The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 42: Personal teaching (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

Natsuhiko guessed correctly. The identity he revealed was indeed recognized by Namikaze Minato to some extent.

However, Xia Yan himself knew very well that this level of recognition was very low.

Natsuhiko even knew that his actions might arouse Minato Namikaze's resentment to some extent, and could even be considered as an act with 'ulterior motives'.

In fact, Natsuhiko wouldn't be surprised at all if Namikaze Minato thought this way.

Because if it were him facing someone like Natsuhiko, he would convey some specious information to himself through Kakashi in a nonchalant manner.

At the same time, many things are not made clear, and his specific identity is hidden, and he has a certain hatred for the Third Hokage and his group.

He would be wary if such a person came to him, let alone Namikaze Minato?

Namikaze Minato is not stupid, he is indeed kind and has good intentions towards the people in the village.

But after all, he had been fighting on the battlefield for so many years and faced crisis after crisis. If he had been stupider, he might have perished on the battlefield long ago.

Therefore, what Natsuhiko has to do now is to control his attitude towards contact with Namikaze Minato and not let this matter develop in a vicious direction.

He is still thinking about the sealing technique and the flying thunder god technique. If the relationship between them develops directly and viciously because of this kind of thing, then Xia Yan will suffer a big loss.

"I think Hokage-sama must have a lot of doubts in his heart now."

Xia Yan's voice was still extremely gentle. He slowly took off his mask, exposing his face.

Taking off the mask to face Namikaze Minato was also a sign of honesty.

"Yes, I have a lot of questions."

Namikaze Minato nodded seriously.

"Natsuhiko-kun, I'm actually very curious, what do you think about the words you asked Kakashi to convey to me?"

"Actually, I didn't think too much about it. Even if I could, I wouldn't dare not miss seeing the Yondaime-sama."

Natsuhiko sighed slightly, looking a little helpless, and his words also made Namikaze Minato's face become a little incomprehensible.

"Actually, Hokage-sama should be able to feel that in fact, Hokage-sama's order cannot be passed on at all, right?

Not to mention other places, just in ANBU, many of the orders we get come from the Sandaime-sama, not the Yondaime-sama.

Therefore, Yondaime-sama, if it were not really necessary, I would not dare to come to see you. "

Natsuhiko said it sincerely, and his slight helplessness was fully revealed, and Namikaze Minato's expression became a little strange when he heard his words.

He naturally knew these things, but saying it through the tone of an ANBU was an even greater blow to Namikaze Minato.

ANBU is the important power of the Kage, this is the same no matter which village it is, but now the control of the ANBU by the Kage is close to zero. How can Minato Namikaze be in a good mood?

And it's not just the ANBU that he has zero control over, the Minister of Government Affairs, Shikaku Nara, treats him with respect.

They will also listen to his arrangements and produce various analysis materials, and formulate them into documents and decrees, waiting to be promulgated.

But while waiting, he would also choose to notify the Sandaime Hokage, or Shimura Danzo and others.

To put it bluntly, he does have the title of Hokage now, but he does not have the actual power of Hokage at all!

"Then Xia Yanjun, why did you make such a choice?"

Taking a deep breath, Namikaze Minato's expression became a little serious, and even his voice sounded a little cold.

"You know my current situation, so when you come to see me and tell me this, do you want me to fall out with the Sandaime Hokage? Or..."

"No, no, no, Yondaime-sama, you misunderstood."

Natsuhiko immediately interrupted Namikaze Minato, he would never take the blame.

Even if he does have certain thoughts, he will never admit it.

"The Fourth Hokage, if you fall out with the Third Hokage, let's not say whether you can win or not.

Just if something like this happens, the impact it will have on Konoha is unpredictable! "

Since he was not going to admit it, Xiaozhi analyzed it with emotion and reason. Xia Yan's expression did not change at all, and he still maintained a gentle smile.

"The war has just ended, and Konoha is very weak. It would be terrible if something like this happened at this time.

Although I have to admit one thing, as a member of the Senju Clan, I do want the Third Hokage to lose his power completely.

But as a member of Konoha, especially as an ANBU, I know better how to choose. "

Natsuhiko didn't speak after saying this, but his perception was always 'staring' at Namikaze Minato.

Although Namikaze Minato looked at Natsuhiko expressionlessly at this moment, he could clearly feel that Namikaze Minato was relieved now.

This lets him know that he has passed the first level. As long as he passes the troublesome first level of establishing trust, the next two will be much easier.

"In that case, why are you still looking for me, Natsuhiko-kun?" Namikaze Minato was silent for a long time, and then he sighed slightly: "I don't believe you are doing it for the sealing technique, nor do I believe you are doing it for Kakashi. Let’s be direct and maybe we can continue talking.”

"Indeed, it is definitely not a simple reason to take such a big risk to meet Lord Hokage." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "Actually, Lord Hokage should have guessed my first reason."

"Have you guessed it?" Namikaze Minato frowned, and suddenly he said seriously: "The Flying Thunder God Technique?"

"Yes." Xia Yan lowered his head and looked at the scroll on the ground, and said calmly: "My first goal is to learn the art of Flying Thunder God."

Namikaze Minato nodded. He had indeed guessed that Natsuhiko wanted to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, because this kid's ability to activate the Flying Thunder God's curse seal already explained a lot.

Moreover, he is also a member of the Senju clan, so it is not strange at all to know and want to learn this technique.

"I understand." Namikaze Minato nodded: "Other than that?"

"Besides that, I also hope that the Fourth Hokage can win." Natsuhiko said very calmly, and his voice was still gentle: "As a member of the Senju clan, I think the Hokage knows about us. Ideas.”

Hope, I can win?

Namikaze Minato looked at Xia Yan calmly, he had indeed thought of many, many things.

I'm afraid what Xia Yan represents now is no longer himself, but the Thousand Hands clan, right?

I hope he can win, I hope he can defeat the Third Hokage and take back the power that belongs to Hokage.

Will this allow the Senju clan to once again stand on the stage of power in Konoha?

Namikaze Minato stared at Natsuhiko, hoping to see something different in Natsuhiko's eyes.

But it's a pity that Xia Yan is still gentle and calm, as if there are no other emotions.

"How do you want me to win?" After a long time, Minato Namikaze suddenly asked.

"It's not about falling out. It's a way to become the real Hokage without causing any harm to Konoha." Natsuhiko immediately gave the most standard answer.

"Is that so?" Namikaze Minato asked in a deep voice, "Is this what your Senju clan thinks?"

"No, this is my own idea." Xia Yan shook his head: "I did not report it back because some people in the Thousand Hands Clan..."

At this point, Natsuhiko stopped, while Namikaze Minato nodded slightly. There are extreme people everywhere, it's not surprising.

But what he was a little confused about was whether Xia Yan could represent the Thousand Hands Clan?

After a long while, Namikaze Minato suddenly burst into a bitter smile in his heart. So what if it meant that?

What can I do about my current situation?

Raising his head, Namikaze Minato stared at Natsuhiko, and he finally made a decision.

"I understand, Natsuhiko-kun. In the future, I hope to get more information that I cannot know about ANBU and the inside of Konoha, but that you can have access to."

"No problem, Hokage-sama."

"Besides, I will personally teach you the art of Flying Thunder God. I hope you can learn it."


Teach in person?

No, why don't you let Kushina teach me the sealing technique first?


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