The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 344 Six Paths and the End (Finale)

Xia Yan's words were calm, but in the eyes of Otsutsuki Ishiki, this was a naked provocation!

He admitted that he lost a bit because Xia Yan's previous performance was too ghostly.

Obviously in terms of overall strength, the two of them should be evenly matched, and he even has a greater advantage, but he really has no choice against this guy.

This feeling is really frustrating, because this guy is so comprehensive.

Whether it is physical skills or simply the use of martial arts, his is top-notch. Even if his body has not yet completely reached the level of Blood Successor Snare, Otsutsuki Ishiki feels that it is not far away.

To put it bluntly, this body was only one step away from Otsutsuki, and he was extremely greedy to see it!

If he is allowed to get the body in front of him, then his strength after resurrection will definitely reach his peak state, and there will be no lifespan problem.

He had noticed that there was no wedge on the guy in front of him. He guessed that Otsutsuki Kaguya directly let his own chakra come down, thus continuously forming resonance and cultivating this body.

When this body meets her requirements, her will will take over the body and completely transform into Kaguya Otsutsuki.

This kind of operation is similar to that of wedge. Simply put, it uses some characteristics of wedge, but the disadvantage is that the performer must still be alive.

Kaguya Otsutsuki is obviously still alive. She was just sealed but not dead. This is one of the reasons why Otsutsuki Isshiki was angry. He didn't have any time to choose at the beginning!

"Use the chakra in your mutated eyes to form a special fighting mode?"

Otsutsuki's tone became extremely cold. He raised his head slightly and said with a cold expression.

"Do you really think you can deal with me in this state? I have to say that you are really arrogant, but since you want to die, then I will help you!"

After the words fell, the powerful power in Otsutsuki's body suddenly burst out, and the black stick condensed by Yin and Yang in his hand was raised high.

Chakra gathered crazily in his hand, and the next moment he slashed hard at Xia Yan!

"Rest in peace and repent of your ignorance and arrogance!"

As the black stick fell, violent power swept toward Xia Yan in an instant. This extreme power seemed to destroy everything in the world, and even the space was trembling crazily.

Faced with such a violent attack, Xia Yan gritted his teeth, and then he blocked the five Dao-seeking jade in front of him without hesitation, and one of the Dao-seeking jade quickly turned into a ninja sword.

The power all over his body surged crazily, whether it was the power of the tailed beast, magic, pure eyes, or Yin-Yang Escape, they were all exploding.

The moment the black stick was about to arrive in front of him, the ninja sword in his hand was swung out, and the ultimate power also exploded in his hand!

"Yin Yang Escape: Konohana Zheng Yeji!"

The shadow of the silver-haired woman appeared behind him again, and the ultimate blade collided with the black stick quickly!

In an instant, indescribable power of destruction burst out between the two. Under the two powerful chakras, the color of chaos emerged in the air.

The vast earth roared under this force, and the spreading shock wave had not completely dispersed.

The already collapsed earth was once again pushed down tens of meters out of thin air, and countless fragments floated strangely in the distance, as if the gravity had reversed.

Xia Yan gritted his teeth and held on to Otsutsuki's black stick. He felt extremely strenuous now. He believed that anyone else would feel insignificant.

He had always felt that after the original work, Toneri Otsutsuki cut the moon in half with one move, which was really nonsense.

Because this is basically the power to destroy the world, is it possible that Otsutsuki Toneri also has the power of Otsutsuki Kaguya?

With such power, why bother using the moon to hit the ninja world? Wouldn't it be over if we just use our own power to destroy it?

But now it seems that I am still a little too naive. This world does have such a power to destroy the world. For example, the guy in front of me obviously has such power!

Such terrifying power can completely achieve the effect of destroying the world. It seems that even if I use the power completely regardless of the consequences, I can do all this!

Boom! Boom! Rumble!

While Xia Yan continued to resist this violent force, the invisible shock wave had completely radiated.

Starting from the area where they were fighting, this invisible force spread crazily towards the Kingdom of Wind to the west, and also spread rapidly towards the Kingdom of Fire to the east.

For a moment, the earth shook, smoke and dust appeared all over the sky, and countless winding canyons with unknown depths appeared. They seemed to spread to the end of the earth one by one!

At this moment, Xia Yan felt that he could no longer bear such power. His eyes moved slightly, and the next second a black hole appeared behind him.

Then he traveled directly through the entire space non-stop. When he appeared again, he was already dozens of kilometers away from the battle site.

But when he stopped, he could still clearly see this scene. He seemed a little indifferent at this time, because he could clearly sense that the central area of ​​the River Kingdom had been completely destroyed.

With such power, one can only say that he is worthy of being a member of the Otsutsuki clan!

In other words, it’s how Otsutsuki should behave when a person goes all out!

Although his battle with Otsutsukiura Shiki also caused unimaginable devastation, in the end, Otsutsukiura Shiki was not serious at all in that battle.

Xia Yan didn't mean to get used to him, which also meant that the guy had no chance when he wanted to be serious.

The situation is completely different at this time. Only the power shown by this guy can be worthy of being called a man in heaven!

"But I'm not too bad now, although I'm still one step away from reaching that limit."

Xia Yan muttered silently in his heart, but soon he turned around.

Not far behind him, a black hole suddenly appeared in the space, and Otsutsuki Ishiki quietly walked out of it.

He looked unscathed, and his expression remained hopelessly cold.

"It seems that you are quite capable in this state, so I can rest assured and have fun.

I will let you know what life is worse than death! "


Xia Yan had never experienced the experience of being worse than life, and he never thought he would experience such a feeling.

But in this situation, it's really hard for Xia Yan to say, because the guy behind him is too terrifying!

The completely resurrected Otsutsuki Isshiki fully demonstrated what the "power of God" is. In just a few minutes after his resurrection, Natsuki Yan was really pressed and beaten.

He has not encountered such a situation for a long, long time, because he has always suppressed others before fighting.

Now that the offense and defense have changed, Xia Yan still has nothing to do, but fortunately he has the power to kill Otsutsuki, which also prevents Otsutsuki from being too arrogant in one move.

It's just that the current situation makes Xia Yan feel like a child with a knife in his hand, and what he is facing is a complete adult!

This feeling is really uncomfortable, but Xia Yan is still able to adapt to it, and the scale of the battle between them is inevitably increasing rapidly.


