requires time to accumulate. I can only wait slowly. And this time I still have four powers."

Xia Yan also gained four powers with this promotion. In addition to the promotion of the Dao-seeking jade, the other powers that Xia Yan gained are also very interesting!

The first power is called "space control" based on the feedback from the eyes. To be honest, Xia Yan is not sure how this ability is expressed, but he knows one thing.

That is my Flying Thunder God Technique, I am afraid it can really be eliminated!

Natsuhiko has no problem using the Flying Thunder God Technique to deal with ordinary enemies, but once he deals with enemies like Senju Hashirama or even Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

His performance was unsatisfactory and could even be described as embarrassing.

Flying Thunder God is a very excellent technique, but the way this technique is performed limits the upper limit of the development of this technique.

Even if Xia Yan improved it, as long as the curse seal is used, there will inevitably be a forward swing when casting.

No one can solve this situation. Xia Yan now basically uses this technique as if he is rushing.

But now he unexpectedly gained the ability of 'space manipulation', even though using this ability requires opening the Pure Eye.

But this is not a big deal in combat. As Xia Yan encounters more and more powerful enemies, the number and frequency of his use of the Pure Eye also increases rapidly.

Using Jingyan to cooperate with battle has become a symbol of Xia Yan.

Being able to use space power better in the pure eye state is the most important thing to Xia Yan!

Xia Yan can be said to be very knowledgeable about how strong the power of space is.

Even if Otsutsuki Ura Shiki keeps using this ability to run away, there is no doubt that he has caused a lot of trouble for Xia Yan.

Moreover, in the original work, Sasuke can also perform powerful space ninjutsu by relying on the Rinnegan.

To be honest, Xia Yan is really worried that his ability will be the same as Sasuke's, just a simple auxiliary effect, right?

"However, even if the power of space is only an auxiliary effect, it is still a formidable power. As long as it is used well, this power is unrivaled!"

The new space power still needs to be explored and researched, but Xia Yan is also full of expectations for this new power.

After all, as a time traveler who has watched so many anime, he has his own ideas about the use of many space powers.

Even if his ability is very useful, he doesn't mind imitating other people's use of power.

But after all, he still needs to conduct research and exploration on his abilities. Only when he understands his abilities can he know how to use them well.

"In addition to the simple power to control space in the literal sense, it seems to also have a matching technique to attack with space power."

In addition to gaining the ability to control space, Xia Yan also has other interesting things, such as an attack skill that seems to match this ability.

The name of this skill is not very eye-catching. It is called 'Pure Eyes Penetrating Power Slash'. To be honest, it is really worse than the 'Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion'.

However, Xia Yan is quite satisfied with the ability of this technique. According to the description, this attack skill seems to be able to penetrate space and directly cause damage to the enemy!

To be honest, this ability really made Xia Yan's eyes shine. He really didn't forget how much trouble Otsutsuki Ura Shi caused him when he escaped.

But now that he has gained this ability, Xia Yan feels that he no longer needs to worry about guys hiding in space or relying on space to escape.

"In this case, in terms of actual attacks, I have the power born out of the elimination of blood stains, and now that I have the power to break space, it seems that my weaknesses will become less and less."

After getting this ability, Xia Yan was naturally very happy, even if he hadn't tried this new power yet.

But he believed that this power would not let him down. After all, these eyes had never let him down since he got the eyes!

In fact, Xia Yan himself has to admit that Jingyan is definitely a treasure-like existence, and Jingyan is Xia Yan's guarantee against those Otsutsuki.

Without the Pure Eye and the abilities provided by the Pure Eye, Natsuhiko would really not be able to kill that Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

"Although I chose the name quite randomly, my ability has never let me down."

Xia Yan sighed silently, and then he focused on the last ability provided by Jingyan.

This last ability actually seems to be a bit useless in Xia Yan's opinion.

Just like Xia Yan gained mental control abilities, sealing techniques, and the ability to absorb chakra during his first stage of purifying his eyes, they are abilities that Xia Yan does not particularly need.

And this ability is the art of channeling.

