The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 72 Acting Skills (Please collect the new book and recommend it~)

Nanmu's body quickly festered in the explosion of toxins, and his life breath completely dissipated in less than a minute.

There was no resistance or defense. When Xia Yan's magic chakra entered his body, everything was irreversible.

Natsuhiko's sage mode does not come from any holy land, but this does not mean that his sage chakra will be easily controlled.

Immortal Chakra is always the most dangerous. Otherwise, why would there be so few people in this world who know Immortal Mode?

Xia Yan's magic chakra also has the effect of petrification.

Without any precautions and preparations, he rashly allowed his chakra to enter the body, and the end would definitely be very ugly.

Kusunoki was like this. Being invaded by Natsuhiko's chakra immediately made his whole body stiff. This was because he was stronger and Natsuhiko's sensual chakra was still in its early stages.

However, this is more in line with Xia Yan's expectations. What he needs is a poisoned nanmu, not a petrified nanmu.

"It's just that the scorpion's poison is so similar to the five-step snake's poison?"

Looking at the tragic death of Nanmu, whose body was completely necrotic, Xia Yan couldn't help but frown.

Such a scene still makes him feel quite disgusting, even though he has been in the ANBU for five years and has seen all kinds of messy death situations, some of which were even caused by himself.

But seeing Nanmu's miserable condition, he still felt a little sick.

Moreover, his reaction after being poisoned like this reminded Xia Yan of some kind of poisonous snake in his previous life.

It seems that the poison of the Rotten Meat King can cause death like this, right?

"Forget it, why bother with this kind of thing?"

Xia Yan shook his head. Now is indeed not the time to dwell on this issue.

Silently feeling the aura of the approaching ANBU ninja, Xia Yan knew that he had to quickly deal with the situation back then.

Taking a deep breath, the fairy-mode eyeshadow and patterns on Xia Yan's face under the mask suddenly disappeared, and his entire aura also dropped in vain at this moment.

Then he began to adjust his breathing continuously. After each breath, his condition became a little worse. After every breath, his face under the mask became much paler.

When he finished all this, he slowly squatted down next to Nanmu's body, and his eyes became a little blurred and sad.

In just a few breaths, Xia Yan had completely created a sad and weak image.

Natsuhiko has no shortage of acting skills, or in other words, as ANBU ninjas, they will not lack these things.

In this era, both those who have participated in the war and the ANBU ninjas are full of acting talents.

Just as Xia Yan was taking pictures of all this, two figures rushed over not far away.

They looked miserable now, with scars all over their bodies. In addition to the scars caused by the previous battle, there were also many scratches from gravel and branches.

It was obvious that the battle between Lizard Maru and Scorpion had affected them. Even if these three people had chosen to take a detour, they could not completely avoid the aftermath.

However, they finally got here.

However, they did not get any good news when they arrived, especially when they saw Nightingale squatting next to a corpse with severe ulcers all over the body, their mood suddenly sank.

They all know about Kusunoki's poisoning, because they all have some toxins in their bodies, and Kusunoki's arm was scratched because he pushed away a team member. They can't forget this.

"What's going on?" An ANBU quickly rushed to Xia Yan's side. Looking at Kusunoki on the ground, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and asked: "Wasn't he fine before? Why..."

"I don't know what's going on." Xia Yan's voice was unusually low, and there was still a little weakness in his voice: "After we ran out, the captain was in very bad condition, and when I summoned Lizard Pill to resist the monster Finally, the captain seemed unable to suppress himself..."

Xia Yan spoke very calmly, his tone was full of doubts, and there was no sign of anything unusual at all.

And as he spoke, these ANBU ninjas also fell silent. It was obvious that they also thought of something.

Not long ago, they also felt that there was a big problem with their bodies, and now it seems that the same is obviously true for their captain.

It's just that their captain was more seriously injured and the current situation was more deadly.

Xia Yan glanced at them from the corner of his eyes, and seeing their current state, he knew that these three people basically believed what he said.

As for the relevant examinations after returning to Konoha, Natsuhiko is not that worried.

After so many years of Anbu experience, how could he not know Konoha's inspection mechanism for Anbu?

He is a person who has traveled through time, and is very knowledgeable about many things in Konoha's future.

Even at this time, he sees many things very clearly.

It is very easy for people like him to have problems when facing people from the mountain clan.

But after five years, he has never been detected with any problems.

There's nothing they can check out except mission-related stuff.

Even mission-related matters were revealed under Xia Yan's control.

It can be said that Xia Yan does not need to worry about the inspection of the Yamanaka clan at all.

This was one of the reasons why he dared to meet the Fourth Hokage, but dared to wait for the Third Hokage to come to his door!

Now this is his trump card for daring to take revenge on Nanmu and find ways to obtain greater benefits from it.

Although he himself didn't know why this happened, his mental power couldn't prevent the illusion.

But whenever the Zhongshan clan checked his brain and memory, he found that the other party couldn't see his memory at all.

He can completely choose to show the other party what he wants the other party to see.

This is really useful to him. Maybe it's caused by traveling through time, or maybe it's due to a plug-in.

"Is that so?" One of the three Anbu sighed heavily, looking at the completely rotten corpse, he said in a low voice: "I understand, thank you for your hard work, Nightingale."

"It's a pity that the captain was not rescued." Xia Yan shook his head, his voice sounded extremely helpless.

Raising his hand, Xia Yan slowly took off his mask, revealing the pale face under the mask.

Then he glanced at the three Anbu and asked in a calm and slightly sad tone: "What should we do now? We don't have much time."

"Follow... ANBU rules."

The Anbu who was connecting with Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and he patted Xia Yan's shoulder gently.

"Don't feel so uncomfortable. Death is common for us, and our mission is not a failure. Put on your mask and we are ready to leave."

"I see."

Xia Yan nodded, and then he put the mask back on his face.

But under the mask, Xia Yan once again showed a smile...


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