Thunder roared in the sky. The battle between Natsuhiko and Otsutsuki Ishiki had caused too much damage to the world. Chakra, climate, and landforms had all undergone fundamental changes.

The originally sunny weather was now covered with dark clouds, and the dark sky made people feel depressed.

The heavy rain has fallen quietly, as if it is crying for the experience of this area.


At this moment, there was a muffled sound in the sky, and a blue and white chakra was seen violently colliding in the sky.

However, these two ghost-like shadows dispersed as soon as they touched, but the energy wave caused by their collision has overflowed crazily.

Xia Yan stayed in mid-air. The rain had completely wet him, but he did not use chakra to evaporate the rain.

Now he must use every trace of chakra sparingly and use it in the most critical places. Even if his recovery speed is very fast, he still has to pay attention to details.

Especially when the opponent he faces is Otsutsuki, every detail will become crucial.

"It seems that this time, you have become a mouse that can only run away."

Otsutsuki Ishiki was also suspended in the air. He looked at Xia Yan not far away with indifference and his tone was extremely contemptuous.

"Although you can still pose a fatal threat to me in this state, after all, the power you control is still very terrifying.

But you are now equivalent to an ant with a deadly weapon. You cannot pierce this weapon into my heart.

If you are only at this level, then I will be really disappointed. You can't even please me now! "

"To please you?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his brows when he heard this. The clay figurine had a certain amount of fire. Xia Yan admitted that Otsutsuki's style was powerful, but he didn't completely crush Xia Yan!

Xia Yan knew that this guy probably just wanted to anger Xia Yan and cause Xia Yan himself to have problems in offense and defense.

What he did has proved that Xia Yan is difficult to deal with. Even if Xia Yan is not his opponent, it is definitely not something he can easily deal with.

"Compared with what you said, your performance is not so tough and powerful.

I admit that you are powerful, but it seems that it is not easy for you to deal with me easily.

What's more, now that the space has been restored, do you think you are as calm as before? "

As he spoke, the chakra in Xia Yan's body boiled again. The chakra in his eyes was running wildly, and those blue eyes looked so penetrating.

The space once again became extremely weird at this moment, and this time the space around them became even more elusive and difficult to control.

After Xia Yan gained the ability to control space and became proficient enough, he began to think about more effective uses of space.

One of them is how to maximize the use of this power, and how to maximize the use of these powers in line with the upper limit of one's current strength.

After a long period of training, Xia Yan really found some effective ways to use his abilities more efficiently, and created a new technique based on this.

And after several years of practice, he was able to use this technique skillfully.

However, this technique also has some problems for Xia Yan, that is, it must be performed by Xia Yan with all his strength.

To put it bluntly, once this technique is used, Xia Yan's condition will be affected to a certain extent. It is no exaggeration to say that this technique is Xia Yan's trump card!

Xia Yan is really hesitant in the current situation, but he knows very well that if he continues to spend time like this, his situation will not be optimistic.

In this case, why didn't he choose to fight? If this move couldn't cause a fatal blow to Otsutsuki's first move, then Xia Yan had only one choice.

That is to use space control to hide far away, so as to avoid being chased by this guy.

"If you can't, just run to the moon. Didn't Otsutsuki Hamura appear on the moon? Isn't his tombstone also on the moon?

Otsutsuki went up and raised your grave in one move. I don't believe you won't come out! "

Thinking of this, Xia Yan did not hesitate to hold up the seal with one hand, and at this moment, all the space around them once again became extremely weird.

Otsutsuki Ishiki frowned. He had already noticed that something was wrong. In his white eyes, the space around him became uncontrollable.

And jumping in such a space, it inexplicably resonated with the chakra in Xia Yan's eyes.

This kind of movement was very mysterious, and the same kind of resonance also made him feel a little bit dangerous!

He didn't know what Xia Yan was going to do, but he knew that what this boy was going to do was definitely not something simple.

He had no intention of stopping to watch Xia Yan's further actions, especially after he admitted how terrifying Xia Yan's power was, he would never make such a mistake.

Chakra surged all over his body rapidly, and in the next second he was at Xia Yan's side. The black stick in his hand hit Xia Yan hard with violent chakra.


But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that there were strange fluctuations in the surrounding space, and the space suddenly acted on him with incredible resonance and twist.

The next moment, the distance between him and Xia Yan in front of him was inexplicably widened, and his black stick fell into the air without hitting anyone at all.

Natsu Yan was still floating in the distance, and he seemed to have no movement track at all. This scene made Otsutsuki Isshiki's expression begin to sink a little.

White eyes quickly scanned the surroundings. At this moment, he was almost 100% sure that Xia Yan had indeed not moved.

Because the person being moved is himself...


"The space is completely controlled?"

Otsutsuki Ishiki frowned, he had already realized how troublesome the current situation was.

The space is controlled, and it is not just controlled in general. It is truly comfortable and controlled by one person's power.

This kind of control is extremely terrifying, and it is unceremonious to say that the space they are in now completely belongs to Xia Yan.

He didn't know how Xia Yan did it, or what happened.

But he knew that if he didn't find a way to escape from this space as soon as possible, he would become extremely passive next.

He also feels extremely depressed now. He doesn't know what happened in a thousand years and why Kaguya Otsutsuki gained such powerful abilities.

I don’t even know how this Otsutsuki Kaguya’s weapon got so much training to become the boy it is today.

But he knew that even if the boy in front of him was not as strong as himself, he still had to take it seriously.

Because in some aspects and senses, this kid is already on the same level as himself.


Thinking in his mind, Otsutsuki Isshiki suddenly snorted coldly, and the black stick in his hand pointed at the void and hit it unceremoniously!

This time, he wanted to imitate his previous method of directly smashing the space, so that he could be restrained. Moreover, this time it was much more dangerous than before.

However, he had just taken action when the Yin Yang Escape light suddenly erupted beside him without any warning.

I saw Xia Yan's figure suddenly appeared, and he struck hard at Otsutsuki!

"so fast?"

Otsutsuki's expression was a little incomprehensible, because his white eyes noticed that Natsuhiko was still standing there not far away!

This situation made Otsutsuki Isshiki a little confused, especially when he noticed that the person standing over there was also Natsuhiko's true form.

"The person who attacked me was a clone?"

Otsutsuki Ishiki wanted to continue exploring, but at this moment, the same attacks appeared from four directions at the same time.

There was no warning or any perception. It was extremely strange. Faced with the attack without warning, Datongmu Yishi also felt a little inexplicable.

