The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 38: Everyone underestimates him (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

Kakashi returned to his home silently, looking at the empty house he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

However, after so many years of coming and going alone, he has long been accustomed to this situation.

After closing the door, Kakashi sat down on the ground, and then a look of pain appeared on his face.

" hurts!"

Kakashi squinted his eyes and rubbed his shoulders. His shoulders were really hurting right now.

That guy Natsuhiko really made Kakashi suffer. Even if they were really fighting, they couldn't stand it after the fight.

Therefore, even though they maintained restraint and did not use too many jutsu, they did start to use ninjutsu.

Kakashi knew that Natsuhiko was capable of water escape. He had already experienced the terrifying water escape when he was on a mission and seemed to have inherited the second generation Hokage's water escape.

This is not a big deal. In fact, many people know the techniques of the Second Hokage. Natsuhiko is the captain of the ANBU, so it is normal for him to know some of these techniques.

It was just that Natsuhiko suddenly used Earth Release, which surprised Kakashi.

He had to admit that it seemed that his classmate and captain's talent was beyond his imagination, and he was also too powerful.

In fact, most ninjas are born with only one attribute of chakra, and other attributes of chakra need to be trained the day after tomorrow.

However, some people are born with two or even more than two chakra attributes. Such people are generally called geniuses.

Kakashi is born with two attributes of chakra, and he is very good at thunder escape and earth escape.

When performing a mission with Xia Yan, he saw that Xia Yan only used water escape, and it was said that Xia Yan was mediocre in school before.

So he always thought that Xia Yan only had a single attribute of chakra, and he didn't have much defense against his earth escape.

"It seems that everyone underestimated the captain."

After his shoulder felt much more comfortable, Kakashi sighed helplessly. He felt that his captain was a little harsh.

Maybe it's because he's been in ANBU for so long, so even the sparring sessions are filled with a kind of ruthlessness.

Moreover, the tactics used by his captain are really clever and cunning.

Recalling the previous battle, Natsuhiko seemed to have used the decapitation technique in his heart to hide underground, but in fact Kakashi later discovered that what was underground was actually a shadow clone.

When he used the earth flow wall to block the attack, Xia Yan had already used the shadow clone, and his body simply hid.

Using such tactical involvement, he focused his energy on the shadow clone underground, and then launched an attack directly from behind him.

"Except for the initial battle between Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, the Sharingan played a significant role, but was directly blocked by the captain afterwards."

The more he recalled, the more Kakashi realized that Natsuhiko's attack seemed to have a strong purpose.

And his purpose seems to be to guard against his Sharingan from beginning to end.

It can even be said that every step Natsuhiko took was calculated, and he made full use of some of the shortcomings of the Sharingan to launch a surprise attack.

And he was not proficient in the use of the Sharingan, and then he was completely brought into Natsuhiko's offensive rhythm.

It is only natural that such a result led to his failure.

"Are you really dealing with the Sharingan? But why is the captain so familiar with the Sharingan?"

Kakashi thought seriously, but after thinking for a long time, he found that he couldn't seem to come up with a result at all.

In the end, he could only classify Xia Yan's combat tactics as 'extremely successful adaptability', and he could not think of any other reason.

In Kakashi's opinion, the relationship between Natsuhiko and the Uchiha clan should be good.

The Uchiha Qiong who was watching the battle from the sidelines seemed to be the captain's friend.

And Kakashi also found that his guess was indeed correct, that is, this Uchiha Qiong, him and Natsuhiko were all classmates together.

And this girl has always been Xia Yan's deskmate when he stayed at school.

"A classmate from school."

Kakashi felt that his shoulder was no longer so painful, and he couldn't help but lie down on the tatami.

Recalling the short year he was in school, or even only a few months, he suddenly felt that he seemed to have been indulging in the sadness of the past for too long.

This made him really miss too many things worth cherishing and remembering.

Obito, Lin, Kai and Natsuhiko...

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi has lost too many things.

Especially when he lost it, he suddenly looked back and realized that these were the things he cherished the most, which made his heart even more painful.

“Although failure is the main theme of life, I don’t want to fail anymore.

Obito, Lin, I will listen to Xia Yan, I will bear your will and live bravely..."


Uchiha Qiong returned home alone, and she was still a little dizzy.

She really didn't expect that her deskmate, who was born a commoner and went to war when he was about eight years old, and who had left a deep impression on her when she was a child, could be so good.

Five or six years ago, when Xia Yan left school, Uchiha Qiong was still very uncomfortable.

Because she knew that they were facing a war now, and there was probably no way that people like Xia Yan could survive such a war.

However, there was nothing she could do about it, and she was sad for a long time.

However, as the battle situation on the front line continued to improve, and as other students in the class came back with some news about Xia Yan, she knew that Xia Yan was okay.

Time moved forward slowly, and when it was time for her to graduate, she followed the other members of the Uchiha clan to the battlefield of the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

In her mind, Xia Yan's face was no longer so clear. After all, they hadn't seen each other for five years, and they were also growing up.

All she could remember was that Natsuhiko had the same snow-white hair as Kakashi.

She just couldn't remember the face, but this person, the name Natsuhiko Fukami, was still imprinted in her mind.

When the war was completely over, she returned to the village, but what she didn't expect was that Xia Yan was still missing.

Maybe he is too busy, or maybe he has other tasks?

She wasn't quite sure, and she still could only find out about the current state of her deskmate through other people.

However, what she never expected was that the training ground in the Uchiha clan had been occupied in advance today, and she could only choose to train at the training ground in the village.

And it was this choice that allowed her to see Xia Yan again.

It also made her see how terrifying Xia Yan is now...


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