The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 44 It’s very complicated (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

"Killed by Kakuzu?"

When Xia Yan heard Kakashi's words, he was a little confused, but soon his expression became a little embarrassed.

This guy Kakuzu really holds a grudge.

Didn't he just chop off the head of the corpse that Kakuzu planned to exchange for money? If he couldn't find anyone to take revenge, he wouldn't take revenge on other ANBU in Konoha.

Xia Yan sighed slightly in his heart. This situation was really helpless, but he couldn't continue to express anything.

The members of Konoha's ANBU are always the most dangerous group of people, especially those who hunt down and assassinate troops. The risk factor is even more frightening.

There are often those "do it or die" guys, and there are countless people who die because of missions.

Being killed by Kakuzu like this was actually strictly speaking a normal thing. Anyway, in a sense, Kakashi had also avenged them.

"Kakashi took out that guy's earth-type chakra heart. Although it won't completely kill Kakuzu, it's better than nothing."

Although Kakuzu's revenge made Xia Yan embarrassed, it ended there, and it was unlikely to cause much trouble to him.

In fact, Natsuhiko should have been alert since Shinichi and Masaya were transferred.

There would definitely be some problems in transferring two people from him impartially, but at that time Xia Yan thought it was the captain who wanted to target Kakashi or something like that, so he didn't think too much about it.

But now it seems that the captain was actually targeting Kakuzu, and it could be regarded as a small warning to Xia Yan.

Even if ANBU personnel are vulnerable to retaliation, if Xia Yan actively causes trouble, a silent warning is what he should do.

"It seems that this matter does have something to do with us." Xia Yan sighed slightly, but soon he showed a gentle smile: "But you don't need to worry about it, we have already reported the situation in advance, right? "

"That's true, but..." Kakashi sighed softly: "I will always feel a little sorry. If we had..."

"We are the ones who will die. Besides, we reported this matter in advance. The information about this matter should also be passed on to make everyone careful." Natsuhiko interrupted Kakashi. Of course he knew what this guy meant.

It was nothing more than that they stayed and tried to kill Kakuzu, but was this possible?

It's possible. After all, Natsuhiko has information about Kakuzu, and at the same time, he doesn't have all his firepower. If he cooperates well with Kakashi, he might have a certain chance.

But there is only a certain chance, and Xia Yan will never make up his mind to do this.

Either he is absolutely sure, or he doesn't do it. For him, these are the only two options!

For example, when he faced Kakuzu once, he did it only when he was sure to escape unscathed, and the facts proved this.

It was certain that he did it.

But when it comes to killing Kakuzu, Natsuhiko doesn't think he needs to think too much about it, so he might as well forget it.

"Hey, I understand." Kakashi nodded slightly: "By the way, what are you going to do with our team? You are the squad leader, but now there seems to be a big gap in our numbers."

"There are still two people missing, it's not a big deal." Xia Yan said nonchalantly: "And even if we have to add new people, it is still a little troublesome. Training also takes time, so don't be in a hurry."

A team can have three or four people including the leader. Xia Yan's previous team was a standard team including the leading ninja, which was four people.

The establishment of ANBU will not change at all, so they are still two spots short of filling up the team.

But ANBU also has a certain degree of flexibility, that is, no matter whether your team is filled or not, as long as they are not the candidates requested by the captain to join, it will be okay even if it is vacant at other times.

But correspondingly, no matter whether you have a small number of people or not, you must definitely perform the tasks you are supposed to perform, and you will not be allowed to take a break just because of this trivial matter.

Xia Yan was naturally aware of these things, but he didn't pay too much attention to them. As he said, recruiting new people was also a troublesome matter.

Newcomers are naturally recruited from the waiting list, and they must go through some necessary training after joining.

This kind of running-in is very necessary, which is relatively time-consuming, and the talents in the back-up sequence are almost booked, and the rest is like that.

Such a guy is recruited without a proper running-in period, and most likely is used to block kunai or ninjutsu.

Although Xia Yan has never done such a thing, he has actually had such an idea. If he hadn't been worried about being found out when he came back, he might have done this long ago.

Anbu is not a battlefield ninja, and Anbu's inspections are always the most demanding and troublesome, otherwise he would not keep complaining that Anbu is not a place for humans.

Therefore, when new people join the team, he usually chooses to wait and observe to see if there is someone more suitable.

For newcomers who have problems during missions, he basically refuses to kill them or goes too far in rescuing them.

This approach is in line with Konoha's ninja values ​​during the war. Natsuhiko understands political correctness very well, and he will not do anything Hatake Shoshige does.

"Wait until you have time." Xia Yan patted Kakashi on the shoulder. He had a gentle smile on his face and looked harmless: "Otherwise, if we let them join now, they may be harmed during the mission. Got them."

"Is that so?" Kakashi nodded: "I understand, Captain. By the way, I said something wrong last time and it didn't cause any trouble to the Captain, right?"

"Don't worry, it's okay." Xia Yan said with a smile: "Your cooperation will be pretty good after that. I don't think there will be any trouble."

Kakashi couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard this. His cooperation was not bad?

That's really not cooperation, but actual combat. Without using deadly ninjutsu, reaching that level is basically the limit.

However, at such a limit, he was beaten by Natsuhiko and couldn't resist, but was misunderstood as cooperating, which made Kakashi really unable to laugh.

But soon he noticed that Xia Yan took out a pen and paper, as if he was recording something, which made him a little curious.

"Captain, what are you..." Kakashi asked a little strangely.

In particular, he noticed that what Xia Yan wrote was about the guys they met before who wanted to attack them, which made him even more confused.

"It's for Hokage-sama." Xia Yan said calmly, and this time his voice was very low: "There are some things that must be made clear, and this is also my mission."

"Mission?" Kakashi took a deep breath, then nodded and stopped asking.

He didn't know what kind of mission connection there was between Xia Yan and his teacher, and he didn't intend to ask.

Because he knew that the complexity here was definitely beyond his imagination...


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