Before he had time to think about it, his figure suddenly spun around and the black stick in his hand began to dance.

His physical skills are very strong, and his speed is suffocating. Xia Yan's attacks were blocked by him one by one.

It's just that he was a little tired after just finishing all this, because such a high-intensity and large-scale defense was also a troublesome thing for him.

But just when he was about to stop and look for a chance to fight back, Xia Yan's figure suddenly appeared again and attacked him again!

This situation made Otsutsuki Ishiki frown even deeper, and he had to resist again.

But as he resisted, countless Xia Yan attacks from all directions appeared almost at the same time.

They appeared around him without interruption, attacking one after another. The strong pressure did not give anyone any chance to breathe.

Otsutsuki kept resisting attacks, his pure white eyes taking in all the sights around him, without any blind spots or omissions.

His violent chakra erupted like a volcano, his whole body was wrapped with white chakra light, and the black stick in his hand completely blocked all attacks from any direction.

However, this kind of resistance also made him more and more tired. The space was controlled by others and he had no chance to break such constraints. This was extremely dangerous for him.

The most important thing is that the frequency of Xia Yan's attacks at this time is really scary. He can see that Xia Yan's attacks are not all at the same time, and there is a gap of a few tenths of a second between each attack.

But even so, such an attack is extremely dangerous for him, because the power this damn guy uses can definitely kill him!

"The utilization of space has reached this level. It's really amazing!"

Although Otsutsuki Isshiki was extremely unhappy in his heart, he had previously been pressing down on others to beat him, but when he turned his head he was pressed down and beaten. This feeling would be the same for anyone else.

But he was still very calm. He was constantly analyzing Xia Yanshu's situation, and now he almost knew it.

In fact, Xia Yan's technique seems a bit mysterious, and it even seems to be related to the power of time.

But this is not the case. The technique used by Xia Yan is purely about the control and mastery of space. He completely makes the surrounding space his own.

Then he uses his control of space and his very fast speed to quickly shuttle through the entire space, constantly launching the most powerful attacks at the most advantageous positions.

Under such an extreme use of space, the people trapped inside need to face dozens of Xia Yan's simultaneous attacks from different directions at the same time.

Under such terrifying pressure, he felt that even the Otsutsuki One Style was too much for him to bear!

Because he knew very well that if he made a slight oversight, his end would be doomed.

But he is also very clear that although the frequency of such attacks is extremely terrifying, Xia Yan's consumption is also huge!

However, Otsutsuki Isshiki is an extremely arrogant person after all. Although he sees Xia Yan's own weaknesses, he also knows that as long as he continues to persist, Xia Yan will inevitably be consumed.

But he didn't want to be beaten passively, or suppressed by his enemy's weapon.

What's more, he also knows that if he defends like this, there will definitely be big problems, because Xia Yan's attack frequency is too high and too strong.

He might be injured or even killed if he was at least a little careless. He would never gamble on such a small-scale thing.

And after resisting for so long, he already knew that even if he shrank, it would be impossible to dodge such an attack.

Even if he counterattacked with the black stick of Yin Yang Escape and his eye skills, he would not be able to pose any threat to Xia Yan.

Those black sticks will even be transferred directly through space by this guy and return to his body again.

He was unwilling to accept that he couldn't counterattack, so he had to be calm now, and at the same time, he also had to find loopholes in this space technique.

After all, he is the veteran Otsutsuki, and even the former guardian of Kaguya Otsutsuki. His fighting ability is really not comparable to that of a guy like Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

He observed very carefully, even though he was so miserable by Xia Yan, he still put enough energy into the investigation.

Gradually, he also observed a trace of the space in this space. Originally, he had a strong ability to control the space, and he could detect the clues even if Xia Yan pressed him down and hit him.

The essence of Xia Yan's technique is to use his eyes to resonate with the space, and then completely make the entire space his own private property.

The simplest and crudest way to solve the current situation is to directly break this space.

But now he can't do it at all. After all, Xia Yan has been guarding against him. The fierce and uninterrupted offensive is forcing him to be unable to do all this.

Moreover, the power required to break the space is too huge, even if Otsutsuki Ishiki is strong enough, he is not willing to do it easily.

Then the only thing he can do now is another choice, a more skillful choice - to destroy the chakra that belongs to Xia Yan hidden in the space.

Since Xia Yan uses this chakra to resonate with space, destroying this resonance can naturally break the current prison.

Otsutsuki's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he clenched his hands, and the black stick condensed with Yin and Yang in his hands suddenly disappeared.

Not only that, the terrifying chakra aura all over his body disappeared quickly, and he couldn't even feel it at all.

He even closed his eyes slowly and just floated quietly in the air, without any defense at all.

Even if Xia Yan attacked from all directions, he had no reaction at all!

However, the next moment, space fluctuations suddenly appeared on his body. Just when the 'Xia Yans' were about to hit him, his chakra aura had completely disappeared.

If you close your eyes, you can't feel his presence at all, and he is perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment.

Xia Yan's attack came as expected at this moment, but a strange scene appeared.

The attacks that were originally directed at him suddenly distorted the moment they hit his body, causing all of them to pass by him.

The terrifying torrent of power fell on the ground below as the attack deflected and shifted, making a loud bang.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's expression changed slightly, because he knew that his technique had been cracked!

Any ninjutsu has its weaknesses, and the so-called perfection is an impossible existence.

This sentence came to Xia Yan's mind inexplicably. Although he didn't like Uchiha Itachi very much, he had to admit that this sentence was right.

Xia Yan's control of space itself has weaknesses, and there are many weaknesses. The most fatal one is his body's endurance.

The second thing is that someone can see through his technique and counter his technique to achieve a complete cracking effect!

What Otsutsuki Ura Shiki said now was to see through his jutsu and control his jutsu.

Such a result is really hard for Xia Yan to accept, especially since his current state is almost reaching its limit.

However, Xia Yan did not give up. He was still trying to seize control of the space. He knew that this was his last chance. If he failed, he would have no choice but to run away.

"I have to say, you are really powerful." But at this moment, Otsutsuki Ishiki spoke.

His voice also sounded a little tired. After all, he was fully focused on resisting Xia Yan's offensive, and he had to explore the loopholes in Xia Yan's technique.

This is not an easy thing for him, and now Xia Yan is still resisting, frantically trying to regain control of the space, so he will naturally resist.

But in his opinion, everything was over, and it was only a matter of time to deal with Xia Yan, who was in such a bad state.

