The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 52: New mission (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

In fact, Xia Yan himself also knew that regardless of whether he had dragged the Thousand Hands Clan into the water or not, the Thousand Hands Clan had actually entered the chess game a long time ago.

Xia Yan's identity has already determined many things, which he himself cannot change.

But he didn't have the mood or idea to inform the Thousand Hands Clan. After all, Xia Yan didn't have a high say in the Thousand Hands Clan now.

Although he was pretty good among the younger generation, as an ANBU, he had too little contact with the young people of the same generation within his family.

Among the middle and older generations, it is obvious that neither his age nor his other abilities will be taken too seriously.

Of course, there are also reasons why Xia Yan himself hid some key things, such as the immortal mode that he never revealed to anyone.

Immortal mode is definitely Xia Yan's most important trump card. If there is no special reason, he will never reveal it to anyone unless he feels it is necessary.

"Let's do this for the time being. When I get what I want later, the family issues will also have time to slowly be resolved."

After a good night's rest, Xia Yan rushed to the ANBU to check in on time the next morning.

To his surprise, Kakashi was already here, sitting alone in the corner and waiting quietly.

"Good morning, Kakashi." Xia Yan walked over with a smile and said hello to Kakashi: "How have you been these three days?"

"It's okay, I'm just not used to it." Kakashi raised his head and said softly: "It feels like everyone is very enthusiastic."

During these three days of rest, Kakashi tried to find his former friends - in fact, he didn't even need to look for them, Akai and the others were already here.

Kakashi, who had been indifferent for a long time, also began to try to contact his former friends and enjoy such warmth again.

However, after all, he was in a state of despair before. Even after being enlightened by Xia Yan, he still figured out a lot of things.

But that kind of indifference really can't be changed if you want to. He has tried his best to adapt, but he still feels a little uncomfortable.

Natsuhiko probably guessed what Kakashi was thinking. He smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "It's okay, just take your time. After all, you have already taken the most critical step."

"Yeah, I understand." Kakashi nodded, and then he didn't say much more.

But Natsuhiko could tell that Kakashi seemed to enjoy the previous time.

Even a cold person yearns for sunshine in his heart, and a cold person also has warmth in his body.

Sooner or later, the warm sunshine will melt the ice. Look at Kakashi in the future. Although he is obviously alive with the shadow of Obito, hasn't he also changed?

But soon, Kakashi's expression became a little strange. He looked at Xia Yan, opened his mouth slightly, but finally didn't know what to say.

During the three days of rest, Kakashi also learned a lot of special things through Akai and the others, such as the girl from the Uchiha clan last time.

Xia Yan said that the girl was their former classmate, but that was all.

But through Akai, Kakashi learned a lot of interesting things. For example, after Xia Yan left school, the girl seemed to pay attention to him.

Although the girl has never met Xia Yan, she knows that Xia Yan has a good relationship with Akai, and she also knows a lot about him through Akai.

This kind of attention seems not that simple, right?

Fortunately, Kakashi knew that Akai didn't know the specific situation of Natsuhiko, otherwise he would have thought about spies.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yan noticed Kakashi's eyes, and he asked a little strangely: "Your eyes are a little strange?"

"It's nothing." Kakashi hesitated, but finally decided not to talk nonsense: "I was just wondering if you have seen the teacher in the past three days."

"I've seen it before. Lord Hokage treats me very well." When talking about his success in the past three days, Xia Yan's expression became subtle: "I also learned a lot."

"That's good, that's good..." Kakashi chuckled, and then said nothing.

As soon as this topic was brought up, Xia Yan couldn't help but think of his own chakra level that made matters worse.

Kakashi, on the other hand, was simply too embarrassed to gossip about such things, so the two of them fell silent for a while.

However, the silence did not last long. The captain suddenly walked into the lounge, which made all of them stand up.

Respecting superiors is a basic quality of ninjas, especially because ninjas are the product of militarized management, and the concept of superiors and subordinates is even more serious.

The captain glanced at everyone present, and finally his eyes were fixed on Natsuhiko and Kakashi.

"Nightingale, White Fang, you two come with me."

"Yes, Captain."

Natsuhiko and Kakashi followed immediately, but they both couldn't help but look at each other.

Obviously they expected it, and I'm afraid they won't have any leisure time.

The captain came to them alone like this. It was obvious that he had some troublesome tasks to assign.

Although Xia Yan did not refuse the task, his current situation was a bit embarrassing. He was also wondering whether he should just fish out this month.

Just like being low-key and not attracting too much attention, but he didn't expect to be assigned a task on his first day at work.

"Come in, everyone." When he arrived at the door of an office, the captain said directly, and then he walked in first.

"Yes." Natsuhiko and Kakashi quickly followed in.

"Take a look." The captain handed them a document directly: "This mission is not too troublesome, but it is relatively complicated."

"Is it complicated?" Xia Yan spread out the document and started reading it directly with Kakashi.

Xia Yan has experienced this kind of task file being directly handed over to your hand for you to look at before. Similar tasks are indeed not as troublesome as imagined.

It's just that the captain specifically mentioned that it was a little complicated, which made Xia Yan a little interested.

Looking at the report carefully, Xia Yan frowned slightly.

This report tells that there is a place called Shouzaki Castle in the Kingdom of Fire, and some strange things happened.

According to legend, this place was once a country, but it was swallowed up by the Kingdom of Fire, but some of the names of this place have been retained.

This is the case with Shouzaki Castle, but now this place is very strange. There is a castle in this city. People who visit this castle often disappear, or even disappear collectively!

Such a strange situation naturally attracted Konoha's attention, and Konoha once sent a team to investigate.

But unfortunately, everyone in that team, including the leading chuunin, disappeared.

Therefore, this matter also fell into the hands of ANBU...


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