The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 50 Seed Seeds (Please collect new books and recommend them~)

Namikaze Minato's teachings were very serious and very strict.

This level of strictness was completely unexpected by Natsuhiko, because he found that Namikaze Minato taught him as if he was being taught as a disciple!

"What's going on?"

Natsuhiko looked confused. He knew that Namikaze Minato would teach him with all his heart, after all, he had given so much information so frankly.

Even though Namikaze Minato had to personally review the information, after all, there were a lot of things involved, but it would still be no problem in exchange for careful guidance.

But now, Namikaze Minato is no longer as simple as teaching carefully, it simply means teaching everything.

Although Natsuhiko felt that this word was a bit disgusting, after all, he came from modern times and this kind of word had already been broken, but this is the current state of Namikaze Minato.

He had no intention of keeping it secret at all. He started with the most basic sealing techniques, and then explained some of the Flying Thunder God's experiences during the break.

This kind of teaching is really unimaginable for Xia Yan. Although his sealing progress is still a little anxious, he feels that he is close to completely completing the first stage of sealing!

“I just don’t know when the specific time will be, maybe a month, maybe longer.”

Xia Yan silently thought that with the plug-in, he could indeed use it successfully, which would be equivalent to completely mastering the current ability.

But first of all, it has to be successful. He really hasn't completely succeeded in using it yet.

It's not that he hasn't tried it, but that he has made a seal once, but unfortunately his seal failed in the end due to various reasons.

"Xia Yan's sealing skills are not very satisfactory..."

Unfortunately, it is not ideal and there is no such thing as a landlady.

Three days passed quickly. Although Xia Yan's sealing technique progress was not ideal, his theoretical knowledge was greatly supplemented.

Coupled with Namikaze Minato's careful teaching, he even had a very good understanding of the Flying Thunder God, which he had not had much contact with yet.

It can be said that Xia Yan is almost ready for everything now, but the east wind has not blown over him yet.

"And in the past three days, Namikaze Minato's attitude towards me has also changed a lot."

Xia Yan's ability to observe words and emotions is quite good, plus he also has the help of perception.

Therefore, even if it was only a very subtle change in Namikaze Minato's attitude in the past three days, Natsuhiko could detect it.

Regarding such changes, Natsuhiko felt that it was likely that Namikaze Minato had gone through his own channels and confirmed the correctness of some of the information he had given.

Although Xia Yan didn't know exactly which aspect was confirmed, he wouldn't care too much. No matter which aspect it was, it was the same to him.

Even if there are some errors in this information, it is within the allowable range. Xia Yan has not guaranteed that the information he gave is 100% correct.

"Okay, Xia Yan, I'm afraid this teaching can only go so far."

As the sun set, Minato Namikaze looked at Natsuhiko with a smile on his face and said.

Three days have passed, and Xia Yan has to return to the ANBU to report, so naturally their teaching will have to stop temporarily.

In three days, Namikaze Minato's perception of Natsuhiko had indeed changed a lot.

The first point is that he did confirm the authenticity of some of the information given by Xia Yan.

I have to say that knowing these shocking things made Namikaze Minato very uncomfortable.

But knowing this, he has a clearer judgment about his own situation, and he also has a clearer understanding of where he is.

Even though this information has not been completely confirmed, Natsuhiko has proved his worth, and Namikaze Minato also knows that he really needs Natsuhiko's help.

The second point is that Namikaze Minato also showed some love for talents.

Xia Yan's basic theoretical knowledge of sealing techniques is really solid. It's obvious that this kid has secretly put in a lot of effort.

Even though he has not really completed the sealing technique yet, this is a normal thing in Namikaze Minato's opinion.

The sealing technique is different from other ninjutsu, and its complexity is far greater than other ninjutsu.

Minato still clearly remembered that when he learned the sealing technique, it took him a whole month to complete the first seal.

Moreover, Kushina was the one who taught her herself at that time. Her performance was so bad, so one can only imagine how difficult it was.

It would definitely be a good thing if Natsuhiko could really learn and master the Flying Thunder God, and think from Konoha's point of view without any selfishness.

Today's Konoha is indeed too weak, and Natsuhiko is talented and willing to teach Minato Namikaze.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, for your guidance." Natsuhiko looked at Namikaze Minato with a smile, and then he bowed seriously: "Without your guidance, I would never have progressed so fast, thank you."

"It's okay. After all, you are also a Konoha ninja, aren't you?" Namikaze Minato said earnestly. He patted Natsuhiko's shoulder and said softly: "If, I mean if, I have the chance, I would like to be your teacher."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, for your love." Natsuhiko immediately understood what Namikaze Minato meant, and he smiled and said softly, "If I have the chance, I will definitely call Hokage-sama teacher."

If there is an opportunity, then clearly now is not the time.

Namikaze Minato obviously hasn't confirmed 100% of Natsuhiko's inner thoughts, nor does he know his motives.

And Natsu Yan had other thoughts at work in his heart, and he couldn't help but be tied to the boat of Namikaze Minato.

No one knows when this time will come, maybe soon, maybe never.

"Okay, let me give you something before I leave."

Namikaze Minato walked to a big tree, and then pressed it directly with his palm.

Along with the surge of chakra, Xia Yan clearly saw the curse seal of a Flying Thunder God appear on it the next moment.

However, this curse seal is not complete. It is only the most basic and does not have the original curse seal with personal characteristics.

But Natsuhiko's eyes lit up slightly, because he knew that Namikaze Minato didn't show him the curse seal, but the sealing technique.

"This sealing technique is the basic Flying Thunder God seal." Namikaze Minato said with a smile: "You can learn this sealing technique, I believe it will be of great use to you.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama!" Xia Yan showed a bright smile. This sealing technique was indeed very useful to him.

"Then, I'll take my leave first." Namikaze Minato didn't pay attention and continued: "We'll see you next time when you have a rest."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan smiled and nodded.

Namikaze Minato was not a person who liked to talk nonsense. He nodded slightly, and then his figure disappeared directly from the place like a ghost, as if he had never appeared at all!

"The flying thunder god's technique..."

Xia Yan looked at this scene. It was impossible not to be greedy, but he also knew that he didn't need to think about it at all.

"But is there any hope for the future?"

Smiling and stretching, Xia Yan simply sat down against the tree. After training for a day, he felt a little tired.

However, what he never expected was that when he was resting against the tree, the system in his mind suddenly moved.

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analyze data, primary sealed seeds."



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