After having a clear idea, Natsuhiko and Kakashi also began to prepare for the mission.

The mission this time was only given a rough outline, without specific details, so Xia Yan and the others needed to find out a lot of information themselves.

It was precisely for this reason that ANBU gave the two of them half a month to complete it.

Half a month is really not a small amount of money. There are not many ANBU members. Every ANBU member can be regarded as an elite. Half a month can complete a lot of tasks.

Natsuhiko and the others were not sent out to infiltrate the ANBU lurking in other villages. In fact, this kind of thing had been taken care of by the roots after the war.

This and the decision made by the Second Hokage to limit the dominance of the Anbu family, even though the Third Generation has been thinking of ways to take back this right, the effect has always been very average.

But this is a good thing for Xia Yan. At least he doesn't need to worry about being sent out and then lurking in Ninja Villages in other countries, waiting for three years after another.

Collecting intelligence is a relatively boring thing, but it is also an opportunity to fish, and Xia Yan will not miss it.

After a few days, the maturity level of his sealed chakra seeds had reached 12%, which was about what he expected.

Of course, he would not forget his work even if he was trying to catch fish. He and Kakashi had basically figured out a lot of the situation.

"Now it is basically certain that no organization is conducting human experiments, because no relevant traces have been found."

At night, in Natsuhiko's room, he and Kakashi sat together, exchanging information and completing the final summary.

“If it were a human experiment, it would naturally leave enough traces.

It's just like it was left behind by the transfer of personnel, and the experimental location wasn't far away, so there couldn't be no trace at all.

In addition, there are no clues about the disposal of the body after the research is completed.

So I think we don’t need to think too much about this aspect. "

Human experimentation is a very complicated matter, and no matter how you do it, you are bound to leave more or less clues.

Xia Yan has checked carefully these days, and still uses his perception to explore.

Even if someone used sealing techniques to cover it up, Natsuhiko didn't believe that someone could do it more perfectly than the roots of Konoha.

Looking at the Akatsuki organization, the current public enemy number one in the ninja world, their research on sealing techniques is actually very average.

However, considering that the sealed tailed beast can directly rely on the ability of the samsara eye, it doesn't seem to matter whether it is studied or not.

As for the shell organization, Xia Yan is not sure whether this organization has been established at all, because the current timeline is too early.

"So, are you considering it to be a monster?" Kakashi asked softly. He also did a lot of investigations during this period: "It's just that I didn't find any traces of the monster's movement, not even excretion."

"Maybe this monster doesn't need excrement at all. Its stomach acid can melt the bones directly." Xia Yan said casually: "In fact, such monsters are not uncommon, such as Lord Orochimaru's snake."

Orochimaru's snake is still very famous in Konoha. Xia Yan remembers that it seems to be called Ten Thousand Snakes?

During the war, Natsuhiko had heard that Orochimaru used this snake to swallow more than twenty ninjas in one breath on the battlefield of Whirlpool Country, which directly severely damaged Kirigakure's arrogance.

Although this snake had a very bad temper and was later directly killed by Deidara, it was undeniable that this snake was definitely a strategic-level existence.

Xia Yan heard from the ninjas on the battlefield that after the snake swallowed more than twenty ninjas, there were no adverse reactions at all.

There was no such thing as excretion. I am afraid that for a monster of this type, this amount would not make them want to go to the toilet.

If Xia Yan guessed correctly and that the castle was indeed the incarnation of a monster, then the size of this monster would not be small.

Although some people will disappear from time to time over the years, this number is probably just to maintain its life needs.

"And this is the world of Naruto. Isn't it natural that monsters don't go to the toilet?"

Xia Yan secretly thought that he was now more and more certain that it was definitely a monster that caused this situation.

And the strength of this monster is definitely not low, otherwise it would not cause many ninjas to 'disappear' inexplicably.

"Big, powerful, hungry, forced to forage..."

Xia Yan thought secretly, and his eyes began to light up slightly after just a moment.

Because he suddenly realized that such a being was probably a psychic beast?

And the more he thought about it, the more certain he became that this thing was definitely a psychic beast!

"Although it has attacked humans and fed on them, it has shown more restraint and passivity."

Xia Yan's eyes were a little vacant, but the excitement in his eyes was even more difficult to restrain.

"The castle is its main body. When a human enters it, it is equivalent to entering its belly. Although there is suspicion of fraud, it does not take the initiative to attack. It's just..."

But, where is its psychic?

Thinking of this problem, Xia Yan couldn't help but frowned.

Psychic beasts all have a fixed summoner, otherwise they would not be able to come out at all. After all, not everyone can freely enter and leave the ninja world like that Gamamaru thousands of years ago.

"Speaking of monsters, I remembered one thing." Just as Natsuhiko was thinking hard, Kakashi suddenly spoke: "Legend has it that Tsuzaki Gosa, the last psychic of Suzaki Castle, once had a huge The psychic beast, captain, do you think it is..."

"Gonzo Shouzaki? Psychic beast?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then a smile broke out on his face: "It seems that I am completely sure what we will encounter this time."

The name Natsuhiko seemed to have some impression of Shouzaki Gosa, but he didn't know the details.

But since Kakashi said it, Tsuzaki Gonzo has a huge psychic beast, and this place has been swallowed up by the Land of Fire.

So can it be understood that this guy is already dead, but before he died, he was unwilling to let his huge psychic beast guard here?

If this is the case, then Xia Yan will have one less trouble - the psychic who deals with the psychic beast.

That's right, Xia Yan has already taken a liking to this huge monster, even if it does some bad things, such as eating people.

But the ninja world has always been a world of cannibalism. Xia Yan doesn't know how many lives he has in his hands, and he will not evaluate the instinct of such a beast.

What's more, if they really want to be held accountable, it seems that the attack from the Fire Country and even Gosaku Shouzaki leaving him here are the ones that should be condemned and held accountable.

"The only trouble now is that I don't know the whereabouts of the psychic scroll, but maybe I can give it a try..."


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