The sky was shrouded in an aurora, and everything seemed to be in a state of despair.

In such extreme silence, the next moment a blade cut through the sky. It was so sharp and domineering that everything in its path was quietly annihilated!

Such extreme power can no longer be described as a simple doomsday natural disaster. It can be regarded as the power of destroying the world.

Endless mountains are constantly melting, and the earth is torn apart as easily as tofu.

Even space seems to be extremely fragile at this moment.

Under the interaction of Pure Eye Chakra, Yin Yang Escape and Immortal Technique, Xia Yan could almost clearly see that the space passed by the blade began to become extremely unstable.

It seems that as long as he puts a little more force, the space there can be easily broken by him!

Xia Yan stood there quietly. He seemed to be panting, and then he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

"Sure enough, without turning on the Pure Eye Chakra mode, it is still a bit reluctant for him to use such an ability."

It was really difficult for Xia Yan to use the Pure Eye Chakra without turning on the Pure Eye Chakra mode and merge it with other powers.

Fortunately, his Pure Eye Chakra Mode has reached the end of the second stage. Even if he does not use the Pure Eye Chakra Mode, he can still mobilize and use these powers smoothly.

It's just that this kind of mobilization is still not comparable to turning on the chakra mode. Xia Yan has already had a premonition, but he didn't care too much.

At this time, his physical fitness was already very strong, and his recovery ability was not comparable to that at the beginning.

Even though he is a little tired now and has consumed too much chakra, he has almost recovered in just a few breaths.

This kind of recovery ability is definitely not something that others can imagine.

However, after recovering, Xia Yan now also has some worries, that is, he is very worried about Ci Xian's situation at this time!

His goal is to make Ci Xian incapacitated in combat, so that he can avoid the resurrection of Otsutsuki Ishiki and get the information he wants.

But as the blow continued, Xia Yan felt that his idea might be shattered.

Because such an injury would not be easy for anyone, especially a guy like Ci Xian, whose health was already in such bad shape.

Being covered by such attacks, Xia Yan was really not sure whether he could survive.

But Xia Yan doesn't care so much about Ci Xian's problem now, because the space around him has returned to a relatively normal level.

With such spatial stability, Xia Yan can already do a lot of things, for example, he can use the ability to control space again!

And if there is a battle next, he will definitely use the Pure Eye Chakra mode, and his control over space will reach a new level.

Using the Pure Eye Chakra mode and not using it are really two states for Xia Yan. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are two dimensions!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan took a deep breath, and then his eyes began to quickly search for Ci Xian.

In just a moment, his eyes locked on Ci Xian, who was already limp on the ground struggling helplessly.

At this time, Ci Xian looked worse than Xia Yan imagined. His body seemed to be intact, but the inside had been severely damaged by Xia Yan's blade.

After so many years of transformation by Natsuhiko, and after he continued to integrate various powers, Konohana Sakiyahime has completely surpassed ordinary people's understanding.

And at this time, this technique also has many abilities that ordinary people cannot imagine, that is, locking.

Locking is a simple concept, but actually doing it is anything but simple.

But with his pure eyes and super insight ability, it is not impossible for him to do all this.

Coupled with the power of space and the pressure of high-intensity chakra, Xia Yan's technique follows these two forces to lock his technique on the enemy.

But the current situation is different. Xia Yan also wants to thank Ci Xian for everything he has done before.

If he hadn't forcibly broken the shackles of space, it would have been unrealistic for Xia Yan to completely lock him.

After all, he is an Otsutsuki. Even if he is locked by the technique due to chakra, he can definitely escape through space.

But the problem is that the space has been shattered, and although Xia Yan's chakra essence is not as good as his, he can be killed regardless of the power of Yin Yang Escape, Immortal Technique or Pure Eye.

With such chakra help, Xia Yan could barely suppress and lock him with chakra.

The fact was as he thought, Ci Xian was indeed locked by Xia Yan's chakra, especially after fighting Xia Yan for so long and his consumption was extremely huge.

Although strictly speaking, he has not completely exhausted Xia Yan's skills, but his current situation is not as bad as it is.

"It seems that I won."