“You are definitely the first person to push me to this point with such strength.

Even for other masters in the tribe, it is impossible to achieve this step. If you can descend, you will definitely be able to defeat me.

Although I don't know why you don't choose to come. Maybe it's the will of this body that is resisting you, or maybe you simply can't do it.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because you're dead, Kaguya. "

Having said this, Otsutsuki Ishiki's eyes flashed slightly, and the yellow right eye with eight spokes in the center suddenly burst out with intense chakra.

In an instant, extremely dense black cubes appeared in the main film space.

The moment these cubes appeared, Xia Yan felt the extreme instability in the movement of his chakra.

Not only that, Xia Yan even felt that there was something wrong with his perception!

Otsutsuki had used this technique before, but was transferred directly by Xia Yan using space, but now he had to face everything in front of him.

"It's over, Kaguya."

Otsutsuki Ishiki's expression became cruel, he raised his right hand slightly, and the black cubes immediately burst out with red light. .

"Pay the price for what you did. You know, I have been waiting for this moment for thousands of years.

If you don't chase me out this time, maybe I won't have this chance, but now you must die! "

"That's not necessarily the case."

Looking at the black cube that was constantly moving towards him, Xia Yan took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

The current situation is indeed an extreme crisis, but Xia Yan is not going to give up just yet!

Although he didn't know why Liu Dao and the others hadn't appeared yet, he knew better that in extreme moments it was better to seek help from others than to seek help from yourself.

For some reason, this kind of battle actually made his blood boil. It seemed that he really liked this kind of battle from the bottom of his soul.

But he was still very rational. Although he still planned to give it a try, he was also ready to retreat at any time.

What he has to do now is to squeeze out the last of his potential and see how far he can go!

Thinking of this, the blue eyes in Xia Yan's eyes jumped quickly, and then he raised his right hand high.


Suddenly, a ray of light fell from the sky, and this ray of light fell accurately on Xia Yan.

This is the power of the reincarnated eye. Although this power has never been particularly suitable for Xia Yan, at this most critical moment, this power can definitely help him.

Sure enough, with the arrival of this ray of light, Xia Yan's overall fatigue was slightly relieved.

Moreover, he felt something very special!

This ray of light quickly poured into Xia Yan's body, and Xia Yan didn't even need to change his chakra operation mode for this power to completely penetrate.

"How is this going?"

Xia Yan silently thought to himself that this was the first time he had encountered such a situation, and with the arrival of this power, Xia Yan felt that his eyes became extremely hot.

He has experienced this feeling before, and he knows that this is the prelude to the evolution of his eyes!

"Damn, why at this time?"

Not only that, this power also quickly penetrated into all directions within Xia Yan's body, and was eventually absorbed by his system.

This scene made Xia Yan a little confused, especially when the system interface appeared on his retina without any warning, he felt a little dizzy.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (chakra reserves are abnormally large)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (Third Stage)

Bloodline development degree: advanced (thousand-hand secret technique, intermediate yang escape secret technique), blood stain elimination (unnamed), second blood stain elimination (unnamed), advanced corpse bone veins, intermediate yin escape secret technique, yin and yang escape (can be accompanied by yin) Elevated by the improvement of Dun and Yang Dun)

Jinchūriki: Nine-Tails (Two-Tails, Three-Tails, Six-Tails, Eight-Tails) (Advanced)

Seed: None

Fruit: Original Power, Ultimate Byakugan Power

Mission: Become the real big BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (100%), the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (optional) (already have the Nine-Tails, Eight-Tails, Six-Tails, and Three-Tails, the mutual fusion progress is 50%, the overall fusion progress is not yet activation)


The two seeds he was looking forward to have been completely completed. Not only that, but his mission eyes have also been completely evolved?

Xia Yan didn't know what to do in this situation. Maybe he should be happy. After all, he could get what he expected. How could he not be happy?

But he is also a little suffocated now, because after his eyes have completed their evolution, it is equivalent to entering a period of cultivation.

It can be said that he has lost the possibility of continuing to fight with Otsutsuki Ura Shiki. The only thing he can do is to run away quickly!

He is a little depressed now, why are these powers not completed earlier, so that he will not be so embarrassed.

But sometimes, things really can't go as he wants.

Besides, he also knew that without such a battle, his eye proficiency would not have improved so quickly.

And because of such a battle, his body was developed more thoroughly, so that he could better absorb the chakra of the reincarnation eye, which allowed these seeds to complete their transformation instantly.

"It seems that God has made me choose to retreat?"

Xia Yan silently thought, the situation has become like this, and he has no better way.

As the saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Although Xia Yan prefers to take revenge on the spot, the current situation does not allow it and there is nothing he can do.


Suddenly, Xia Yan looked around strangely, because he found that everything around him seemed to be frozen!

Otsutsuki Ishiki still maintained his previous state, and the black cube red light around him was still dazzling.

But now they are like sculptures, standing there quietly and motionless.

Not only that, even the smoke and dust in the sky seemed to be solidified. It felt like time was locked!

"It seems that I took action too early and you haven't completely reached your limit yet."

Just when Xia Yan was lamenting the changes around him, a voice suddenly appeared in his ears, which made Xia Yan immediately realize what was going on.

"It's not too late. If you don't come again, I'm afraid I will really run away."

Xia Yan spoke slowly. As he spoke, he turned slightly, and behind him, two old men in white were floating there quietly!

Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, Natsuhiko knew these two guys were coming without even looking at them.

And in the current situation, I'm afraid only these two guys have the ability to do it!

The moment he saw these two people, Xia Yan was slightly relieved. At least as far as the current situation was concerned, he was safe.

These two people are the most terrifying people in the ninja world. Whether it is strength or thinking ability, they are at the top of the ninja world!

If they continue to stay in the ninja world, Natsuhiko is absolutely sure that these Otsutsuki will be of no use.

But they plan to cultivate the ninja world. Even if the methods are a bit cruel, overall they still have good results.

Facing these two people, even though Xia Yan was full of criticism and his tone was not polite, he was still very restrained in the end.

"No matter what, I would like to thank you two for saving me."

"Child, I can feel your inner dissatisfaction. Perhaps in your opinion, our approach is indeed unacceptable."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo didn't care about Natsuhiko's small attitude. His tone was calm and slow, even giving people a kind feeling.

He didn't say clearly what exactly Xia Yan would be dissatisfied with him about. Maybe it was his approach to the ninja world, or maybe it was because he didn't show up until now.

