Kakashi wants to copy Natsuhiko's movements, which is really a bit wishful thinking at this stage.

And Natsuhiko's guess was extremely accurate. Kakashi's current adaptation to the Sharingan is really not very good.

Even though he could see Xia Yan's movements, his body simply couldn't keep up.

I saw Natsuhiko holding the kunai in his right hand and slashing it hard, as fast as lightning, but Kakashi couldn't keep up with this speed at all.

Even though he was unable to resist, Kakashi's actual combat experience also played a significant role.

He relied on the insight of the Sharingan to judge the angle of the kunai's attack, and then turned slightly to completely avoid such an attack.

But Kakashi was Kakashi, and while avoiding the attack, he also tried to fight back.

Being beaten passively will never end well. Only by trying to counterattack and regaining the initiative can you find a way to defeat the enemy.

The moment Kakashi dodged the attack, his body leaned down slightly. While maintaining defense against Xia Yan's further attacks, he suddenly kicked Xia Yan in the crotch.

"This guy....."

Xia Yan's face darkened slightly. If he was kicked hard, he might have to go to the medical department.

But he didn't think there was anything wrong with Kakashi's actions. Ninja confrontations were always unscrupulous, even if it was a sparring match as long as it was not fatal.

Xia Yan quickly raised his feet. His reaction speed and body coordination allowed him to make the most correct choice in extreme situations.


Natsuhiko's leg just blocked Kakashi's kick, and then he pressed down directly and let his leg fall to the ground.

Using the leg on the ground as a support point, Natsuhiko swept his other leg hard towards Kakashi.

Kakashi immediately turned back to avoid Natsuhiko's kick. At the same time, he also wanted to use this to increase the fighting distance. Moreover, when he retreated, he did not forget to quickly throw the kunai in his hand at Natsuhiko.

Unfortunately, his approach was of no use to Xia Yan. Xia Yan just turned slightly to avoid the attack of the kunai.

In fact, Kakashi never expected this move to pose any threat. He immediately began to form seals with his hands after pulling away enough distance.

"Turong Tulong Spear!"

Along with his seal, chakra quickly poured into the ground, and the next moment dozens of sharp earth thorns sprouted from the ground at Xia Yan's feet.

These large thorns are very sharp. Xia Yan can definitely conclude that if he is stabbed by these thorns, he will definitely not end well.

Facing these earth thorns, Natsuhiko jumped up slightly, and Kakashi also took advantage of the moment when Natsuhiko was in the sky and rushed over.

"Is it intentional?"

Natsuhiko secretly thought that just when Kakashi was about to hit him, Natsuhiko who was stagnant in mid-air suddenly disappeared.

The next second Kakashi felt a sharp kunai. He was stabbing his side.

"What a quick teleportation technique!"

Xia Yan's movements were completely traceless, especially since he was still stagnant in mid-air.

However, Kakashi didn't think too much. After all, he had seen Natsuhiko use his full strength. Although he was stunned by such a speed, he did not lose his calm.

At the most critical moment, he directly completed the seal with one hand, and Natsuhiko's kunai pierced into his body without any accident.

However, along with the burst of smoke and the touch that was obviously different from the kunai penetrating into the flesh, a piece of wood appeared in front of Xia Yan.

"Replacing technique?"

Natsuhiko didn't have much surprise, because his perception had already made him aware of Kakashi's movements.

Even now, he had found Kakashi's location.

Landing lightly on the ground, Xia Yan suddenly turned sideways and saw that Kakashi had rushed out. He had no intention of hiding himself.

Because he knew very well that no matter how he hid, he could not escape Xia Yan's perception.

In previous missions, Kakashi had already experienced Natsuhiko's perception, and he didn't take any chances.

"Do you want to use Taijutsu to take advantage of the Sharingan? Then come on!"

Faced with Kakashi's attack, Natsuhiko didn't have the slightest fear. Although the Sharingan was scary, it still depended on the person coming.

In an instant, Natsuhiko and Kakashi were already fighting, and the sound of metal collision was endless.

Xia Yan's speed is as fast as lightning, and every movement is concise and clear. Although it is not elegant, it still has a special charm.

Although Kakashi was a little tired of dealing with it, his solid basic skills and the speed improved by Thunder Release could still barely keep up with Natsuhiko's pace without being in a hurry.

What's more, in such an intense battle, Kakashi seemed to find that his Sharingan vision was getting clearer and clearer, and his judgment on Natsuhiko's attack route was becoming more and more accurate.

"Even the chakra consumption seems to be getting bigger and bigger."

Kakashi thought silently, and the taijutsu battle between him and Natsuhiko became more and more intense.

The speed of the two of them was so fast that the only thing visible to the naked eye was that the two figures were constantly intersecting, and every time they intersected, little sparks would fly out.

You know, their current speed is much faster than when they started. Uchiha Qiong is completely unable to see clearly what is happening.

However, at this moment, Natsuhiko suddenly jumped back, threw the kunai in his hand towards Kakashi, and then quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Earth Release·Earth Stone Dragon!"

Following his seal, the earth and stone quickly formed a giant dragon with astonishing momentum, and then rushed towards Kakashi crazily.

"Earth escape?"

Kakashi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Natsumi, a guy who was good at water escape, could actually do earth escape.

However, Kakashi was not stunned. He immediately began to form seals with both hands quickly, and he completed his technique in just an instant.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall."

Kakashi's seal formation speed is indeed ridiculously fast. I'm afraid there are only a few people who can form seals faster than him alone.

The huge earth dragon didn't hesitate at all when facing this earth wall. It hit it hard and directly. A roar instantly sounded in the training ground, and huge smoke also rose at this moment.

Many ninjas who were training here early in the morning looked over. Although they had not seen the previous battle, the intensity of the chakra collision before had already exceeded them!

"Are the jonins sparring?"

"Jonins are really powerful. Even just sparring can produce such power?"

The ninjas who were watching couldn't help but whisper to each other, while Kakashi was observing the surroundings with great vigilance.

When the earth wall collapsed suddenly, he suddenly found that he had lost Xia Yan's figure. How could such a situation not make him vigilant.

"Hiding, or..." Kakashi glanced around with alert eyes: "Underground?"

Soon, Kakashi got the answer, because his Sharingan eyes clearly saw the chakra fluctuations coming from the underground.

This chakra burst out extremely quickly, and Kakashi was not slow in his movements.

He held the kunai in his hand and stabbed hard at the place where the chakra exploded.

But when his kunai penetrated the ground, his expression suddenly changed.

Because he felt obvious chakra fluctuations, erupting from the other side...


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