The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 66 I will take you home (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

Xia Yan's retreat was very fast, without any sloppiness at all.

And Kakashi didn't lose the slightest bit. I don't know if it was because of the Kakashi mission with Natsuhiko that he became extremely determined when retreating.

Those ANBU and root ninjas who were not taken away by them were stunned. They heard the previous conversation between Natsuhiko and Kakashi.

But with such a retreat speed, even if they were mentally prepared, they were still a little confused.

However, they are still elite ninjas, and they still come from the Roots and Anbu, which have extremely strict and demanding records.

There was no need for any verbal communication at all, just a few glances and they had already made their decision.

There were only seven ANBU left, and the three of them immediately chased after Xia Yan and the others.

Everyone at the root was ready to fight. Even if they knew they would die, they did not hesitate at all.

"You were really decisive in escaping." Xie Ziran noticed all this, his voice was hoarse and cold: "As for you, you are indeed very courageous, but I don't like you."

The Anbu and Genbu ninjas didn't speak. They just looked at Scorpion with cold eyes, full of determination in their eyes.

However, the next moment, the motionless Scorpion suddenly formed a seal, and a terrifying surge of chakra suddenly appeared on his body.

This action made all Konoha ninjas extremely vigilant, because they knew how strong the opponent they faced was.

However, after a moment, they suddenly fell to their knees one by one.

Scarlet blood began to seep out from the thick masks that covered their faces.

"So, you'd better go die." Xie's indifferent voice came over.

"If you are poisoned by me, you are already dead. The time depends on whether I want you to die now.

Seeing the results of your efforts to protect this mission, I became more and more curious and interested.

It's a pity that I can't let you see my latest artwork. "

Accompanied by Scorpion's cold and chilling voice, these root and ANBU ninjas curled up and collapsed on the ground, and soon they could no longer move.

From their death conditions, we can guess how much pain they experienced in the last moments of their lives.

But Scorpio didn't care at all. To him, although these people were admirable, they were worthless.

Even using their corpses to make puppets seems worthless.

His eyes were always forward, and he was thinking about which way he wanted to go.

When the ANBU ninjas left, they ran directly towards the middle road, which meant that they had divided into three groups.

However, Xie was not interested in the middle road. He was more interested in the two people who were rescued.

Because if you want to find out what they have done, it is necessary to choose between these two people.

Xie did this purely out of interest, but of course it was also due to his hatred for Konoha.

His parents both died at the hands of Konoha White Fang, how could he not hate Konoha?

But now that something like this happens, it is normal to take revenge on Konoha.

Especially the two guys he just rescued had white hair, which made him even more reluctant to let them go.

But there was one thing he wasn't sure about, and that was whether the guy who just used Thunder Release was Kakashi.

"Looking at the moves, it seems to be quite similar to the Chidori, but the technique is completely different from the Chidori."

Xie thought secretly for a moment, and then looked south.

"This Bai Mao is the captain. Just now the other Bai Mao called him captain.

I heard that Kakashi is a proud and arrogant person, not to mention that he is still a disciple of the Hokage, so he should not call others captain at will.


After thinking about this clearly, Xie controlled the puppet Fei to jump up, and then chased directly towards the south...



Xia Yan quickly retreated with Nanmu, but he kept monitoring the battlefield not far away with his perception.

He has discovered that all the dark parts and roots left behind have lost the breath of life.

At the same time, the Scorpion guy just thought for a moment and came directly towards him.

Although Xia Yan was mentally prepared, such a situation still gave him a headache. Fortunately, he still had a trump card that could save his life.

"Cough cough cough!" At this moment, Nanmu suddenly coughed, and a mouthful of black blood was spit out by him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Xia Yan couldn't help but ask as he looked at Nanmu, whose face was getting more and more ugly.

"Still... I can still hold on." Nanmu said with difficulty: "Is that guy chasing me?"

"Yes, captain." Xia Yan nodded directly: "He may think we are more valuable."

He glanced at this guy calmly. This guy was protected by people in the middle before. I'm afraid this was done on purpose.

That is to make Scorpio decide that he is the most valuable person.

In addition, Kakashi inadvertently called him captain before, and now the value of their team is probably much higher than Kakashi's.

"I've heard that you have certain sensory abilities, but now it seems that there is something wrong with this evaluation."

Nanmu looked at Xia Yan seriously, and then he spoke word by word.

"You'd better let me go. You can escape alone and send the information back. That's the most important thing."

With that said, Nanmu took out a scroll from his arms with difficulty and gave it to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan glanced at the scroll and didn't reach out to pick it up, but his face under the mask changed slightly.

This damn guy wants to trick himself by playing the emotional card!

Leave him to Scorpion?

Is this guy still capable of fighting?

Not at all. Looking at his state, you can tell that he has no room to perform at all now, and he can't delay it for more than a few seconds.

He said it so righteously, Bingran, probably because he wanted to further make Xie chase towards them.

Leave him behind and run away alone. After he is caught by the scorpion, he will definitely look like he will fight to the death.

As long as you reveal some hidden worries, or even directly tell Scorpio that you are chasing the wrong person, the other side is the key.

So the Scorpio who might have chased for a little bit and then given up if he couldn't catch up will definitely continue to catch up!

In this case, the roots Kakashi carried would be completely safe, at least their maneuverability would become greater.

The mission comes first, and any ninja can be sacrificed. This captain is implementing this sentence.

It's not that Natsu Yan speculated on this guy with the most vicious mentality, but Kusunoki was the captain who Natsu Yan knew had taken refuge in Danzo!

Xia Yan's eyes were a little faint, and there was even a bit of danger in his eyes. He suddenly realized that he had done something wrong.

That is, this guy seems not worthy of his investment, and he has no investment value.

"Captain, what nonsense are you talking about."

After thinking about it, Xia Yan suddenly smiled and his voice became extremely gentle.

"I will take you back, I will take you home..."


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