But it was obvious that he didn't care about these things, and he even had a smile on his face.

"Besides, you also received unimaginable benefits, didn't you?

I can feel that your blood is boiling, your eyes have completed their final evolution, and everything about you is developing in a good direction.

Things must be viewed from both sides. Instead of focusing on the present, we should focus on the future.

I think you understand this, otherwise you would not have taken so many measures in your village that are beneficial to the entire ninja world. "

Otsutsuki Hagoromo stopped here, and Xia Yan also nodded slightly.

I have to say that Otsutsuki Hagoromo's words are more in line with some of Xia Yan's ideas. Being prepared for danger in times of peace and focusing on the future are always things that can be found in Xia Yan's soul.

Therefore, he had to admit that Otsutsuki Hagoromo was right, even though he was actually extremely depressed inside now.

"So, what's next?"

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then he sighed.

"You guys showed up, so I can take a good rest. After all, with you, I don't need to mess around with many things."

"No, it will still be your home court next time."

Otsutsuki Hamura spoke now, his expression was just like the last time they met, still so kind and light.

"The ninja world is your ninja world, it belongs to you ninjas.

Those of us who have entered the torrent of history will naturally not appear again if we cannot easily break the laws of nature.

And we all believe in you and believe that you can do all this well. Don’t you have confidence? "

"Are you planning to let me continue to face this Otsutsuki Iski?"

Xia Yan frowned. He suddenly felt that these two people were old fools. How could he face this guy in his current situation?

"Not just him, but Otsutsuki who may come to the ninja world in the future."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo shook his head slightly and said with a smile.

"The ninja world is your ninja world. Hamura has already said that the future still depends on you.

As for this guy, you can deal with it easily, as long as you complete the transformation. "

Complete transformation?

Xia Yan couldn't help being slightly stunned when he heard this, and suddenly he seemed to understand something.

"you mean....."

“Yes, time here is forbidden, relative to the outside world.

You can complete all the transformations you need here. When you complete the transformation, it is your time to take action on him!

Don't let us down, kid. "

At this point, Xia Yan also knew what these two people meant.

It was obvious that they planned to improve their strength within this frozen time.

For them, time has completely become a prop that can be played with at will, to some extent, it is the same as their control of space.

However, their control of space still relies on their own pure eyes, and their control of space and time probably relies entirely on their own perception.

This is a fundamental difference from Xia Yan. This is something that Xia Yan envies extremely. It is also the route Xia Yan will take in the future.

Although Xia Yan sighed mentally, he still nodded seriously.

"I know, I will do it as soon as possible, but where are you going, are you leaving here?"

"Of course we left. After all, we no longer belong to the ninja world."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo showed a brighter smile, and the figures of him and Otsutsuki Hamura began to become a little distorted.

Obviously this was the power of space at work, but the strange thing was that Xia Yan didn't feel any fluctuations in space at all.

This kind of person has probably completely integrated the power of space with himself, right?

"The future of the ninja world belongs to you, to all living beings in the ninja world, and you are the creators of the future.

Come on, kid, believe in yourself and the entire ninja world! "

As soon as the words fell, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura completely disappeared from sight.

Although he didn't say much, Xia Yan could feel that it was full of expectations, but it also contained extremely subtle warnings.

Both of them kept emphasizing a concept, that is, the ninja world not only belongs to him, but also belongs to all living beings in the ninja world!

Obviously, these two people expressed their dissatisfaction with Xia Yan's current behavior.

Because Otsutsuki Hamura had already approached him last time and expressed a lot of his views and expectations for the future of the ninja world.

But this time Xia Yan still took the initiative to provoke Otsutsuki, and also beat the entire River Country into what it is now.

I'm afraid this is something that no one can accept or want to accept.

But Xia Yan didn't care about these things at this time, because he could see that although the two men were slightly dissatisfied, they didn't dwell too much on it.

If that's the case, then why does Xia Yan still have to worry about it?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan simply focused his eyes on himself, especially on his two powers that had just been condensed.

He doesn't know what these two powers mean, but I know very well that these two powers can definitely bring him great transformation!

He stretched out his hand slightly, and instantly a milky white light ball and a gray light ball appeared in his hand.

These two light balls exuded a strange rhythm. This rhythm made Xia Yan feel that his bloodline seemed to be constantly active.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Yan took the lead in integrating the milky white ball of light into his body.

In an instant, this milky white light ball directly entered Xia Yan's eyes. It was obvious that this was the ultimate Byakugan power!

When this power entered Xia Yan's eyes, Xia Yan seemed to feel that his eyes and himself became more coordinated at this moment.

The Pure Eye does indeed belong to Xia Yan alone, but there is another crucial issue, that is, the power of Xia Yan's Pure Eye is extracted from the Byakugan.

The extracted power entered Xia Yan's body, especially since he was a descendant of the Thousand Hands clan and should not have such eye skills.

No matter how powerful the system is, there will still be some problems with adaptability. After all, this power is not Xia Yan's original power.

And this ultimate white eye power can modify the parts that have problems with Xia Yan's body and make the eyes more suitable for Xia Yan.

This change is a huge improvement for Xia Yan, because as this power continues to deepen, Xia Yan feels that his control over his eyes is getting stronger and stronger!

Even though his eyes had just completed their evolution, he felt that these eyes fit him so well.

With little adaptation, he felt that he could completely master the power of these eyes.

"This feeling is really wonderful, and also incredible!"

Xia Yan felt it quietly, although he knew that in order to release the power of these eyes thoroughly and in detail, enough training was needed.

But Xia Yan believes that with his current control over these eyes, there will be no problem!

Raising his head slightly, Xia Yan looked at the Otsutsuki Ishiki condensed in the air, and suddenly an evil idea was born in his mind.

Since this guy has been controlled by the power of the Six Paths Sage, why don't you just take this opportunity to kill him?

But this idea just came up, and he quickly shook his head and gave up the idea.

He is not a good person and would not think there is anything wrong with taking advantage of others.

But after being suppressed so brutally by this guy before, he naturally had many other ideas.

I was able to fight this guy like this with my previous strength, so after completing my transformation and having enough time to adapt to these powers, is it possible that I still can't deal with this guy?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's desire to take action now has faded a lot, but it has not been completely eliminated.

He also needs to make a judgment based on his final improvement. He is a rational person and will never give up his advantages for inexplicable ideas.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan focused on another fruit.