Xia Yan's eyes flashed slightly, and the next moment a black portal that was not very stable appeared in front of him, but he stepped into it without hesitation.

In an instant, his figure appeared in front of Ci Xian who was collapsed on the ground. His expression looked extremely arrogant, but at the same time he was so indifferent.

"Although this result is not that surprising to me, you look weaker than I thought."

"I admit, you are indeed very strong."

Ci Xian raised his head slightly. At this moment, his voice was so weak, but still so arrogant.

"In other words, your 'weapon' was chosen very well. It has actually been integrated with three types of chakra, and the Byakugan has also been mutated and sublimated.

Your power has not weakened when it came to this body, but how much power did you gain? "

After saying this, a sneer appeared on Ci Xian's face. His face was so pale, and his smile looked so weird.

His meaning is also very simple. When he uses Ci Xian's body, he doesn't dare to explode with all his strength because Ci Xian's body is too weak.

But Xia Yan is different here. He can naturally see that Xia Yan's physical fitness is very strong.

In his opinion, this kind of physical fitness can withstand more force, and this is the key to his failure!

Especially after he saw the phantom of the silver-haired woman, he became more and more certain that the guy in front of him was Kaguya Otsutsuki's 'weapon'!

Although the silhouette of the silver-haired woman looks a little different from Kaguya Otsutsuki, Ci Xian doesn't care about this detail at all.

Taking a deep breath, the sneer on Ci Xian's pale face instantly turned into a ferocious smile.

At the same time, the chakra in his body began to operate crazily!

"I admit, I lost the first round. Ci Xian really can't deal with you."

As his words fell, an irreversible force leapt forward crazily at the next moment, and Ci Xian's body also underwent huge changes at this moment.

White light enveloped his whole body. In this light, he quietly stood up again, and his voice also changed.

"So, what do you think of me?"


"Brother, it seems the situation is not good."

In the pure land, two people in white clothes stood together. The vast pure land was completely dark, except for a beam of light falling where they were.

Shrouded in light is a small hut. This hut seems to be very simple, but the chakra constantly flowing in it shows that it is extraordinary.

After all, it exists in the Pure Land. No matter how you look at it, it will not be a simple thing.

Otsutsuki Hamura and Otsutsuki Hagoromo live here. They have been away from the ninja world for a long time. Perhaps subconsciously, they have always regarded themselves as ordinary humans.

And how can human lifespan be too long?

Birth, aging, illness and death are a normal natural cycle. They have always believed that nature is everything in the world, so they will never break this natural law easily.

What's more, in the Pure Land, they can also avoid attracting some enemies that shouldn't come yet because of the explosion of their chakra.

At the same time, it also allows the ninja world to have its own vitality and development without their protection.

Although they admitted that their original decision was a bit cruel, there is always a cruel reason for cruelty.

At least it is better to be cruel now than to be completely exterminated in the future.

However, during this period, or more than ten years, they were really not very happy, because a strange person appeared in the ninja world.

This strange soul does not belong to this world, and this strange person's strength has improved so fast that it is unimaginable, and this strange behavior is also a headache.

His appearance shattered the already firmly fixed timeline, and it was also because this weird thing gave this dull world a little more vitality.

It is true that losing the understanding and control of the future is a depressing thing, but judging from the current bizarre performance, the world seems to be developing in a better direction.

And what depresses them the most is that the blood in this weirdo's body is actually their descendant!

Obviously, the strange thing they are thinking about is Xia Yan!

The appearance of Xia Yan made them have some different thoughts at first, but such thoughts were finally extinguished by them.

Just like what Otsutsuki Hamura told Xia Yan, they are people who believe in nature. Xia Yan's appearance may be a natural choice, so naturally they will not do anything to break nature.

And they also long for the ninja world to be more dynamic, but now it seems that this vitality is a bit too high.

The actions of this boy, Natsuhiko, brought real peace to many places in the ninja world.

But because this guy's strength became more and more exaggerated, he actually attracted an Otsutsuki in advance. The most incredible thing was that he actually killed that Otsutsuki!

This situation was somewhat beyond their imagination, but it also made them feel happy, because it proved that the millennia of tempering in the ninja world had a huge effect.

