Xia Yan's words were very sincere, his gentle but firm tone, and his persistence in such a critical moment.

All of this seemed to make Nanmu feel Xia Yan's determination.

Moreover, Kusunoki had also heard about Natsuhiko's behavior in the ANBU. He was gentle, friendly, and treated all ANBU people very well.

Such a personality does not seem to be suitable for Anbu, but this guy's mission success rate and mission efficiency are unquestionable.

For a moment, Nanmu felt a little turbulent in his heart, and he even doubted whether what he was doing was true.

But as an ANBU, as the captain of an ANBU, Kusunoki quickly recovered his mentality.

The ANBU's mission is to complete the mission, even if it costs one's life, it must be completed.

However, he no longer mentioned the scroll in his hand. This scroll was fake, just hoping that Xia Yan could continue to attract the attention of the evil ghost-like guy.

And although Nanmu was not afraid of death, he also wanted to live. He also wanted to see what Xia Yan planned to do.


At this moment, Xia Yan's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he threw Nanmu fiercely aside, not caring whether the guy was injured at all.

Then his body twisted slightly, avoiding the iron sand that looked like spears, and then he landed firmly on the ground.

Looking at the third generation Kazekage puppet floating in the air, Xia Yan took a deep breath.

He knew that this thing could fly, and he also thought that he might be caught up soon, so this was not too unexpected.

"Are you responding quickly?" Scorpion's figure slowly emerged from the treetops, his tone still hoarse and low: "But I don't like the game of cat and mouse, so that's the end of it for you."

"Who are you?" Xia Yan doesn't mind talking to the Scorpion Ghost, so that he can recover his chakra: "In the land of fire, the Anbu are chasing Konoha. No matter how strong you are, it will be difficult to escape Konoha's revenge, right? ?”

"Yes, Konoha is indeed scary." Xie nodded, he did not deny this: "But, how do they know it was done?"

Konoha is scary, this is irrefutable for wandering ninjas and rebellious ninjas.

No matter how powerful a person is, he will be killed or even eaten alive when faced with a huge ninja hunting force.

In this era, there is no such thing as Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, where one person can fight against a big country.

But Xie is not that worried. As he said, as long as he kills everyone, no one will know that he did it.

What's more, he is still in disguise, so he will not be afraid!

"How is your recovery?" After saying this, there was basically no need to continue. Xie suddenly asked with interest: "I'm going to take action."

His voice was still hoarse, still suffocatingly cold, but this time there seemed to be a hint of playfulness in his voice.

And the moment his voice fell, Xia Yan suddenly took action.

Blind defense has never been his style, and he is still in immortal mode. Even if it is impossible to win against Scorpion, he is sure that he will not be hit by Scorpion's weapon.

"Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Blade Slash!"

The moment the teleportation technique was activated, Natsuhiko had already drawn his Ninja Sword, and his Ninja Sword was also covered with 10% water escape that was compressed to the extreme!

His figure disappeared in an instant, and then appeared next to Scorpion. He did not immediately choose to attack the puppet of the Third Kazekage, but directly chose Scorpion as the main target.

Puppet Masters have a weakness, that is, they hate being approached by taijutsu ninjas.

Xie Yan doesn't have this weakness because his whole body has been transformed, but Xia Yan can't show it too much.


Xie shook his head disdainfully, and then Fei Liuhu's huge tail swiped at Xia Yan fiercely.

At the same time, the third-generation Kazekage puppet floating in the sky flew directly towards Xia Yan's position, and several sharp blades appeared on his arms!


Xia Yan's ninja sword hit Fei Liuhu's body hard, and with a loud noise, Xia Yan's body was bounced away.

The strength of Fei Liuhu is really unimaginable. Xia Yan's sword, which contained the magic chakra, shattered Fei Liuhu directly, but he himself was also directly bounced away.

The actual strength gap is quite big. His overall strength is only that of a jounin, and the chakra he can use is only that of a chuunin.

Even though he is now in Sage Mode and the intensity of chakra has become higher, the amount of chakra he injects is still so small.

The strength of a technique is determined not only by the quality of the chakra, but also by the chakra injected into it using the technique.

Therefore, although Xia Yan's sword was very powerful, it also chopped Fei Liuhu into half.

But for Scorpio, all this seems a bit unsatisfactory.

After all, it wasn't something Yamato created with the weakened Wood Release. The moment he landed firmly on the ground, his eyes had already seen the gap in Fei Liuhu's body.

It was very big and looked very tragic, but that was all. Xia Yan couldn't even see the scorpion's body.

This defense is really terrifying. It can only be said that it is truly a puppet carefully crafted by a shadow-level powerhouse.


As soon as Xia Yan landed, the Third Generation Wind Shadow Puppet that was originally coming towards Xia Yan had already rushed over. The sharp blade in its hand was radiating cold light and slashed hard at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan had already locked onto the puppet's movements, which gave him plenty of room to react.

Xia Yan suddenly jumped back and dodged the blade in a seemingly dangerous situation. The next moment, his Ninja sword suddenly started to wave around the puppet.


Xie showed a hint of amusement. Looking at Xia Yan's movements, he guessed that this guy wanted to cut off the chakra thread.

The more powerful the puppet master is, the more skillful he is in controlling the puppets, and the threads that control the puppets become more hidden.

Scorpion is the best among puppet masters, and it is basically impossible to see the chakra threads that control his puppets with the naked eye.

Unless there is something like the Byakugan or Sharingan, or good perceptual abilities.

"Sentient ninja?"

Xie controlled the third-generation Feng Ying puppet to avoid Xia Yan's knife, and he silently muttered in his mind.

The Anbu in front of him was obviously not a Hinata or Uchiha, so the only explanation was that this guy was a sentient ninja.

He smiled casually, the ANBU in front of him was indeed interesting, he actually shattered his Fei Liuhu.

But this is not enough. It is obvious that although the quality of this guy's chakra is high, his quantity is very insufficient, otherwise Fei Liuhu would not be able to still have combat effectiveness.

Thinking of this, Xie immediately manipulated the slightly broken Fei Liuhu to stick to him, and the huge tail reflected the cold light and stabbed Xia Yan straight at him.

The Third Kazekage's puppet also condensed black iron sand, which turned into spears and attacked Xia Yan.

Puppet masters are definitely rare ninjas who fight in groups. A powerful puppet master can even be as powerful as a legion.

Xie controlled the two puppets at will, not using his full strength, but in this way he quickly formed a flanking situation for Xia Yan.

Such terrifying strength is really not something ordinary people can achieve...


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