The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 55 Cemetery (Additional update 1 for book friend 2019081721290)

There is no psychic scroll, which is the most troublesome problem.

However, Xia Yan felt that he could find this scroll.

Through the constant contact and recall of these events, Xia Yan even thought of some information even if he did not recall it completely.

This mission should be the one that Naruto took on, and apart from the fact that Naruto's luck was relatively bad in the first thirteen years, his luck has been at an all-time high since then.

Meeting a psychic beast is nothing. See if he can go back to the past after encountering a dragon vein, and finding a scroll after encountering a psychic beast is not a strange thing!

And according to Naruto's nature, this kid would probably enter the castle directly and save everyone.

"But if Kakashi is taken into consideration, I'm afraid they will investigate the situation from the outside."

Natsuhiko didn't know if Kakashi was involved in this mission, but he still thought it would be better to include Kakashi.

If this is the case, then Natsuhiko has two places to choose - one is the cemetery of Shouzaki Gosa, and the other is in this castle!

Tsuzaki Gozo is dead, so it is normal for him to hide the scroll in his graveyard. After all, leaving the psychic beast here shows that he is unwilling to do so.

He wouldn't want anyone to find the scroll and let the psychic beast go.

Then there are only two choices he can make, one is to put it in his own cemetery.

Death is a big deal, and there is no such thing as dumping one's grave, but it is still rare after all.

In this world, disturbing the sleep of the dead is more disgusting than killing a person.

Although Xia Yan didn't know who the idiot was who came up with this, the dead were actually more important than the living, but he still wanted to be grateful for this now.

As for being in the castle, it's even simpler. The castle is the body of the psychic beast, and the castle is his belly.

Anyone who goes in is basically eaten. Who has any chance of finding the psychic scroll?

"Kakashi, go back and rest." After figuring out the situation, Natsuhiko said directly to Kakashi: "Let's start the mission tomorrow."

"Yes, Captain." Kakashi stood up without any hesitation, but soon he became confused: "What should we do?"

"Of course, after confirming some things, enter the castle directly." Xia Yan said calmly: "If we are lucky, we don't even need to enter the castle."

"I understand." Kakashi nodded, and without asking any more questions, he turned and left: "Then, I'll go back first, captain."

After the words fell, Kakashi pushed the door open and then closed the door gently.

Kakashi's approach made Xia Yan particularly satisfied. Whether it was out of trust in himself or because he didn't care too much about this matter, Kakashi's attitude was very much in line with Xia Yan's needs.

He stood up, put on his mask, opened the window, and jumped out.

That's right, now that he has made a decision, Natsuhiko will never waste time. He is going to look for the grave of Gosaku Shouzaki tonight!

Kakashi's departure was of course the most appropriate thing, and he had no intention of talking to Kakashi about it.

Although he didn't know exactly where Shouzaki Gosa's grave was, he remembered that there was a cemetery not far outside the city.

At most, he could just search there. He didn't believe that Shouzaki Gozuo's grave would be thrown into a deserted place.

"Although it is possible, the possibility is too low." Xia Yan thought silently: "And when I have been looking for information these days, I have noticed that someone has been watching us."

After these days of inquiring, Natsuhiko did vaguely notice that someone was observing him and Kakashi.

It's just that these people didn't show up on their own initiative, let alone trouble Xia Yan and the others, so he didn't go to investigate these guys.

One less thing is one less thing. This is one of the principles that Xia Yan has always followed since he came to this world.

But now he wants to find these people. Although he is not sure about the information of these people, he feels that these guys may know what he wants.

He was walking very fast all the way towards the cemetery, and it only took him more than half an hour to reach his destination.

And along the way, he also clearly noticed that vague gaze staring at him again.

And this look became heavier and heavier as he continued to approach the cemetery.

"Sure enough, are you here to cause trouble?" Xia Yan thought silently: "A ninja from another country? Or is he a former retainer of Gosaku Shouzaki?"

No matter which one it was, it seemed to be a little troublesome, but Xia Yan didn't take it too seriously.

In fact, he had doubted before that there was some mysterious organization doing research in this place.

But he had already scanned this area with his senses, and he could definitely determine that there was no such thing here, not to mention that he had also detected the chakra of those who were paying attention to him.

Most of them were jounin, and the rest were almost all chuunin and genin. Natsuhiko knew that with such a configuration, he could definitely handle it.

Although it is very troublesome, and I also need to turn on the immortal mode, but so what?

"For such a small price, if you can get an existence with a high probability that it is not weaker than the Sannin Psychic Beast in terms of size, then you won't lose money no matter how you look at it!"

Slowly lowering his speed, Xia Yan began to walk slowly into this gloomy cemetery.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but the towering giant trees next to the cemetery just blocked the moonlight in the sky.

The entire cemetery was as dark as night, with no light at all. Only the screams of some animals could be heard, as well as the wind blowing through the branches, emitting a sound like howling.

The entire cemetery was filled with dust and a gloomy and dilapidated atmosphere. Even people like Xia Yan felt a little uncomfortable when they walked in.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan didn't care about the smell of corruption in this cemetery. He needed to calm down.

Although he didn't believe in ghosts and wasn't afraid of ghosts, the current environment was a bit scary, especially when he felt that the owners of those hidden eyes had begun to approach him unscrupulously.

"Have you finally given up on the pretentious guy?" Suddenly, Xia Yan spoke, and this time his voice was no longer as gentle as before.

The slightly cold tone echoed in the gloomy cemetery, and along with the low hum of the wind blowing the treetops, everything around him was filled with a depressing and cold feeling.

"Sir, this is not a place for you to come."

Soon, a middle-aged man's voice appeared in the cemetery, and his tone was very low and cold.

"This is the cemetery of Shouzaki Castle soldiers. When a ninja like you comes here, you will only desecrate them. Leave!"

"What if I say no? Or, you answer a few questions and I leave?"

"Then, we will definitely be divided between life and death!"


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