This power is the original power. According to Xia Yan's power, this should be Otsutsuki's original power.

Xia Yan is actually really curious about what kind of effect Otsutsuki's original power can have. Could it help him condense the blood inheritance snare?

If this is the case, then Xia Yan will be extremely happy.

But if not, then Xia Yan also knows that he cannot be too disappointed. After all, no one can tell what the purpose of this power is.

After the senses in his eyes were not so strong, Xia Yan absorbed this power into his body without hesitation.

In an instant, Xia Yan felt that the power in his body began to roll crazily. He really didn't expect this in such a situation!

Such rolling made Xia Yan feel extremely uncomfortable all over his body. He felt that the power in his body seemed to be a ball of flames, and such flames were constantly burning him.

He could clearly feel that every attribute of his chakra in his body began to melt, even the magic chakra!

These chakras were extremely huge, and their ignition caused Xia Yan great pain, but at the same time of pain, Xia Yan also noticed the clues.

"These chakras were completely smelted and recast, and finally adapted to me now, or even a higher level of power belonging to Otsutsuki?"

Although the smelting and recasting of these chakras was extremely painful, such recasting also made Xia Yan see its necessity.

Natsuhiko never got a higher-level chakra seed. Perhaps a chakra seed that has reached an advanced level is already the limit for the ninja world.

Xia Yan didn't have many problems using such power, but as he improved, everything became less easy to say.

Such recasting is good for Xia Yan, it can greatly enhance Xia Yan's power potential!

Similarly, Xia Yan also encountered another problem, which was the same problem as his eyes.

All his powers come from seeds. Although these powers belong entirely to him, some powers are really not born from him.

With the help of the original power, these powers were completely refined and adapted to Xia Yan's body.

The same kind of smelting is also smelting Xia Yan's own body, because the burning of chakra is not just burning itself.

This is also burning Xia Yan's body and tempering Xia Yan's body!

"Although this feeling is too bad, it is a great improvement anyway. All I can do now is patience."

Xia Yan silently gritted his teeth and endured all this. This process was extremely painful, and it could even be said that Xia Yan had never experienced it before.

Even when I used the 'Broken Asura Power', I didn't feel such intense pain.

In order to prevent himself from passing out from pain, Xia Yan knew what he had to do.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's thoughts focused on the only mission that has been following him since he got the plug-in!

The inexplicable completion of this task was something Xia Yan really didn't expect.

Because he himself didn't know how this task was completed.

Could it be that his battle with Otsutsuki Ishiki attracted the attention of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura?

But no matter how the mission is completed, Xia Yan knows that he can now get the reward of the mission. This is the most important thing!

Xia Yan is really curious about what this mission reward that has been with him for more than 20 years will be, and what can Xia Yan get from it?

With this thought, Xia Yan chose the option of 'complete the mission' without hesitation.

At this moment, a vast amount of information began to pour into Xia Yan's mind crazily!

At this moment, Xia Yan seemed to know what these things were.

This information records the life experiences and insights of some people, and even includes Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura!

These pieces of information are definitely price-priced treasures that can drive countless people crazy!

At this moment, Xia Yan seemed to have forgotten the pain and everything else.

He was completely immersed in the sea of ​​information in his brain, immersed in this endless perception.

Time seems to have no concept at this moment. At this time, Xia Yan can no longer feel the passage of time at all.

The painful feeling had disappeared from his body, and as he continued to realize, his body also began to undergo strange changes.

The power that was constantly fermenting in his body began to burst out with unprecedented charm.

They are constantly blending, constantly entwining, and even constantly merging!

It's a pity that Xia Yan didn't feel this. He was still focused on comprehending the experiences and insights of the Six Paths Immortal brothers.

And as he continued to go deeper, an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes emerged in his body, and the connection between time and space was constantly intertwined in his body.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but Xia Yan suddenly opened his eyes, and the azure brilliance was still dazzling.

But at this moment, such smoothness seems a little restrained, but it is even more attractive.

It seems that if you look carefully, your soul will melt into this bright blue.

"This feeling is really wonderful..."

Xia Yan murmured to himself, his feeling at this time was really strange, as if he could understand everything in the world.

Even many things between heaven and earth are under his control.

He knew very well that a lot of this feeling actually came from the Six Paths Immortal brothers.

But it has to be said that Xia Yan also transformed part of it into his own power through their experiences and insights.

Although there are not many such transformations, Xia Yan believes that as time goes by, he will definitely get more and master more!

"Besides, I seem to have gotten what I wanted..."

Lowering his head slightly, Xia Yan felt the changes in his body, and suddenly he seemed a little inexplicable.

At this time, the power in his body has been completely integrated together, and there is no distinction between them at all!

This is true whether it is the chakra of the five major attributes or Yin Yang Escape.

Even Xianjutsu is perfectly and closely mixed with Xia Yan's chakra at this time, and this ultimate power has been completely controlled by Xia Yan!

Xia Yan really didn't expect that he would obtain all this power in this way, which really made him dumbfounded.

However, no matter how dumbfounded Xia Yan was, he also knew that he was now completely standing on top of the clouds.

The taste of power is so sweet and so desirable.

"But after gaining power, you must have a mentality that matches the power, otherwise you will become a slave to power sooner or later. This is something I will never allow!"

Controlling power and being controlled by power are two completely different situations. Xia Yan is a strong person, but he is also a sensible person.

He knew very well what would happen if he was controlled by power.

Only when he masters the power, controls these powers, and is the master of these powers can he not lose his true heart!

Turning his eyes slightly, Xia Yan soon locked his eyes on Otsutsuki Ishiki, who was still isolated by time.

Before, Natsuhiko thought Otsutsuki Hagoromo had frozen the time of the entire world, but it was obvious that he was wrong.

After absorbing so much insight and information, Natsuhiko knew that what Otsutsuki Hagoromo had done was to change the flow of time around him.

It made him feel an extremely long time in a specific time domain.

Although this may not seem as powerful as solidifying the entire world, it is also extremely difficult to achieve this step.

At least Xia Yan feels that he can't do it now.

"Isn't it just the power of time..."

Xia Yan smiled slightly, and the time around him suddenly changed in the next moment. In an instant, the flow rate of time was once again consistent with the outside world!

The second stage of eye improvement gave him the ability to control space, while the third stage gave him the ability to control time.

Even though he has not been trained at all, these eyes are his, and they belong to him completely from the inside out.