According to Jingyan's feedback, this technique seems to be able to summon some extremely terrifying guy and rely on it to help him fight.

But the problem is that Xia Yan himself has psychic skills, and Xia Yan doesn't think any psychic skills are really that powerful.

Lizard Maru is already a very powerful guy. The scene of the fight between this guy and the Nine-Tails on the night of the Nine-Tails is not only remembered by Natsuhiko, but also by everyone in the Konoha Village who witnessed the battle.

But the upper limit of psychic beasts seems to be almost at this point, and the same is true for Naruto and his psychic skills in the original work.

Even if it's the stone statue that Otsutsuki Toneri summoned through his reincarnation eye, the upper limit is actually that.

When Xia Yan first came to the moon for a raid, he had already encountered such a monster, but the stone monster was still taken care of by his own wooden man.

What's more, Xia Yan still has this complete Nine Tails in his body. If necessary, Xia Yan can summon him to help him fight.

Therefore, Xia Yan really doesn't have much interest in this kind of spiritualism, which is really useless to him.

"Forget it, let's take a look. We can only determine its actual effect after summoning it later."

Xia Yan silently thought to himself, and the next moment his figure appeared beside Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Although he has gained the ability to control space, he does not dare to try this kind of power at will, at least until he has basically adapted to the power of his eyes.

"Are you out?"

Natsuhiko's sudden appearance immediately made Senju Hashirama smile.

Although they have been setting up the laboratory, they have been paying attention to the situation on Xia Yan's side.

They also felt the power that Xia Yan burst out before, although they were all confused as to why such a burst of power ended and Xia Yan hadn't come out yet.

But they also knew that the best they could do now was to wait. After all, Xia Yan's eyes were really too unfamiliar to them.

"Yes, it's out."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Everything went well, it's over, and I got what I wanted."

At this point, Xia Yan paused slightly. He was a little hesitant about whether he should tell the three people in front of him the information he knew about meeting Otsutsuki Hamura.

I am afraid that except for Uchiha Madara Natsuhiko, who cannot be trusted among the three people in front of me, the other two Natsuhiko can definitely be trusted.

And even if he told Uchiha Madara, Natsuhiko wasn't worried at all that he might cause any trouble.

Not to mention that the current Uchiha Madara does not have this ability, even if it was Uchiha Madara at his peak, Natsuhiko may not be so worried now!

However, considering the comprehensive impact, Xia Yan did not say anything in the end.

After all, these three people are really completely different from Xia Yan, which is not to say that the three of them are not as ruthless as Xia Yan.

But as the three of them are natives of this world, their feelings towards this world are fundamentally different from Xia Yan's.

Especially in this matter, it also involves various issues between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara...


Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are the reincarnations of Indra and Asura. They can be regarded as the main reasons for the thousands of years of war in the ninja world.

Although they themselves were very wrong, strictly speaking, they could only be regarded as chess pieces being pushed around.

You must know that the people standing behind them, the people who silently promote all changes in the ninja world, are the three sons of Kaguya Otsutsuki!

For these two people, they couldn't escape or push away at all. They could only continue to follow the established script until everything had a clear result.

I have to say that the fate of these two people is really sad, or that the fate of Indra and Asura is indeed a bit too sad.

But no matter what, this is a fact that cannot be changed. Maybe they will know all this in the future, but at least now Xia Yan does not plan to say more.

“Even if you want to say it, you have to wait until they fully realize their value before telling them.

But it doesn’t matter whether you say it or not. After all, the new generation of Indra and Asura have been replaced. "

Xia Yan thought silently, and then stopped paying too much attention to these things.

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were relieved to know that Xia Yan was gone, and all three of them knew that Xia Yan needed to become familiar with his own power now.

Therefore, they simply chatted with Xia Yan for a few words and then did not disturb Xia Yan.

Even Uchiha Madara, a guy who was eager to return home, also knew the importance, and he didn't bother Xia Yan too much.

This situation made Xia Yan very satisfied, so in the following time, in addition to adapting to the improvement brought by his eyes, he also began to try to exercise the abilities he had gained.

