Kakashi was right, this matter was indeed very complicated.

Of course, if Xia Yan thinks according to what he thinks, the complexity here is actually not that strong.

Xia Yan was indeed not worried about the trouble he would cause if he reported the situation within the ANBU. In fact, the monitoring of its members within the ANBU was the weakest.

Although this kind of weak monitoring is only relatively speaking, and some inspections are not weak at all, Xia Yan doesn't care about such inspections at all.

Let’s not talk about whether anyone saw him, after all, the place where he was was hidden enough.

What's more, he just hoped that someone would see it and then bring this matter to the Third Hokage, so it wouldn't be too dangerous.

However, he won't be too showy in name. The traces are too obvious and the performance is too clumsy.

Since Natsuhiko had already made an agreement with Namikaze Minato, he would naturally prepare some materials, such as what he saw and heard in the ANBU.

For example, when he returned from a mission with Kakashi, he met the members of the Roots, and he even reported about the existence of that underground laboratory.

He did not report these matters to Namikaze Minato when he met him, and Namikaze Minato did not rush him to report either.

Because Namikaze Minato knew that Natsuhiko was still on guard duty, not only did night patrols need to be carried out by Konoha's resident guard ninjas, but so did the Anbu.

Moreover, what the ANBU needs to perform is even more dangerous and troublesome. This is to prevent some spies in the village from passing on information, even if it is actually of no use.

There are a large number of spies in every village. This is an unspoken rule that everyone knows very well, and sometimes the shadow of the village will even use these spies.

But there is still a need to clean up, especially those guys who have not been discovered before, but have obtained some information, and they are the focus of arrest in every village.

Once they encounter these guys, the task of Xia Yan and the ANBU is to deal with them directly!

It is always dangerous to take action, and it would be derelict to let these guys run away, so Namikaze Minato did not waste too much of Natsuhiko's time.

In addition, Minato's own had escaped secretly, and he still needed to go back to accompany his wife.

Natsuhiko's preparation now is so that when he meets Namikaze Minato next time, when he teaches him the flying thunder god technique, he can also hand over this 'sincerity' to him.

"When the time comes to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, my strength should be greatly improved, but I don't know what my strength evaluation will be like."

Xia Yan is really curious about this. His current strength evaluation has reached the level of jounin. That's because his basic attributes are too high.

In addition, he has two kinds of chakra fruits, as well as earth escape and water escape techniques, which makes his overall strength reach the jounin level, even though the amount of chakra he can use is only at the chunin level.

As for the technique of Flying Thunder God, the requirement for chakra is completely consumed based on the distance.

This also means that if Natsuhiko is only fighting in close combat, then his usable chakra reserves can definitely be afforded by even a chuunin.

There is just a slight problem with the frequency.

Moreover, the fighting power of Flying Thunder God is so terrifying that Xia Yan is thinking that after he learns it, his comprehensive strength evaluation will reach the level of elite Jonin, or even the Kage level!

Of course, this is just his guess, and the specific situation needs to wait until he learns it.

And even after Xia Yan learned it, his use of the Flying Thunder God could only be limited to close combat for the time being.

As for long-distance escape, he felt that he should save his life for now, unless he could get more chakra sources.

"Speaking of which, there are many choices for the source of chakra. The tailed beast is a good choice, but with my current strength and current status, it is impossible to control the tailed beast, even if the tailed beast is released. "

When he thinks of tailed beasts, Xia Yan is not unmoved. If he learns the sealing technique now, then he won't be able to do something about the Nine-Tails Incident half a year later.

However, he didn't dare at all. He had no intention of running to the Akatsuki organization, and he had even set his sights on the position of Hokage. How could he run away?

He himself is a member of the Thousand Hands Clan and belongs completely to Genzheng Miaohong. As long as he handles things properly, Xia Yan feels that he has a great chance.

He would not and had never thought about stupidly running to hang out with Uchiha Madara who was hung up and beaten by Senju Hashirama back then.

Therefore, even if Kyuubi came out, he would not dare to touch it.

The other tailed beasts are also in trouble, or they have not been resurrected, such as the three-tailed beasts.

Or he was in the jinchuriki's body and was being strictly guarded by the village.

Or maybe Natsuhiko doesn't think he can beat those wandering Jinchūriki - such as the one from Iwagakure Village.

And who knows if the four-tailed Jinchuuriki is running away now. Although the Anbu will have access to this information, they must not underestimate the hiddenness of a village or a powerful ninja.

"Tailed beasts don't need to be considered, so... eh?"

After thinking about it, Xia Yan was suddenly stunned because he suddenly remembered something.

In fact, there seem to be two sources of chakra. One seems to be the zero-tail in Amaru's body who belongs to the Kong Ninja Village - but this woman should not have been born yet.

Moreover, Xia Yan really knew nothing about when Zero Tail was born, how it was created, and what this guy Shennong did. He only knew that such a thing existed.

In addition, he didn't know much about the specific situation of Kong Ninja Village. He only knew that there was a huge fortress, but he didn't know much about the rest.

Because Kong Ninja Village has been destroyed for many years, and Xia Yan's interest in this kind of 'original plot' is very average.

It's already pretty good that he can remember the names of those characters, general information, and the situation of the fortress in Kong Ninja Village.

As for the other one, it's much simpler.

Although it is also an 'original plot', this matter is about the meeting between Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto and his son, and Natsuhiko's interest in this is much higher.

What's more, this is a matter of traveling through time and space, so it's strange that Xia Yan isn't interested!

So he did remember many details and information about this chakra source.

He knows that the name of this thing is Dragon Vein, and he knows its specific information, specific status and specific location!

The most important thing is that Xia Yan also knows that no one will pay attention to this chakra source now.

The Leaf Village should have been interested originally, but Namikaze Minato had sealed it and his own memory, so many details were naturally forgotten.

The sealing technique of Sand Hidden Village is really difficult to describe. Even though Ichibi's sealing technique is very strong, their own is very poor.

It's clear just by looking at Gaara's condition. It's said that that guy never had a good rest!

"Is the dragon vein hidden in Loulan..."

Xia Yan's eyes became slightly blurry.

"Once you learn the sealing technique, you can take a closer look when you find an opportunity.

After all, such an ownerless thing is of great help to me..."


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