Coupled with the enlightenment of the Six Paths Immortal brothers, he can also control and break some time trajectories relatively easily!

The flow of time was broken, and the frozen time started to move again, and the crazy Otsutsuki Ishiki came to meet him.

And the huge black cube emitting red chakra light that was smashing towards him!

"There is no feeling of chakra being locked, no feeling of being restricted. It seems that everything has returned to normal."

Xia Yan silently thought to himself, and the next moment nine Jade Seeking Jade suddenly appeared behind him!

He has not turned on the Pure Eye Chakra mode at this time, but the third stage of the Pure Eye has allowed him to easily control the Jade of Seeking the Way.

What's more, his bloodline has completely reached its peak, and he believes that he can condense his own Jade of Seeking the Way even without relying on the reincarnation eye.

But now he has no choice but to do this. The most important thing for him at the moment is to solve the trouble in front of him!

Under Xia Yan's control, the nine Dao-Seeking Jade were instantly dyed with a layer of blue chakra, and then they were shot out in all directions like cannonballs.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, harsh roars continued to explode in the air.

Those black cubes summoned by Otsutsuki's Ichishi were as vulnerable as tofu to the attack of the Dao Jade!

Black fragments continued to scatter on the ground, and some even turned directly into powder and were blown away by the strong wind formed by chakra.

Xia Yan stood there quietly, looking so comfortable with what he was doing, but his attitude completely stunned Otsutsuki Isshiki.

He had no idea what was going on, and he couldn't understand why the guy who seemed helpless just now suddenly burst out with such terrifying power at this moment.

It was just one move for Otsutsuki. All these changes happened in an instant. After this instant, he was shocked to find that everything seemed to have changed.

The guy in front of him had completely completed his transformation at this moment.

You must know that in the last second, although this guy's bloodline was already very strong, he was only one step away from returning to Otsutsuki's embrace.

But this step is like Tianzhe, almost no one can truly cross this step!

But this Otsutsuki Kaguya's weapon did it, no matter what means Otsutsuki Kaguya used, or the weapon itself has sufficient capacity.

All of this was already unbelievable, especially when he felt the strong power of the Blood Snare in this guy, he knew that the problem was far more troublesome than he imagined.

This kid has already been tricky enough before, but now he can be said to be even more terrifying!


Otsutsuki opened his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"It's strange. Is it strange about my current situation?"

Xia Yan looked at Otsutsuki Isshiki's look and immediately guessed what he was thinking.

"What's going on with you, why, why did you..."

Otsutsuki's expression was a bit ferocious. He stared at Xia Yan because he really couldn't understand what was happening in front of him!

"Actually, there is one thing that you have been wrong about from beginning to end."

Xia Yan said calmly, he raised his hand slightly, and the nine Tao-seeking jade had returned to his side, and one of them quietly fell into his hand.

This seeking jade was very obedient in Xia Yan's hands, and it quickly turned into a ninja sword through the stimulation of chakra.

Holding the ninja sword in his hand, the blue in Xia Yan's eyes flashed again, and the vast torrent of chakra completely enveloped Xia Yan!

At this moment, Xia Yan clearly felt the huge power of life and destruction spreading crazily in his body.

The space seemed to be trembling under the fluctuation of this power, and then a ray of light shot from his body into the sky.

This is a light formed by chakra, and this light turns into a light pillar that shoots straight into the clouds, rushing into the universe with a sky-breaking force, and its power penetrates the heaven and the earth!

The dark clouds in the sky were dispersed by this force, and the brilliance of the sun finally shot out from the dark clouds at this moment, falling directly on Xia Yan's body.

Xia Yan was bathing in the sunshine, and he looked so divine at this moment.

The trembling in the space became more and more serious, but now it was not the kind of trembling that caused collapse, but another form of trembling, as if cheering and jumping for joy.

There is a faint sound of singing coming from the distant horizon. The singing sound is elusive and hard to find, but it is really incomparable.

I don't know if it was caused by the friction between chakra and air, or if the world was praising Xia Yan's breakthrough at this time.

The blue chakra wrapped around his body slowly became darker in color at this time, and the sacred and vast energy began to surge in his body.

The god-controlling robe that belonged to the Hokage slowly disappeared on his body, and was replaced by a snow-white robe. The robe was ethereal and contained an indescribable fairy aura.

His short silver hair also grew rapidly at this moment, and finally became long hair flowing behind him.

"Is this the so-called Otsutsuki mode, or the Sage of Six Paths mode?"

Xia Yan thought silently, knowing that he was opening the third stage of Chakra mode of Jingyan.

But at this time, his bloodline and strength have completely exceeded the limit, which has caused a qualitative change in his chakra pattern!

Holding the ninja sword in his hand tightly, Xia Yan looked at Otsutsuki Ishiki again, and he suddenly showed a smile.

"Actually, you always thought that I was Kaguya Otsutsuki's weapon, right?

But unfortunately, I am not like that, I am who I am, and my name is Natsuhiko Senju. "

Having said this, Natsuhiko raised his Ninja Sword slightly, and the ultimate chakra rippled on his Ninja Sword.

In the third stage, Jingyanran not only obtained the complete Seeking Dao Jade and the power to control time, he also obtained a technique adapted to the power of time.

"Kaguya Otsutsuki is still sealed. I am not her, but unfortunately this world is my world. How could I let others do whatever they want?

Go with peace of mind, Otsutsuki Ishiki, I will remember you.

God·Breaking the Sky! "


In the sixty-third year of Konoha, Natsuhiko stood quietly on the Hokage Rock. His eyes fell on the bustling Konoha Avenue below, his expression seemed natural and peaceful.

Three years have passed by in a blink of an eye. In fact, for him now, the years are really not worth mentioning.

The power of time has been controlled by him, and this control has given him a better understanding of his own lifespan.

Although he is very clear, no matter how much he understands and masters it, he still lacks one thing from beginning to end, and that is the understanding between life and death!

However, Xia Yan didn't take such flaws to heart. After all, Xia Yan still had insights and experiences from the only one.

There was no need for him to put himself in a life-and-death crisis just to pursue such a thing.

What's more, with his current strength, he has completely reached the top of the ninja world!

Three years ago, as he swung his sword through the air, Otsutsuki Iski didn't even have the chance to leave a new wedge in this world.

He was completely cut off from the source of time by Xia Yan!

And his battle this time has actually attracted enough attention. After all, he has caused such horrific damage in the River Kingdom, and it is difficult not to pay attention to it.

