The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 53: People are harder to deal with than monsters

"This mission..."

On the way to Shouzaki Castle, Xia Yan couldn't help but start thinking about this mission.

Naturally, he would not refuse such a task, although it was a bit complicated and he still had to investigate what was going on.

But strictly speaking, this is really much easier than him performing assassination missions, hunting missions, and blocking missions.

The most important thing is that the time limit for this task is actually half a month!

Half a month was enough for Xia Yan to severely slow down the progress of his own seeds.

Half a month later, he estimated that he was 80% or 50% or 60% progress!

In addition, he also felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He seemed to have seen this mission before.

"Is it a comic or an anime?"

Xia Yan really couldn't remember it. After all, it had been thirteen or four years since he traveled back in time. It was impossible for him to remember everything in such detail.

Even though he had already made a diary a long time ago, he took it out and looked through it from time to time to prevent himself from missing something too important.

But even his diary basically records some important events.

Just like Kong Ninja Village, he couldn't record all these things.

"Forget it, let's take it step by step. It didn't leave a deep impression on me. It may not be anything important after thinking about it."

Xia Yan secretly thought that the two of them were very fast. It only took them a few days to reach a small town next to the capital of the Country of Fire.

After making some contact with the local ANBU stationed in this town, the two of them simply found a hotel to stay.

Anyway, they have time to carry out this task slowly, so there is no need to be too anxious.

But Xia Yan didn't expect that when he was about to take a rest at night, Kakashi suddenly came to the door.

"What's wrong?" After Xia Yan opened the door and let Kakashi in, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "Can't sleep at night? How about we go out for a drink?"

"Stop joking, captain, we can't drink." Kakashi shook his head and said seriously.

Xia Yan pursed his lips. He had no idea who had cerebral palsy who set the rules.

In the ninja world, it is forbidden to drink alcohol if you are under the age of 18. Even if you are a ninja who kills many people on the battlefield, you are still not old enough.

In other words, you are allowed to kill people, but you are not allowed to drink alcohol.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about this kind of problem. He closed the door and showed a gentle smile: "Are you confused about the mission and can't sleep?"

"Yes, Captain." Kakashi nodded, and he found a place to sit down: "This mission did not clearly indicate who the enemy is, but I always feel that something is not right about this mission."

"How do you say that?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. Kakashi's analytical skills were absolutely top-notch. He wanted to see if this kid had discovered anything.

"Missing people." Kakashi said calmly: "In the castle in Shouzaki Castle, a group of people have disappeared every once in a while over the years. These are all recorded, but there are also certain regularities. Not everyone who goes into it disappears.”

Doesn’t everyone who enters disappear?

Xia Yan frowned. Things would become simpler if they were regular, but they would also be brought into it because of certain stereotypes.

Xia Yan doesn't like unknown things, but he hates vague things even more.

But now it's not like he can't continue to speculate according to Kakashi's thoughts. There is no problem in doing so without many clues.

What's more, if it was a really troublesome task, he would probably record it in his diary.

"If you follow this pattern..." Xia Yan touched his chin, and then said softly: "It can be concluded that there are two results. One is an unknown organization, or the village or even our own village is arresting people."

"Human experiment?" Kakashi frowned: "If so, it will be a big trouble."

"There is another possibility." Xia Yan interrupted Kakashi's speculation, and he continued: "That is that the castle has serious problems, or that it is not a castle, but a beast or even something more terrifying."

"Monster?" Kakashi thought of something immediately: "Captain, do you mean, foraging?"

Xia Yan nodded slightly. In his memory, there were not many people who dared to conduct human experiments.

Although you have to be careful, who knows if there are some organizations that are not in the original work.

But he still preferred that the organization he encountered would not be some messy organization. After all, those organizations did not operate within the scope of the Fire Country.

Since this is the case, then it is very possible that Xia Yan and the others encountered some kind of wild beast, or even a terrifying monster!

"If it's a monster, then it's better." Xia Yan thought for a long time, and finally said quietly: "Because humans are always more difficult to deal with than monsters."

"What does the captain mean, people's hearts are unpredictable?" Kakashi seemed to understand what Natsuhiko meant. He nodded slightly: "Then we..."

"Be prepared." Xia Yan interrupted Kakashi before he could finish his words: "Whether it is a monster or some organization, we must find out what is being said. Of course, we must also be ready to take action at any time. preparation."

After Xia Yan finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense. He had made it so clear. He believed that Kakashi knew what to do.

But the more he communicated with Kakashi, the more Xia Yan felt that he was inexplicably familiar with what happened in this ghost place.

It seems that he has really seen it before?

But he really couldn't remember and Xia Yan didn't bother to worry about it. Again, it didn't leave a sufficient impression on him. It probably wasn't an extremely difficult trouble.

"Since it's not that troublesome, with my current strength, it's enough to handle it!"

Although Xia Yan has always been cautious, he is cautious, and he has enough confidence when he should be confident.

In this day and age, kaleidoscopes have not yet appeared on a large scale.

Nagato is crippled and may only have one Tendo, still forging other clones.

The ceiling of this world is probably the shadow of each village and people like Kakuzu.

The last time he and Kakashi were able to escape from Kakuzu, even if Kakuzu was careless, it also proved that Natsuhiko's strength was definitely not weak.

Xia Yan was confident that even in his current state, he would not have no chance against ordinary jounin or even ordinary elite jounin.

Even if you really can't beat him, escaping isn't that difficult.

"With Immortal Mode in hand, even if it doesn't last long, it's definitely enough for running away."

Natsuhiko looked at Kakashi's leaving figure. He didn't go to see him off, but sat by the bed and thought.

"What's more, among the few techniques I'm best at, there's the teleportation technique.

I'm really good at running around and stuff like that..."


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