Xia Yan really didn't expect that the result of this groundbreaking meeting would be mixed.

Natsuhiko knew that Namikaze Minato didn't trust him, but he knew even better that Namikaze Minato had no choice now.

Therefore, choosing appropriate trust based on distrust, and judging Natsuhiko's true thoughts from the obtained information, would be Namikaze Minato's best choice at the moment.

What's more, Natsuhiko also has the blessing of many identities, such as Kakashi's classmate, and now he is considered a person whom Kakashi can trust.

For example, a team leader with an ANBU resume of five years, although his position in the ANBU is not high, he is still exposed to a lot of things.

The value these identities bring is really important, and Namikaze Minato really needs these things.

Moreover, Namikaze Minato also knew mentally that he had no way to deal with those minister-level people now, and even the captain had no way to deal with him.

Therefore, someone with Xia Yan's status is his best choice at the moment.

From small to big, from weak to strong, Namikaze Minato has already planned the route he wants.

And in order to facilitate contact with Xia Yan, he even took the initiative to teach Xia Yan the art of Flying Thunder God.

Because Namikaze Minato knew very well that for a member of the Senju clan like Natsuhiko, there would definitely be no shortage of specific information about the Flying Thunder God.

Xia Yan's own performance also proves this. He understands the Flying Thunder God and can even activate the Flying Thunder God's curse seal.

There is only one thing he lacks, and that is the sealing technique.

However, Namikaze Minato felt that teaching a sealing technique alone was obviously not enough to satisfy Natsuhiko.

Since you have no choice, then get the maximum benefit within the range of choices you can make.

The war taught Namikaze Minato many things. No matter how gentle he was and how kind he was to people, he would still make certain choices at certain times.

Therefore, the trust that can be demonstrated by teaching Xia Yan the complete Flying Thunder God Technique is definitely much more cost-effective than teaching a sealing technique alone.

But Natsuhiko was really dumbfounded by Namikaze Minato's choice. He did need to be taught the Flying Thunder God Technique, but as a person with cheats, he could master it easily!

And compared to Fei Lei Shen, he himself has more ideas for further expansion of sealing techniques.

As a result, when he turned around, he discovered that Namikaze Minato was planning to end it personally, which made Natsuhiko feel dizzy.

He had a big head but there was nothing he could do, because he really couldn't refuse Namikaze Minato's 'kindness'.

"Forget it, let's do that."

Natsuhiko sat in the Anbu lounge and sighed slightly mentally.

The result of this meeting with Namikaze Minato was pretty good. Although it wasn't everything he had hoped for, it was still much better than the others.

At least his Flying Thunder God Technique has achieved results. The only thing left is to completely master this technique in nearly ten months and find a way to obtain more sealing techniques.

Xia Yan is not worried about whether he can master Flying Thunder God at all. There are plug-in features there, and he is very confident in mastering this aspect.

The only thing that needs attention is how to fully unleash the power of this technique in actual combat after mastering it.

Those who have mastered the Flying Thunder God will never be weak. Look at the Second Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, the only two people who have mastered the Flying Thunder God.

Not to mention the strength of each of them, the opponents they defeated or even killed by relying on the Flying Thunder God already demonstrated the potential of this technique!

As for the sealing technique, it's almost the same, but there are many more types of sealing techniques than Flying Thunder God.

And Xia Yan personally feels that in terms of the potential of the sealing technique, it will never be weaker than the Flying Thunder God!

"Those extremely ferocious tailed beasts, when they encountered the sealing technique in the end, weren't they taught to be like sons?"

Tailed beasts are indeed terrifying beings, especially for ordinary ninjas - even some Kage-level ninjas, they are difficult to deal with!

But when some people face the tailed beast, they can completely suppress it to death from beginning to end, without causing any trouble at all.

For example, the Senju clan tortured the tailed beasts physically, the Uchiha clan tortured the tailed beasts mentally, and the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique was a double devastation both mentally and physically.

Although strictly speaking, the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique is not as good as Uchiha's genjutsu, nor is it comparable to the Senju clan's wood escape.

But thanks to the double effect, the expert tailed beast feels double happiness at the same time - it is imprisoned in the body, but it is allowed to see the outside, but it does not let it feel free at all.

Xia Yan doesn't have Mudun at all at this stage, perhaps because he hasn't obtained the seeds yet.

Therefore, he is happy to spend some time on sealing techniques, and he does not think that sealing techniques are only effective on tailed beasts.

This technique can definitely have unimaginable effects on people. Look at the zombie sealing that the Third Hokage used on Orochimaru. This is a derivative use of the sealing technique.

Xia Yan wouldn't consider sealing the corpse, but he thought he would consider something else, such as directly sealing its chakra.

"Captain." Just as Xia Yan was thinking, suddenly a voice came from behind him: "What are you thinking about?"

"It's Kakashi." Xia Yan turned his head slightly and glanced, then he smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about some other issues."

"Is that so?" Kakashi nodded. He didn't think too much, but sat down directly: "By the way, the teacher is looking for you..."

"He plans to teach me the sealing technique." Xia Yan said with a smile. He had no intention of hiding it at all.

Namikaze Minato teaches sealing techniques and even the flying thunder god technique. Such gimmicks are still very useful to Natsuhiko.

Xia Yan even has a deeper plan, but this matter still requires careful planning and waiting.

He didn't believe that as an ANBU team leader, he had been in contact with Namikaze Minato and there would be no reaction from the Third Hokage.

As long as there is a reaction, Xia Yan can get more benefits from it. Why should he hide such a good thing that comes to his door?

"Did the teacher personally teach you the sealing technique?"

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and then he actually smiled for the first time.

His eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, revealing a crescent shape. Even if he couldn't see his entire face, Xia Yan knew that he was indeed smiling.

"If that's the case, then we can still become brothers."

"That's true, but we have to wait until Hokage-sama has time." Although Natsuhiko marveled at Kakashi's change, he didn't show much expression.

"By the way, I have something to tell you." Kakashi quickly opened his eyes, and his expression once again returned to its previous calmness: "Do you still remember that the destroyed Classes 5 and 9 of the Second Battalion? Something about that?”

"Of course I remember." Xia Yan nodded. Two of his men were transferred to serve as captains to reorganize the team. How could he forget.

"According to intelligence, they were killed by one person."

"Oh? Who could actually do such a thing?"

"Speaking of which, this has something to do with us. The person who killed them is Kakuzu."


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