This kind of attention also made the entire ninja world a little alert, because this was the second time that the Fifth Hokage had caused such a large-scale battle.

And this time it seems to be even more terrifying than before. Before, it was only limited to the vicinity of Konoha Village, and the scope of destruction was not that wide.

But this time, a country was directly defeated. This was not as simple as being invaded, it was simply wiped off the map!

Such a terrifying scene naturally aroused the vigilance of all villages except Kirigakure Village, and they all wanted to figure out what happened.

But Natsuhiko didn't give them any answers at all. Otsutsuki Hamura and Otsutsuki Hagoromo had emphasized more than once that the ninja world still needed to be tempered.

It can be said that what Xia Yan did disrupted their plan. In this case, Xia Yan was too lazy to continue.

Although Uchiha Madara can no longer follow them, Natsuhiko still has Obito and Nagato in his hands to cooperate well.

Three years ago, after Natsuhiko killed Otsutsuki Ishiki, Nagato quietly handed over the information to Natsuhiko, and then they started taking action.

Such actions made many villages unable to resist, and their jinchūriki were in danger.

They had no idea where these guys came from, nor what their purpose was in capturing the tailed beasts.

But these guys have actually become the public enemies of the ninja world, and even the entire ninja world has begun to unite because of them.

All this was part of Natsuhiko's plan, but Natsuhiko didn't want the tailed beast chakra they captured and was quietly brought by Nagato.

After killing Otsutsuki Ishiki, Xia Yan also received an unexpected gain.

That is, he actually discovered that there was a living Ten-Tails hidden in the strange space of Otsutsuki Ishiki!

This discovery stopped Natsuhiko from wanting the chakra of other tailed beasts, because the chakra of these tailed beasts all came from the Ten-Tails.

"But this farce should come to an end, Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Kinshiki are about to reach the ninja world."

Thinking mentally, Xia Yan raised his head slightly and looked into the sky. In an instant, the reincarnated eye hidden in the moon resonated with him.

Under such resonance, he can completely see many things in the universe and the galaxy.

The arrival of Otsutsuki again is indeed a good thing for Natsuhiko. It is no longer possible for the ninja world to reward Kaguya Otsutsuki, so naturally a brand new opponent is needed.

This opponent is naturally these two guys. They are also extremely proud and arrogant people. Otherwise, they would not have been dealt with by Naruto Sasuke who lost the cheat in the original work.

With such a character, and with Natsuhiko hiding behind his back, he really didn't want to believe that the ninja world didn't get enough training!


At this moment, two voices suddenly came from behind Xia Yan. He didn't even need to turn around to know that it was Qiong and Lianhua who were coming.

The two of them strolled to Xia Yan's side, but before they could speak, Xia Yan interrupted them.

"I'm not in the office now, so there's no need to be so serious."

Xia Yan smiled slightly, and then he asked.

"Are the first generation, second generation and Uchiha Madara back?"

"Yes, Xia Yan."

Qiong glanced at Lianhua, then she nodded and said with a smile.

The three of them, Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, and Uchiha Madara, basically spend their time on the moon now.

The three of them have already reached a very good level in their research on the Otsutsukiura style. In addition, they can also practice their Yin-Yang escape on the moon.

Therefore, except for the fact that Xia Yan's power to summon the reincarnated eye three years ago alerted them and made them rush down quickly, they basically stayed up there.

According to them, the three of them are actually people who should not exist in this world at all, so it is normal for them to stay away from the public eye.

Although Xia Yan was a little amused by this idea, he did not reject it. Besides, it was not difficult to teleport from the ninja world to the moon. They could do whatever they wanted.

In addition to the three of them on the moon, Uzumaki Mito also followed, but Uzumaki Mito still often returns to Konoha to help Konoha stabilize the barrier.

As for Hatake Sakumo and Nohara Rin, they did not choose to leave. One of them is a member of Natsuhiko's Shadow Guard, and the other has become the backbone of the medical department. Naturally, they will not leave here easily.

And as time goes by, Lin has begun to grow up now, at least she doesn't look as awkward as before.

Natsuhiko was really looking forward to what kind of expression Obito would have when he saw her.

As for the resurrection of the two of them, as well as the return of Namikaze Minato and taking over the ANBU, the one who had the biggest impact was Kakashi.

Since leaving ANBU, Kakashi has begun to let himself go, and he is now more and more like the original.

And his disciples are also Sasuke and Naruto. The only difference is that Sakura's position is replaced by Xiangling.

The growth of the three of them is very good. Although Kakashi seems unreliable, his strength is much stronger than in the original work.

Under his leadership, these three children, who did not suffer so much and received a good education, performed very well.

Now each of them is a chuunin. If the jounin exam was not too strict, maybe they would all have become jounin!

In addition to them, other Xiaoqiang also have their own development. It can be said that the future of Konoha is also bright.

This time Senju Hashirama and the other three came back for a very simple purpose, that is, Uchiha Madara could no longer stand the current situation.

He wants to be completely resurrected, and he also wants to get back his own reincarnation eye!

Xia Yan did not stop this matter, and Xia Yan had already greeted Nagato three years ago and told him that the samsara eyes did not belong to him.

Nagato couldn't believe it at first, but when Natsuhiko showed his power in front of Nagato, he told him many ancient facts.

He also deliberately let him calm down for a year or two before he let go of his grudge. After all, peace is the most important thing to him!

Uchiha Madara is now back to prepare for resurrection and take back his reincarnation eye. It can be said that it is the right time, and once he is resurrected, it will be a good thing for Konoha!

Raising his head slightly, Xia Yan looked at the sun in the sky. The sun was very bright at this time, hanging high in the sky.

Just like Xia Yan at this time, he is now standing proudly on the top of the ninja world.

Recalling his experience from traveling through time to entering ANBU, then to ANBU captain, ANBU minister, and finally becoming Hokage.

Recalling the past when he was chased by others, and then he chased others, so that in the end he could kill Otsutsuki.

The smile on his lips couldn't help but become brighter. He stretched slightly and suddenly asked lazily.

"Lianhua, Qiong, are you ready?"

Xia Yan's voice was very soft, sounding so natural and harmonious that it made people feel like they were bathing in the breeze.

"Are you ready to face the great changes in the ninja world? Are you ready to face the new era of the ninja world?"

Qiong and Lianhua couldn't help but look at each other after hearing Xia Yan's words, and then both of them smiled at the same time.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"


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