The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 56: Don’t bluff (Additional update 2 for book friend 2019081721290)

Must be divided into life and death?

Hearing these words, Xia Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but smile.

Interesting, really interesting.

Originally, he was still thinking about who these guys were and whether they had anything to do with that Gosaku Shouzaki.

But now he is basically sure that these guys are definitely the people he is looking for.

Moreover, even if Shouzaki Gosa's grave is not here, he can still get the location of the real grave from these guys!

Luck is always the hardest thing to evaluate. What may be unlucky in the eyes of others may be the luckiest thing in your hands.

When meeting these guys, if it were anyone else, he would definitely think that he was unlucky, but now Xia Yan thinks that he is too lucky.

"Do you want to live or die with me?" Xia Yan's voice was still so gentle, even a little soft: "I understand, just don't bluff, that will only show your weakness."

"Arrogant boy!" The middle-aged man's voice changed slightly, as if an anger began to burn in his heart: "You will definitely die!"

"Really?" Xia Yan whispered softly, and the magical chakra in his body had begun to vibrate: "Then, good night."


As soon as Xia Yan finished speaking, the middle-aged man suddenly felt a strong sense of threat, which made him shout involuntarily.

However, Natsuhiko's figure had already disappeared. At this time, he appeared quietly like a ghost, beside a ninja with a strong chakra capacity.

The ninja sword in his hand suddenly unsheathed, and a ray of silver light flashed across the dark cemetery. The silver light flashed past and grazed the ninja's neck, neither lightly nor heavily.

The ninja even felt a slight chill on his neck, and then the wetness quickly spread to his upper body.

He opened his mouth slightly to say something, but all he could make was a 'rustling' sound. Soon he suddenly became conscious, and finally fell to the ground, blood staining the ground around him.

Fast, too fast!

Xia Yan's ghostly speed really exceeded his imagination. Someone died silently, which gave them unimaginable fear.

However, Natsuhiko didn't stop at all. His speed increased and he went directly towards another ninja who wanted a chuunin chakra level.

There were about eight people on the other side. Except for the middle-aged man whose chakra level was at the Jonin level, the others were all at the Chunin and Genin level.

Clear out the miscellaneous fish first, and finally deal with the Jonin. This is the tactic decided by Xia Yan.

Although these miscellaneous fish may not be any trouble, Xia Yan doesn't want to encounter any accidents, and killing these miscellaneous fish can also confirm the mentality of the jounin.

Maybe he didn't need to clean it up at all, and the jounin was going to speak on his own.

It was a pity that when he once again killed the chuunin with his sword, he found that the middle-aged man showed no emotion of surrender except for anger.

"Asshole, don't underestimate us!"

When Natsuhiko flashed to a Chuunin again, the Chuunin suddenly let out a roar.

Then he decisively took out a kunai and tried to hold Xia Yan's ninja sword.


It's a pity that Xia Yan is in immortal mode at this time, and his perception, speed, and reaction speed have all reached his own peak.

Faced with this guy's move, Xia Yan just gently deflected the knife in one direction in mid-air, and the ninja knife pierced his body like cutting through tofu!


However, after finishing all this, Natsuhiko suddenly frowned slightly, because this chuunin was not completely dead yet, so he grabbed Natsuhiko's ninja sword before he could.

In addition, Xia Yan also noticed that this guy's kunai actually had a detonating charm tied to it!

This guy was holding him back with complete despair of death.


Huge firelight and explosions tore through the entire dark cemetery. The entire cemetery was illuminated in an instant, and smoke and fire filled the entire cemetery.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the chuunin in the darkness had completely fallen to the ground.

Half of his body had been completely blown apart, and the other side was also scarred.

Those wounds turned like lips in a disgusting manner, revealing the moving pink flesh inside, and blood flowed out along the wounds.

In addition, there were several small pieces of iron stuck in several places on the other half of his body.

The moonlight was blocked by the shadows of the trees, but in this dim cemetery, the iron sheets reflected a strange blue-green color.

As the light was covered with blood, it produced strong and weak fluctuations, showing a chilling radiance, which was the fragment of Natsuhiko's ninja sword.


Xia Yan landed firmly on the ground, and his face didn't look particularly good.

Although this kind of guy who regards death as his own is worthy of respect, it also caused him a lot of trouble. His Ninja Sword was actually destroyed by this guy!

However, with the help of the firelight and Xia Yan's perception, he had completely determined the location of those guys.

And what was most interesting to him was that those guys also used the firelight to see clearly where Xia Yan landed, and they had already rushed over.

"go to hell!"

"Avenge Hayato and the others!"

"kill him!"

Four chuunin or genin ninjas swarmed forward, and they pounced on Natsuhiko the moment he landed!

Although they knew that the masked Anbu from Konoha in front of them was very powerful, they also had something they had to protect.

What's more, Xia Yan has already killed three of them. They were their companions and their friends. They must take revenge!

"Wait a minute, come back quickly!"

The jounin originally followed suit, but when he was about to come into contact with Xia Yan, he keenly sensed that something was wrong, which made his expression suddenly change.

He himself has good perception ability, and it is with the help of this perception ability that he can constantly monitor the ninjas coming and going.

Don't let them disturb the sleep of the warriors who died in Shouzaki City, don't let them disturb the sleep of Lord Shouzaki!

This kind of perception has saved him countless times in previous battles. He can always be the first to detect the disguise used by the enemy.

For example, now, he clearly realized that the Xia Yan in front of him was completely fake, and it was simply a clone technique.

Moreover, there is still terrifying chakra brewing in this clone technique!


Unfortunately, even if he issued a warning, it was still too late.

Although these strengths are not weak, they do not have the same perception as themselves.

In addition, Xia Yan had already noticed their actions and made preparations in advance, leaving them little time to react!

A violent explosion sounded instantly, and along with violent vibrations, dust was kicked up again.

Not only that, many tombs around were exploded, revealing the bones buried inside!

Xia Yan stood on the treetop indifferently, looking coldly at the ninja who fell to the ground.

Listening to their hoarse and feeble screams, they finally looked at the middle-aged man.

"Now there are only two of us left. I told you not to bluff, because that will only show your weakness."


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