The kid calmed down after that, but this calmness was only superficial, because his outstanding performance of strength had attracted too many people's attention.

Among them was Otsutsuki Ishiki, who was sacrificed to the sacred tree by his mother, but luckily fell down.

This guy also noticed Xia Yan, or was attracted by Xia Yan's power, so he came to Konoha, and he took the initiative to investigate everything that happened.

This scene gave both of them a headache, and things turned out exactly as they thought.

Xia Yan discovered this guy keenly, and waited for this guy to leave Konoha before he saw him!

Such a terrifying battle makes people feel chilled in their hearts, and such a terrifying scene is something that no one is willing to face.

Of course, the most suffocating thing is that Xia Yan actually forced Otsutsuki to take the initiative to revive in one move.

To know how much the price of his resurrection was, Ci Xian's body was so bad that resurrecting him with this body would only make him unable to live long.

But now that he was resurrected, he not only had to deal with a battle, but after the battle he also had to quickly find a suitable body as a carrier for the wedge.

It is completely conceivable how unlucky and miserable he would be.

But such misfortune and misery will happen in the future, and his current combat effectiveness can only be described as terrifying.

After all, this guy is not the Otsutsukiura type guy. No matter how you look at him, he is a person who will not be careless. He will only show his power more crazily and cautiously.

"It's really troublesome this time."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo sighed quietly, and it could be seen that he was in a normal mood now.

"This kid obviously didn't take your words to heart, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do such a risky thing, or you should have told him more last time."

"Brother, are you blaming me?"

Otsutsuki Hamura's expression was a little inexplicable, but he soon showed a smile again.

"But there are some things that maybe should have been made clearer at the beginning. In fact, I think this kid should have understood, but he is just unwilling to fully cooperate."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo couldn't help but sigh again when he heard this. In fact, he thought so too. It's impossible for someone as smart as Xia Yan not to understand something.

In particular, this kid is an extremely good ninja, and his intelligence analysis ability is even more impressive.

It's very possible that he could already guess something as soon as you started speaking. How could such a person not know what they were talking about?

To put it bluntly, it was probably the boy's personal will that made his own decision. After all, people who know the truth cannot be so numb and indifferent.

Especially this kid, he is almost destined to be on the same level as them.

"It seems that after this time is over, I need to have a good talk with him."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo was silent for a moment, and finally he spoke his thoughts quietly.

"Oh, waiting until it's all over?"

Otsutsuki Hamura couldn't help but smile even more happily when he heard this, and he asked as if he was joking.

"Brother, do you really believe that this kid can defeat an enemy like Otsutsuki Iski?"

"I believe in him."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo nodded, raised his head slightly, and once again focused his gaze on the space in mid-air that reflected the outside world.

"Even if he is not an opponent, I will find a way to make him an opponent of Otsutsuki Ishiki, and even kill Otsutsuki Ishiki!"

Having said this, Otsutsuki Hagoromo paused slightly, and then he continued quietly.

"After all, the importance of this boy is unimaginable..."


Xia Yan frowned and looked at the shining brilliance in front of him.

He didn't know what happened in the Pure Land. All he could think about now was how to solve the trouble in front of him.

He really wanted to interrupt this process, but he knew that it couldn't be stopped at all.

With his pure eyes, he could see that the process of this technique could not be reversed, which meant that no matter what he did, it would be in vain.

Although Xia Yan had expected things to develop to this point, when this guy really showed his terror to the world, Xia Yan still had a feeling of palpitations.

It can be said that Xia Yan has never encountered such suffocating intensity.

However, Xia Yan still kept himself calm, because he knew that the more panicked at this time, the more problems would occur. As a ninja, of course he knew what he should do.

What's more, he had foreseen the current situation, so there was no need for him to panic at this time. Besides, he had always kept a hand, and he also wanted to see where his limit was.

"Furthermore, Otsutsuki Hamura has appeared. Does Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the Sage of Six Paths, really want to watch this guy act recklessly in the ninja world?"

Xia Yan dared to do this not only because he had a certain degree of confidence in his own strength, but also because he knew some secrets of the ninja world.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo must exist in the ninja world. If this guy really goes crazy and acts recklessly in the ninja world, then it is difficult to say that the entire ninja world can withstand this guy's destruction.

