"What the hell is going on here?"

After returning home, Xia Yan sat down on his bed. His mind was very confused now.

Because he really didn't understand why the fruits of the sealing technique could be collected from that broken tree?

It was not without his guessing whether it was because Namikaze Minato left the seal on the tree that he got this thing.

Because this is the only explanation that can explain clearly why he can get this thing!

However, what made him distressed was that the seeds he had obtained before did not seem to be obtained in this way at all.

"The speed-type seeds were obtained from the bamboo forest, the power-type seeds were obtained from the cypress trees, and the reaction-type seeds seemed to be accidentally harvested from flowers."

Xia Yan looked at the yellow seeds in his hand and secretly recalled the seeds he had obtained before.

“Earth Chakra Seeds, Water Chakra Seeds, and even Immortal Chakra Seeds are all obtained from some trees or plants.

I haven't figured out what happened except for the Wind Release Chakra Seed, but I also got it from an insignificant tree.

Why is this time so special? Could it be that the seeds I got before actually absorbed similar power to give birth to such attributes? "

The more he thought about it, the more headache he got. Finally, Xia Yan simply sighed quietly and was too lazy to continue thinking about it.

But he also made up his mind, he must give it a try!

"For example, let Kakashi use Thunderbolt to attack the trees, and then I'll take a look."

Having made his decision, Xia Yan didn't bother to worry about it anymore. If he guessed correctly, he would definitely save a lot of time in the future.

Of course, if he guessed wrong, it wouldn't be a big deal. After all, he had been doing this for so many years, so there was no need for him to worry.

Although there is no way to explain why today's situation happened, we still have to live our lives, just think that today is a beautiful coincidence and accident.

"But what to do with this seed?"

He figured out one thing that gave him a headache, but the next thing still gave him a headache.

Yes, that is the seed of the sealing technique at this moment.

He had never thought that he could obtain such a seed, so he had been working hard to learn the sealing technique on his own.

Now the seeds appeared, which made him feel helpless even as he was happy.

Fortunately, he can rely on this seed in the future to make his sealing talents better and his abilities stronger.

In this way, he can save more time on studying sealing techniques and put more time on practical application.

Unfortunately, planting seeds also takes time. Even if they are just primary seeds, Xia Yan estimates that it will take more than a month.

In a month, Xia Yan might have learned the sealing technique himself.

Added to this was the troubling issue that he had now planted enough seeds.

The profound lesson he learned as a child was still lingering in his mind.

What's more, he has planted four seeds now, and the seeds he has been allocated are enough.

I don't know if planting another ghost will have any impact on him, even if it's just the lowest level primary seed.

"The chakra I have now is not enough. If there is another ghost, I know if my chakra will not be enough."

Xia Yan is extremely conflicted in his heart now. He didn't dare to plant the wind chakra seed before, but now he doesn't dare to plant it either.

But when he thought of the flying thunder god's technique, he was very excited. After struggling for a long time, Xia Yan simply gritted his teeth.


He thought viciously.

“In a month, as long as I don’t encounter any dangerous tasks, I can definitely handle it with my current strength.

I don’t believe I can ever meet a guy like Kakuzu. For ordinary enemies, Kakashi is enough. For troublesome enemies, I can just turn on Sage Mode! "

The temptation of the sealing technique is really not comparable to that of chakra seeds with other attributes, at least it is incomparable to him now.

After making the decision, Xia Yan directly held the seed in his hand in order to prevent his mentality from wavering. At the same time, a touch of green chakra appeared in his hand.

This was a sign that the Thousand Hands Secret Technique of his bloodline power was activated. Along with the rippling green chakra, Xia Yan clearly felt that the seeds in his hands had directly entered his body.

Slowly, the yellow seed seemed to enter the area near his heart along his blood, and then quickly settled here.

For a moment, Xia Yan felt his chakra quickly pouring into the seed, and the seed began to slowly change.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 37 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Chuunin (Jōnin)

Bloodline Development Degree: Elementary (Secret Technique of Thousand Hands)

Seeds: Jonin chakra seeds (60% maturity), intermediate senjutsu seeds (82% maturity), advanced earth escape seeds (71% maturity), advanced water seeds Escape seeds (maturity level 71%), primary seal seeds (maturity level 1%)

Fruit: zero

Mission: Become the real BOSS in the ninja world (the only one)

"Sure enough, another part of chakra is missing."

Xia Yan was heartbroken when he felt the chakra being pulled away to nourish the seed.

He didn't have much chakra to begin with, but now he felt a little worse.

But Xia Yan has no regrets, and he will never regret it once he makes a decision on such a matter.

Comparing interests, no matter how you look at it at this stage, Flying Thunder God is more powerful.

Xia Yan is a smart man, he knows how to make choices.

"This matter ends here. You must be more careful in the next month." Xia Yan thought secretly: "Also, I have been with the fourth generation for the past three days, and I don't know if there is anyone on the third generation. What a reaction."

Sarutobi Hiruzen has always taken great care of Namikaze Minato, and it can even be described as strict. It is not an exaggeration.

After all, as Hokage, he doesn't even have the opportunity to meet with others alone in the Hokage's office to talk about things. Isn't this called strictness?

And what Natsuhiko remembers most is that when he was watching the Kakashi chapter of the anime, Orochimaru once pointed out very bluntly why Sarutobi Hiruzen chose Namikaze Minato.

That's because Sarutobi Hiruzen needs an obedient puppet, that's all!

"Now this obedient puppet is suddenly mixed up with the descendants of the Senju clan. I wonder what the third generation of the strongest Hokage in history will think and behave?"

Natsuhiko tilted his head. He was really curious about what the Sandaime had planned.

And he is waiting now, waiting for the Sandaime to make a move.

You know, Namikaze Minato guessed a little bit right, but he guessed wrong again.

Xia Yan is indeed investing in both ends. Putting eggs in one basket is the most dangerous.

It's just that Xia Yan's actions this time only represent himself, not the Thousand Hands clan...


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