After two days of good rest, Xia Yan woke up on time again on the day his vacation ended.

The two-day vacation was actually quite boring for Xia Yan. Although he didn't have any symptoms of being uncomfortable with the vacation, it was obviously not suitable for his Anbu status to be completely relaxed.

The discussion with Kakashi can only be regarded as seasoning, but this time the discussion can be regarded as making up for the loopholes Kakashi created and his own identity.

"At least, I don't have to worry about people asking me what I've been doing all these years."

Standing in front of the mirror, Xia Yan was washing himself while thinking secretly.

There are actually a lot of questions about his identity. For example, it is very questionable where he went after leaving school at the age of eight.

Natsuhiko is not Kakashi, and he does not dare to disclose his Anbu identity, especially since he is a descendant of the Senju clan. There are more serious problems here.

But now, these problems have been solved to some extent, even if the solution is not perfect.

Kakashi might be really not used to calling his name, so Natsuhiko simply used Kakashi to fill the vacancy that he had been 'missing' in these years.

It would be nice to show off your strength a little through a sparring session, and at least be worthy of Kakashi's "captain" call.

At that time, he can completely say that he has been on the battlefield and even teamed up with Kakashi to complete missions together.

After completely tidying up his appearance, Xia Yan put on his mask again and walked out of the room.

However, the direction he set out today was not the ANBU station, but the Hokage Building. He did not forget that he was going to meet the Fourth Hokage today.

Xia Yan has been waiting for today's meeting for two days, even though he knew that today's meeting would not have much substance.

But he can be sure of some things, and he can even judge many things that will follow from today's meeting.

"Hopefully it will be a good result..."

Xia Yan thought silently, and soon he entered the Hokage Building.

The Hokage Building may be the most symbolic landmark building in Konoha besides the Hokage Rock. Looking from a distance, it doesn't seem to be that big at all.

But after actually entering it, you will find that this place is indeed the core hub of Konoha's power.

There are many offices here, and even Konoha's most important department, the Government Affairs Department, is located in the Hokage Building.

And Xia Yan also knew that there was a large conference room in the Hokage Building that could accommodate hundreds of people.

He once performed a guard duty in that oversized conference room, and he would never forget how grand that place was.

He walked silently towards the top floor of the building, where the Hokage's office was.

After some inspections, Xia Yan did not face any difficulties. Maybe it was because he had greeted him in advance, or maybe because of his status as an ANBU, so he entered the office smoothly.


Looking at Namikaze Minato sitting in front of his desk, Natsuhiko bowed slightly respectfully.

"Natsuhiko-kun, hello." Namikaze Minato raised his head with a gentle smile on his face.

Hearing is better than seeing, and Natsuhiko had to admit that Namikaze Minato, known as the 'little sun', did have the warmth of the sun.

This kind of affinity is something Xia Yan has never seen in the Third Hokage, but it's a pity...

"Hokage-sama, just call me Nightingale." Xia Yan felt a little emotional in his heart, but he still said cautiously: "Anbu members, it is best not to expose your true information..."

"Sorry, sorry, it's my problem."

Namikaze Minato admitted his mistake without any hesitation, and it seemed that he had no airs at all.

"Well, Nightingale, the main reason for meeting you this time is to thank you for everything you have done for Kakashi."

He stood up and looked at Xia Yan sincerely, without any pretense in his attitude.

"Kakashi is my disciple, and he is also my only disciple now. As for the others..."

At this point, he suddenly sighed slightly and stopped talking. In fact, even if he didn't continue talking, Xia Yan understood it very well.

I'm afraid there are few young people in Konoha who know Kakashi who don't know what happened to Kakashi.

And since Namikaze Minato was so young and had been in Konoha from beginning to end, he really didn't have many disciples, and his only disciple was the Minato class back then.

Nowadays, Kakashi is the only one left in Minato's class, and everyone knows how bad Kakashi's condition was before.

That state of being like a walking corpse, and his indifferent attitude like Zhen Bing, seemed to tell that this genius of that year had completely fallen into darkness.

Namikaze Minato also sent him to ANBU with a trying mentality, hoping that through the large number of ANBU tasks, Kakashi would have no time to indulge in the past.

I also hope that through the ANBU rules, Kakashi can adapt to everything before.

However, he really didn't expect that in just a short time, after Kakashi was assigned to Natsuhiko's team, Kakashi's former classmate would actually improve Kakashi!

This kind of improvement is fundamental. Even if Kakashi has not completely returned to a normal person, he has also transformed towards a normal person.

"Anyway, thank you, Nightingale." Namikaze Minato took a deep breath, then stood up and said seriously: "If it weren't for you, I don't know what Kakashi would have become."

"You're welcome, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and his tone was unusually humble and gentle: "Kakashi is my former classmate and also my teammate. I don't want him to be in that state. This is what I should do."

"Although I say that, I still decided to give you some rewards." Namikaze Minato showed a smile: "I heard Kakashi say that you want to learn the sealing technique, right?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan lowered his head slightly, and a smile appeared on his face hidden under the mask.

It seems that the effect of this meeting is much better than what I actually thought.

It's not surprising that Namikaze Minato knew that he wanted to seal it, because Kakashi would definitely report these things.

Now that Xia Yan has received such an inquiry, he doesn't need to guess what will happen next.

However, the conversation between the two of them was still very formulaic up to this point, and did not involve anything else at all. Even Namikaze Minato did not ask about the underground laboratory.

Natsuhiko guessed that maybe Namikaze Minato felt that he didn't know anything, maybe he felt that his level was too high to participate, or maybe he couldn't ask freely yet.

But Xia Yan didn't care, because he felt that the matter was probably not over yet.

ANBU is one of the most important parts of a Kage's power, but the orders they receive are rarely given by the Fourth Hokage.

Not only that, even though Namikaze Minato and Natsuhiko met in private, these ANBU were still 'fulfilling their duties'.

This kind of thing is really thought-provoking...


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