In particular, the two abilities of controlling space and piercing space were carefully and continuously trained by Xia Yan.

To be honest, the ability to control space is a bit beyond Xia Yan's imagination, because this ability can truly allow Xia Yan to control everything in the space near him!

To put it bluntly, within the scope of his control, he is the master of space.

He can easily change the stability of a specific space, and he can also cause subversive changes in a specific space.

Xia Yan can even completely shatter the specific space around him, causing his enemies to be torn apart by the space!

Xia Yan didn't expect such controllability, but the power here was something Xia Yan could only dream of.

It's too powerful. Even if it can only affect a small area, it's still enough.

“And my eyes are still growing, so it’s hard to say how large an area it will spread to in the future.

Maybe, this can really grow to a jaw-dropping level. "

This ability to control space is really powerful, and the power of the Pure Eye Penetrating Power Slash to pierce space cannot be overstated.

In fact, the essential ability of this technique is to directly attack, hide in the space and those who are using the space for defense, making the space they arranged completely ineffective!

After all, the ability of this technique is to directly penetrate space and let the attack fall directly on the enemy.

This technique combined with Xia Yan's space control ability definitely has unexpected effects.

Not only that, Xia Yan also found that the passive combination of this technique and his own pure eye also had outstanding effects!

"The Pure Eye itself possesses the ability of super insight, and this ability has actually been evolving as my strength improves and my eyes evolve.

Especially after I gained the space ability this time, the ability of super insight allows me to see more things, even in real space! "

Using his pure eyes to see people hidden in space or using space abilities is something Xia Yan only discovered now.

It's a coincidence that Natsu Yan was getting familiar with and getting used to the net eye, and was also practicing his new skills, when suddenly this guy Senju Tobirama ran over.

And Xia Yan unexpectedly discovered this time that he could clearly see the movement trajectory of Qianju Tojian in the space!

This discovery also made Xia Yan know more clearly and clearly what his current level of Jingyan was.

I have to say that this is indeed a huge surprise. With this ability, he can be more confident in dealing with those who like to use space power!

"However, the eyes have grown tremendously, but those seeds still have to wait for a long time, which is a bit depressing."

The growth of the eyes was exciting, but Xia Yan had some pain in obtaining the seeds.

While he became familiar with his abilities, he also got what he wanted from Otsutsuki Urashiki.

And he also deliberately found a secluded corner in the moon to plant the seeds he obtained.

However, two full months have passed since he stuffed the seeds into the trees he made with wood escape, and he found that the seeds still had no results.

Even if Xia Yan had foreseen this situation, he would still feel a little unhappy.

At first, he doubted whether the trees were created by his own ninjutsu and therefore did not have the ability to breed seeds.

But as time progressed, Xia Yan discovered that there were huge chakra fluctuations in these trees, and he knew that his own Wood Release could actually accomplish this.

Probably the reason why it is so slow is that the ability of Otsutsukiura style is too strong, which leads to the crazy increase in the time cost of gestation.

However, Natsuhiko still has time, and he can completely wait. For now, it seems that there should be no problem in the ninja world.

After all, if there is really a problem, his shadow clone will definitely pass this information to him.

"I just don't know what I can get this time."

This time, Xia Yan only stuffed two things into the tree, one was an Otsutsukiura-style white eye, and the other was a small piece of meat from his body.

These two things are basically the best choices for Otsutsuki Ura Shiki. Although he doesn't know exactly what he can get, he firmly believes that at least the result will not disappoint him.

"It's time to go take a look. After all, it's been so long."

After finishing his training, Xia Yan decided to take a look at the 'plantation' he built on the moon. Just like in the ninja world, this 'plantation' was decorated with various seals by Xia Yan.

You must know that two of these people on the moon have superior perception. Xia Yan really can't be careless.

The chakra moved slightly, and Xia Yan's figure had appeared at the end of a forest inside the moon.

However, the moment he appeared, his expression changed slightly, because he discovered that within the sealing barrier, a vast chakra was already gathering...


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