After Xia Yan entered ANBU, he always followed a principle, that is, he must think twice before doing anything.

Although he knew very well that no matter how much he thought about it, there would always be various emergencies that would interrupt his original plan.

But with enough planning and enough room for maneuver in the plan, he will not appear passive in anything.

Just like he would not take a chance and think that the top management of Konoha did not know his true identity, this he had already been verified by Namikaze Minato.

Likewise, he would not believe his contact with Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others were unaware of it.

After all, Konoha is still the Konoha of the Third Hokage's interest group. Any small actions may not escape their eyes, and any luck is irresponsible to oneself!

Natsuhiko guessed or concluded that he and Namikaze Minato secretly met, and the Third Hokage and the others probably knew about it.

It's just that they may not be so sure about what he said and did to Namikaze Minato.

After all, Namikaze Minato is also a Kage-level powerhouse, and the Third Hokage and the others can't guarantee that anything will be discovered without them.

Moreover, he is still the current Hokage of Konoha, so they have to pay more attention to his appearance.

If Natsuhiko was promoted by Namikaze Minato, then the Third Hokage and the others might not be able to endure it. ANBU is still one of their important weapons.

"But, I'm just waiting for the Third Hokage to come to my door."

Xia Yan silently thought, if the Third Hokage didn't come to his door, how could he make corresponding investments on both sides?

Although Xia Yan is a small person, the family behind him is not a simple thing historically, and I am afraid that the same is true in the eyes of the third generation.

Therefore, he has a certain amount of chips and wants to find ways to maximize the value of this chips so as to get what he needs. This is his purpose.

"Therefore, you must die."

Xia Yan still maintained a smile on his lips, but his eyes had become extremely dangerous.

But soon, he forced himself to calm down and stopped showing any malicious signs.

There is no problem with being malicious. After all, he is not the later Naruto. With the power of the Nine-Tails, he can sense the good and evil in a person's heart.

But if you act too much, even a fool can see it, and it will be detrimental to Xia Yan's plan.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this moment, Nanmu suddenly coughed again, black blood spurted out from his mouth, and his face became even paler.

The hemostatic bandage on his arm also began to seep blood, and the dark blood dyed the white bandage black.

"Are you okay, captain?" Xia Yan looked at this scene and couldn't help but asked with a little concern: "Can you still hold on?"

"Ahem, cough, okay." Nanmu replied weakly: "I didn't expect that I underestimated you. With the help of your psychic beast, we can evacuate far enough, and we are not fighting at the moment. I I can use all my chakra to resist."

Kusunoki's current condition is indeed not very good, but after all, he is still an elite ninja, and there is no problem with his chakra reserves.

Without fighting, with Natsuhiko running with him, he could use all his chakra to resist the invasion of those toxins.

He made a rough estimate, and with their speed they could get back to Konoha in two days.

And although his chakra was severely depleted, although it was a bit reluctant to fight for two days, it was not impossible.

The hope of life is in front of you, no one will not grasp it, even a guy like Kusunoki.

He is indeed looking forward to the future now, especially after seeing Xia Yan's huge psychic beast, such a fire of hope has been ignited in his body.

He can go back alive, he can go to the medical department and get treatment!

Although there is no longer Tsunade in the medical department, that adult prepared the antidote to deal with Chiyo, and the formula is still kept there.

In Kusunoki's opinion, the poison configured by Chiyo, the most powerful puppet master in Sunagakure Village, can be detached, and the poisons of other puppet masters are also no problem!

Looking at his current state, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile even brighter. How could he not see what Kusunoki was thinking?

It's a pity that Xia Yan is a narrow-minded person.

Moreover, the medical department may not be able to deal with the poison prepared by Xie, but he won't let it happen if there is a chance.

"Let me help you, captain." Xia Yan's voice was very gentle, as if he was talking to an old friend: "Although I don't have much chakra, I can at least reduce your burden, captain. Isn’t it?”

"Is that so?" Perhaps Kusunoki seemed a little relaxed after escaping from trouble, or perhaps out of trust in Xia Yan, who was also an ANBU, he nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, Nightingale. However, if it consumes you too much, ....."

"It's okay, captain." Xia Yan's voice was still gentle and friendly: "This little consumption is nothing to me."

As he said that, Xia Yan's hand supporting Nanmu began to condense chakra, and then his chakra with natural characteristics entered Nanmu's body.

Warmth, sunshine, and full of natural flavor!

This was Kusunoki's first reaction when he felt Xia Yan's chakra. Such chakra made him feel very comfortable, and the quality of such chakra was also terrifyingly high.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated Xia Yan again and again.

The strength of this boy's chakra is really scary. This boy is really an out-and-out genius!

"How do you feel, captain?" Xia Yan looked at Nanmu's deep thought and asked curiously: "Do you want me to increase the chakra output?"

"No, that's good." Nanmu came back to his senses and couldn't help but smile and said: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I'm afraid the entire ANBU underestimated you..."

Before Nanmu finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

Because as Xia Yan's chakra full of natural breath entered his body, he was shocked to find that his body began to stiffen, and even began to harden a little!

This change was completely beyond his expectation, and he was unprepared for Xia Yan, which caused him to harden at an alarming rate.

At this moment, he found that he could no longer speak!

"I really underestimated, not only my strength, but also my mentality."

Xia Yan looked at Nanmu's current state and couldn't help but smile.

"Actually, the captain doesn't need to look at me like this. Ever since you decided to put me in a desperate situation, I had no intention of letting you go.

Besides, your death is worth more to me than your life. "

Having said this, Xia Yan stopped and gently placed Nanmu, who was already stiff, on the ground.

He looked at Nanmu calmly, and then put his hand on Nanmu's wound, and the chakra in his body emerged again.

"There are two kinds of pain, one makes you stronger, and the other is worthless and just adds torture." Xia Yan said gently: "Captain, I can help you end this pain. Speaking of you You should also thank me."

Kusunoki looked at Xia Yan in shock. As Xia Yan's chakra burst out again, the toxins in his body began to spread crazily.

And because his whole body was stiff, it was impossible for him to mobilize chakra to resist all this!

"Don't worry, captain, you will be Konoha's hero." Xia Yan's voice was still gentle, and there was also a trace of regret: "Dedicate yourself to Konoha, this is your dream, captain, isn't it?"

"So, please rest in peace..."


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