Leveling up must be done step by step. This is the case with Naruto and Sasuke in the original work, and the same is true with the growth of the ninja world.

They came step by step from Akatsuki at the beginning to Nagato, then Obito and the Ten-Tails who had no self-will, and finally the Six Paths Obito and Six Paths Uchiha Madara.

Although Uchiha Madara's infinite Tsukuyomi directly made everyone feel soy, thus creating the existence of two saviors, in the end they also gained experience, and also because of this incident, the ninja world moved toward peace.

It can be said that this kind of growth is visible to the naked eye, and all development can be considered to have achieved Otsutsuki Hagoromo's goal, but this kind of growth does not happen overnight, but can be followed step by step.

At this time, Natsuhiko in the ninja world can conclude that he is definitely not ready. Although Natsuhiko himself has been making preparations, this is only Natsuhiko himself, and others do not have the same sense of crisis as him.

To suddenly release a guy like Otsutsuki Iski at this time would be disastrous for the entire ninja world.

Natsuhiko would not believe that Sage of Six Paths really ignored him and allowed such a guy to run amok in the ninja world.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan took a deep breath, his eyes stared at Ci Xian - or Otsutsuki Ishiki, and he suddenly smiled.

"Are you forced to have no choice? You look extremely bad now."

The situation of Otsutsuki Ishiki is extremely bad. Under the ultra-insightful gaze of Jingyan, this guy doesn't have many secrets in Xia Yan's eyes.

His body is in extremely bad shape, just like he inherited Ci Xian. Even if he is forcibly aggregated into Otsutsuki, there is still a fatal flaw in it.

That is, this guy has changed from an existence with an almost unlimited lifespan to a person with a limited lifespan!

Especially Xia Yan could see that in such a bad situation, he would only have a few months to live at most, which was simply unimaginable and unacceptable for an Otsutsuki.

However, the intensity of this guy was also unacceptable to Xia Yan. The chakra was so majestic that it was suffocating and even despairing, and even Xia Yan felt a little uncomfortable.

And this guy's physical strength is also incredibly exaggerated. Even though his lifespan is about to be exhausted, he is at his peak at this moment!

Life is as bright as summer flowers?

I don’t know why Xia Yan thought of this sentence inexplicably, and Otsutsuki Ipshiki is indeed like this now. He will wither after his peak, but he is at his peak now!

"Indeed, I really didn't expect to be forced into this situation by you."

Otsutsuki's voice was calm. He clenched his fists as if to feel his own strength. After a long while, he sighed quietly.

"But for letting me feel my own peak in advance, I also want to thank you very much.

Sure enough, the power that belongs to me still needs my own body to reach its maximum limit.

There are still some flaws, but anyway I have time to find a new ‘wedge’.

Speaking of which, you really surprised me. The combat skills and combat experience of a person who has been sealed for thousands of years have actually improved so much.

It seems that you have been using this body for a long time. Even I am no match for such skills.

But if you are in this state, then you have no chance. Under the crushing force of absolute power, you have no chance of winning.

Come completely, we should also put an end to it and settle our thousand-year grievances! "

Xia Yan felt a little numb when he heard this. He also hoped that some power would come, but no one would come at all.

The chakra of the reincarnated eye can come down, but for Xia Yan, this kind of power is of little use.

After all, he has his own Pure Eye and the chakra that belongs to the Pure Eye. Although the chakra of the Tsangikan is stronger, it is not more suitable for him than the Pure Eye chakra.

But no matter what, Xia Yan had to fight this guy properly. Even if there was no one behind him at this time, he would not want anyone to fall on him.

In that case, what's the difference between him and Ci Xian?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan closed his eyes slightly, and the blue chakra on his body became stronger in an instant.

The Chakra of the Pure Eye gathered crazily on him, and his body slowly became more and more blurred under such a chakra package, and six black seeking jade appeared behind him!

He slowly floated in the air. He stared at the Otsutsuki Ishiki in front of him, and then he spoke slowly.

"This is enough to deal with you..."


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