The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 36: Discussion (Part 1) (Please collect the new book and recommend it~)

Xia Yan was indeed a little impatient, but he recovered very quickly.

After all, he also has the thinking ability of an adult, and he also has enough patience. It only took two days, and it might have passed in the blink of an eye.

"It seems that we have to think carefully about how to face the Fourth Hokage in the past two days."

Xia Yan secretly thought that he didn't take sides yet because he didn't know exactly how to make a choice.

The glory of the Fourth Hokage fell very quickly, but what I have to say is that the personality charm of this Fourth Hokage is really terrifying.

It's just a pity that although personality charm is important in the real world, what is more important is personal strength and related interests.

Natsuhiko actually believed that if Minato Namikaze was given enough time, he could definitely counteract the influence of the interest groups of the Third Hokage and become the real Hokage.

To put it bluntly, if those accidents hadn't happened, Namikaze Minato would have been able to kill these guys just by fighting for his life.

But unfortunately, it backfired.

Kakashi saw that he had explained the matter clearly. He originally planned to leave here, but it was a bit embarrassing for him to stay here.

He didn't know who the girl next to Natsuhiko was, but he did recognize that this person was from the Uchiha clan, and the logo on her clothes couldn't be fooled.

Kakashi naturally has a certain sense of indebtedness to the Uchiha clan, and even with Natsuhiko's persuasion, he has looked away and recovered a lot.

But after all, time is still short, and he needs more time to adapt to all this.

Today, he first deceived Xia Yan with his words, and then met a member of the Uchiha clan. He couldn't bear it anymore.

However, before he could speak, Natsuhiko suddenly said: "I understand, thank you Kakashi."

"No need." Kakashi tried to smile, but he looked a little stiff: "If it's okay, then I will first..."

"You're already here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Xia Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, we have known each other for such a long time, and we were honored to be your temporary captain once on the battlefield. We haven't had a good discussion yet, have we? ?"


Kakashi was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect that Xia Yan would make this request.

In fact, Natsuhiko really didn't do it on a whim, he just wanted to test his strength against the genius Kakashi!

Of course, this intensity is a one-finger competition, not a desperate state with full firepower.

During the competition, Xia Yan naturally would not consider using any immortal mode, and he would not even consider many water escape modes.

Although Natsuhiko doesn't like Senju Tobirama very much, it has to be said that the Water Release he created is really a bit exaggerated.

Others' water escape only uses water to attack, destroy the terrain, and finally drown the opponent through the torrent.

However, Senju Tobirama transformed Water Release from "quantitative change into qualitative change". His Water Release is a high-pressure water gun or even a high-pressure water jet!

This kind of technique is used to kill opponents, and he wouldn't know how to use it in a sparring match.

Therefore, the use of these techniques is abandoned, and the basis of such competition is a relatively basic competition in various aspects.

Xia Yan doesn't need to worry about his strength being exposed. He hasn't forgotten that there is an Uchiha Qiong beside him.

In fact, there is another purpose in sparring with Kakashi, that is, he was cheated like that, and he must find a way to remedy it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said that just now.

Kakashi reacted quickly. He immediately understood what Natsuhiko meant, and he was also a little moved.

He had seen Natsuhiko attack with all his strength, and the Jounin Yashamaru of Sunagakure was beaten so hard by Natsuhiko's speed that he couldn't hold his head up.

However, since it is a competition, Natsuhiko will definitely have reservations, and Kakashi is also curious about what kind of combat effectiveness Natsuhiko can show during the competition.

"Since the captain has an idea, I am willing to accompany him."

Kakashi glanced at Uchiha Qiong aside, and then nodded simply.

He was still a little curious, whether this Uchiha clan member was very familiar with Natsuhiko, or...

Is this person also my classmate?

But Kakashi didn't ask, his eyes quickly locked on Natsuhiko, and at the same time, the chakra in him began to brew.

Xia Yan still kept smiling, but his body began to lean slightly, and his hands unconsciously placed on his waist.

That place is where Natsuhiko's ninja bag is located. On the outermost side of the ninja bag, there is a kunai that is emitting a cold light.


Suddenly, the two figures disappeared almost at the same time. When they appeared again, with the sound of metal collision, they were already intertwined!

Fast, unimaginably fast!

Uchiha Qiong silently stepped aside. The confrontation between the two was obviously beyond her reach.

However, she did not leave this training ground. She was now very curious about how far her two classmates had reached.

She knew that Kakashi was a genius, and she was even impressed, because Kakashi was the youngest Jounin.

Even though the title of Jonin was promoted during the war, she would not think that Kakashi did not have the strength of a Jonin.

And Xia Yan was beyond her expectations. Her deskmate back then seemed to be very tough.

He was obviously just a civilian ninja, and he, who he had been thinking about how to help, was actually Kakashi's captain during the war?

All of this made her feel a little confused.

Especially after watching them move their hands, she found that she couldn't even see their movements clearly.

"It's a pity that I haven't opened the Sharingan yet." Uchiha Qiong sighed secretly: "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to see their movements clearly..."

Neither Natsuhiko nor Kakashi knew what Uchiha Qiong was thinking. A brief contact had already made both of them aware of the extent of the battle this time.

The two separated from each other as soon as they touched each other, and then threw the kunai almost simultaneously.

Seizing the first move is a must for ninjas at this stage. In the final analysis, their strength is not enough to be able to strike later.

Unless, you have the Sharingan.

Dang, a metallic sound sounded, and two kunai collided in mid-air.

The next moment, Natsuhiko and Kakashi rushed out again almost at the same time. They caught the kunai that bounced towards them due to the collision.

Natsuhiko's attack speed was faster this time. He knew the characteristics of the Sharingan, but he also knew that Kakashi's current control of the Sharingan was definitely insufficient.

Therefore, he planned to use speed to suppress Kakashi. Even if he did not use Sage Mode, he was still very fast among the jounin ranks.

"I just want to see if you can copy my movements..."


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